How To Use Electromagnet In A Sentence

  • An electromagnet starts with a battery (or some other source of power) and a wire.
  • The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction.
  • In the simplest case, the wires carrying the electrical signals are used to form an electromagnet which attracts and releases a metal diaphragm.
  • These infinitesimal particles are usually grouped into four main categories: the mesons, the baryons, the leptons, and the photons (the most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation).
  • A dynamo converts mechanical energy from a moving electrical conductor into electromagnetic energy and thus generates current.
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  • My first explanation is my theory for the sci-fi physics of the electromagnetic storm.
  • Colours Beyond Colours" opens with a Jamaican-sounding speaker ostensibly describing the supersensory effects of LSD, and then segueing into a cod-'60s-didactic announcement about the electromagnetic spectrum. PopMatters
  • Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
  • The physics of electromagnetism is the result of rigorous experimentation. Matthew Yglesias » Downward Spiral
  • Molecular absorption spectra are observed in the infrared and microwave portion of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.
  • Oops someone used the dirty word again: "electromagnetism Eta Carinae- A Naked Eye Enigma | Universe Today
  • Maxwell believed electromagnetic waves such as light to be vibrations in the ether.
  • Magnets, either conventional electromagnets or superconducting magnets, are placed along the accelerator tube at regular intervals.
  • Other techniques of electrical stimulation involve capacitive coupling and inductive coupling pulsed electromagnetic stimulation.
  • This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.
  • When something is hot, it emits electromagnetic radiation.
  • At about one second into the life of the universe, the majority of existing particles and antiparticles had been destroyed to produce photons of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Steam catapults are labour intensive, while an electromagnetic aircraft-launch system appears to promise a reduction in the number of personnel involved.
  • In effect, they convert the energy of the electromagnetic radiation into chemical energy.
  • Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
  • Electroforms have been used as flexible joints, hermetic seals, electromagnetic shields, and other special functions, and have long provided designers with unusual shapes.
  • According to classical electromagnetic theory, a charge rotating with a simple harmonic frequency should emit electromagnetic radiation of the same frequency.
  • It's the electromagnetic tension field, not the power that stand for the interdimensional interaction.
  • But electromagnetic fields can bend them, to form images. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • We derive an accurate and analytical expression for electromagnetic fields of a vertical magnetic dipole over an anisotropic uniaxial medium half-space.
  • • Both acoustical and electromagnetic frequencies are measurable in what are known as hertz or vibrations per second. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
  • The local church was full of well-heeled people poring over leaflets about the possible dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In modern particle physics theory, the photon is described as a boson, a particle with integral spin that acts as carrier of the electromagnetic force.
  • Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism, Light as an Electromagnetic Phenomenon, and the Triumph of the Wave Theory of Light.
  • For electromagnetism, the coupling constant is proportional to the square of the electric charge.
  • Is the theoretical basis for electromagnetic interaction.
  • These are induced by the electromagnetic field from the battery wire. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • What difference does voltage make in the strength of an electromagnet?
  • Some of the physical incidents in haunts, including interference with electrical equipment and movement of objects with ferrite components, may also be due to anomalous electromagnetic conditions.
  • The electromagnetic spectrum describes all matter as wave frequencies.
  • They said electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile and cordless phones can damage cells, making tumours more likely. The Sun
  • By convention, these MASIS driven ships have a 3 mega-gauss “South Pole” electromagnet plate at their stern, and a similar “North Pole” in the bow. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • This field obeys the expected equations of motion for an electromagnetic vector potential in four spacetime dimensions.
  • Electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is a new type drive mechanism.
  • A vacuum is the only perfectly transparent medium; all others absorb some frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.
  • And if they did spiral in, electrons would emit electromagnetic radiation, including light, across a continuous range of frequencies.
  • Most people in the history of humanity -- the overwhelming majority, really -- have not independently formulated theories of electromagnetics, or even practical approximations of same, so "nobody came up with that" is a lot easier to defend than "the basic forces all happen to work in exactly the same way except when I didn't want them to. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • As usual, he prepared to bestraddle his English-made Triumph hog by hiking up his pants, but little did he realize that in doing so he had inadvertently switched on the Strapocaster's industrial-strength electromagnet. Word Magazine - Comments
  • They said electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile and cordless phones can damage cells, making tumours more likely. The Sun
  • According to Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, a changing magnetic field can induce electric current to flow in any conductive structure nearby.
  • They define a standard atomic clock using periodic electromagnetic processes in atoms, then use electromagnetic signals to synchronize clocks that are far from the standard clock.
  • To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
  • Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe the electromagnetic radiation of light.
  • They linked two scientific advances — the unused terahertz range of electromagnetic wavelengths and new microchip technology. The Sun
  • We propose a numerical method using boundary element to model the electromagnetic filed induced by artificial source in the frequency domain with 3-D topography.
  • Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
  • A revealing difference between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation is that dipole radiation is absent in the gravitational case.
  • This astrophysical shortfall came about because an entire window of the electromagnetic spectrum - microwaves - hadn't yet been opened.
  • A trifield meter measures the electromagnetic frequency in the space around it.
  • Counting photons, particles that carry electromagnetic energy including X-rays, was critical to this discovery.
  • Initially, the responses were hostile to any mention of "electromagnetism" in space, even near-space here in the solar system. Eta Carinae- A Naked Eye Enigma | Universe Today
  • In this technique, the vibrations of electromagnetic fields are transferred to the motions of electrons in a gas of atoms.
  • Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.
  • Radar works by emitting pulses of electromagnetic waves toward a target and detecting a small portion of those waves that are reflected back to the receiving antenna.
  • Lighting electromagnetic pulse is a kind of electromagnetic pulse interference signal carrying the huge lighting energy, and does great harm to modern electronic devices.
  • The electromagnetic force binds atoms to one another to form molecules. Christianity Today
  • The same electromagnetic pulses can be registered in the event of elevated sferic frequencies or nuclear electromagnetic pulses stemming from elevated sun activities, and from our perspective this is another reason why it is undertaken to repel these sferic frequencies with the help of toxic substances, like aluminium oxides and barium-chlorides so as to protect semiconductor technologies. Signs of the Times
  • During braking, the metal wheels are exposed to a magnetic field from an electromagnet, generating eddy currents in the wheels.
  • On the outside of the chamber, an electromagnet, deprived of the current that kept its jaw clamped together, relaxed. CORMORANT
  • With fair frequency, the Sun's surface erupts with solar flares, which send intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation into space.
  • In the present study, an aberration theory for both wide and narrow electron beams in a combined electromagnetic focusing spherical cathode lens system is discussed.
  • Transformation of electromagnetic field is derived from lorentz force formula andmagnetic field of moving charge.
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  • The other arm carries a wire coil attached to an electric circuit-in other words, an electromagnet. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • I think that the whole island “attracts” people through the electromagnetism so that some kind of operant behavior testing can be done and the button has something to do with it. Open ‘Lost’ Thread
  • The suit means electromagnetic fields bounce off her. The Sun
  • The structures refract, or bend, different types of electromagnetic radiation - such as radar, microwaves, or visible light - in ways natural substances can't.
  • It should be able to predict the masses of the most elementary particles of Nature, tell us the relative strengths of the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions, and much else besides.
  • Classical electromagnetic theory then requires that in this process they should radiate away some of their energy.
  • The sense of achievement and closure for theoretical physics that came with the brilliant success of the classical field theory of electromagnetism was short lived.
  • Many have been made chronically ill because of intolerance to wi-fi and other electromagnetic fields and have moved to the tiny outpost on purpose. The Sun
  • The term hardware generally refers to an element having a physical structure such as electronic, electromagnetic, optical, electro-optical, mechanical, electro-mechanical parts, etc. Notable Patent Applications - 07/01/2010
  • I know most of you are thinking: "That is a small motor encased in a plastic tube, attached to a potentiometer and a pushswitch, so that some weird electric guitar player can use it to excite his guitar strings and magnetic pickups and generate an annoying electromagnetic whine. Boing Boing
  • I mean, "the data" are pixel intensities … representing the flux of electromagnetic radiation detected in the visual waveband! Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • As Tatar has observed, it was no accident, given the roots of psychoanalysis in mesmerism and hypnosis, that Freud should so often have had recourse to the vocabulary of hydraulics and electromagnetism in formulating his metapsychology (43-44). Re-collecting Spontaneous Overflows
  • The TR-107 Tricorder Mark 1 (Vital Technologies; 905-9511219; $398) combines an electromagnetic field sensor, temperature and pressure meters, a colorimeter and enough blinking lights to bring a smile to any Trekker's face. Tri This
  • The hybrid magnet was made by combining electromagnet with permanent magnet ( PM ).
  • Right now the cloak operates for light between 1,400 and 1,800 nanometers in wavelength, which is the near-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, just slightly longer than light that can be seen with the human eye. The Crimes of the Future | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
  • We can readily observe resonant behavior of MCs using excitation in alternated electric, electromagnetic, or acoustic fields.
  • At the same time, a start was made on a general theory which ascribed all electromagnetic processes taking place in ponderable substances to electrons. Hendrik A. Lorentz - Nobel Lecture
  • Main products: PM Separators electromagnetic pulse demagnetizer, electromagnetic magnetic re - election machine, ...
  • The unaided eye is sensitive to just one octave out of the vast spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that exists in the universe.
  • They said electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile and cordless phones can damage cells, making tumours more likely. The Sun
  • The structural reinforcing bars under ground is equipotential faraday cage and also a ground for all metro equipment under this electromagnetic environment.
  • In my universe, what we hear are sound waves, not portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (as microwaves are).
  • We derive out frequency domain electromagnetic wave equation from Max well ? ? s equation and constitutive relation.
  • The optimum design was realized associated with the relationship among coil turns, exciting current and electromagnetic attraction force.
  • Due to the special environment of transformer substation data communication is required rapidly real-time response ability, reliability of stability and fine electromagnetism compatibility.
  • The electromagnetic force binds atoms to one another to form molecules. Christianity Today
  • The human eye can detect only a minute fraction of 1 per cent of all electromagnetic energy - the visible spectrum.
  • This work by Thomson in 1856 on electricity and magnetism is important for it was these ideas which led Maxwell to develop his remarkable new theory of electromagnetism.
  • Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.
  • The cult leader warns that her followers will make and defend themselves with what she calls scalar electromagnetic weapons if they are attacked, just as Aum defended itself when it was threatened. Pana Wave Cult Raises Concern Among Japanese Authorities
  • Albert Einstein spent the last 50 years of his life unsuccessfully trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity.
  • For months on end the only light during winter darkness was the spectacular electromagnetics from the aurora australis (or the southern lights). Dr. Reese Halter: Climate Change and Australia's Living Pinosaur
  • Marconi was the first to use electromagnetic waves to transmit signals 101 years ago.
  • This energy is then re-emitted as an electromagnetic wave with the same frequency of the original wave.
  • The key to the cloak is 'metamaterial', which is made using nanotechnology that can change the direction of electromagnetic radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shield utilises these same principles of refraction to deflect the electromagnetic radiation waves that emanate from even the ‘safe’ monitors.
  • Since there were only two basic forces known in the beginning of the 20th century, gravitation and electromagnetism, and it was seen that electromagnetism is responsible for the forces in the atom, it was natural to believe that it was also responsible for the forces keeping the nucleus together. Forces
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine ... Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • The active medium in a conventional laser is an electromagnetic cavity that resonates at the same frequency as the optical transitions of electrons in the medium.
  • Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
  • A distinction between positive ( north ) and negative ( south ) magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet.
  • They said electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile and cordless phones can damage cells, making tumours more likely. The Sun
  • The local church was full of well-heeled people poring over leaflets about the possible dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unit causes electric dialysis by producing electromagnetic oscillations in the water.
  • Dark Angel was set in a future in which terrorists had set off a nuclear device high in the atmosphere, created an electromagnetic pulse and in one swift second, set the U.S. back about 70 years in the blick of an eye. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Both represent the quantized field of a fundamental force: photons the electromagnetic field and gravitons the gravitational field.
  • Automobile starting motor can be divided into electromagnetic starting and permanent magnet starting.
  • Thus, the higher the energy of the incoming particles, the stronger the electromagnetic interaction it feels.
  • According to all indications, it is just the current that feeds electromagnetic energy to magnetospheric processes. Cluster Satellite Detects Rifts in Earth's Magnetic Field | Universe Today
  • The development of the Relay protection technology has experienced 4 phases, ranging from electromagnetism type, transistor type, integrate circuit type and microcomputer type.
  • The energy of sensing comes from external radio electromagnetic wave.
  • Hence the electromagnetic wave is damped by the factor exp [− '' kz '' / 2]. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • This method is sometimes called electrodermal testing, and claims to diagnose food intolerances by measuring changes in your 'electromagnetic field' with a galvanometer or computer. Autism Hub
  • (fig.  4, _a_), the needle of the galvanometer, which is deflected by the electromagnetic pull of the current, generated under the action of stimulus, just as the mechanical lever was deflected by the mechanical pull of the muscle contracting under stimulus. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • By finding the energies of the excited states of a hydrogen atom, we can get an insight into the electromagnetic forces that bind it together.
  • This, for instance, is how we ordinarily think of the magnetic field of an electromagnet, which is sustained only so long as an electric current passes through the magnet's coils.
  • Inside the diff, the hypoid ring-and-pinion gear is connected to the left and right half shafts via an electromagnetic clutch on each side.
  • The first 380,000 years after the big bang are opaque to conventional telescopes that use the electromagnetic spectrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, after calibration of the apparatus, the force acting on the particle can be determined by measuring the currents driving the electromagnets.
  • Instead of emitting visible light, a maser generates a beam of pure microwave energy - electromagnetic waves intermediate in length between infrared and radar.
  • They made sure it wasn't some kind of electromagnetic disturbance, such as a solar flare or lightning.
  • It is found that the vibrating electromagnetic field can obviously reduce the depth of shrink hole.
  • Electrons in conductive steel or cast iron pots placed above the electromagnet are jostled by the rapidly changing magnetism, but they resist and get hot. Craig "Meathead" Goldwyn: When Buying a Grill, Understanding the Thermodynamics of Cooking is Crucial
  • Lepidolite (in mica form) is a crystal I have used for around 10 years (under my pillow) to protect myself some harmful electromagnetic radiation.
  • We were basically working on electromagnetic radiation, wherein we were trying to form waves with a rope tied to a stationary object and were moving our arms up and down rapidly.
  • Light is an electromagnetic wave that can carry angular momentum by way of circular polarization.
  • Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
  • The jobs would come from building guideways, or tracks, needed for the electromagnetic train.
  • We don't see the electromagnetic field giving up energy to matter in a continuous stream, but rather in little lumps that behave like uncharged particles that lack rest mass.
  • We derive out frequency domain electromagnetic wave equation from Max well ? ? s equation and constitutive relation.
  • But even more important is that it absorbs carcinogenic ultra-violet rays and electromagnetic radiation.
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • This excess energy is emitted in quanta of electromagnetic radiation (photons of light) that have exactly same energy as the difference in energy between the orbits jumped by the electron.
  • Some use the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • If you are having trouble finding a magnet around the house, two possible sources include a can opener and an electromagnet that you make yourself.
  • Electro magnetic frequency meters will measure fluctuations in electromagnetic frequency, which could suggest a spirit is using the energy to manifest.
  • Moreover, all force, whether gravitational or electromagnetic, is the outcome of one cosmic energy called prana.
  • DFDTDTM wave simulation metal cylinder Park electromagnetic wave and pulse source incentive.
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine cans and a used vacuum cleaner and build yourself a set of battle armor that gets you out of your predicament. Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • Check for sources of electromagnetic interference such as banks of modems on web servers.
  • You honestly do believe that astronomers and physicists hate the idea of electromagnetism in space, don't you? Eta Carinae- A Naked Eye Enigma | Universe Today
  • A capacitive proximity switch works with a high frequency oscillating circuit that creates an electromagnetic field on the active sensor surface by means of a capacitor.
  • An electromagnet records bits by magnetizing small areas of the crystalline film covering the disk.
  • Is the theoretical basis for electromagnetic interaction.
  • Visible light consists of a ‘rainbow’ or spectrum of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths.
  • A power supply for applying a voltage to a scanning electromagnet for deflecting a charged particle beam has a first power supply unit having no filter and a second power supply unit having a filter.
  • Against this backdrop, it is easy to see why several funding agencies have expanded the area of research in biomimetics - in particular, biomimetic electromagnetic sensing.
  • They prate on as if they alone know electromagnetism and the rest of us are blind and ignorant to it. A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • Some components may need specific testing; for instance, electronic sub-assemblies for electromagnetic compatibility.
  • My favorite in this category is magnetohydrodynamics, which is the study of plasmas and their interplay with electromagnetic fields.
  • Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
  • A laser is the generator of intense coherent, electromagnetic radiation in the spectral range between ultra violet and infrared wavelengths.
  • In fact gravitational interaction is about 10 times weaker than the electromagnetic.
  • They are the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction and the strong interaction.
  • In many ways, however, the weak force resembles the electromagnetic force.
  • Electrical elements used in the invention only comprise an electromagnetic relay and a single-pole double-throw switch and can bear severer external environment.
  • Metamaterial research is an emerging field that uses manmade substances to alter the way materials refract light or electromagnetic radiation.
  • These are a form of electromagnetic radiation, emitted by all people and objects that lie between the infrared and microwave parts of the spectrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the gluons are unlike the carrier particles of the electromagnetic force which appeared along with the virtual electrons and positrons.
  • Working independently, Gray and Bell both developed systems based on electromagnetic receivers with steel diaphragms.
  • Plus, he says, their carbon cores could make them stronger than steel, so an electromagnet made from the wires wouldn't need a heavy structure to support it.
  • Partly through the work of Davey, Faraday, Orsted, Volta and Ampere in electromagnetism, and the scientific and industrial revolutions which surrounded it, the world has restructured itself from a mainly agrarian society as late as 1800, through an industrial society during the century and a half that followed, to a knowledge-based society today. Canada 2000—Symptoms of Success
  • On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
  • Physics has found only four forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear.
  • The development of the electromagnet about 1837 provided the American Samuel F. B. Morse with a way to transmit and receive electric signals.
  • Since the filament is coiled, the increase of the filament current will consequently induces a larger electromagnetic force between the coils. We calculate the electromagnetic force of in...
  • Fluorescence fiber temperature sensor may accomplish to measure temperature in different instances, especially under electromagnetism disturbing.
  • It was not unlikely that they were closely linked, or even identical, with the forces of gravity and of electromagnetism.
  • Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer.
  • Most consumer technologies, like televisions and microwaves, don't appear to interact with medical devices, says Howard Bassen , head of the FDA's electromagnetics and wireless laboratory. Stress Testing Metal Detectors and Other Devices
  • The portrait of a galaxy could thus include information about its appearance in these other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Imagine an object at some definite temperature, electromagnetic radiation being in equilibrium with particles.
  • The betatron consists of a doughnut-shaped evacuated chamber placed between the poles of an electromagnet.
  • This week, the organization announced that it’s on the verge of creating a lab-on-a-chip that can diagnose deep vein thrombosis from a single drop of blood, as well as a wristband that can measure body temperature, skin moisture and electromagnetic radiation using plastic chips and sensors only micrometers thick. German Researchers Develop Biotech Sensor Bracelet, Disposable Blood Lab | Impact Lab
  • The electromagnetic field can also affect other things near by. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have crept up on a partial definition of radio: It has something to do with electromagnetic fields. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • The station, like any other object in orbit, lost energy through radiating it into space as infra-red electromagnetic radiation.
  • The unifying feature of this theory was that it unified Einstein's theory of gravitation and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.
  • Today, a variety of instruments are in use for determining speed including electromagnetic sensors and engine revolution counters.
  • The local church was full of well-heeled people poring over leaflets about the possible dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, when these electrons make a transition back to some lower energy level, electromagnetic rays are emitted in the process which carry away the energy.
  • Maxwell's Equations, the divergence of the magnetic field is zero, and "solenoid" is a traditional term for an electromagnet. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Light occupies a very small section of the electromagnetic spectrum, and visible light occupies an even narrower range.
  • Taiwan will also require asymmetrical weapons such as submunition carrying surface-to-surface missiles and electromagnetic launch or "rail gun" weapons, expected to be ready in a few years. Taiwan in the Lurch
  • Modern circular accelerators place klystrons and electromagnets around a circular copper tube to speed up particles.
  • One could deduce from this that optics would become a branch of the science called electromagnetism and thus lose its status as an autonomous science. OPTICS AND VISION
  • At Intel, Dr. Smith is exploring the use of electromagnetic radiation and creating an electronic "harvester" of ambient radio waves. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The most powerful telescopes in the world, spanning all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, were retooled and reprogrammed to observe the dying star.
  • It is also used for magnetic poles of electromagnets.
  • He spends much of his book providing us with a brief history of energy and discussions about energy issues such as thermodynamics and electromagnetism.

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