How To Use Elapsed In A Sentence
Features include a flow fault indicator, an elapsed time indicator, automatic shutdown and a battery low indicator.
Enough time had now elapsed since our last newly afflicted patient to conclude that the epidemic was over.
Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.
The longer the time elapsed, the less likely that the informant has retained freshness of recollection or can offer new information.
Looking at the time elapsed, it is at least 30 hours.
Times, Sunday Times
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Two of the 11 patients relapsed on valproic acid.
Had such been the case a century might have elapsed before the reproach of convictism had been removed from this hemisphere.
A Source Book of Australian History
The dog can be given more time if preferred, but under no circumstances should anything else be attempted before those five minutes have elapsed.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
The usual few months elapsed before he received the standard rejection letter.
Times, Sunday Times
In the nortriptyline-lithium group, only one patient relapsed after five weeks of medication.
Onyx also has initiated a Phase III trial, known as ASPIRE, to study carfilzomib in combination with Revlimid and a low dose of dexamethasone, which is used to counteract some chemotherapy side effects, in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma.
San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
Barely 15 minutes had elapsed.
The Sun
More than 10 years have now elapsed since the original scheme was first projected.
Times, Sunday Times
Just six minutes of the second period had elapsed before Wednesday added a third.
Times, Sunday Times
Their black and white poster-size prints use video projections as light sources, providing time-elapsed post-exposures of the images.
The four kingdoms soon relapsed into paganism, and initially only Kent was reconverted.
Then, in a minute, the Station relapsed into stupor as the stoker of the Cattle Train, the last to depart, went gliding out of it, wiping the long nose of his oil-can with a dirty pocket-handkerchief.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go.
Times, Sunday Times
Nearly two hundred years had elapsed since the death of the orphan of the Temple.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
However, when light therapy was discontinued, patients quickly relapsed, whereas patients on tryptophan had a slower relapse rate.
A very few minutes elapsed before I was in his presence.
DISRAELI: A Personal History
Just 27 seconds had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
They have relapsed back into their old ways, the revival already forgotten.
But neighbors say she had gone through drug rehabilitation before and had relapsed in recent weeks.
The assignment must be completed within an overall elapsed time of one week.
Until 1900 years have elapsed the 19th century of years cannot end.
Times, Sunday Times
Hardly had a century and a half elapsed before the sturdy colonists, who did not claim freedom but determined to keep it, formally revolted and fought their way to absolute independence -- not, by the by, a feat whereof to be overproud when a whole country rose unanimously against a handful of troops.
Arabian nights. English
So, a new house will need a thorough inspection before two years have elapsed and a structural survey before ten years.
We have relapsed into disputes about transubstantiation at the very moment when the discovery of the wide prevalence of theophagy as a tribal custom has deprived us of the last excuse for believing that our official religious rites differ in essentials from those of barbarians.
The Revolutionists Handbook
One and a half aeons is about the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth and the first bacteria-like fossils.
After sixteen weeks have elapsed it is worth checking that this is indeed happening.
Say Goodbye to Debt
They were told that if they did, they could have two marshmallows after the time had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Five and a half years have elapsed since the seminar.
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
I managed to resist the allure of comely females for the rest of the day; but unfortunately, at night time, I relapsed again.
I subtract the five minutes that have elapsed since I got clear; I have until five past ten.
They were told that if they did, they could have two marshmallows after the time had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Dame Kepler employed a young advocate who for reasons of his own “nursed” the case so long that after five years had elapsed without any conclusion being reached another judge was appointed, who had himself suffered from the caustic tongue of the prosecutrix, and so was already prejudiced against her.
Now am I relapsed into all the dissatisfied repinement of a true English grumbling voluptuary.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
We measure our LoadFactor, which relates elapsed time to developers'estimates of difficulty.
Elapsed time is recorded between the emitted and returning signals, to compute a slant distance.
The assignment must be completed within an overall elapsed time of one week.
The dashboard shows all your email messages, when they were sent, when they were read and how much time elapsed between the two events.
Some eighteen months had elapsed in this fashion when Aurore began to tire of _diablerie_.
Famous Women: George Sand
Several years elapsed before the polarographic method was noticed outside your own country.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1959 - Presentation Speech
For such a prospect requires that an infinite number of events must have elapsed before the present moment could arrive.
Conventional wisdom was that once a patient relapsed, the so-called androgen receptors—structures that protrude from tumor cells like a lock to attract the testosterone "key" that activates them and promotes tumor growth—were no longer driving the disease.
Gaining on Prostate Cancer
Forensic entomology, the study of the insects associated with human corpses, is used to establish the elapsed time since death in murder cases.
Just eight minutes had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Every date expressed in long count terms contained five numerals, that is, the number of baktuns, katuns, tuns, uinals and kins elapsed from the "beginning of time", according to the Maya system.
The Maya Civilization, Maya Numerals And Calendar
Some minutes elapsed before Dolly could make shift to exclaim, “Am coom to live and daai with my beloved leady!” — “Dear Dolly!” cried her mistress,
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
Under the assumption of uniform geological process rates Darwin estimated that ~300-million years had elapsed from the base of the Cambrian to the present.
Dawkins on the OOL
Apparently, the lessons of Freddie's ongoing troubles haven't sunk in, and Fannie and Freddie have relapsed into their tired old methods of obstructionism.
Taking a second picture with the clock reset to the correct time makes it appear as if 15 minutes have elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
More than eighteen months elapsed, and at last a Parliament was summoned to meet at York (Sept. 1314); but the country was in such a disturbed state, owing to the renewal of the war with Scotland, that the talliage question was not discussed.
London and the Kingdom - Volume I
“If there was fixed lividity at seven A.M., what is the minimum time that has elapsed since death?”
In the Still of the Night
By the time four days had elapsed I just thought that was it and I would never see it again.
experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer
A short and animated conversation with her lover, as the day began to wane, partially recalled her wonted cheerfulness, but when he was gone she relapsed into her former mood.
The Cavaliers of Virginia, or the Recluse of Jamestown. An Historical Romance of the Old Dominion. By the author of "The Kentuckian in New-York." In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
Bankura superintendent of police Anil Kumar said that the family members had relapsed into sullen silence, refusing to speak to anyone.
It could find no record of your complaint to staff in the Oxford Street store because of the time that has elapsed since you went shopping.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet more than 350 years have elapsed since any of our monarchs died of unnatural causes.
Times, Sunday Times
Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.
The case was thrown out on the ground that too much time had elapsed between the recordings and the claim.
Times, Sunday Times
There was also a countdown timer to measure elapsed time for each question.
Taaskord näidatakse vaatajale lugu, kus head kavatsused viivad mitte enam nii heade tulemusteni... tulemusi tunnevad omal nahal aga hoopis lapsed ja lapselapsed.
Caprica (2009)
Her aunt on one side of her, and Mr. Stephens on the other, did all they could to soothe her, and at last the weary, overstrung girl relapsed into something between a sleep and a faint.
For the hydrogen atom, which has only one electron and consequently is the simplest atom to investigate theoretically, the calculation of the motion of the electron in the electric field of the nucleus led to results of such accuracy that 20 years elapsed until any error of the theory could be found experimentally.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 - Presentation Speech
It could find no record of your complaint to staff in the Oxford Street store because of the time that has elapsed since you went shopping.
Times, Sunday Times
Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest.
Some days elapsed without any object, aerolite or otherwise, being described, and without any trumpet notes being heard in the atmosphere.
Robur the Conqueror
Once the five minutes have elapsed, the job of engaging with the dog can begin.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
Fifteen minutes elapsed before the performance began.
He argues that enough time has elapsed since the last wave of big deals to ease investor concerns that they destroy value.
Times, Sunday Times
The patient had relapsed 1 year prior to the current presentation and was treated with 2-clorodeoxyadenosine.
Enough time had now elapsed since our last newly afflicted patient to conclude that the epidemic was over.
Barely a minute had elapsed when instead of the wanted man, the two batsmen walked into the dressing-room.
Great Sporting Failures
One of the moat brilliant of modern French writers [1] has recently remarked that, in spite of the number of years which have elapsed since the grave closed over the sorrows of Marie Antoinette, and of the almost unbroken series of exciting events which have marked the annals of France in the interval, the interest excited by her story is as fresh and engrossing as ever; that such as Hecuba and Andromache were to the ancients, objects never named to inattentive ears, never contemplated without lively sympathy, such still is their hapless queen to all honest and intelligent Frenchmen.
The Life of Marie Antoinette
None of it now seems especially secret or illegible, but in the forty years that have elapsed I suppose the rest of us have become much less gormless, and better at processing oceans of sensory bombardment.
Psychedelic Denver
he relapsed
If patients relapsed, they were crossed over to the other treatment regimen.
This work has been going on from the commencement of the period in the world's history known as the Pliocene Age, and it is reckoned that the interval which must have elapsed since then must have amounted to millions of years.
From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
Burma, so beautiful and prosperous 50 years ago, has relapsed into barbarity.
A difference, as wide as the poles, exists between the ancient Gauls, who were conquered by the Franks in the tenth century, and the Chesterfieldian Frenchman of to-day; yet the same time elapsed between these two periods.
Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
Two clients relapsed to abusive drinking, and one of those clients was charged with a third driving-under-the-influence citation.
Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go.
Times, Sunday Times
The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
He has apparently given up drugs on three or four occasions, but he has relapsed.
And yet, though _eons_ of the past eternity have elapsed since we looked out upon Cycas and Zamia, and the last of the Calamites, the time is still early, and long ages must lapse ere man shall arise out of the dust, to keep and to dress fields waving with the productions of yet another and different flora, and to busy himself with all the labor which he taketh under the sun.
The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
When people relapsed despite the aversions, the researchers asked them a lot of questions about what happened.
This book sheds some light on events that deserve to be better known as for many the months that elapsed proved fatal.
A decent interval elapsed, during which we looked at each other rather anxiously.
To follow this process in single molecules in solution, photons in the bursts were binned according to the time that elapsed from the initiation of the single-particle fluorescence burst.
But as the faith, which is not founded on revelation, must remain destitute of any firm assurance, the disciple of Plato imprudently relapsed into the habits of vulgar superstition; and the popular and philosophic notion of the Deity seems to have been confounded in the practice, the writings, and even in the mind of Julian.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Fifty minutes of the interview have elapsed and Eddie Jordan has pushed back his chair and jumped to his feet.
Thirty-one days were allowed them for producing the criminal; and if that time elapsed without their being able to find him, the borsholder, with two other members of the decennary, was obliged to appear, and, together with three chief members of the three neighboring decennaries,
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
Ten months have elapsed since his departure from Russia, which he blamed on a campaign of intimidation and a string of legal and visa problems.
Times, Sunday Times
A decent interval elapsed, during which we looked at each other rather anxiously.
It displays maximum depth and elapsed dive time.
In five out of six relapsed eases, EBV status of lymph node biopsy at relapse was concordant with the initial biopsy.
But before that second had elapsed, he was laughing.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, once the allotted time elapsed, I was actually able to get myself into my wheelchair alone.
She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed.
At home, however, he relapsed into his shakahari ways.
How much time elapsed before he wrote a full description of the combat action remains unknown, but it could easily have been long enough for some details to be misremembered or lost entirely.
The case was thrown out on the ground that too much time had elapsed between the recordings and the claim.
Times, Sunday Times
More than 10 years have now elapsed since the original scheme was first projected.
Times, Sunday Times
The solicitors placed it in our hands, but the property until the twenty years have elapsed, is quite untenantable.
Hushed Up! A Mystery of London
I think enough time has elapsed since the party for me to be sufficiently adjusted, although I'm still pooped.
After the term appointed for its pretended destruction was elapsed, they sent scouts to the city, which they had left quite empty, and, hearing that it was still standing, returned to it, and with their fears forgot their repentance and all their good resolutions.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
And we emphasize the discussion on the equilibrium properties of the short-term price including the competitive equilibrium it converges to and corresponding elapsed time.
A 2004 study of German subjects submitted to Sexual Abuse: Journal of Treatment and Recovery, revealed that only 3% of sexual criminals relapsed into their old ways post-operation, compared to 46% of their uncastrated counterparts.
Castration: Justice, or Nazi Revival? « Gender Across Borders
In the coalfields of the Appalachian Mountains, broomsedge dominates abandoned surface strip-mined areas, even after significant periods of time have elapsed since mining.
It was absurd not to have faith in the man who had healed Paul Post so that he had only just relapsed, from having overworked, or overlived, himself again.
To Let
Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.
Bearing in mind that over 70 millennia have elapsed since the Toba cataclysm it would be no surprise, statistically speaking, if another super-eruption struck within the next hundred years.
The vertical axis to the same scale represents elapsed time and the diagonal is drawn in as shown.
Barely 15 minutes had elapsed.
The Sun
Nearly two hundred years had elapsed since the death of the orphan of the Temple.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
The region relapsed into months of police crackdowns, extreme violence and the re-emergence of the Republican movement - euphemised simply as ‘The Troubles.’
Despite claims she has relapsed into her old eating habits, Mary-Kate's spokesman said it was something all patients had to do when they were released..
This time is the time elapsed before any perceptible change in tension can be measured after peptide exposure.
Doctors do not know how many relapsed into mental listlessness or took the extreme step.
Just eight minutes had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Matho had relapsed into his former melancholy; his legs hung down to the ground, and the grass made a continuous rustling as it beat against his cothurni.
The term therein fixed for effecting the exchange of ratifications having elapsed, the convention falls unless the time be extended by amendment, which I am endeavoring to bring about, with the friendly concurrence of the Chilean Government.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
For me, there was no time elapsed between these paintings.
Smithsonian Mag
Four long hours elapsed before the merest ripple of excitement suggested that he was here.
Times, Sunday Times
All patients were cured ultimately and no patients relapsed during six months of follow up.
Reducing elapsed time can in fact make the critical difference between success and failure.
This finding is clinically significant since it explains why many patients relapsed after being directly switched from clozapine to risperidone.
'The good woman of the house was in momentary expectation of her husband's arrival, but when one hour had elapsed, her impatience overcame her discretion, and she dispatched the slave a second time to summon the moollah, who, in his anxiety to promote a better work, had forgotten the subject of tying the naarah to the moosul.
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
One could forgive Prof. Skeat for his note on Cantabrigia (8th S.ii. 329), because twenty-three years had then elapsed since my first note appeared.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
elapsed time
The new empirical evidence suggests that the average used by PWC is in the right ballpark, even after the time elapsed since the estimates were made.
United also agreed that Keane would be given a testimonial game by United, an offer that he will consider when a little time has elapsed and the dust from his departure has settled.
He agreed to a lockup that forbade him to sell all of his stock until two years had elapsed.
It had been granted for only fourteen years; and a long time had elapsed before the engine could be put in operation, and the organzine manufactured.
Men of Invention and Industry
She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed.
I subtract the five minutes that have elapsed since I got clear; I have until five past ten.
The Lords sought to change the legislation to make it apply to people who had suffered debilitating depression and had recovered but then relapsed into further bouts.
Once the five minutes have elapsed, the job of engaging with the dog can begin.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
Four long hours elapsed before the merest ripple of excitement suggested that he was here.
Times, Sunday Times
No more than five or six minutes elapsed from the time the police were alerted to the possibility of a break-in at a home in a quiet residential neighborhood and the awful clamping of handcuffs on the wrists of the distinguished Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.
August 9th, 2009
The evolution of a classically chaotic Hamiltonian system is characterized by a computational complexity that increases exponentially with time elapsed.
Thirteen patients relapsed after positive response to therapy and developed tumors at pre-existing or new sites within the body.
But 37 h elapsed before nitrate-starved cultures began dividing again and nitrate-starved cultures did not reattain maximum growth rates over the period investigated.
The walk was finished in silence after this, for Luke had disburthened himself of thoughts to an extent that left his conversational resources quite barren, and Mr. Tulliver had relapsed from his recollections into a painful meditation on the choice of hardships before him.
IX. An Item Added to the Family Register. Book IIIThe Downfall
Ten out of the eleven patients relapsed after discontinuing MPA against medical advice.
And let him who, having already received the work in exchange, does not pay the price in the time agreed, pay double the price; and if a year has elapsed, although interest is not to be taken on loans, yet for every drachma which he owes to the contractor let him pay a monthly interest of an obol.
The behavior of formaldehyde emission from medium density fiberboard ( MDF ) is a function of time elapsed.
After this period had elapsed, an unhappy looking young ground hostess had the thankless job of informing the impatient travellers that more information would be available at 17.00.
Another equal period elapsed ere the German enounced, relevant of nothing:
Then as the turkey relapsed into slumber, "Now, see yere, Massa Job, yoh ain't no mo 'sleepier'n I is.
Uncle Noah's Christmas Inspiration
I subtract the five minutes that have elapsed since I got clear; I have until five past ten.
Not many days had elapsed, when the pope was again assaulted at the altar.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
It is also true that eight and a half years have now elapsed since the proceedings were commenced.
Almost two years elapsed from the day I sent in my request to the day I received by word.
PhotoHunter: Words « Mudpuddle
i = 0 fi done; end = ` date +%s ` elapsed = ` expr $end - $start ` if [$elapsed - lt $min_iteration]; then sleep ` expr $min_iteration - $elapsed ` fi done;
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Results All patients were healed at first stage except 1 relapsed with vocal cord keratinization.
There was a positive correlation between the number of months elapsed since a patient's most recent attack and amylase secretion.
As more time elapsed, my chances of survival would grow progressively slim.
Virtually all branches of astronomy outside the visual waveband went from scratch to today's stunning results in less time than elapsed between the discovery of Saturn's rings and its fourth brightest moon!
Universe Puzzle No. 2 | Universe Today
The flight from Mexico City to Veracruz is only an hour, but by the time you wait at the airport, the difference in elapsed time is probably not much.
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Barely a minute had elapsed when instead of the wanted man, the two batsmen walked into the dressing-room.
Great Sporting Failures
They have relapsed into the analphabetic state of their ancestors; they are great at eloquence; and, though without our poetical forms, they have a variety of songs upon all subjects and they improvise panegyrics in honour of chiefs and guests.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Not ten minutes had elapsed when the first van arrived and not eleven when the second screeched to a halt.
Three patients with inactive disease had decreased butyrate oxidation and interestingly, all three relapsed within a few weeks.
It would be a shock to anybody to find the police at your doorstep after such a great period of time had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Our allotted hour has long since elapsed, but she is in no hurry to go.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet more than 350 years have elapsed since any of our monarchs died of unnatural causes.
Times, Sunday Times
The king again hesitated, and in the intervening time, the messenger whom all must obey was gaining entrance to the death-chamber; from the effort to provide for the future rule of the kingdom he relapsed into unconsciousness, and passed away without having named his successor to the throne.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
Four long hours elapsed before the merest ripple of excitement suggested that he was here.
Times, Sunday Times
Just 27 seconds had elapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Tandja, in the face of public resistance, had extended his rule after his second five-year term elapsed in December, by pushing through a referendum that extended his term and made him eligible for a third.
Mediator Seeks 'New Start' After Niger Coup
For me, there was no time elapsed between these paintings.
Smithsonian Mag
Barely a minute had elapsed when instead of the wanted man, the two batsmen walked into the dressing-room.
Great Sporting Failures
The Balkan peninsula, which had been raised to a high level of security and prosperity during the Roman dominion, gradually relapsed into barbarism as a result of these endless invasions; the walled towns, such as Salonika and Constantinople, were the only safe places, and the country became waste and desolate.
The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
Ten patients relapsed after the completion of treatment.
Thursday said he could not guarantee that the 1999 elections would not be as "shambolic" as the 1994 elections, when days elapsed before the results were announced.
ANC Daily News Briefing
'Reptilia' -- the class which exhibits the largest proportion of entirely extinct forms of any one type, -- that of the 'Crocodilia', has persisted from at least the commencement of the Mesozoic epoch up to the present time with so much constancy, that the amount of change which it exhibits may fairly, in relation to the time which has elapsed, be called insignificant.
Lectures and Essays
Post so that he had only just relapsed, from having overworked, or overlived, himself again.
Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
A number of days elapsed, and then the return journey got under way, and the La Malouine was stationed on the port quarter of the now-called convoy QP14.
We offered endoscopy to patients who relapsed.
There remained still one zwanziger unpaid; but, to our astonishment, the Bohemian relapsed into his old rage when this was tendered to him, and, by a complication of finger reckoning, explained to us that he had never received more than two.
A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
Tell them I've relapsed if you have to, but please don't tell them what I've been doing.
They are offering you odds for the first team to concede a goal - by time elapsed in the match.
The Sun
In some patients lithium was discontinued after several weeks without relapse of symptoms, while in other cases patients relapsed.
The computer recorded the elapsed time (in 10 ths of milliseconds) between word presentation and vocalization.
But before that second had elapsed, he was laughing.
Times, Sunday Times
It was reported some patients relapsed within days to months after the reserpine treatment.
One patient relapsed upon discontinuation of clarithromycin therapy but has since responded to re-initiation of treatment.
When her chemotherapy finished in March 2003 she hoped to regain a normal life but she and her family were devastated when tests revealed she had relapsed.
A very few minutes elapsed before I was in his presence.
DISRAELI: A Personal History
Because the activity of the carbon atoms decreases at a known rate, it should be possible, by measuring the remaining activity, to determine the time elapsed since death, if this occurred during the period between approximatively 500 and 30,000 years ago.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960 - Presentation Speech
Anyone who has familiarity with chemical dependency treatment knows of circumstances where leaders have relapsed or not been honest about their recovery.
He argues that enough time has elapsed since the last wave of big deals to ease investor concerns that they destroy value.
Times, Sunday Times
The usual few months elapsed before he received the standard rejection letter.
Times, Sunday Times
Ten months have elapsed since his departure from Russia, which he blamed on a campaign of intimidation and a string of legal and visa problems.
Times, Sunday Times
The dog can be given more time if preferred, but under no circumstances should anything else be attempted before those five minutes have elapsed.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend