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[ US /ɪˈɫæpst/ ]
[ UK /ɪlˈæpsd/ ]
  1. (of time) having passed or slipped by
    elapsed time

How To Use elapsed In A Sentence

  • Features include a flow fault indicator, an elapsed time indicator, automatic shutdown and a battery low indicator.
  • Enough time had now elapsed since our last newly afflicted patient to conclude that the epidemic was over. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.
  • The longer the time elapsed, the less likely that the informant has retained freshness of recollection or can offer new information.
  • Looking at the time elapsed, it is at least 30 hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of the 11 patients relapsed on valproic acid.
  • Had such been the case a century might have elapsed before the reproach of convictism had been removed from this hemisphere. A Source Book of Australian History
  • The dog can be given more time if preferred, but under no circumstances should anything else be attempted before those five minutes have elapsed. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • The usual few months elapsed before he received the standard rejection letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the nortriptyline-lithium group, only one patient relapsed after five weeks of medication.
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