How To Use Eire In A Sentence

  • Complicated cross-shareholdings in the keiretsu style are typical in Asia, where controlling families and their cronies siphon much wealth away from shareholders.
  • San Francisco poets Tarin Towers and Daphne Gottlieb, Eitan Kadosh from L.A. and Phoenix's Eirein Bradley barnstormed with O'Hara through 35 U.S. cities over the summer.
  • Freire has been forced to admit that his practice can only really work if other conditions are also present.
  • Japan's unique form of capitalism, based as it is on huge industrial groups called keiretsu, is beginning to fade. Japan's Young Slackers
  • His marriage to an heiress is a tragedy.
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  • Eire's punt, once tied to sterling, was allowed to float free.
  • Freire and Lopes, who had experience of working with old buildings were appointed as architects.
  • Many members of the Dail Eireann spend an excessive amount of time and effort in the constituency, but this has been more related to Irish political culture than the electoral system.
  • Tak the drunkard frae his whusky, the deboshed frae his debosh, the sweirer frae his aiths, the leear frae his lees; and giena ony o 'them ower muckle o' yer siller at ance, for fear 'at they grow fat an' kick an 'defy God and you. Robert Falconer
  • His father had inherited the Acton family baronetcy and his mother was the heiress of a German nobleman, the Duke of Dalberg.
  • The countess of Lincoln, twice widowed, once by Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and once by Ebulo Lestraunge, and therefore with two dowers, as well as being the Lacy heiress in her own right, was a very worthwhile prospect for anyone on the rise.
  • Deal with this community in the aforesaid manner, for it cannot make good by itself, if your presence is far removed from it and if you are not in good health, strong, and eirenic in spirit! Poems for King Sigismund
  • What if all these old heiresses of the script die one day?
  • The Second Testament Judean writers used the Greek term eirene for shalom, possessing much the same meaning and usage to apply to the gospel.
  • Tamiko is the well-paid employee of a keiretsu, looking for commercial property opportunities in the US.
  • I am ycleped J. Keyser -- I was born at Spring, hys Garden, My father toe make me ane clerke erst did essaye, But a fico for ye offis -- I spurn ye losels offeire; For I fain would be ane butcher by'r ladykin alwaye. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • Freire's own model of critical pedagogy invites a critical interrogation of this flaw in the work.
  • Bassanio, a noble but poor Venetian, asks his friend Antonio, a rich merchant, for 3,000 ducats to enable him to prosecute fittingly his suit of the rich heiress Portia at Belmont.
  • The result is an extended organization — an integrated value chain — known as a keiretsu. Managing Strategic Relationships
  • While asked to mediate between the rival families of Lusignan and Angoulême, he married the Angoulême heiress Isabella, who had been betrothed to Hugh de Lusignan.
  • Tower of Zoraya, in Aldeire, in El Cenet, On the fifteenth day of the month of Saphar, Of the year of the Hegira 968. Stories by Foreign Authors: Spanish
  • At that time, Pat had his own sponsored programme on Radio Eireann which was presented weekly by Ken Stewart.
  • Most spectacular in this period, however, were the marriages of European nobles to the heiresses of American millionaires.
  • The weak control over lending was allowed because of the keiretsu tradition, which links companies with their banks via complex cross-shareholdings.
  • Simon was reared on sporting diet of Eire Og, his home only minutes from Pairc Ui Bhriain.
  • BThe 36 acres of hilltop land were owned by Aline Barnsdall, an oil heiress who dabbled in producing avant-garde theater.
  • Many years earlier Teiresias had warned the Theban king Oedipus that he was guilty of incest and patricide, but Oedipus had heeded his warning too late.
  • “You must go on to England, Declan,” Eireanne had said sunnily when he gave her the news. The Year of Living Scandalously
  • Gardener could have easily become a tired spy movie retread, but director Meirelles gives it a major push above the conventions of the genre.
  • Meireles has related this penetrable field(" a formal metaphor for the universe ") to his experience in viewing van Gogh's Wheat Field under Threatening Skies with Crows.
  • All this, of course, is predictable - heiress turns to feelgood charity work. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was a rich heiress – I had, I believe, a hundred thousand pounds, or more, and twice as many caprices: I was handsome and witty – or, to speak with that kind of circumlocution which is called humility, the world, the partial world, thought me a beauty and a bel-esprit. Belinda
  • Whelan dropped short to collect a kickout from Keiren Westwood.
  • The keiretsu are the key to understanding the jimusho system, but unfortunately, this is also the most oblique characteristic of the field to measure and observe. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » The Jimusho System: Part Two
  • To do her justice, the hotel heiress does a competent job of the task required of her.
  • An heiress of thirty years would have been prey enough; he dared not imagine what Katharine, with her fairness, youth, and bank stocks, might have become.
  • Kim Kirchen of Luxembourg, three-time former world titlist Oscar Freire of Spain and Scott Nydam of Sebastopol, Calif., all abandoned with undetermined injuries after crashing during the stage. Leipheimer keeps lead as Cavendish wins fourth stage
  • His first break came when he guested on the popular Radio Eireann programme ‘Ceili House’ many years ago.
  • His novel trots out a rich heiress
  • She was heiress to a large fortune, a beautiful estate in the vale of Aylesbury and an extraordinarily fine collection of works of art which her father housed at Mentmore. Rothschild Women.
  • Critics had attacked Bus Eireann for using uneconomic fares when seeking to compete with private sector operators.
  • One of the premier advantages to keiretsu strategies is that it toughens the conglomerate against takeovers and drastic losses.
  • Séire Jane Hoy had her wrist in a half plaster and bandages after injuring it.
  • And finally, as Min Chiu Li had seen with choriocarcinoma, perhaps one needed to continue chemotherapy not just for weeks and months as Frei and Freireich had done, but for month after month, stretching into two or even three years. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • By marrying successively two second cousins, who were themselves heiresses of the same grocery business, he consolidated his fortune to the benefit of his collection, since both marriages were childless.
  • Body of a sudoriferous-gland cut in various deirections.a. Longitudinal section of the proximal part of the coiled tube. b. Illustrations. Fig. 946
  • Our Priest agreed, and the necessary arrangements were made for the boy's adoption and transfer to Eire.
  • Yet younger couturiers haven't forgotten elder blue-bloods and heiresses. Couture Awakens to Dreamy Looks
  • If you haven't seen it before now take a trip over to the website of Telefís Éireann - as we culchies call it - and marvel at how John Waters somehow remains extraordinarily calm amidst Dunphy's tears and Harris's tales of his cancer treatment also intriguing to hear Senator Eoghan hark back to his Stickie days by making reference to Lenin and his remarks on "excitative terror". Archive 2009-02-01
  • By showing his leg to an heiress; "and the trouser is therefore likely to be a permanent article in the wardrobe, so that its continued existence must be taken as a datum or postulate in any discussion upon vestimentary reform. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • Certainly, he could have applied his charms to some rich widow or dim-witted heiress long ago.
  • Korean conglomerates are known as chaebols and were introduced by the Japanese during their occupation, as a copy of the Japanese keiretsu.
  • The ships being four, appointed themselves in the best order they could, for the best shew, and shott off all theire ordinance to the value of twenty marks in powder. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • What is less well known is that English is also the mother tongue in countries such as the Republic of Ireland (officially called Eire), Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Guyana.
  • Our Priest agreed, and the necessary arrangements were made for the boy's adoption and transfer to Eire.
  • They took bottles of differing colors of dyes and began to paint his body in the patterns of runes and symbols as ancient as Eire itself.
  • Bh� c�pla peire a bh� go h�lainn ar fad – bh� an galoine ag giobadh amach �n bhfr�ma – thugamar speacla� na bhf�ileach�in orthu. One of these days… » Out and about
  • Nobody was there but a touzy, ragged, halflins callant of thirteen, (for I speired his age,) with a desperate dirty face, and long carroty hair, tearing a speldrin with his teeth, which looked long and sharp enough, and throwing the skin and lugs into the fire. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • And besides, he could not tell whether the queen meant light-_haired_ or light-_heired_; for why might she not aspirate her vowels when she was ex-asperated herself? The Light Princess and Other Fairy Stories
  • These considerations, beside the fact that the young ladies were what is usually termed heiresses, though not to a very great amount, secured to them a high position in the best society which Ireland then produced. The Purcell Papers, Volume I
  • And he could be no less firm about aspects of liturgy of which he disapproved: his theology was never angular or sectarian (remember his generous support of the liturgical experiments of his successor as Dean of Clare, John Robinson), but there was a clear, eirenic but firm foundation in Protestant principle that made him very uneasy with what he regarded as the drip-feed of some sorts of Catholicising devotion into Anglican practice. Sermon for the Life and Work of the Revd Prof CFD Moule
  • Rivers, through his marriage to the heiress of the Scales barony, held a significant block of land in Norfolk.
  • My communicativeness has been already encouraged with the perusal of two letters from the same ex-ceirent man to Dr. Bartlett; to whom, from early days (as I shall be soon more particularly informed) he has given an account of all his conduct and movements. Sir Charles Grandison
  • The order of 120 intercity railcars is the most significant step yet in the transformation of the intercity fleet by Iarnród Éireann.
  • The next dish, raia de alhada, was his favorite, Figueiredo said: cubes of boiled potato and flakes of boiled skate dressed while the potatoes are warm with vinegar, that powerful oil, and flor de sal. Restaurant Vila Lisa
  • In 1847 there were 6,700,000 of us in Eire's Twenty-Six Counties with 4,000,000 sheep and cattle and 3,129,000 acres of tillage.
  • This shift, from control to anarchy, also extended to Meirelles' directions for his actors.
  • The keiretsu system of interlocking cross-corporate ownership made it next to impossible to identify the real owners of Japanese capital.
  • The closest sorts of group are called keiretsu, and have familiar names like Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and so on.
  • A cardboard cutout of the skank heiress is being used on lab mice to see if being around humans has any effect on them. Archive 2007-12-09
  • Devill apeired vnto her, in the liknes of ane prettie boy, in grein clothes. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • In films, in addition to "Patty Hearst," in which she played the title heiress-turned-terrorist, and the psychological thriller "The Comfort of Strangers" (1990), The Seattle Times
  • Heiress, a wedding dress from 1957 with chevron pleated handkerchief linen descending in tiers banded with handmade Irish crochet, demonstrates the concept at its most magical.
  • In fact features of the Japanese economic and social system, such as the keiretsu relationships previously mentioned, are much more important than legal style in creating hurdles for foreign banks in Japan.
  • A woman without brothers could inherit a life-interest in her family's land but unless she married a close cousin - as many such heiresses did - she could not pass the estate on to her children.
  • Prosecutors said after investigating the eccentric heiress there was not enough evidence to convict her of petty theft.
  • The daily quota of manioc flour must be of five level alqueires, placing enough harvesters so that these can serve to hang up the coverings.
  • Grolier, Maioli, Lauwrin, Canevari, De Thou, Peiresc, and other distinguished collectors, and also examples of bindings bearing the arms and devices of Francis I. of France, Henry II. and Diana of Poitiers, English Book Collectors
  • In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress.
  • Ramsay, daughter and heiress of David Ramsay, our horologer, and a cadet only thrice removed from the ancient house of Dalwolsey. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Well-born but impecunious younger brothers kidnap heiresses and roguishly attempt to persuade them into matrimony.
  • It's going to follow a pair of celebutante cosmetics heiresses who lose their fortune in a corporate scandal, as they launch an investigation to expose the culprit.
  • If you're looking for a medium-sized bush for borders, four-foot-tall Madame Isaac Pereire, a blowsy Bourbon rose with arching canes full of opulent purplish-pink flowers is deliciously fragrant and reblooms throughout the summer.
  • But Chelsea rallied and, having got back into the game through Meireles's close-range volley, they took full advantage of City being reduced to 10 men through Gaël Clichy's 58th-minute sending-off, for two bookable offences. André Villas-Boas says Chelsea back in hunt by beating Manchester City
  • The tower portion was built about 1420 by Sir Walter Innes, whose father had married Janet de Aberkerder, heiress to the thanage.
  • Of the antilegomena he pledges himself to record when any ancient writer _employs_ any book belonging to their class ([Greek: tines hopoiais kechrêntai]); but as regards the undisputed Canonical books he only professes to mention them, when such a writer has something to _tell about them_ ([Greek: tina _peri_ tôn endiathêkôn eirêtai]). Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • In that era, heiresses were kidnapped and forced to marry landless ‘squireens’ who had no hope of getting a wife on their own merits.
  • In Minneapolis in the late 80s or early 90s, along with two other persons of colour Vincent who is Dalit and a U.S. Latina lady from St. Paul whose name I don't immediately recall, I initiated an "emergency" panel made up of the three of us to engage and question the Brazilian pedagogist, Paulo Freire. Colored America
  • We mention these things at the mair length, because we would have you all to know, that it is not without due consideration of the circumstances of all parties, that we design, in a small and private way, to honour with our own royal presence the marriage of Lord Glenvarloch with Margaret Ramsay, daughter and heiress of David Ramsay, our horologer, and a cadet only thrice removed from the ancient house of Dalwolsey. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Mr. De Maeseneire said the U.S. and France markets, which account for 40% of Adecco's revenue, had shown double-digit growth in terms of temping. Adecco's Net Surges Despite Jobless Recovery
  • She was the sole heiress to a huge complex of imperial fiefs and lands in Tuscany, Emilia and Lombardy.
  • Met Éireann issued a flood warning and advised of heavy rainfall and strong easterly winds.
  • Instead of shaking a "mailed fist" at the world, young William of Hohenzollern might have been a mediatized princelet on the lookout for an American heiress; there might never have been a Leipzig or a Waterloo, as there certainly would not have been a Sedan, and the heirs of Napoleon might now have been ruling over an empire covering all Central Europe, from the Tiber to the Baltic. Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers
  • In the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition women were unambiguously bearers of such rights, whether as heiresses - in the absence of male heirs - or by right of marriage or as the beneficiaries of gifts.
  • The ravaging giant of Eirena's territory finds counterparts in other figures depicted as monstrous, cruel, degenerate, and corrupt.
  • She did not live in Ireland in the thirties; she lived in Sussex and London and merely visited Eire.
  • The Japanese call it keiretsu; the Koreans say chaebol; the Russian word is semibankirshchina; and the Americans label the cozy arrangement among industrialists, bankers and government officials crony capitalism. No Uncertain Terms
  • Anne Mowbray was bride, duchess, virgin, the richest heiress in the land.
  • In addition to Schrader's "Patty Hearst" (1988), in which she played the title heiress-turned-terrorist, and the psychological thriller "The Comfort of Strangers" (1990), Undefined
  • It's a system that locks together the interests of venture capitalists, bankers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs, much like Japan's keiretsu.
  • Until the mid-1990s about half of equities in Japan were held by banks, a legacy of the keiretsu cross-shareholding networks.
  • And this may lead to the farther Query, whether dimidiation was originally or universally resorted to in the case of coheiresses? Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • The pressure to woo individuals, who tend to be long-term investors, is even stronger for companies which used to be part of old-line keiretsu, corporate groups held together by cross-shareholdings.
  • 'That your little niece, the Scotch heiress, is going to marry him.' The Convert
  • Traditionally, the vast majority of Japanese companies have been members of keiretsu business groups, in which participants hold a majority of one another's shares.
  • “Consummate storyteller Jeffries pens another title in the School for Heiresses series that is destined to captivate readers with its sensuality and wonderfully enchanting plot.” How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • This Caeneus was considered to be an androgyne, both man and woman, like Teiresias.
  • Freire's central premise is that education is not neutral.
  • Well-born but impecunious younger brothers kidnap heiresses and roguishly attempt to persuade them into matrimony.
  • Nowe for asmoche as they afore time that euer excelled in anye kinde of learning, or durste take vppon them, to prescribe lawe, and rule of life vnto to other, as Orpheus, Homeire, Museus, The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Upon the death of Walter de Lacy in 1241 his two granddaughters became heiresses to his lands and lordships in England, the Welsh Marches, and Ireland.
  • The 30-something designer, who declines to give his exact age, hobnobs with the aristocratic rich from whom he seeks inspiration he cites European heiress Eugenie Niarchos as his muse. Without the Prints, Can It Still Be a Pucci?
  • In German and Scottish armory the inescutcheon bears the symbols of the paternal side, but in English heraldry it is used to carry the arms of an heiress wife.
  • At another dinner one of the guests of the prince suddenly shot at me across the table the startling question: "Do you know certain American heiresses" -- naming them -- "now visiting London? My Memories of Eighty Years
  • Hence the Covenant, by being inserted in the Peace Treaty, necessarily lost its value as an eirenicon, and became subsequent to that instrument, and seems likely to be used as an anti-German safeguard. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • In 1906, Hyde went into exile in Paris, where he married and divorced a succession of American heiresses, returning to New York only in 1941.
  • Than sone after was callid a set a parliament, wherynne alle the comoens were aggreed, and rightfully electe hym as heire apparent of England, nought to procede in any other matiers till that were graunted by the lordes, whereto the kyng and lordes wold not consent nor graunte, but anon brake up the parliamente. A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from MSS. in the British Museum
  • She deserved to grovel, but since that didn't appear to be working, she reverted to being the world-weary, spoiled heiress. THIS HEART OF MINE
  • FIGUEIREDO, P.R.A. (1988): Adaptaao e desenvolvimento do arado traao animal Chapter 9
  • The Japanese call it keiretsu; the Koreans say chaebol; the Russian word is semibankirshchina; and the Americans label the cozy arrangement among industrialists, bankers and government officials crony capitalism. No Uncertain Terms
  • Ulysses into Hades to interrogate Teiresias, might be called a pictorial epic of Hades. Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • An American heiress brought over to save a noble family? Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't see a lack of confidence in Maxi Rodríguez, Raul Meireles or Steven Gerrard," said Hodgson on Sunday. Five issues Roy Hodgson must resolve to save his job at Liverpool
  • He was the son of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, by his wife, Anne, coheiress of Dacre and Gillesland, and was born at Finchingfield in Essex on 7th July, 1586.
  • He was an unhappy loser living with his mother, also a pathetic depressive, always overshadowed by his stuntman brother Cisse (Robbie Cleiren). Fantastic Fest – Dirty Mind « Geek Related
  • Race-savvy and cunning, Sanchez could become a last-minute replacement for team leader Freire if the Spaniard is not quite feeling up to the job. Favorites for Sunday’s world road race championships
  • This particular Cleat had thought that his inamorata was an heiress but found the opposite to be the case on their wedding night she, in turn, had been told he was a wealthy “milord” and fallen “in love” accordingly. The Dressmaker
  • He said Singapore banks should avoid the problem now posed by Japan's keiretsu system, which links a group of companies with a main bank.
  • It now belongs to the Duke of Norfolk, as descended from one of the coheiresses of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, who died in 1616.
  • I'm one of the richest heiresses in all of Europe.
  • Asked if France was in talks to buy Reaper UAVs from the U.S.-based General Atomics, Teisseire said: "All options are being studied for acquisition of medium-altitude, long-endurance UAVs beyond 2015.
  • Freireich finally approached Zubrod with his idea: “I wanted to treat them with full doses of vincristine and amethopterin, combined with the 6-MP and prednisone.” The Emperor of All Maladies
  • How far is it from Belfast to the nearest and furthest points on the frontier with Eire?
  • If ever Parliament concedes the vote to woman in England, it will be accepted by the militant suffragist, not as an eirenicon, but as a victory which she will value only for the better carrying on of her fight _a outrance [to the bitter end] _ against the oppression and injustice of man. The Unexpurgated Case Against Woman Suffrage
  • October 13, 2006, 2: 09 pm soma buy says: soma buy obole yveiregi The Volokh Conspiracy » Third Circuit mass recusal:
  • The pompe and solemnitie of the Present, with the day thus ended, he shortly after presented the Sultana or empresse who (by reason that she is mother to him which was heire to the crown Imperial) is had in far greater reuerence then any of his other Queens or concubines. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Berenger III, the Great, married Dulcia, heiress of Provence, united the two countships, and entered upon the Aragonese policy of intervention in Italian affairs. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • That maketh his heires them that him queme, please him. England's Antiphon
  • And so began a saga exploding with murder, robbery… and the kidnapping of a media heiress.
  • The young heiress was a good match.
  • Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arís i'd like you to be around next year at any rate. i suspect spooky wouldn't mind either. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig agat. ('10)
  • The obverse of all denominations bore a harp, along with the legend Saorstat Eireann and the date the coin was struck.
  • It's no barely to consider the time it'll tak me to cloot a pair, but what the weirer 's like to git oot o 'them. Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
  • His manner too, in spite of the probable eirenic scope of his work, is that of a special pleader for paganism who uses all the resources of dialectic and rhetoric, all the artifices of wit and sarcasm to make his opponents seem ridiculous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Wedlock is the incredible story of her transformation from one of eighteenth-century England's richest, most free-wheeling heiresses into a piteous victim of a cruel, manipulative abuser into an improbable poster-child for modern women's rights. Wedlock: Summary and book reviews of Wedlock by Wendy Moore.
  • Of course, it is not obligatory for young heirs and heiresses to make headlines for all the wrong reasons.
  • The flagships of such groups are heavy industrial firms, banks, and general trading companies, and the largest keiretsu control dozens of firms in sectors that range from mining to mass media.
  • Not even the prospect of a hernia operation could limit Brian Kelly's silken style as he led the ‘return’ of Palatine after a walloping by Eire Og in their initial championship outing.
  • Control of the marriage of a female heiress by the cadet branches of the chiefly house, and the office of tutor or guardian within the clan, were partial answers.
  • Realizing that the Theban king has made a terrible mistake after speaking to Teiresias, Creon unseals the cave too late to save the girl.
  • Eire Og also had one of their attackers sidelined five minutes from the break.
  • They are not the same for the gleaner in the field, for the girl who sews at fifteen sous a day, for the daughter of a petty shopkeeper, for the young bourgoise, for the child of a rich merchant, for the heiress of a noble family, for a daughter of the house of Este. Modeste Mignon
  • She deserved to grovel, but since that didn't appear to be working, she reverted to being the world-weary, spoiled heiress. THIS HEART OF MINE
  • Now, supposing that Miss Monroe and Mary O'Grady had agreed to change places, the Pekin heiress, for the time being, occupying Mary O'Grady's place in the humble home at Cork and vice versa, what means of communicating with each other had they arranged? The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
  • In a slyly clandestine work, Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles arranged for vendors to sell unflavored popsicles in front of the exhibition venues.
  • A beautiful, headstrong, and feisty young woman, she was the heiress to the duchy of Hilos, one of the richest provinces.
  • These considerations, beside the fact that the young ladies were what is usually termed heiresses, though not to a very great amount, secured to them a high position in the best society which The Purcell Papers
  • Bank of Ireland is prepared to lend staff up to double their salaries to buy Telecom Eireann shares.
  • I see notoriously eirenic Robbie Savage is having a pop at Scottish fitba on Twitter," reports Ryan Dunne. Rangers v Manchester United - as it happened
  • Despite its eirenic temper and level tone, this volume contains some surprises. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The keiretsu outfits must learn how to meet the benchmark - or risk losing the business.
  • The eiresione and the first-fruit sacrifice are typical signs of seasonal renewal: the first signs of coming prosperity after the scarceness of the winter period.
  • [1462] Plato said one. poteron o& 202; n orthos hena ouranou proeirekamen; e pollous e apeirous legein en orthoteron; eiper kata to paradeigma dedemiourgemenos estai, to gar periechon panta hoposa noeta zoa, meth 'heteron deuteron ouk an pot' eie ... heis hode monogenes ouranos gegonos esti te kai estai. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • It's hard to get reliable info on the US presidential and VP candidates over here in godless Euroland, but I have it on good authority that Palin had an extramarital affair, with a moose or possibly with McCain, who by the way left his disabled wife for a rich heiress and snitched on his fellow POWs. 14 Important Science Questions
  • So I dropped my eirenicon of concurrent endowment, and looked for other topics on which to woo what was then almost the largest constituency in the island. MY EARLY LIFE
  • She is beautiful, by every report that we have heard of her, even as an angel; but reflect that she is an heiress -- the inheritress of immense property -- and that, as a matter of course, the temptations are a thousand to one against him. Willy Reilly The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • One week he's thwarting kidnappers in Rome; the next he might be battling racketeers in London or teaching a spoiled heiress a lesson in the Spanish countryside.
  • Orkney and Shetland had been added to certain royal donations, by a marriage with an heiress of the sirname of Speire. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • In the later collage poetry this materialism interpolates political and economic facts with society verbiage, relating to Boston's high society and the heiresses tracked by gossip columnists.
  • Freire's experiment was cut short by a military coup, so it is difficult to judge the results.
  • Traditional games such as conkers and hopscotch 'dying out', study claims Natalya Estemirova's heirs: The women who risk all to expose Chechnya's horrors Tour de France 2009: police hunt gunman as Oscar Freire and Julian Dean are shot at news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Health Minister Leire Pajin said around 50,000 people died each year in Spain as a result of smoking-related illnesses, with around 1,200 of those being nonsmokers who inhaled secondhand smoke. Spain Enacts Tough Anti-Smoking Law
  • If Matt can repeat himself, so can I. Sewing-machine heiress Anne Labouisse Farnsworth Peretz is not descended from Isaac Merritt Singer himself, but from Singer’s intellectual-property lawyer and partner Clark, who beat down Elias Howe’s claim to the seewing machine patent. Matthew Yglesias » Peretz Versus Walt
  • My wife, being the expectant heiress and lay-rectoress, shall write to satisfy you that she is not suffering from my coercion. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • Those who have followed his writings will know that his style is eirenic, inclusive and pious.
  • Mr. Perry, who married one of the coheiresses of the Sidneys, Earls of Leicester, built a fine seat at Turville park, and was sheriff of the county in 1741.
  • Besides they take out less than 1 percentage of the total population of that species every year and they breed faster than that .. because of obvious wrongly informed people like u they cannot raise theire quota to a lvl where they r actually regulating the population withouth public outcry from the "seals are too cute to hunt" people like u, led by an ancient french moviestar and paul mccartney and his peglegged ex .. Taking Odds On A Western Wolf Hunt
  • We have a sort of eirenic vision of the world in Europe. CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2008
  • A visit last night to the Thackeray Gallery in Kensington had much of the same eirenic effect as San Michele's island. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • Apparently the heiress needs a new bestie now Nicole is all preoccupied with the baby.
  • Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve.
  • He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family.
  • They were known as the heiresses of Kinvarra; snub noses and blue eyes betrayed their Celtic blood; and every year they went to spend Muslin
  • Catheringnettes, Lizzy and Lissy Mycock, from Street Flesh-shambles, were they moon at aube with hespermun and I their covin guardient, I would not know to contact such gretched youngsteys in my ways from Haddem or any suistersees or heiresses of theirn, claiming by, through, or under them. Finnegans Wake
  • They decide to target a rich heiress who is turning 21 and stands to inherit fifty million dollars.
  • After the execution of her brother the earl of Warwick in 1499, she was sole heiress to the dukedom of Clarence and the earldoms of Salisbury and of Warwick, and was granted the title countess of Salisbury in 1513.
  • Eire Og took the lead from an Eric McCormack point as his side appeared to have settled into a comfortable rhythm.
  • Aberdeen (historically the most natural place for such a purpose, for it was the city of the "Aberdeen Doctors" and their eirenic efforts) a conference -- modest, unofficial, tentative -- yet truly representative of the Church of Scotland, of the United Free Church, and of the Scottish The War and Unity Being Lectures Delivered At The Local Lectures Summer Meeting Of The University Of Cambridge, 1918
  • The shocking story of an accomplished heiress who was tricked into marrying an Irish scoundrel by a fake duel, her wretched married life, her audacious escape and landmark legal battles, andmost staggering of allher abduction by her estranged husband from a busy London street, seemed like the stuff of fiction. Wendy Moore explains how she came to write Wedlock, the true story of the disastrous marriage and remarkable divorce of Mary Eleanor Bowes, Countess of Strathmore
  • And besides he could not tell whether the queen meant light-_haired_ or light-_heired_; for why might she not aspirate her vowels when she was ex-asperated herself? Half-Hours with Great Story-Tellers
  • There is another country called the Republic of Ireland or Eire on the British Isles.
  • I was a rich heiress -- I had, I believe, a hundred thousand pounds, or more, and twice as many caprices: I was handsome and witty -- or, to speak with that kind of circumlocution which is called humility, the world, the partial world, thought me a beauty and a bel-esprit. Tales and Novels — Volume 03
  • Upon the death of Walter de Lacy in 1241 his two granddaughters became heiresses to his lands and lordships in England, the Welsh Marches, and Ireland.
  • To this day, their influence (and lineage) can be traced through many noble European households, and even some royal ones (Princess Diana was descended from New York heiress Frances Work, and the mediatized House of Croÿ is lead by the grandson of an American heiress). The American Heiress | Edwardian Promenade
  • Didn't you marry a German heiress? Times, Sunday Times
  • He had four major relationships, a German baroness, a Spanish aristocrat, an American heiress and, of course, the gorgeous Norwegian model Eva Sannum.
  • On a recent episode of 'Dirty Sexy Money,' ABC's soapy drama about the filthy rich, heiress Karen Darling gets married for the fourth time, to a golf pro.
  • Paris Hilton surely has a much higher level of labor-based income (e.g., appearance and endorsement fees, TV residuals) than most wealthy heiresses. Matthew Yglesias » Confirmation Trouble and Tax Reform
  • Didn't you marry a German heiress? Times, Sunday Times
  • The love of the EU, bugle call of the legitimate, hero or sad Meirenguan!

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