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How To Use Eighteenth In A Sentence

  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • His Eminence Don Pelasio de Labastida, an eighteenth century bishop of Mexico City set a scandalous example of such indulgence in earthly pleasures. To the charreada with stars in her eyes
  • Such a cynosure, at least in aspect, and something such too in nature, though with important variations made apparent as the story proceeds, was welkin-eyed Billy Budd, or Baby Budd, as more familiarly under circumstances hereafter to be given he at last came to be called, aged twenty-one, a foretopman of the British fleet toward the close of the last decade of the eighteenth century. Billy Budd
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
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  • Throughout the last decades of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth, scarcely a year passed without violent protest or armed rebellion.
  • The sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.
  • The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
  • The honey seems extraordinarily expensive, but then sweetness was a prerogative of the rich until the eighteenth century.
  • Many dictionaries of Neapolitan dialect from the late eighteenth century onward tell us that pizza, at its simplest, was merely a generic word for all kinds of pies, and for what would be called focaccia or schiacciata elsewhere in Italy, that is, a flat piece of dough dappled with fat or oil and cooked quickly in a hot oven. Delizia!
  • By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color. Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
  • Even the eighteenth century British art is looking strikingly exotic.
  • This was the most important technological innovation which ships experienced in the eighteenth century. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • Jason gives a detailed account of the creation of the boiserie for an early eighteenth-century Parisian mansion and its recent restoration and installation in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
  • The sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.
  • In the first half of the eighteenth century ebony rosewood, and padouk were inlaid with floral designs ivory that was then engraved and highlighted with lac.
  • In the literature of the eighteenth century the warrant is inseparably associated with the short, incurvated service sword commonly known as the cutlass or hanger; but in the press-gang prints of the period the gangsmen are generally armed with stout clubs answering to Smollett's The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • This toponymy, dating from medieval times, reappeared spontaneously in southern and eastern Ukrainian towns and cities, such as Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Simferopol that were built in the eighteenth century.
  • The datable artifacts indicated that the site may have been occupied as early as the 1670s and that it fell out of use by the middle of the eighteenth century, apparently not long after Uring's visit.
  • Export of superfluous man-power from the poorer inland farms was an established tradition by the eighteenth century.
  • The eighteenth century was thus a period of slow evolution rather than radical change in military affairs.
  • The United States was founded on the pro-liberty ideals of the eighteenth century; the nineteenth century might not have provided such propitious foundations.
  • England's Regency style was a natural outgrowth of the neoclassical style that prevailed in eighteenth-century Europe.
  • All the colour and grace of the eighteenth century was seen at its best during the dancing of the minuet.
  • In the eighteenth-century, this conversion shortened production time and reduced the quantity of heat necessary to complete the blue-dyeing process. reference The Saxon blue process (now called indigo sulfonate) creates colors that are bright and beautiful, and visually somewhat different from those obtained through the traditional indigo dyeing methods. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Three months of futility with a team who finished eighteenth. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the late eighteenth century, porcelain had replaced ivory as the material of choice for teeth in dentures.
  • Aside from a large winch, called a capstan, and various blocks and pulleys to take off some of the strain, eighteenth-century sailing ships relied on brute man power. John Paul Jones
  • The precious place of the nude was bolstered by the economics of the art market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • Eighteenth-century prints caricature George III as a farmer, laugh at Hanoverian German accents – yet the same crowds who laughed at the printshop windows turned out loyally for coronations.
  • His great international stature remained unchallenged throughout the eighteenth century.
  • In its orthography, German gives an initial capital letter to its nouns, a practice common in English until the mid eighteenth century.
  • Why did men of rank in eighteenth-century Europe wear shoes with scarlet heels? Scarlet Heels
  • French Creoles dominated Louisiana, even after Spain officially took over the colony in the mid-eighteenth century and some Spanish settled there.
  • Around the middle of the eighteenth century, the breeding of livestock was dramatically changed by Robert Bakewell, an English agriculturist.
  • She was born in the latter half of the eighteenth century.
  • A seventeenth- or eighteenth-century lithograph of a small town. CHAMELEON
  • He read the visions of the Venerable Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, an eighteenth-century German stigmatist and mystic.
  • Usually of a pale green or grey-green nephrite, they are worked to a high standard and are generally dated to the eighteenth century largely on stylistic grounds.
  • Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism.
  • Most neoclassical works based on the discoveries at Herculaneum and Pompeii were imitations of an art thought to be formally and morally superior to that of the eighteenth century.
  • This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.
  • That is the keynote of the Crébillon novel: it is the handbook, with illustrative examples, of the business, employment, or vocation of flirting, in the most extensive and intensive meanings of that term comprehensible to the eighteenth century. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • —On June eighteenth, M. Doléris informed me that a woman had been confined at the Cochin Hospital five days before and that fears were entertained as to the results of an operation that had been performed, it having been necessary to do an embryotomy. On the Extension of the Germ Theory to the Etiology of Certain Common Diseases
  • Instead, I attempted to steer the conversation toward the socioeconomic differences between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Christianity Today
  • In the late eighteenth century, physicians like the German doctor Willhelm Gottfried Ploucquet permitted themselves to palpate the bellies of pregnant women—but only those who were pregnant out of wedlock, poor and desperate, who traded such indignities for a bowl of soup or a place to stay for the night. Origins
  • The lawsuit comes on the eighteenth day of a strike at the world 's largest copper mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pagoda Trellis is based on a fragment of a silk panel hand painted in France in the eighteenth century in response to the European rage for chinoiserie that pervaded every aspect of interior decoration.
  • Furthermore, many clerics in the eighteenth century held modest livings though they too occupied a position of privilege in society.
  • Indeed, citation, in Benjamin's theses, is the very model for revolutionary action, following the lead of the spectacular opening pages of Marx's The Eighteenth History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • But parts of the eighteenth-century limestone doorcases were ‘not entirely original’ which would ‘allow for a more flexible approach to either demolishing them or allowing them to be dismantled for re-use elsewhere’.
  • In the eighteenth century the Protestant Irish relatively easily became acculturated and socially accepted.
  • Even newborn babies were not washed, and until the eighteenth century they were swaddled in bands of cloth that were changed twice a day at most.
  • He cared deeply about Greek and Latin history and mythology and possessed a comprehensive knowledge of the prose, poetry and prosody of the eighteenth century.
  • In one verse he introduced a sideswipe at the repressive legal system of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (again something he criticized in his earlier historical novel, Barnaby Rudge).
  • Behind the high walls, hidden by a long screen of ilexes, you are suddenly back in the eighteenth century, surrounded by the obelisks and mausolea of sea captains and corsairs, exiled aristocrats and shipwrecked plantation owners.
  • The best examples of this are found in explorations of manufactured colors. reference Even without widespread acceptance of new theories in chemistry — assumptions about elements, or measurement, or phlogiston-based theories of coloration — the focus on colormaking as a chemical operation grew during the eighteenth century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The texture of the revolving bowl and the softness of the reflection convert the view into an eighteenth century aquatint in which motor cars seem as delicate and exotica as sedan chairs.
  • My neighbour ingeniously cobbled together a plant doing the same job for around $10,000, one eighteenth of that.
  • By comparison, eighteenth-century painters are more hackneyed, whether producing ‘classical’ landscapes or topographical views.
  • While her earlier houses were twentieth-century pastiches of the Louis XVI style, here she had authentic eighteenth-century French boiserie installed in the drawing and dining rooms.
  • The sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.
  • In the 1820s Bath, Bristol, Dublin, and Edinburgh, cities which had flourished in the eighteenth century, were all still raising classical squares, streets, and crescents.
  • Because of their lowly social status and outspoken behavior, the reputation of laundresses in late eighteenth-century Spain was problematic at best.
  • For the most part they were Creek Indians who, over the course of the eighteenth century, had migrated from Georgia and Alabama to Florida, intermarried with other Indians residing there, and developed distinct identities. Between War and Peace
  • Wednesday may be languishing in eighteenth place, but have won six of their past eight league games. Times, Sunday Times
  • First stirrings occurred during the early decades of the eighteenth century. Christianity Today
  • As at the conclusion of the eighteenth century, the English unlocked their hospitable store, for the relief of those driven from their homes by political revolution; so now they were not backward in affording aid to the victims of a more wide-spreading calamity. II.5
  • This will be my eighteenth national conference, the last eleven consecutive.
  • On his eighteenth birthday, his parents had believed it necessary to commit the act that would decisively save their only child.
  • The same piece encouraged a leading Jungian to sermonize in rotund eighteenth-century style on the esoteric, as opposed to the exoteric, meaning of the Sea-God Manannan's Crane Bag. The Crane Bag
  • At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Johann Mattheson, the great, stunningly eloquent peacock of Baroque musical literature, was in no doubt that the chalumeau the forerunner of the clarinet – with its “rather howling sound”, was not an appropriate instrument to be heard in sophisticated entertainments. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Turkish eighteenth-century yataghans are fine examples of artistic decoration: their wavy blades have near the hilt embossed plates with protruding coral insets.
  • The main focus, however, was on cattle and by the start of the eighteenth century there was already extensive ranching. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
  • During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries increasingly smaller oligarchies came to power in the Swiss cantons but were overthrown in 1798 in the wake of the French Revolution.
  • Eighteenth century playwrights and novelists often made their hero a criminal, a highwayman or confidence trickster.
  • She was like a figure from a rococo fresco, an eighteenth-century nymph. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Belief in the truth that the creation is God's handiwork generated the scientific progress that began not in the eighteenth century but in medieval scholasticism.
  • Wednesday may be languishing in eighteenth place, but have won six of their past eight league games. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the eighteenth century the great naturalist, Gilbert White of Selborne, paid a man to shoot blackbirds by the score every spring to protect his fruit trees.
  • Both forms of contredanse were performed in France until the Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century.
  • The rue Mouffetard was the main street of the bourg of St. Me dard, which until the eighteenth century lay outside the city of Paris.
  • On the eighteenth day of the month of June, in the sixth year of my sojourn on the island, I descried a sail. Chapter 19
  • By the mid eighteenth century the new game laws and increasing enclosure (see pp. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • Despite its late date, the conservative display of raised-panel doors, applied ogee moldings, and a scalloped opening to the display area are all borrowed from eighteenth-century design.
  • They have to be what the art-critics of the eighteenth century called "sub-fusc. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
  • The rise of the bourgeoisie at the end of the eighteenth century created a demand for more pictures.
  • Evolutionary and naturalistic theories of the earth's creation based on uniformitarian assumptions and advocating old-earth theories emerged in the late eighteenth century.
  • In his eighteenth year he entered Trinity College, Dublin, as a sizar, that is, a poor student who pays in part for his tuition by doing certain kinds of work. Selections from Five English Poets
  • Their language contrasted with that of the eighteenth-century reformers who had entrusted the mission of modernity and progress to enlightened rulers.
  • In short, the traditionally separated out categories of science and religious enthusiasm were in the eighteenth century as mutually invasive as Newton's own scientific and prophetical modes of enquiry.
  • Many of those rights found legal expression at the close of the eighteenth century.
  • Since the early eighteenth century the red wines of Ambonnay have ranked alongside those of the now more famous Bouzy.
  • Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • The words are also haunted by Dickens's fear of a reprise of a violent social revolution akin to that experienced in France in the last decade of the eighteenth century.
  • The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
  • Ever since the modern study of art history began in the eighteenth century, there has been a variety of more or less unconvincing answers to that question.
  • Mouchoirs were produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to commemorate notable and royal events.
  • During the eighteenth century fashionable accessories became an important complement to a lady's attire.
  • Eighteenth-century miniaturists were part of an industry of copyists who provided full-scale replicas for a range of residences and official sites or reduced life-size portraits to handy pocket-size miniatures.
  • The annual competition is now in its eighteenth year.
  • Another late eighteenth-century palampore was generously donated recently.
  • Ukrainian folk architecture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries shows a considerable influence of baroque ornamentation and neoclassic orders while preserving traditional materials like wood and wattled clay.
  • In the eighteenth century, Presidents Washington and Jefferson of the United States had the wisdom to reverse the case for ‘democracy’ leading to most people being fuzzily convinced that democracy is sacrosanct.
  • Descended mainly from Cheraw and related Siouan speakers, the Lumbee have occupied what is now Robeson County since the eighteenth century. Spider Bones
  • “Chinoiserie” (meaning bizarre tricks or monkey - shines in modern French usage) is a term descriptive of the eighteenth-century European view of China as Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • In the early eighteenth century, rents were falling and landowners had little incentive to press for short lets.
  • This was not only their eighteenth engagement at the Academy's Opera House - but the second one in three months.
  • Despite its wars, Britain prospered mightily during the eighteenth century.
  • Many men became clean-shaven - a marked change from the heavy beards of the mid-century, which, in their turn, had been a striking innovation, for beards had not been worn with wigs, the omnipresent hairpiece of the eighteenth century.
  • English landscape, Austen offers a sort of test case that asks how the sensibility endorsed by the eighteenth-century novel fares in quotidian England. Money, Matrimony, and Memory: Secondary Heroines in Radcliffe, Austen, and Cooper
  • Table and bed linens were smoothed out in this late-eighteenth-century linen press.
  • The first thing to do was to cultivate the foreign example; and with that what we call the eighteenth century began. Lectures on the French Revolution
  • the history of the play throughout the latter part of the eighteenth century is monotonously uneventful
  • And taste is now a far weaker, more assailable notion than it was in the late eighteenth century.
  • Some eighteenth-century Chinese ceramics with monochrome glazes and iridescent surfaces influenced his glazes, which were primarily iridescent monochromes punctuated with crystals.
  • Britain in the eighteenth century developed a culture of credit and commerce, based on trust and reputation.
  • The state bureaucracies created by eighteenth-century absolutism signified the arrival of a universal class pursuing a universal interest.
  • During the eighteenth century, instability became a feature of government with ministers dismissed by the score.
  • Markoff has much to say about this, but perhaps his most significant argument posits that however angry the peasants were with the government, they had by the eighteenth century accepted its necessity.
  • The Marquis: Inferno - Gotta love Guy Davis 'writing and drawing a weirdly-masked vigilante fighting demons in eighteenth-century France. Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs: What Looks Good for July | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • How many sixths equal three eighteenths?
  • By the late eighteenth century, New England law enforcers arrested few fornicators or adulterers, though premarital and extramarital sex had hardly disappeared.
  • ‘Picturesque associationism and the ‘esemplastic’ romantic imagination here replace the empirical obsession of eighteenth-century travel writing’.
  • In both pattern books and extant artifacts, quilted feathers resemble the gadrooned edgings of seventeenth-and eighteenth-century furniture and fine metalwares.
  • Here her analysis is most surefooted as she discusses late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century fiction, Benedict's professional bailiwick.
  • Hundreds of years ago, they were truly blanketlike—in the eighteenth century, perhaps a square yard or even larger—but more petite napkins are now the rule, as the expectation is that you will not soil your hands, face, or clothes while eating, or at least not much. HOME COMFORTS
  • The couple covered the seats with mid-eighteenth-century English wool moreen.
  • We now know that the duty of the lexicographer is to record and not to criticize, that refined speech and elegant speech are the delusions of a mistaken optimism, and that the only people who now speak English with any approach to historical correctness are the few surviving agricultural laborers who are old enough to have escaped the devastating effects of the Elementary Education Act. Johnson's Dictionary went far to accomplish, in the eighteenth century, what the Italian and French Academies had unsuccessfully attempted in the seventeenth. On Dictionaries
  • A late eighteenth century chapbook type of publication, in this case bound.
  • A deep, fenestrated entryway in the neoclassical style was added at some point in the eighteenth century, and its corners are quoined like the comers of the house (and were presumably added at the same time).
  • By the middle of the eighteenth century, though, these long-held beliefs were beginning to be called into question, and the European deists were the primary inquisitors.
  • Collectors and antiquarians were largely responsible for the vogue for collecting antiquities that took root in the eighteenth century.
  • Her description of the film actually comes out of Weinberg, complete with the mistake of identifying the lead as an "eighteenth-century czarina" and the same false claims for the anachronisms of bobbed hair and a "motorcar" (Weinberg's word as well as Koenig's, p. 76 in Weinberg). That Uncertain Feeling
  • He birdied the fifth and the eighteenth and finished two strokes under par.
  • A cultural revival in the eighteenth century was reinforced by the spread of Nonconformity, which became an integral part of Welsh identity.
  • The best of them all was surely broadcloth, which in the eighteenth century was a superfine grade of woolen cloth that was fulled, or shrunk, napped, and shorn so that it was the consistency of felt but with a smooth surface.
  • She said that the canal had to be dug with pick and shovel with hundreds of men employed before its opening in the mid eighteenth century.
  • If it had been, boundary disputes might have been expected with the eighteenth century, whose claim to cosmopolitanism is better established. Afterword: Secularism, Cosmopolitanism, and Romanticism
  • One Franklin artifact that did not reach the present unscathed is a frequently repaired famille rose Chinese export bowl (Pl. VI), probably purchased in London in the mid-eighteenth century.
  • Social, economic and political developments crushed the eighteenth-century constitution and hence the credibility of the established constitutional theory.
  • The elderly beaux still wear the showy embroidered waistcoats, knee breeches, lace ruffles and sparkling shoe buckles of the late eighteenth century, while the younger men, conforming to the newer style, have adopted close-fitting nankeen pantaloons tied above the ankle by a piece of ribbon, and wear long-tailed blue coats adorned with brass buttons, while their necks are swathed in voluminous white muslin cravats. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • I was clothed in black from head to toe six weeks after my eighteenth birthday.
  • The urban laboring man's realistic view of what was possible was shaped by the nature of eighteenth-century America.
  • Its collapse in the early years of the eighteenth century created local potentates and parcellized sovereignties. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These comprise the papers of a varied group of painters, sculptors, printmakers, craftsmen, architects, designers and photographers from the eighteenth century to the present.
  • No wide secession to Rome, however, followed the development of this seventeenth-century school, though it played a large part in the nonjuror schism, and with the decay of that schism and under the latitudinarian tendencies of the eighteenth century it greatly dwindled. The Map of Life Conduct and Character
  • For one thing, it was not organized around a capitalist mode of production in the eighteenth century. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • During the eighteenth century, the Sikhs had to fight a guerilla war against huge forces.
  • Octavius had refused, whereupon Gracchus had “called upon the gods to witness that he did not willingly wish to remove his colleague,” had balloted the eighteenth tribe, and achieved a majority, and Octavius had been stripped of his tribuneship “reduced to the rank of a private citizen, he departed unobserved”. Imperium
  • By the late eighteenth century, New England law enforcers arrested few fornicators or adulterers, though premarital and extramarital sex had hardly disappeared.
  • For Durkheim this explained the harshness of punishment in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when absolute monarchy was at its height.
  • If the landscaping of the country house was at the cutting edge of garden design in the eighteenth century, the urban park was its successor.
  • Billy bought Valencia a star sapphire ring for their eighteenth wedding anniversary.
  • The eighteenth century will for ever be associated with the amusements of a fashionable oligarchical society, represented most notably in the prime of the first of the great spa towns.
  • The little set, which was worn at a lady's chatelaine in the eighteenth century, shown in Fig. 66, consists of toothpick, earpick, and tongue scraper of silver, whereas the set illustrated in Fig. 67 includes tweezers, a nail knife, and other instruments. Chats on Household Curios
  • It was used as an inn or tavern in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
  • As London like other cities grew, in the eighteenth century into a city of secular institutions as well as churches, the possibilities for different mnemonic relationships proliferated.
  • The procedure for making true lacquer required the resin secreted by the Rhus vemicifera, a sumac tree that was not indigenous to the West and was unknown in Europe until the beginning of the eighteenth century.
  • This role has earned Streep her eighteenth Oscar nomination for acting. Times, Sunday Times
  • British diplomatist Sir Harold Nicolson (like him, an eighteenth century man living a seventeenth century life in the midst of the twentieth century) sought him out on his valedictory trip to the United States in 1963.
  • The book does feel somewhat incomplete, but it is apparently purposely designed as one of a set of four - matching a similar volume also by Fara on electricity in the eighteenth century, and also books by Stephen Pumfrey on the seventeenth century and Iwan Morus on the nineteenth. Recap of Season 2
  • a symbol of rampant female sexuality, the bower is a ubiquitous image throughout the eighteenth-century, appearing in texts ranging from Thompson's The 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • Japanese samurai warriors in the eighteenth century. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In the Eighteenth Century, imbeciles but not idiots could be executed for capital offenses.
  • These European influences later arrived in the eighteenth century in Cuba becoming known as the danza and eventually becoming the national dance. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Haskalah" moved in the same direction as eighteenth century rationalism which made for the abrogation of the historic faiths. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • The ossific centers appear in the intervals between the articular depressions for the costal cartilages, in the following order: in the manubrium and first piece of the body, during the sixth month; in the second and third pieces of the body, during the seventh month of fetal life; in its fourth piece, during the first year after birth; and in the xiphoid process, between the fifth and eighteenth years. II. Osteology. 4a. The Sternum
  • From the eighteenth century legal doubt existed whether the religion established in England was also legally established in colonies settled by British subjects.
  • Perhaps representing the height of the neoclassical idiom, literally embracing both ancient and eighteenth-century Rome, is the inkstand illustrated in Plate XII.
  • Everywhere there was a strong reaction against what was called the atheistical and anarchical philosophy of the eighteenth century. Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 3
  • Masquerades, extraordinarily popular entertainments in the eighteenth century, were morally suspect events.
  • Towards the end of the eighteenth century a picturesque rock landscape with a cascade, grottoes and a hermit's cave was constructed.
  • By the middle of the eighteenth century, glass-makers in Britain were decorating glass by various techniques including engraving, cutting, gilding, and enameling.
  • This is certainly a characteristic of Maine where port cities were thriving in the eighteenth century and then suffered a twofold economic downturn in the wake of the Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812.
  • What would the eighteenth century look like to a visitor from the twenty-second? MIND MELD: The Tricky Trope of Time Travel
  • The residence of the Gaon was a Jewish metropolis as early as the eighteenth century, and during the whole of the nineteenth century Wilna was the Jewish city The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
  • Americans dreamed of opening the interior of their continent with canals as early as the eighteenth century.
  • Eighteenthcentury composers, to be sure, put great stock in distinctions among tonalities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Before the eighteenth century is called lumbering, let us set a page of Hume against a page of Hobbes, or a passage out of Berkeley by a passage out of Selden. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • The tree of life design on the palampore in Plate VI, with branches blooming in an impossibly diverse and bizarre collection of flowers, is typical of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • Another writer with a similar argument is the eighteenth-century cleric Bishop Butler.
  • Goldsmith has a lightness and delicate ease which belongs rather to the school of the earlier eighteenth century than to his own day; the enthusiasm of Addison for French literature which he retained gave him a more graceful model than the "Johnsonian" school, to which he professed himself to belong, could afford. English Literature: Modern Home University Library of Modern Knowledge
  • Almost single-handedly Karl Barth retrieved dogmatics for the mainstream of academic theology after its marginalization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • This is the only publication of Richard Roach's exceptional visionary theosophic work since the rare originals in the eighteenth century.
  • In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries they were among the natural specimens collected by virtuosi, or amateur scientists, who kept their collections in specialized cabinets of curiosity.
  • Such were his powers of persuasion he talked her into accepting €900 for an eighteenth century library table, two satinwood chairs and some porcelain.
  • While the pecuniary ele - ment in philanthropy, both in concept and practice, was always an essential and sometimes the central emphasis, the term philanthropy was used in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in both PHILANTHROPY
  • Down Niddry Street stands the charming concert hall which was a fashionable resort in the eighteenth century.
  • Early eighteenth century baroque composer Vivaldi was a trained priest who had music in his heart.
  • The eighteenth-century interior of the building has survived through benign neglect.
  • Positional warfare - that is, the construction, defence, and attack of fortresses and fortified lines - played a major role in seventeenth and eighteenth-century warfare.
  • Many urbanists say that public life in the eighteenth century - which is when the modern city began to take shape - was available only to men.
  • At the end of the eighteenth century, dandies began to wear stays, and the fashion became popular around 1815 with military officers and persisted until the end of the century.
  • During the eighteenth century the German Catholics had been quite outman uvered by the Protestants, and in the early decades of the nineteenth century found themselves politically powerless. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The display includes waistcoats, bodices, skirts, part of an eighteenth century dress made of beautiful blue silk with posies of flowers woven into it.
  • I'm planning to leave on the eighteenth .
  • In the eighteenth century all the colonies maintained agents in London to present the colonial point of view before board members. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877

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