How To Use Effloresce In A Sentence
Temple of the Devil, near the town of Altorf in Franconia, at the foot of a mountain covered with pine and savine, in which are found large coals resembling trees of ebony; which are so far mineralized as to be heavy and compact; and so to effloresce with pyrites in some parts as to crumble to pieces; yet from other parts white ashes are produced on calcination, from which _fixed alcali_ is procured; which evinces their vegetable origin.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
Feeling more at home in the Muslim world of Spain, North Africa and the Middle East, Sephardim such as Maimonides took up the challenge of that new civilization, a civilization best characterized by the term "religious humanism," and produced an efflorescent literature that was matched by an economic dynamism that in the early modern period extended its reach into Holland, England, and Italy.
David Shasha: Collateral Damage: Jewish Fratricide and the Demonizing of Córdoba
So far as a restless mortal -- more or less aweary of most things -- like myself can be made happy by any other human being, I believe your good wishes are safe of realisation; at any rate, it will be my fault if they are not, and I beg you never to imagine that I could confound the piety of friendship with the "efflorescent" variety.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 1
When the period of efflorescence, or standing out of the rash, is over, packs ought to be given, to extract the poison completely from the system, and to prevent any sequels, such as anasarca, &c.
Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
But there's a new kind of efflorescence here, one that speaks, I think, to the basic conservatism of Third World populations.
James Pinkerton: The Coming AIDS Reformation
cover the brickwork to minimize efflorescence
Meanwhile, there'd be new gardens in rich efflorescence, ossified bedrock dislodged from the living, new fields where carrion feeders can graze.
Archive 2006-06-01
An efflorescence of a palish red colour soon appeared about the parts where the matter was inserted, and spread itself rather extensively, but died away in a few days without producing any variolous symptoms. 6 She has since been repeatedly employed as a nurse to smallpox patients, without experiencing any ill consequences.
On Vaccination Against Smallpox
efflorescences found on the sheltered undersides of shale ledges
A white incrustation called efflorescence is often found on the surface of interior masonry walls.
Their flanks were blotched with a livid nitrous efflorescence, with flaring sulphur, unhealthy verdure of pitchstone, streaks of arsenical vermilion; their beds -- a frantic maze of boulders.
South Wind
The second element that causes efflorescence is water.
Salitre: a form of masonry cancer?
A great deal of chemical action then commences, salts of various kinds effloresce on the surface, and the mass becomes hard.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
On inclined roofs the efflorescence stain may occur downhill from the source of the leak on the roof and not directly above the stain.
Salitre: a form of masonry cancer?
They will dug fake tunnels, tunnel that leads to dead ends, tunnels that impossibly knot into themselves, tunnels with sonar-cancelling pings, tunnels that lead to police headquarters, tunnels that effloresce into a thicket of infinitely bifurcating tunnels, and tunnels that lead to other dimensions.
Sewer Zeppelins for the Era of Infrastructural Anarchy & Other Roman Tales
-- They consist of partly effloresced sal soda mixed with half its weight of soda ash.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Coromandel, the dried indigo lumps are allowed to effloresce in a cask for some time, and when they become hard they are wiped and packed for exportation.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
The Virgin, borne by angels and cherubs who seem made of light and air, soars into an efflorescent sky.
The scheme was to reintroduce the icon that had materialized on the San Francisco stage in October 1866, and effloresced into the Vandal of the lecture circuit.
Mark Twain
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and poetry may truly be called the efflorescence of civilised life, but the production of a healthy civilised life must be the first condition.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
efflorescence stains on the walls
Tõ ®iÓn ThuËt ng÷ CÇu §êng Anh - ViÖt Dynamic load T¶i träng ®éng Dynamic loading çngÕp t¶i ®éng Dynamic modulus of elasticity Mo®un ®µn håi ®éng Dynamic stress øng suÊt ®éng Dynamic test Thö nghiÖm ®«ng häc E Early strength concrete Bª t«ng ®¹t cêng ®é sím Earth cover Thanh c¨ng Earth pressure ¸p lùc ®Èy cña ®Êt Earth, soil §Êt Earthquake §éng ®Êt Earthquake T¸c ®éng cña ®éng ®Êt Earthquake forces Lùc ®éng ®Êt Eccentric loading DÆt t¶i lÖch t©m Eccentric tendon C¸p dù øng lùc ®Æt lÖch t©m eccentrical compression NÐn lÖch t©m Eccentrically compressed members CÊu kiÖn chÞu nÐn lÖch t©m Eccentricity §é lÖch t©m Eddie current testing Ph¬ng ph¸p kiÓm tra b»ng dßng Edge beam DÇm biªn Edge beam, exterior girder DÇm biªn, dÇm ngoµi cïng edge-bar Reinforcement Cèt thÐp mÐp Effective area of reinforcement DiÖn tÝch cã hiÖu cña cèt thÐp Effective depth ChiÒu cao cã hiÖu Effective depth at the section ChiÒu cao cã hiÖu cña mÆt c¾t Effective flange width ChiÒu réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n c¸nh Effective flange Width BÒ réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n c¸nh Effective modulus M«dun cã hiÖu qu¶ Effective presstress Dù øng suÊt cã hiÖu Effective prestress after loses Dù øng suÊt cã hiÖu sau mäi mÊt Effective span NhÞp cã hiÖu Effective stress øng suÊt cã hiÖu Effective width (of T girder) ChiÒu réng cã hiÖu (cña dÇm T) Effective width of slab BÒ réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n Efflorescence è mÇu trªn bÒ mÆt bª t«ng Elastic analysis Ph©n tÝch ®µn håi (®èi víi kÕt cÊu) elastic Deformation BiÕn d¹ng ®µn håi Elastic deformation BiÕn d¹ng ®µn håi elastic Design ThiÕt kÕ dÎo Elastic design ThiÕt kÕ ®µn håi Elastic limit Giíi h¹n ®µn håi Elastic loss MÊt m¸t ®µn håi Elastic modulus Mo®un ®µn håi Elastic shortening Co ng¾n ®µn håi 20 of 59
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This latter phenomenon, known as efflorescence, is mostly confined to artificial salts.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
He argues that Eliza - bethan drama runs a well-defined course of germina - tion, expansion, efflorescence, and decay.
The ground surface contains efflorescent salts such as alum, a hydrated potassium sulfate, tschermigite, a hydrated ammonium sulfate, gypsum and clays such as illite and montmorillonite.
He anticipated that these spiritual assemblies would effloresce into the house of justice.
So far as a restless mortal ” more or less aweary of most things ” like myself can be made happy by any other human being, I believe your good wishes are safe of realisation; at any rate, it will be my fault if they are not, and I beg you never to imagine that I could confound the piety of friendship with the "efflorescent" variety.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
So this man stands as a bright, consummate flower which had at last effloresced from the roots; and in his own person, an embodiment of the very results which God had patiently sought through millenniums of providential dealing and inspiration.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
Glauber's salt (sodium sulphate) produces a good smooth surface when added to soap, but, owing to its tendency to effloresce more quickly than soda carbonate, it is not so much used as formerly.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
= Tartar Emetic = (tartarized antimony, potassio-tartrate of antimony) occurs as a white powder, or in yellowish-white efflorescent crystals.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Emerging incrementally from individual clusters of endless ruffles, five women eventually twirl to full height as so many efflorescent flamenco dancers.
A Pruned Garden of Delights
I understand this to be called efflorescence, and it is caused by salts. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and poetry, may truly be called the efflorescence of civilised life.
Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
The newspaper age was dawning in America, an age that would effloresce into mass communications and the formation of a transformative popular culture.
Mark Twain
Colorless gypsum and white pickeringite-halotrichite are the most common efflorescences found on shale.
_Calcium nitrate_, Ca (NO_3) _2·4H_2O, is a highly deliquescent salt, [v. 04 p. 0972] crystallizing in monoclinic prisms, and occurring in various natural waters, as an efflorescence in limestone caverns, and in the neighbourhood of decaying nitrogenous organic matter.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
It starts out slow and ethereal, but when the chorus comes, it effloresces into a symphony of preternatural sound that blows you away.
The generant course, inherence mechanism, and cause of efflorescence of adhesive and grout for tile and stone after construction, and control measures were introduced.
In the early days of TV with only three or four broadcasters, television was forced to assume all people were essentially alike and accordingly had to deny the most obvious fact about consumers and citizens -- their prodigious, efflorescent diversity.
Creating Value in a Competitive Media Industry
It could even cause masonry efflorescence, which is commonly called salitre.
Windows and Doors in Mexican Homes and Offices
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and poetry, may truly be called the efflorescence of civilized life.
Composed of microscopic particles smaller than ten microns PM10, the dust contains significant levels of toxic metals like selenium, arsenic, and lead along with efflorescent salts.
Archive 2009-01-01
By His birth in the flesh, that Sonship, which was essential and uncreated, merely effloresced into palpable manifestation.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The pictures that mysteriously effloresced from the pixels were forbidding yet magnificent, and as they glowed from the machines the planet Mars seemed to enter the laboratory, and the enchanting speculations of the Italian Schiaparelli with his canali and the American Lowell with his canals vanished the way dew departs with morning sunlight.
The stains that form on the outside of new brick buildings are a result of the chemical process known as efflorescence or
For designers, sleek good taste became an inspiration as they decisively shifted away from the previously efflorescent period in car design, the fabulous 1950s, with its tailfins, hood ornaments, and whitewall tires.
Matthew DeBord: After the Golden Age, Can Car Design Go Green?
Efflorescences are powdery encrustations of minerals that form on the surfaces of rocks by evaporation of their pore water.
The arsenic and corrosive sublimate effloresced from the ties along the
Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
Compelled communism is not the repetition of that oneness of sympathy which effloresced in the bright flower of this common possession of individual goods.
Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts
By the time I had hiked back to the office, a pain had developed and effloresced in my right knee.
Midlife milestones
The plaintiffs had it cleaned and washed down on two occasions to get concrete and efflorescence off the walls.
The inexperienced ought here to be guarded against the highly improper practice of some artists, who strew their pictures while wet with acetate of lead, or use that substance in some other mode, without grinding or solution; which, though it may promote present drying, will ultimately effloresce on the surface of the work, throw off the colour in sandy spots, and expose the paintings to peculiar risk from the damaging influence of impure air.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
In oil, verdigris is permanent with respect to light and air, but moisture and an impure atmosphere change its colour, and cause it to effloresce or rise to the surface through the oil.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
These manifestations effloresced in the past
Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War.
An efflorescence of a palish red colour soon appeared about the parts where the matter was inserted, and spread itself rather extensively, but died away in a few days without producing any variolous symptoms.
On Vaccination Against Smallpox
The easiest time to remove calcium hydroxide efflorescence is before it combines with carbon dioxide.
Efflorescence is caused when soluble salts and other water dispersible materials come to the surface of concrete and mortars.
Something may be gained, much lost, by that perennial succession; those links, however slight, must make the floral period continuous to the imagination; while our year gives a pause and an interval to its children, and after exhausted October has effloresced into Witch-Hazel, there is an absolute reserve of blossom, until the Alders wave again.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862