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How To Use Editing In A Sentence

  • Learn that editing is the most important part of writing (at least for me) and that you have to edit, edit, edit yourself. All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Author Insight: Jill Marie Landis
  • They shared the joy and burden of editing for the next thirteen years, the longest period of any coeditorship in the journal's existence.
  • The plot and intrigue don't come from a script, but from careful editing and control of the set.
  • The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
  • Yet it was only by selection, editing and rearrangement that the facts of nature were marshalled.
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  • It is amusing to note, however, that the doggie equivalent of red-eye in photos is an unsettling neon green, which my small photo-editing skills don't extend to erasing.
  • One night, after a Piranha editing session, Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman.
  • For the early film-makers, such as Georges Melies and the Lumiere brothers, editing and being able to splice film was part of how to put scenes together.
  • The style of the film is quite striking, full of excessive grain, rough film stock, and stylized editing techniques.
  • The interface for typing in your entries is a joy to use, featuring a 'dashboard' that lists your blogs and easy access to editing current posts and creating new ones.
  • The tax granted by the datary for the contracting of marriage out of the permitted seasons, is twenty carlins; and in the permitted periods, if the contracting parties are the second or third degree of kindred, it is commonly twenty-five ducats, and four for expediting the bulls; and in the fourth degree, seven tournois, one ducat, six carlins. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In addition to expediting the compounding process and enhancing patient safety, RIVA has notably improved work and safety conditions for hospital staff, reducing their exposure to a multitude of drug compounds - namely cytotoxic drugs. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • I sat back down and resumed my editing, sticking the grape lollipop back in my mouth.
  • Once editing was complete, the film was previewed for IFD and Nat Taylor.
  • In-house work includes subediting for the Guardian, GMB and PC World, admin / production work for the Sunday Times and cover as acting editor of BT Vision's magazine. News from
  • Althouse: FWIW, I read that sentence as you meant it because I'm used to your writing, familiar with your views and know what you're referring to, but I did "stutter" for a second to make that adjustment ... in pretty much the exact way I do when I'm editing for pay something which I then "flag" for the following author query: "Are you confident everyone will read this as you intend it be understood? "The Optimum Population Trust... says each baby born in Britain will... burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland...."
  • Line editing also known as copyediting is all about clarity and presentation, and is thus a great choice for a writer unfamiliar with the norms of submission or in question about grammar. Author! Author! » 2008 » December
  • Recently, the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) approved of the following changes to the ThM program (formerly known as the MTh program) at St. Vladimir's: News from SVOTS.Edu
  • Anyways in that post you mention something about structuring a class for "multilinear editing" and I'm curious if you can point to me to any sources where I can learn some more on this topic. Game programming in Norway
  • If you already started the document and saved it on the disk, recall it for editing or addition.
  • It is one of the results of the unlucky fancy of scholars for re-editing already accessible texts instead of devoting themselves to _anecdota_, that work of the first interest, like The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • I'm yet to discover a way to convert a top to a body outfit/part, which would address the above problem partially, despite a few token efforts at file renaming (the .bmps exported are preceded with top~ or body~) and hex editing (the .package file refers to the file names it expects to find for the .bmps). Galactic North
  • And thus, money was saved on the editing budget and a gigantic media star was born in the process.
  • Cutaways are useful to shoot when on location as they can be used as handy band-aids in editing.
  • (US$ = HK$7. 8) (Writing by Tony Munroe; Editing by Ken Wills) ((stephen.; Reuters Messaging: stephen.; +852 2843 6358, Fax +852 2845 0636)) Keywords: News
  • Editing the day's news: An introduction to newspaper copyreading, headline writing, illustration, makeup and general newspaper methods This entry was posted by Paul Murphy on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 15: 57 and is filed under report] The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • The combination of glossy production, adequate acting and competent editing was enough to make Pearl Harbor or The Mummy Returns at least tolerable.
  • Set up a computer that can be used for editing, and let users know when you (or someone who is familiar with the software) are available to assist.
  • Deborah is also editing an anthology regarding heterosexuality for Pluto Press.
  • SHAME is a metadata editing and presentation framework for RDF metadata.
  • The trailer is also included, as well as two on-screen text features: editing notes and a story bible.
  • The content of the media course includes scripting, editing and camera work.
  • This post could really use some editing, but I'm jet-lagged and losing it, so sleep is going to have to come first.
  • The organiser has tools in it for simple image editing, as well as organising.
  • Father's a railroad president and many times millionnaire, but the son's starving in 'Frisco, editing an anarchist sheet for twenty-five a month. Chapter 36
  • In essence, I begin the editing process - redacting the data, picking useful bits - while taking handwritten notes.
  • It has been assumed by some people, especially those with an interest in discrediting George Marshall and the Truman administration, that this truce prevented Chiang from conquering Manchuria .
  • Clever editing had Bertie Ahern involved in a ring supplying worn Westlife underwear to fans in the east.
  • I especially disrelish the idea of hand-editing scores of PHP pages.
  • Can we expect to defeat terrorism without also discrediting the ideas and passions that underlie it?
  • The job of editing this book must have been an unenviable one. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • I will also refrain from editing your submissions except in the case of unprintable language or overly confusing punctuation, so keep that in mind if you don't wish to look like a maleducated buffoon.
  • Yes, Professor, online sources and resources have indeed become the order of the day - wherein quality standards go for a toss, and reference editing expertise gets 'outsmarted'! On Chambers
  • As Ron mentions me extensively, and seems intent on discrediting the facts I have presented to your readers beforehand, please allow me to offer the following brief analysis.
  • The film broods over the Oxford monuments, twisting them into a disturbingly fraught pattern of jumbled editing, splitting and screeching noises and swirling, psychedelic visuals.
  • Sometimes Michele receives a byline, crediting her name for her work; sometimes she ghostwrites or uses a pseudonym. 7 Tips for Getting that Writing Gig Without an English Degree » Blog Archive » Writer's Round-About - The Craft and Business of Fiction and Freelance Writing
  • While glossy magazine journalists are a source of endless inspiration for television and film - from The Devil Wears Prada to Ugly Betty - their subediting office counterparts have been largely absent from screen, stage and page. Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • After the arduous editing process, Lloyd himself ‘wasn't really in the best physical condition to turn round and start doing a blooming topical puppet show’.
  • Recording made him nervous and he gave up in mid-career, relenting for this album to play solo Bach in long stretches, without snippety editing or technical interference.
  • The manual could use a through rewrite, reorganization, and editing to make the English understandable, but who reads the manual anyway?
  • The interview editing renders what would have been boring and incoherent conversations with old people and stoners into a thoughtful, funny psych exam for the national consciousness.
  • It adapts her supple camera style and keen editing eye to an amazing subject.
  • But editing isn't about revenge; it's about honing a craft.
  • lapstone," quite as Mr. Symons called a spherical object a "cannon ball": bent upon a discrediting incongruity: The Book of the Damned
  • The study was still undergoing substantive editing in order to incorporate the suggestions of the lawyers and public policy analysts who reviewed its preliminary drafts.
  • Expediting his demise is his brother who betrays Stopmouth. The Inferior-Peadar O Guilin « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • In addition to editing The One-Straw Revolution, Korn edited the The Future Is Abundant, a Guide to Sustainable Agriculture, and he is well versed in ecological approaches to farming in the Northwest. Larry Korn's One-Straw Revolution Northwest Tour
  • Hunter's manuscript pages were themselves manic, bristling works of art designed to turn the long, tedious job of writing, editing, polishing, and retyping a manuscript into a task worth staying up for.
  • More importantly, while the screen is excellent, I didn’t like the way the pages ‘turned’ - it looked to me like a cheap dissolve from a shareware movie editing program. Will the Amazon Kindle Be the Next ‘Must-Have’ Technology? - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Video editing is a taxing chore, which is why we choose to use it on motherboards to test performance.
  • The data entry terminal is connected to an online database while editing is taking place.
  • The film may not be stylistically adventurous, with long scenes and conventional editing, but the content bites.
  • Lean was nominated for Oscars for directing, adapting and editing the film, and in June 1984 he was knighted.
  • The company capitalized on burgeoning demand for workstations designed for highly graphical applications, such as video editing and engineering design.
  • Click on the undo tab on the top right of the DTML editing screen, and select the version to which you want to return.
  • Mr. Forman was engaged in editing a new edition of the "Bacchae," and was apt to be absent-minded in consequence. The Politeness of Princes and Other School Stories
  • oh, and all the editing, repagination, and revising. . .sigh. . . Archive 2009-04-12
  • President Clinton once complained privately that the Chinese leaders "pocketed" concessions instead of "crediting" them. Aspirational Economics 101
  • The courses set up by the Studio include computer graphic design, computer three-dimensional figure and animation, web page design, nonlinear video post-editing and others.
  • When films were taken out of these machines and projected on big screens, these strips were joined together and thus editing was born. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was the high school yearbook editor and many friends enlisted my editing skills prior to submitting their term papers. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • Hell, in my music editing class we used a Moviola for one of our projects even though we had access to Pro-Tools. What I really want to do is direct… « Awful Library Books
  • Digital images of stained material can be easily processed in various image-editing programs.
  • Once all the ingredients are assembled, making a film involves shooting scenes and editing them to create the final sensation.
  • Only idolatrous devotion could keep such brilliant minds from acknowledging the irrationality of crediting the blind force of nature with such teleological precision.
  • This is incorrect and was added during the editing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is very much about editing as savagely as you can while still leaving enough form. Times, Sunday Times
  • A: Is film editing a complicated job?
  • If he does this, I have no doubt that it will drastically improve my opinion of the direction, editing, and story.
  • I am subediting on an ongoing basis for Newsquest South London, tan-biz., and Babylon magazine (a bi-lingual Spanish and English youth magazine) News from
  • We all know how book blurbs and theatre notices can, by careful editing, turn critical comments into a rave review.
  • Computer Supported Cooperative Editing ( CSCE ) is one of the most important application fields in CSCW.
  • Consider GNU Readline, a library that was developed to provide command - line editing for BASH.
  • Awww ... can't handle it now that MSNBC is outfoxing Fox? the network had used "deceitful editing to further a media-manufactured story line is utterly misleading and irresponsible. White House step up criticism of NBC
  • Several committee members never saw the final version that emerged after government review and federal administrative editing.
  • Digital cameras and camcorders are well catered for, with installation wizards and simple editing software.
  • He was using the phrase "knowing nothing" in a broadly metaphysical sense, not as a way of discrediting science and scientific evidence, which he unequivocally supported. The Full Feed from
  • Behind the scenes, technical and promotions producers use digital multi-track editing facilities to create all the ‘extras ‘that make the programme sound so good.
  • But you might notice some editing - no doubt a few retakes were done after the performance.
  • It runs under Windows 3.0 and combines Axxiom's 700 series data systems with a mouse-driven graphic interface for programming and editing.
  • During editing I managed to slip in some clips from a Soviet film, The Fall of Berlin, to help frame the story.
  • The CIA never debriefed him on anything of strategic importance and tried to kill the interest others might have by discrediting him behind his back.
  • Our first test involved setting up a daily defragmentation scheduled on a workstation used daily by six different people for spot editing of research documents.
  • An assessment of the uniformity of animal manuring across the pasture should be made before crediting the returned nutrients to the entire pasture acreage.
  • Kelman reproduces it, with the cut portions in bold type, emphasising only what a good job was made of editing it.
  • I hope it's not the case that the NYT copy-editing guide has lost sight of this problem.
  • After 11 years editing the magazine I am moving to a new position at Forbes, as a writer, with the title investment strategies editor. PaidContent
  • Experience of subediting and production would be a distinct advantage. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • While my fellow committee members assisted me in editing the final work product, the body of the commentary was drafted by me and was to be attributed to me, but for some reason, that didn't occur. Finding Balance
  • It's the pre-edit draft, so, yeah, I've got all that lovely editing and copy-editing stuff to look forward to, as I get to argue everything from What do you mean most readers aren't familiar with the tradition that Thomas Didymos was Jesus's twin? IT'S DONE, I SAY! BY THE GODS, IT'S DONE!
  • I did all the little things that needed to be done in the editing room, like organizing all the trims.
  • Abetted by moody cinematography and crackerjack editing, it moves like a shot.
  • Editing a siddur is a lot more difficult and time consuming when you are researching and debating changes to the siddur instead of just printing the traditional hebrew text. Warning: Artscroll Women’s Siddur | Jewschool
  • BBC News has announced that Rod Liddle is moving on from editing the Today programme to work on a pilot for a new programme about politics for BBC TWO.
  • But note that not all image-editing software, social network sites, and photo-sharing websites, such as Facebook and Kodak's Gallery, have geotagging capabilities. First Look: Casio Exilim EX-H20G has novel geotagging features
  • Since the G9 is a new camera, and RAW files require a special plug-in for most image-editing software, I realized I would have to update the plug-in for Photoshop CS2, which is common when a new digital camera comes to market. Canon PowerShot G9: An SLR wannabe
  • However, editing a file that uses entities in this way is tedious and difficult at best.
  • So it must have been very clever what they call cutting or editing or some such veshch. Where's the show?
  • I have a good handle on the English language, and have had previous experience editing and copyreading other people's work.
  • She snagged it and hotfooted it to the editing facility. COURAGE AND CONSEQUENCE
  • In Hollywood, we shoot from different angles, or do coverage shots, so that we can change editing in post-production.
  • Some of these aspirations are based in the undeniable areas of overlap between writing, editing and design.
  • But the methodology is painstakingly punctilious due to the heavy editing involved.
  • There's probably plenty of good material in the archives here to fill several issues, but I'd hate the job of collating and editing it into some coherent form and crediting contributors.
  • That's an ambitious enterprise and, regrettably, the work is let down from achieving such divine afflatus by sloppy editing and far too many solecisms.
  • Much effort went into editing books. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some reason I could see only the spellchecker and the image upload buttons on the editing toolbar.
  • The physical work of writing and editing sermon outlines is no longer a chore. Christianity Today
  • There's a moment in writing presentations; you are dispassionately writing and editing point-form notes about the things you want to talk about, a kind of disjoint series of ideas that you know all fit together somehow, and you're really just playing with them to see how they fit, then you take a bit of time off to help someone on IRC and you come back to it. Planet Python
  • We all know how book blurbs and theatre notices can, by careful editing, turn critical comments into a rave review.
  • The battle sequences are so obscured by the editing - I believe the film was recut for classification purposes - that you haven't a clue who's doing what to whom.
  • The best solution is not "sanitization" (which people usually perform by blocking or editing out what THEY think are dangerous metacharacters) but proper encapsulation. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The function of the middle school Chinese textbook pictures has also been covered to illustrate the necessity of the picture editing and examining management as to the middle school Chinese textbooks.
  • It is an important step for more deepening reform and expediting market economy development to perfect credit institution and norm exchange act.
  • So no matter how different the media or formats you use, all of the work reflects a highly calibrated process of editing and refinement.
  • But courtesy and confirmation Kabuki prevented her from outright discrediting Roberts 'claim that the strike zone of the rulebook is the same as the strike zone of live play. Eric Liu: The Real Meaning of Balls and Strikes
  • Information management and data resource include such options such as file exchange, editing, Web browsing, and whiteboards (with image and PowerPoint functions).
  • Here comes a docu-drama that sails to its destination with such crisp editing and concise narration that you wonder what was the fuss all about!
  • How much selecting and editing was there? Times, Sunday Times
  • The project took over 50,000 man-hours, spread over six years and over 800 data entry and editing professionals.
  • Spurned wifie, following the iron laws of retribution, sells story to Mail, the paper of contempt for the Today-editing classes. Archive 2004-07-11
  • And beyond just the unusual premise of controlling little computer people as they live, work, make friends, make potty, and make "woohoo" (the game's euphemism for getting to know someone in the biblical sense), the console version will have extensive tools for editing content and sharing it online with your friends. GameSpot's Array News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • An accrediting group last year stripped the hospital of its ability to train aspiring surgeons and radiologists and recommended closing the neonatology training program. Medpundit
  • A weak story, tepid characters, a confusion of plots and, to top it all, some terrible editing make this one of the worst reads of the month.
  • The reporter also called the accrediting agencies twice, but no one answered. Record Article Feed
  • Using Latexian's Live Preview, you can see how your document typesets while you are editing it -- the PDF preview updates automatically! VersionTracker: Mac OS X
  • The edited photo can easily be 'rewound' back to its original state, regardless when or how much editing has taken place. VersionTracker: Mac OS X
  • Turner was primarily inspired by the processes of design and editing; he relished working with photographers.
  • When films were taken out of these machines and projected on big screens, these strips were joined together and thus editing was born. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the process of editing and using critical consultation, your first draft copy could disappear.
  • The idea of Boreal origins for both Gryphaea and Liostrea has to some extent been buttressed by discrediting or ignoring reports of occurrences of the genus in the Tethyan region in the Late Triassic.
  • The film is like a ceremony conjuring the dead, with the editing suite taking the place of the spiritualist's table.
  • Quick outlines and fast rough drafts save time and editing trauma.
  • I love to be edited if the editing is intelligent and I had about five good friends who were essential to the germination and progression of the book. A Conversation with Zadie Smith about On Beauty
  • No editing has been done to the photos except edge cutting, and rescaling.
  • The videotapes were digitized, and processed through a computer based non-linear video editing system.
  • The editing is splendid except for an inordinate number of misprints, especially in proper names and in foreign words.
  • His irritating pseudo-epilepsy stands out as one of several examples where the editing misdirects our attention to issues ancillary to the show.
  • Sir Max Hastings gave up editing after six years in charge of the Evening Standard to become, he said, once more an author of books and a mere contributor to newspapers.
  • And the Department of Education's quasi-governmental accrediting oversight body comprises many university presidents, including the provost of the University of Phoenix and the board chairman of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, a chief lobbying group for the for-profit college industry. Buying Legitimacy: How A Group Of California Executives Built An Online College Empire
  • The film show was followed by an open forum on editing techniques.
  • Editing these files is the most fun, but also the most time-consuming part of the process.
  • Second, Irdial's editing may have been sufficient ‘selection and arrangement’ to give rise to a copyright in the whole track, preventing wholesale verbatim copying.
  • Through the scene's plasticity and its magnificent editing mismatches, we clearly see that the event focuses all of Nick's anguish and suffering, giving a reality to his stupefaction.
  • Already the funds have left the shore of Australia to a European private Bank where the final crediting is expected to be carried out. Archive 2007-08-01
  • His editing job, however, is masterful, with dozens of full and partial conversations painting a dark societal picture bound to leave the most open of minds believing that western civilization really is careening down the dumper.
  • Many documentarians hide behind their cameras, editing out any trace of themselves from their finished product.
  • His editing is edgy, often favoring jump cuts and non-chronological constructions of scenes, for example intercutting glimpses of a fight with the conversation that preceded it.
  • It's what you call editing," Fernando Ruiz, who frequently addresses the commission, said Brownsville Herald :
  • The subject of the document is accrediting third parties to conduct inspections of eligible Class II and Class III medical device manufacturers.
  • His realism could involve a fair amount of tendentious editing, glib generalisation and manipulation of the evidence.
  • I've also noticed a higher level of anality in Wikipedia editing, quite aside from my own experience with the threat of deletion. Fighting Wikinomics
  • On-screen editing has become the norm for all student work.
  • This editing process allows her to experiment with new ideas and constantly refine her tastes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm yet to discover a way to convert a top to a body outfit/part, which would address the above problem partially, despite a few token efforts at file renaming (the .bmps exported are preceded with top~ or body~) and hex editing (the .package file refers to the file names it expects to find for the .bmps). Galactic North
  • Much effort went into editing books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most agents and editors will look at your e-pubbing history as meaning that you can complete a story and have some at least basic experience with the editing process and with promotions. E-publishing Credits, Help or Hinderance?
  • Video production editing, unstudious the payback overpoweringly, biquadratic, the deep rosmarinus, garner, interviewer, i hurricane profoundly artificially journalese your sustentation, i domestic britten all your buy gonadotropic skateboarder operator. Rational Review
  • She was thrilled by her visit and in no time she was cutting, dubbing, mixing and script editing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sixth, the sound editing pumps up the volume for the bad music, but leaves crucial dialogue barely audible.
  • After filming in Mexico wrapped, Rob spent up to 15 hours a day editing and looping hours of film.
  • That said, editing in the old-fashioned way - with cursor keys - is probably quicker anyway, and works just as well.
  • Since the lab notebook is handwritten "on the fly, "there is little chance for editing. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • To say that The Fellowship of the Ring boasts astonishing art direction, smart editing, and any number of fantastic ‘cinematic’ vestitures should not take away from the economy and proficiency of its screenplay.
  • It would be nice if the software permitted a "pushpin" feature to keep the comments thread displayed after editing / posting. Headlines
  • The editing functions are also handy, offering a range of useful tools.
  • It's the first phase in my experiment of editing a dense piece of academic print text for the Web, and I actually posted it at the end of April, but only mentioned it in passing.
  • For him, music is still everywhere in the world, and the whole business of philosophy only as it were the correct editing of it: as it will be the whole business of the state to repress, in the great concert, the jarring self-assertion (pleonexia) + of those whose voices have large natural power in them. Plato and Platonism
  • Although he continued to write and narrate the films, he was no longer calling the shots in the editing room or with corporate sponsors.
  • That prompted Bridgepoint executives to announce their intention to seek separate accreditation with a west coast regional accrediting body, given that the number of employees in San Diego vastly outweighs the number in Iowa. Buying Legitimacy: How A Group Of California Executives Built An Online College Empire
  • Premiere is a powerhouse of tools for editing your video giving you the equivalent of a studio full of traditional equipment only a few years ago.
  • With the fast-forward editing and narration flubs gracing the final cut, it seems like you were trying to mirror the intensity of skating.
  • Because of an editing error, an article on Thursday about British prewar intelligence on Iraq misstated the location cited by President Bush in his State of the Union address when he talked about Iraqi efforts to acquire uranium.
  • The unwanted bits would be cut out and the loose ends pasted together with special transparent editing tape. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Their paranoia is discrediting them, burning bridges, and hurting us.
  • Rather than employing digital trickery or using the old-fashioned method of re-editing, he elected to blot out the offending material by a huge red block.
  • It is very much about editing as savagely as you can while still leaving enough form. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overall, it's the synergy of camerawork, editing and actor-led characters that make One For The Road so good.
  • There was a site on the Internet where you could download free audio-editing software.
  • It continues to be the week of 6,000-word copyediting jobs and deadlines. Secret ice skating
  • Telephones were left unanswered, and the studios and editing suites were invaded by heavy men with humourless faces. THE SCAR
  • In the future, please try to leave the copywriting and editing to the copywriters and editors.
  • And when the writing ends, there is the editing, and the responding to copyreaders, and more revisions, keeping one from moving on to the next writing project.
  • And remember: No editing allowed, even if you’re coming off a deeply dubious "Macarena"-"Mambo No. 5" double-header! IPod Inspection: What were the last five songs you played? |
  • A few mistakes always creep in during the editing process.
  • Apart from these features, RDA also supports the building and editing of DML statements using the SQL builder.
  • This retrospective editing of something as well known as Oliver Twist makes all social liberalism appear ridiculous. Times, Sunday Times
  • This comprehensive understanding is often the best defense in maintaining skin integrity, controlling costs, and expediting the healing process.
  • Editing is the process of creating meaning horizontally along a timeline from beginning to end, by placing and sequencing images next to each other in a specific order.
  • Improved computer-editing proceedings have been developed and implemented in the surveillance system which identify measurements that may contain errors.

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