How To Use Ecumenic In A Sentence

  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • At 6.30 pm there will be an ecumenical service of thanksgiving for the Flower Festival.
  • The Church, concludes the ecumenical patriarch, which by its educational activities instructed the people of God in revealed truth through the centuries, owes much to these schools of human thought, which contributed to man's intellectual and spiritual development, drawing him away from useless preservationism. Spero News
  • It was the first ecumenical meeting on poverty that helped to lay down the groundwork for future church coalitions.
  • Unlike the "caucus" threads, the article and reply posts of an "ecumenic" thread can discuss more than one belief, but antagonism is not tolerable. Latest Articles
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  • He played a very important role in the emergence and furtherance of ecumenical teaching and thought.
  • If the article is inappropriate for an ecumenic discussion, the tag will be changed to open. Latest Articles
  • Church relations were tentative and the ecumenical movement was still in its early stages. A Channel of Peace
  • Perhaps the most ecumenically minded Catholic independent schools are the twenty-one members of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, and many Jesuit schools also have substantial non-Catholic enrollments.
  • Mehmet II, who collected Christian relics and occasionally watched a Christian service, even revived the Oecumenical patriarchate, the senior see of Orthodox Christianity.
  • Christian spirituality provides many opportunities for ecumenical sharing.
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Council of Trent was the 18th oecumenical council of the Church, assembled at Trent, a town in the Austrian Tyrol, and sat, with certain interruptions, from December 13, 1545, until December 4, The Philippine Islands
  • Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez prays during an ecumenic ceremony for his health and cancer treatment in Caracas - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 3; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = rev-astrid-storm; entry_id = 334819; anglicans = 1; catholic-church = 1; ecumenical = 1; ecumenism = 1; episcopal-church = 1; gay-priests = 1; homophobia = 1; liberal-protestant = 1; pope-benedict = 1; religion = 1; rowan-williams = 1; women-priests = 1"; if (top! Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
  • Habitat for Humanity International, founded in 1976, is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
  • Whatever the balance between denominational separatism and ecumenical togetherness, between theological rigor and theological vacuity, America was clearly a very religious place in the 1950s. American Grace
  • It is an ecumenical problem that affects all churches around the globe.
  • It is all being inspired by a political leader who dramatises his belief in the unjustness of his prosecution by staying in a prison cell, ecumenically reading holy books and praying with pastors.
  • As part of Salute the Veterans activities, vets also attended a reception at Old Parliament House, ecumenical services and reunion dinners.
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Still, it must be remembered that the truly ecumenical councils of the first millennium produced great and charismatic saints to guide the church.
  • Unlike his predecessor, who was seen as ecumenical, Benedict is seen as a sectarian who will not reach out to other religions.
  • Down the road in the other direction is L' Arche, an ecumenical Catholic charity that does much good work for mentally challenged adults.
  • The Methodist Church has supported ecumenical efforts from its earliest beginnings.
  • Our involvement in various ecumenical dialogues during recent decades has inevitably raised the question of ecumenically accepted texts and their effects upon our own traditions.
  • We will strive to be non-sectarian and ecumenical, and our pages are open to a wide range of political views, a commitment to pluralism reflected in our advisory editorial board.
  • This is an ecumenical event when musical Christians of different traditions will join in singing God's praise to the best of their ability.
  • United prayer meetings, ecumenical fellowship and common worship events blur doctrinal differences for the sake of their particular cause.
  • It might seem strange to open a reflection on Pope Benedict XVI's recent missionary journey to Britain by flagging an initiative by people not normally admitted to the ecumenical tent, but in reality the pope's visit seems to have pre-empted this venture ... or is it a move of the Holy Spirit? The UK One Month After Benedict
  • The remains of up to 20 bodies that were accidentally dug up by a mechanical digger working in a graveyard near Rathangan were reinterred at a special ecumenical service last week.
  • They were dogs that had not the karma of household pets, or strays at the pound, but that of the seekers of ecumenical truth.
  • There were three or four others, Methodistic in doctrine and discipline, who were recognized as eligible for the Ecumenical Methodist Conference.
  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • His ecumenical disposition tends toward the latitudinarian, although he has clarified that he does think there may still be church-dividing differences between Catholics and Lutherans.
  • The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.
  • Church relations were tentative and the ecumenical movement was still in its early stages. A Channel of Peace
  • But it means that there is at least the possibility of a twofold ecclesial reality in view in the middle distance: that is, a 'covenanted' Anglican global body, fully sharing certain aspects of a vision of how the Church should be and behave, able to take part as a body in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue; and, related to this body, but in less formal ways with fewer formal expectations, there may be associated local churches in various kinds of mutual partnership and solidarity with one another and with 'covenanted' provinces. Communion, Covenant and our Anglican Future
  • The ecumenical movement is the formal endeavor by Christians to achieve unity in the face of denominational differences.
  • This encounter with what was then an optimistic ecumenical movement led him to be ordained as an Anglican. Times, Sunday Times
  • zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = rev-astrid-storm; entry_id = 334819; anglicans = 1; catholic-church = 1; ecumenical = 1; ecumenism = 1; episcopal-church = 1; gay-priests = 1; homophobia = 1; liberal-protestant = 1; pope-benedict = 1; religion = 1; rowan-williams = 1; women-priests = 1", Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
  • So began the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • ecumenical activities
  • It is not my use of the term ecumenical - I already admitted that I only used that term out of pure orneryness. SbcIMPACT life :: theology :: church :: ministry :: missions :: worship
  • `Scrupulously undenominational: a sublimation of the ecumenical spirit of our age. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • It stressed the need to work ecumenically to help the churches to overcome their lack of funds and professional expertise.
  • the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time
  • Since 1975 the material for the week has been prepared by ecumenical groups in different countries.
  • Less than a hundred days into his pontificate, the new Pope John XXIII startled most of the world by announcing his intention to convoke an ecumenical council.
  • I think most people expect that Mr. Obama will be viewed in ecumenical circles as the most genuine, faithful candidate in the race. Obama meets with religious leaders behind closed doors
  • the first seven councils through 787 are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church
  • This dictionary is marked by a profound ecumenical sensitivity, especially with regard to Roman Catholics.
  • It's a really friendly ecumenical church with about equal numbers of students and ‘normal’ people!
  • It is an ecumenical project involving different local churches.
  • Nigeria, Ukraine, New Zealand and Germany were among the countries represented by an ecumenical group who stayed in the centre for the New Year.
  • When the Bull of convocation and the Bull appointing the conciliary legates were read, Cardinal del Monte declared the ecumenical council opened, and appointed 7 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • A group of ecumenically inclined Jewish and Catholic scholars, who read an early script of the movie, complained about its historical anachronisms and potential for reanimating the slander of deicide against the Jewish people.
  • The Queen marked her Golden Jubilee yesterday with the first-ever ecumenical church service at St George's Chapel, Windsor.
  • In 1996 he was appointed OBE for services to the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The post-war ecumenical movement: good but ineffective. The Times Literary Supplement
  • a teaching presbyter, and consisting in her judicative capacity of kirk-sessions, in subordination to presbyteries; of presbyteries, in subordination to provincial synods; of provincial synods, in subordination to national; and national to ecumenical assemblies, or general councils. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • And indeed it was revealed immediately to the hegumen that this person whom he had assigned the task of animal care, who also had to carry firewood from the forest, the Niphon the Ecumenical Patriarch who long ago had been one of the brotherhood of the monastery. Word from the Desert
  • -- OED ochlophobic ephemera: ABC & EP on abortion, seminaries, the thoughts of the dead, usual ochlophobic topics ... this opinion piece by ABC Williams does not articulate what I would consider by any means a sufficiently strong and clear stand against abortion, it strikes me as closer to a pro-life position than anything I have heard from the Ecumenical Patriarch on the issue, and strikes me as a more coherent position than the one articulated by +Bartholomew which was noted in Nearly identical in tone and spirit [to a statement made by an Armenian bishop], and lack of any clear, prophetic teaching are statements made by His Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople when he visited San Francisco in 1990 as the metropolitan of Chalcedon as part of the entourage of the then Patriarch Dimitrios of blessed memory. The Ochlophobist
  • But ecumenically-minded Christians start with the assumption that Christians with different ideas are just as committed to Christ as they are. 2008 Election
  • Sending or lending married pastors to Catholic churches is a generous ecumenical gesture.
  • The local mosque's oecumenical affairs debating team? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I could not conceive of him saying, “Our generation has an obligation to use these new forms of communication to create a common mind-set that can bridge the chasm between the failed orders of market capitalism and totalitarianism and the coming age of postpolitical ecumenicism.” EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • This brought together students and theologians from many churches to foster ecumenical understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the english version of the "Gloria", they lost the meaning of this verse: "Peace to His people on earth" is less... ecumenic than "on earth peace to men of good will". Archive 2006-09-01
  • It does not contradict any ecumenical councils or definitions of the faith.
  • This resource brings together ecumenically and academically diverse preachers, each of whom the church recognizes for their homiletic skills.
  • Dunn is a Roman Catholic ecumenical author, who writes for the pluralistic contemporary Christian Church.
  • The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.
  • The oecumenical territory is divided into 100 eparchies or dioceses (83 metropolitans and 17 bishops). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • We must not forget, however, that there were also bishops elsewhere who conducted a so-called oecumenical correspondence and enjoyed great influence, as, e.g., History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
  • The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.
  • In any case, he feels at home in ecumenical surroundings. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am happy to be ecumenical in my outlook on this great day of rejoicing.
  • If those who elect this model do not take official roles in the ecumenical interchanges and processes in which the 'covenanted' body participates, this is simply because within these processes there has to be clarity about who has the authority to speak for whom. Communion, Covenant and our Anglican Future
  • But why would the Vatican make such claims after three decades of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue?
  • It also provides an alibi for the failure of contemporary leaders to create a postimperial version of the ecumenical state. The Great Experiment
  • At the third ecumenical council in Ephesus in the year 431, there was a big controversy over whether Mary should get the title Theotokos or Christotokos.
  • Church relations were tentative and the ecumenical movement was still in its early stages. A Channel of Peace
  • A number of the principles have roots in ecumenical agreements that date back more than 50 years, noted Dr. Kinnamon, a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister and professor at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. Chuck Currie:
  • The Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate then accompanied His Beatitude and His entourage to the Conrad Hotel, where they will be staying for the duration of their visit.
  • The bandsmen also accompanied an ecumenical service for the Tall Ship's Crews at which a large contingent of young Russian sailors paid a special tribute to the crew of the Kursk.
  • Sending or lending married pastors to Catholic churches is a generous ecumenical gesture.
  • In 1996 he was appointed OBE for services to the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • We cannot do something contrary to an ecumenical council. Christianity Today
  • THE WRITING of this study was occasioned by a specific event relevant to today's interchurch or ecumenical relations and their evident conflict with the authentic ecclesiastical tradition of the Prophets, the Apostles and our Fathers and Mothers throughout the ages. Orrologion
  • But the highest victory of great power is that of self-restraint, and it would be a beneficent result of this memorable meeting, this oecumenical council of the press, if it taught us all -- the brethren of this mighty priesthood -- that mutual knowledge of each other which should modify prejudices, restrain acerbity of thought and expression, and tend in some degree to bring in that blessed time -- Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
  • This brought together students and theologians from many churches to foster ecumenical understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Cardinal he always spoke out against futile oecumenical endeavours, even if he could have done so more forcefully. The return of the Sedia Gestatoria?
  • The Bible goes to great lengths to confirm God's disdain for society's self - ruling ecumenical pursuits.
  • ecumenical thinking
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • An immersion experience at the Irish School of Ecumenics offers theological study, a European view of ecumenism, and insight into the possibilities and pitfalls of conciliative efforts.
  • Some ecumenical women's programs fall under familiar rubrics such as the environment, literacy and education, and women's health and sexuality.
  • The fear of Rome was heightened by ecumenical conversations at Malines between Anglo-Catholic and Roman Catholic representatives from 1921-5. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This encounter with what was then an optimistic ecumenical movement led him to be ordained as an Anglican. Times, Sunday Times
  • Various ecumenical councils were convened where the bishops from different regions met and discussed liturgical and doctrinal matters.
  • One way to address the problem would be to replace an ecumenism of theological dialogues with an ecumenism of ecumenical practical cooperation.
  • Laypeople need to better articulate how they balance being Catholic and being ecumenical.
  • An ecumenical spirit inspired Catholics to break down the fences that separated them from people of other religious traditions.
  • A proof of the broad intent and oecumenical consciousness of this infant College appears in the fact that its Medical Department, which alone numbers ten professors and five hundred students, allows the option of one of four languages in the thesis required for the medical degree. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  •   He's Haitian, and he was a hairdresser who served the Protestant elite of New York, so he's a three-fer; black, aesthetical and ecumenical. Handicapping the Saints
  • Habitat for Humanity International, founded in 1976, is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
  • What is their new vision of the ecumenical future, and can it be accommodated within the old wineskins of denominationalism?
  • The latest addition to the modest skyline ... the ecumenical church.
  • Since the early 1960s, many Catholics at all levels of the church have taken an ecumenical turn.
  • Some observers, ranging ecumenically from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page to Islamofascist cheerleader George Soros, blame Ben Bernanke and his crew for irresponsibly expanding the money supply. Stromata Blog:
  • She was ordained in 1997 in the Diocese of London where in addition to her parish duties she served as Secretary of the ecumenical body Churchlink West London and as an alternate succentor at St Paul's Cathedral. Archbishop's new Secretary for Anglican Communion Affairs
  • We cannot do something contrary to an ecumenical council. Christianity Today
  • We cannot do something contrary to an ecumenical council. Christianity Today
  • In a style that is more down-to-earth and oecumenical than Brouwer's, Heyting presents the intuitionistic versions of various basic subjects in everyday mathematics. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
  • Inevitably this debate is important for non-Roman Christians and thus has serious ecumenical implications.
  • Encouraged by these developments, we rejoice in a greater measure of common catechesis based on Scripture and the ecumenical creeds that we share.
  • The latest addition to the modest skyline ... the ecumenical church.
  • I call the rosary "ecumenical", since the prayers and "miracles" are either directly from the Bible or are derived from the Bible. Christians Promoting...Christianity? And Christmas?!
  • The re-establishment of the Bulgarian Patriarchy was opposed by the Ecumenical Patriarchy as it did not happen according to the canonical order.
  • That strikes ecumenically-minded Christians as utterly backwards. 2008 Election
  • I spent 1978 in Liberia learning firsthand about the ecumenical church of Jesus Christ.
  • In many churches this ecumenical thrust is being fueled by a counterfeit of the charismatic gifts of the early church.
  • This past weekend, Swenson and her peers gathered in the hills of Berkeley, Calif., for the first National Transgender Religious Summit at the Pacific School of Religion, an ecumenical seminary that prepares students for ordination in the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church and the Disciples of Christ. Gender And The Pulpit
  • For decades, the two churches have held theological discussions on trying to reunite, part of the Vatican's broader, long-term ecumenical effort to unify all Christians who have separated from Rome over the centuries. WBAY Action 2 News
  • Church of England in 1992, produced "rancour" rather than "warmer ecumenical relations". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • This encounter with what was then an optimistic ecumenical movement led him to be ordained as an Anglican. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apart from these current issues, Muslim ulemas could in any case consult the passing dicta of Williams on Christian-Muslim relations and the Islamic conception of God, which are eclectic-cum-ecumenical only up to a point.
  • The weekend drew to a close with an ecumenical service in the chapel of Woodlock House which was given to the Sisters of Cluny by the Malcomsons in the early 20th Century.
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Scrupulously undenominational: a sublimation of the ecumenical spirit of our age. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • In Downton, Churches Together staged a march of witness through the village, ending up at the Baptist Church for an ecumenical service.
  • He called the first ecumenical church council in 325 to make doctrine uniform throughout the empire.
  • A sense of shared generic or “Judeo-Christian,” a term invented in this period values began to emerge, and in institutional terms the ecumenical movement gathered steam. American Grace
  • If we assume 10% of those same-sex couples were Anglican, that means that the Anglican Church of Canada is about to alienate itself from the world wide Anglican Communion, jeopardise ecumenical relations with all other conservative denominations, drive out the orthodox from its midst, and continue its Gadarene plunge into oblivion for the sake of 0.00083% of the population. How many gay people actually want to get married in an Anglican church? « Anglican Samizdat
  • He wanted to reform the Roman Catholic Church, and he actually had a much more basic ecumenical view of the church.
  • The Second Ecumenical Council's classification of heretics into those in need of baptism and those in need of Chrismation, however, was based, according to our writers, on a specific ecclesiological and canonical assumption. Orrologion
  • The Nicene Creed, drafted by an 'oecumenical' conference of bishops under the auspices of Constantine himself, [1] was the last notable formulation of Ancient Greek philosophy. The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • This reading is only reinforced when our Holy Father kisses the Koran and oecumenical "dialogue" avoids "polemics" in favor of highlighting truths held in common. CONFIRMED
  • Forster reflected the position on papal primacy taken by the Anglican - Roman Catholic International Commission for ecumenical dialogue.
  • The site will not only highlight news about local churches but also about the ecumenical movement and the important social justice causes our denomination is involved with. United Church News Blog
  • Even when we celebrate the sacraments in our separate denominational settings, we are doing very ecumenical things.
  • And the New Tories are heavily dependent on Demos, one of several continuity organisations created out of the ruins of the Communist Party of Great Britain, though whose founding director, Geoff Mulgan, is ecumenically a veteran Trotskyist. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • This prayer has led churches and Christian traditions into ecumenical endeavors and a resolve to work toward some kind of unity.
  • One of the more helpful renamed entries is ‘Daily Prayer’ rather than ‘Canonical Hours,’ a change that reflects both current usage and a more ecumenically friendly approach to the topic.
  • Most of the Reformed churches would accept the teachings of the ecumenical councils of the first millennium.
  • The indigenous media need more than ever to promote lasting peace with justice, through ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.
  • This is going to be related to our ecumenical commitment.
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this new era of corporate communications, companies will have to hire and train people with the skills and talent needed to getting a message across far more ecumenically than ever before necessary, using multiple channels that might include social networking media. How To Make The Best Of 'Say On Pay'
  • For a whole generation he has also been a leading figure in ecumenical work. The Nobel Peace Prize 1946 - Presentation Speech
  • Tria sunt praecipua quae nominantur oecumenica, sive universalia et authentica, id est, habentia auctoritatem et non indigentia demonstratione aut probatione, videlicet Symbolum Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Our ecumenical outreach was limited, and I don't remember visits to our home by Jewish rabbis or Catholic priests.
  • But the faith of the Church is that when the Church meets in an ecumenical council, it is doing so under the guidance of the Spirit.
  • No ancora peggio, dal Food Magazine che esce ogni mese col don't worry, sono ecumenica, e c'ho anche il Cucchiaio d'Argento. So many achievements!
  • Now it is necessary to call for a broad-based ecumenical council addressing the issue of sexual misconduct in the church.
  • Tuesday visited the ecumenical patriarchate, which is our headquarters, and when we had a cup of coffee in my office, he asked me, 'Do you think you will leave this country some day sooner or later and go somewhere else' in order to serve the ecumenical mission under better conditions? Hurriyet Dailynews
  • [256] Daniel calls it, a not giving of the kingdom to another people, Dan.ii. 44; -- not that oecumenical kingdom which he hath with his Father, as king of nations; but that oeconomical kingdom which he hath by dispensation from his Father, as king of saints. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Basic texts for the liturgy were translated by ecumenical committees for use in the various churches.
  • A former Presbyterian moderator, he is noted for his hardline views and refuses to attend ecumenical services that include Catholic priests.
  • None of this interfaith ecumenicism, no germ-spreading hand-shaking in the middle of the ceremony, no walks for understanding with everyone carrying a bottle of Evian, the bottled water whose name is "naive" spelled backwards. Banging My Head Against the Garage Door of Religion
  • The relation between Christology and pneumatology has been an important element of contemporary ecumenical discussion especially between eastern and western Christians.
  • Wyoming aboriginals abortions anarchism annoucements anonymous donors apologetics apparitions armed conflict baby bonus bureaucracy canon law chocolate civility commercialism conferences congress consciousness contaception dementia divorce domestic abuse drought ecumenicism enemies evolution ex-gay feasts fertility fun hisotry language politics library literature male-bashing masculinism nationalism organ donation petitions podcast political prisoners prostitution questionnaires safe haven suffering surrogacy technology Surprisingly favourable blogpost at the Washington Post
  • The WCC is an ecumenical body which represents 337 Protestant churches.
  • The Kerala church has received messages of condolence from churches and ecumenical organizations around the world. Christianity Today
  • The passage should be considered historical fact and a legitimate subject for an ecumenic discussion. Latest Articles
  • The biopsychosocial model, as this something-for-everyone approach came to be known, seems as obvious and unobjectionable as any other ecumenical view. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • A useful benchmark is the remarkable ecumenical venture by the Roman Catholic agency, Aid to the Church in Need.
  • Among other things, that council forbade any attempt to "add" to the ecumenical creed of 381; and historically, the the filioque is the only candidate for such addition. The filioque V: replies to objections
  • This pattern continued in the early ecumenical councils, especially Nicaea.
  • It was part of an ecumenical Christian conference on the Palestinian issue in late February.
  • The councils insisted on their definitions being accepted under pain of anathema, while St. Athanasius, for example, says that "the word of the Lord pronounced by the ecumenical synod of Nicaea stands for ever" (Ep. ad Afros, n. 2) and St. Leo the Great proves the unchangeable character of definitive conciliar teaching on the ground that God has irrevocably confirmed its truth "universae fraternitatis irretractabili firmavit assensu" (Ep. 120, 1). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • It was decided that the text should be shown to the ecumenical observers at the council and that their reactions to it would be solicited.
  • The goodly object of his ecumenic imperialism, therefore, was to carry out the moral idea of Christianity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Second, the patriarchate would have to sever its affiliations with international ecumenical organizations, particularly with the World Council of Churches.
  • Pointing to the image of Christ crucified with his arms stretched out, he called the ecumenical body to take on that same "inclusive" image, embracing everybody and sharing God's gifts with all. Clerical Whispers
  • Therefore "anti" posters must not try to finesse the guidelines by asking loaded questions, using inflammatory taglines, gratuitous quote mining or trying to slip in an "anti" or "ex" article under the color of the "ecumenic" tag. Latest Articles
  • the ecumenical movement
  • It's as if the Catholic Church created a very clever way to get everyone back into the fold, where their prior ecumenical movements failed (I think I'll write a conspiracy short story wherein the Protestants get "singularized" by Marianism or Marianology or whatever it is really called). Mary in the margins
  • This poses an uncomfortable dilemma for theologically liberal Christians like those of us you can still find in non-credal or heterodox denominations: Do we have a way to engage in ecumenical dialogue anymore, especially when our denominations are not set up to make truth claims or negotiate them with other denominations? Philocrites: Anglicans turn UK Unitarians out of cathedral.
  • Though they are Presbyterian, they are very ecumenical, especially towards Catholics.
  • Four of them were presented at an ecumenical symposium sponsored by St. John's College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, in November 2000, the quatercentenary of Hooker's death.
  • The exchange is open to anybody and participants will visit a milk factory, attend an official dinner dance and an ecumenical church service.
  • This brought together students and theologians from many churches to foster ecumenical understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this new consciousness is taken seriously, it has to lead to the establishment of inter-church organs for synodical and ecumenical discussion and consultation.
  • The Council has been returned to financial stability and has reclaimed its place as a prophetic ecumenical voice heeding Christ's call to serve the least among us, Edgar said. National Council of Churches
  • When hostility has broken out on an "ecumenic" thread, I'll be looking for the source. Latest Articles
  • At some point you can accept 'One True Faith' or you can embrace 'Ecumenicalism' but these are fundamentally unreconcilable. Mysterious Dirty Tricks Mailer Reminds South Carolinians About Romney's Mormonism
  • In 1996 he was appointed OBE for services to the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the Reformed churches would accept the teachings of the ecumenical councils of the first millennium.
  • So began the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ceiling is painted with frescos, among which the four larger - sized depict the ecumenical councils.
  • These different views as to the nature of the church represent the most challenging subject in ecumenical discussion.
  • This resource brings together ecumenically and academically diverse preachers, each of whom the church recognizes for their homiletic skills.
  • The ecumenical movement is the formal endeavor by Christians to achieve unity in the face of denominational differences.
  • So began the ecumenical movement. Times, Sunday Times

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