
  1. violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists
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How To Use ecoterrorism In A Sentence

  • The FBI is telling 10 cities to be on alert for possibly ecoterrorism today.
  • The siege on the drilling platform connected to the ecoterrorism in State of Fear, but the whole “This is from the future to tell us not to screw up the planet” bit was just lame. Andromeda Strain: Part Two Review : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • Immediately, the label of ecoterrorism appeared in news stories describing the actions of the Earth Liberation Front.
  • A quick Google search of ‘Sierra Club ecoterrorism’ produces plenty of pages showing the Sierra Club's consistent denunciation of ecoterrorism.
  • On March 22, 2002, the Center for Consumer Freedom sent a long letter to the House subcommittee investigating ecoterrorism.
  • He said the legislation which he introduced last week is necessary because fear of ecoterrorism is palpable in the research community.
  • ARENA (voice-over): As this upscale Colorado ski resort burned to the ground in 1988, the term ecoterrorism gained national attention. CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2006
  • Last January, the FBI held a symposium in California on ecoterrorism.
  • The bill would make ecoterrorism punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
  • OpEdNews - Article: ACTION ALERT: Stop PA Governor from signing "ecoterrorism" bill ACTION ALERT: Stop PA Governor from signing "ecoterrorism" bill
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