How To Use Eclair In A Sentence
èclaircissement, explanation, declaration. eilding, fuel. empressement, eagerness. en croupe, behind the saddle. enfant trouvè, foundling. es spuckt do it haunts there. et puis, and then. ex cathedra, from the chair; with authority. exorciso te, I exorcise thee.
Brian's no sooner plopped himself down on the sofa and doffed his designer sunglasses than he starts making trouble by helping himself to the chocolate eclairs that Michael bought especially for his outing with Dr. Dave.
InaneChessGod: "dreamlife of angels"? claireclaire1121: its ok. but does it scare you ... wayless?
Eratoasis Diary Entry
He took the class lead when he rode his mount, Éclair, to a penalty-free ride in 54.582 seconds.
I finished the lot, plus most of a giant chocolate eclair the size of a meatloaf.

It is a relatively small price to pay, however, for the abundance of cheap beer, divine chocolate eclairs and great restaurants he enjoys throughout Sofia.
After Chimera made it 2-0, Ovechkin skated up the left wing to the top of the circle, his hard shot eluding Leclaire.
A plateful of sinful chocolate eclairs sitting on the countertop were trying hard to call my name, flirting with my sweet tooth by offering promises of oozing cream and a sugary chocolate fondant topping.
He selects an éclair, a napoleon, and a couple of tartlets that look appealing.
To think that there once was a time when real bakeries were actually competing to make the best kuchen or eclair. (sigh)
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lochner v. New York as a Test Case
She was lying flat on her back, her angular hipbones further reproaching Moira's éclair.
We took your advice and went out to Downtown Puteax, a part of te Paris conurbation at La Defense and bought some artisanally cured ham, a bagette of extraordinary quality, some fresh and sweet cherry tomatoes, some incredible cheese, mayonaisse made with extra virgin olive oil and that will see us through the day with a bit of red wine and an eclair.
I Love Paris in the Summer When it Drizzles
Vous avez donc compris que stressant a mort je dors avec ma lumiere principale celle de mon bureau et celle de ma table de chevet allumées ainsi que ma tele ... qui n'a pas vraiment de son mais j'eclaire ma chambre et je lui donne du mouvement!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
They were like eclairs with a marzipan, instead of a fondant, topping.
Since chocolate eclairs taste much better than broccoli, realizing that we still like broccoli may give it a fighting chance.
After that I shall no doubt eat a fresh cream chocolate eclair.
We took your advice and went out to Downtown Puteax, a part of te Paris conurbation at La Defense and bought some artisanally cured ham, a bagette of extraordinary quality, some fresh and sweet cherry tomatoes, some incredible cheese, mayonaisse made with extra virgin olive oil and that will see us through the day with a bit of red wine and an eclair.
I Love Paris in the Summer When it Drizzles
All my co-workers, I bet, have sat at these tables at night, ordering platefuls of éclairs and perhaps even glasses of the cognac and champagne whose golden labels gleam behind the counter.
A Mountain of Crumbs
We took your advice and went out to Downtown Puteax, a part of te Paris conurbation at La Defense and bought some artisanally cured ham, a bagette of extraordinary quality, some fresh and sweet cherry tomatoes, some incredible cheese, mayonaisse made with extra virgin olive oil and that will see us through the day with a bit of red wine and an eclair.
I Love Paris in the Summer When it Drizzles
Au revoir, too, to éclairs, choux buns and meringues, but – and this might be controversial – I'll be relieved to be free of the tyranny of the croissant.
OK, if the French play up, the croissant gets it | Alex Clark
Gustave III, roi de Suède, était un despote éclairé et aimait
French Conversation and Composition
Eclair's writing is spiteful and vindictive, her agenda unreconstructed and male.
Megan believes that national health insurance will give the government license to decide that we can never really want a second chocolate eclair.
Balloon Juice » 2009 » July
The eclair was a two bite treat, just enough to leave an impression on my mind before I devoured it.
Archive 2005-03-01
It is a relatively small price to pay, however, for the abundance of cheap beer, divine chocolate eclairs and great restaurants he enjoys throughout Sofia.
My favourite is the chocolate eclairs, although the brownies were also good.
I will be posting an itinerary shortly so that you can all plan your weekend around coming and supporting us in our efforts by bringing gifts of vodka and chocolate eclairs.
As the university's famous jazz ensemble entertained, guests sampled sushi, shrimp, cheeses, fruit, sandwiches, eclairs and other desserts.
The heaving fruit bowl, the waiting at the school gates and the planned attempt to master meringues are concerted efforts by Eclair to squeeze into the good mum role.
I hear now she was the Eclaireur, the stern-wheeler which runs up and down the Ogowe in connection with the Chargeurs Reunis Company, subsidised by the Government, and when the Move whistled, she was just completing taking on 3,000 billets of wood for fuel.
Travels in West Africa
She got an immediate image in her mind of a fat woman in a fleece with a scowl on her face and a chocolate eclair poised halfway into her gob.
The Priest
Plied with not just croissants, but also pains au chocolat, eclairs and elegant little cakes, the Virgos recount the tale that has secured them a footnote in British political history.
I saw you sneaking two eclairs with your cup of black coffee.
For dessert they selected a chocolate eclair with vanilla ice cream.
I bought a delicious palmier, brioche, a jam pastry, sausage puffs, an éclair, a dozen cookies, a bag of shortbread for my mom and a bag of pastry cheese twists.
Bon Ton Pastry, Sun Sui Wah & Tojo’s « I HEART BACON
He selects an éclair, a napoleon, and a couple of tartlets that look appealing.
There are bagels and muffins, chocolate chip cookies, eclairs, tarts, Danish pastries, baklavas and quiches.
one who cleans and restores and sometimes ruins old pictures"; Pict: "one of an ancient people of obscure affinities, in Britain, esp. north-eastern Scotland; in Scottish folklore, one of a dwarfish race of underground dwellers, to whom (with the Romans, the Druids and Cromwell) ancient monuments are generally attributed"; perpetrate: "to execute or commit (esp. an offence, a poem, or a pun)"; and eclair: "... long in shape but short in duration.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
Yesterday I found that anaerobe cultures were being received by some one in the Belleclaire, and --
The Treasure-Train
J'ai entendu un des hommes de loi les plus éclairés, et dont à tout autre égard les opinions sont libérales, soutenir que "ce serait attenter à _la propriété_ que de déclarer libres même les enfans à naître des femmes esclaves, parce que, disait-il, les maîtres qui out acheté ou hérité des esclaves, les possèdent dans la confiance que leur _issue_ sera leur propriété utile et disponible.
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
She was lying flat on her back, her angular hipbones further reproaching Moira's éclair.
Will local bakeries that produce buns and chocolate eclairs be affected?
InaneChessGod: well-it was "wayless" -- his diaryland name. he left a note claireclaire1121: ohhhh claireclaire1121: i like people knowing too, but i'm always not sure claireclaire1121: like i'm saying things, but then something can switch inside me so fast. and then it's out there.
Eratoasis Diary Entry
Step into any boulangerie, that neighborhood bakery, for the simple snacks, the croissant, brioche and éclairs, the everyday treats, and though simpler indeed they are as elegant and fussy as their more sophisticated siblings.
Jamie Schler: When Simple Banana Bread Becomes Exotic (a recipe)
Had we the time and the sweet tooth we could have ordered a confection from the counter, anything from a Chester cake to an eclair to a scone with jam and butter.
It provides the classic container for cream fillings in such pastries as cream puffs profiteroles and éclairs, and also makes such savory bites as cheese-flavored gougàres and deep-fried beignets, whose lightness inspired the name pets de nonne, “nun’s farts.”
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Gibbons draws a viable enough distinction between the intricate formalism of Perec's fiction and the "expansiveness" of Pynchon, Wallace, and Vollmann (whose work might be more accurately characterized by what Tom LeClair has called the "art of excess"), but I wonder about the utility of of attributing these differences to national or geographical qualities -- "commensurate with the open spaces and endless distances of our continent.
Art and Culture
Machiavel, qui aimait la liberté d'une manière éclairée, savait que les hommes, qui se sont réunis en société, se sont associés éminemment pour être heureux, et non uniquement pour être libres ....
Butterflies were released instead of confetti, the reception had an African theme and the cake was made up of chocolate eclairs and berries.
_Je ne veux rien savoir, ni si les champ s fleurissent, Nice quil adviendra di., simulacre humain, Ni si ces vastes cieux eclaireront demain
George Sand: Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings
That's a pineapple carrot cake on the bottom and whiskey eclairs in the middle and deep dish chocolate cake with the candle in it.
Charity Sweets sell dozens of different types of sweets such as spearmint chews, dolly mixtures, milk chocolate eclairs, cola bottles, strawberry creams, wine gums, fruit bon bons and chocolate peanuts.
Express & Star
I also have a total weakness for cakes - especially a nice sponge or some chocolate eclairs.
But as we were wolfing our eclairs I noticed that I seemed to have lost their attention and out of the corner of my eye I saw something in powder blue, and I looked up and there she was again!
April 30, 2008 at 4:39 am spiced nuts toast eif peenutt butt-r unlicked eclairs
Bed ‘n’ breakfast - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
For dessert we ordered chocolate eclairs served with ice cream, chocolate and blueberry sauce.
Graham had chocolate eclairs and I treated myself to a small pack of custard tarts.
He selects an éclair, a napoleon, and a couple of tartlets that look appealing.
Will local bakeries that produce buns and chocolate eclairs be affected?
So with that in mind, I ordered the toffee cheesecake and then went back to Lisa's flat for chocolate eclairs.
I sort of ended up telling him the whole story over coffee and eclairs.
Aunt Irma recommends the hazelnut gateaux and the chocolate eclairs.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Well that was a day.