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How To Use eclair In A Sentence

  • èclaircissement, explanation, declaration. eilding, fuel. empressement, eagerness. en croupe, behind the saddle. enfant trouvè, foundling. es spuckt do it haunts there. et puis, and then. ex cathedra, from the chair; with authority. exorciso te, I exorcise thee. Glossary
  • Brian's no sooner plopped himself down on the sofa and doffed his designer sunglasses than he starts making trouble by helping himself to the chocolate eclairs that Michael bought especially for his outing with Dr. Dave.
  • InaneChessGod: "dreamlife of angels"? claireclaire1121: its ok. but does it scare you ... wayless? Eratoasis Diary Entry
  • He took the class lead when he rode his mount, Éclair, to a penalty-free ride in 54.582 seconds.
  • I finished the lot, plus most of a giant chocolate eclair the size of a meatloaf.
  • It is a relatively small price to pay, however, for the abundance of cheap beer, divine chocolate eclairs and great restaurants he enjoys throughout Sofia.
  • After Chimera made it 2-0, Ovechkin skated up the left wing to the top of the circle, his hard shot eluding Leclaire.
  • A plateful of sinful chocolate eclairs sitting on the countertop were trying hard to call my name, flirting with my sweet tooth by offering promises of oozing cream and a sugary chocolate fondant topping.
  • He selects an éclair, a napoleon, and a couple of tartlets that look appealing. HOPE TO DIE
  • To think that there once was a time when real bakeries were actually competing to make the best kuchen or eclair. (sigh) The Volokh Conspiracy » Lochner v. New York as a Test Case
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