How To Use Drive home In A Sentence

  • I was gutted to leave, but being based in Kent, it was a five hour drive home.
  • Anyways Mom, Granny, Pap-Paw and Ryan make the drive from Oak Ridge to get me in the middle of the night, Mom got carsick and it was a LONG drive home. Saturday Morning Writing
  • The animation is minimal but adequate to its task, and Svankmajer saves most of his formal ingenuity for the flurries of typography that are montaged between sequences, the title of the film flying across the screen in rapid bursts to drive home the essential idea that each of these stories could keep going forever, and that the cut-off point is necessarily arbitrary. Archive 2008-11-01
  • I put the shopping on the passenger seat and started to drive home.
  • It and others in the ruling combine would be lapping up the tally to drive home their numerical superiority.
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  • The drive home was a silent one, marked only by my sister sniffling loudly and elongated every twenty seconds.
  • It should be icky and yucky, but actually it's got bags of fun and loads of laughs, with a very cutely judged moment of pathos as Stuart has to drive home from school on his own in his little roadster, because no human kid wants to play with him.
  • The semiotician in me sees the chalkboard as far more than a mere stage prop. Given that Fox News has access to the most sophisticated and blaring computer graphics to drive home its political points, Beck's use of the chalkboard is remarkably low-tech (even inside a very high-tech television studio). Joseph A. Palermo: Glenn Beck: "Historian" for a Troubled America
  • To drive home his point, Mr. Perry shows us the sad state of malarious Apac, Uganda. Man Versus Mosquito
  • There'll be yabbie races tonight on the main street, but we start the long drive home before it gets too late. Undefined
  • During her drive home, her emotions began to bubble and seethe in the cauldron that was her mind.
  • It wasn't till later, making the long drive home to Valdosta, that she bawled. Spray-Tans in the 70s
  • The drive home through the windy roads was uneventful and we got back to the hotel by midnight.
  • Some extremely powerful scenes drive home the book's themes without resorting to mawkish sentiment or easy emotional button mashing.
  • Farr introduced Bartlett thusly: ‘I give you the only person who'll be able to drive home tonight.’
  • Elevated to the rank of surfman, Antton was eager to drive home his superior knowledge and expertise. AMAGANSETT
  • What bothers me about proofreading is when my eyes get really dry, so when I drive home I'm constantly blinking. Reviews in a word
  • During the drive home, we stop the car on the side of the highway, climb out and stare upward.
  • The tactics used over the weekend were intended to drive home the message to pub and club goers that aggressive behaviour as a result of excessive drinking will not be tolerated.
  • The canape trays – a subliminal assault of miniature yorkshire puddings, coins of beef, venison pies, shavings of root vegetables and morsels of sea bass – endeavoured to drive home Hunt's message. London Fashion Week: VIPs fill No 10 – but MiniCams steal the show
  • During the drive home, we stop the car on the side of the highway, climb out and stare upward.
  • On the drive home I realized that I not only know her mother, I knew her grandparents, and her great-grandparents.
  • He was allowed to drive home but has been told to produce his motoring documents within a week ahead of a court summons. The Sun
  • I felt really lonely in the car on the drive home.
  • He slipped Phil Neville through to drive home his second goal of the season from the narrow angle.
  • Besides cleaning up barf, breaking up fights and propping up staggering patrons, owners and waiters can get sued if overly-lubricated lushes kill or injure someone on their drive home.
  • I wanted to drive home the dangers of unprotected sex.
  • But do you saunter around a pub to check whether patrons have drunk too much to drive home within the legal drink-drive limit? Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though the outing was begun and carried out with high spirits and a fair amount of jollity, we were both of us very glad indeed to tumble back into the car, turn the heater up full, and drive home as fast as we could.
  • Sending them one final glare to properly drive home her point, Alicia spun on her heel and stalked off, still fuming and close to tears.
  • Mark can't possibly drive home in that condition .
  • Anyway, the drive home along the coast road gave me ample time to wonder what possesses people in clapped-out, overladen vans to drive at 30 kmph without regard to gradient, curves or following traffic.
  • Rodeo cowboys drive for hours, even days, to ride for eight short seconds and then drive home.
  • But then, as I drive home after a failed chase, I can enjoy the sight of the sunset.
  • Every night of the week someone decides to take a chance and drive home when they shouldn't.
  • Patient and genial, Ms. Sandhya took the children into confidence from the very start, retorting with jokes, poetry and the occasional repartee to drive home a point.
  • I told him I did not have that amount of money on me, could he please unclamp me and I would drive home and get the money; he said ‘no way’.
  • Tell her I've wasted away from wifely neglect and am too weak to drive home alone. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Call your house and tell them you're staying at a friend's house because you don't want to drive home and stay the night with me.
  • At the age of fourteen, the chances of my getting arseholed and attempting to drive home were this: zero.
  • After a recent day with Hill, I discovered a little of that magic in my jacket pocket on the drive home: the piney scent of a sprig of rosemary.
  • We hope to convince every motorist to stay off alcohol if they plan to get behind the wheel and drive home.
  • It requires a seasoned politician to take advantage of a no-win situation and manipulate circumstances to drive home a point.
  • I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas
  • So plans were formed and we arranged the elaborate car-hopscotch required to ensure that no-one would drive home drunk.
  • I did end up with the tall astilbe, did not cut the flower stalk off and made it through two flights, security and the drive home still intact. Plants And Pals From Buffa10 « Fairegarden
  • An ad I'd like to see to drive home the urgent need for health insurance reform would proclaim, in the baldest way, that the health-insurance industry is burning through lobbying money now to protect their obscene profits for prosperity. Trey Ellis: Can $133 Million Ounces of Prevention Beat a Pound of Cure?
  • It requires a seasoned politician to take advantage of a no-win situation and manipulate circumstances to drive home a point.
  • drive home a point or an argument
  • Polly went out through the back of fice to retrieve her car and drive home, which I understood was a house in a wood outside the town, and my father and I, bolting everything securely, climbed the steep little staircase and slept utldisturbed until Saturday mortling. Penalty
  • The drive home was horrendous, with repeated hold-ups and long, long tailbacks.
  • Ever since the present dispensation took over, ministers concerned have been trying to drive home the fact at every given opportunity that the elections due to the said institutions would be held as soon as possible.
  • Some important terms were introduced - e.g. 'emic' and 'etic' - but not taken to enough depth in examples to drive home the deeper implications. PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
  • Mark can't possibly drive home in that condition .
  • Passed a hawk on a reflector post on the drive home, and it wasn't a roughleg! Grouse Diary Entry
  • Myrtle was instantly killed, but Daisy kept going before she past out and Gatsby was forced to take the wheel and drive home.
  • Besides cleaning up barf, breaking up fights and propping up staggering patrons, owners and waiters can get sued if overly-lubricated lushes kill or injure someone on their drive home.
  • If you get too swacked to drive home, I'll have the Secret Service take you. The Bear and the Dragon
  • About ten minutes into our drive home, I got carsick and we had to pull over.
  • Although the time-scheme of this calendar is subject to frequent revision, a ballpark set of figures is good enough to drive home the point.
  • Jan called this morning after an all-nighter at the hospital and will be sleeping the morning away before she attempts the drive home.
  • Saw a bufflehead on a pond along the highway on the drive home, which was a pleasant and rare surprise. Grouse Diary Entry
  • He also used speech pauses effectively to drive home his messages.
  • Oregon Democrat Earl Blumenauer and Michigan Republican Dave Camp both used the word "reckless" to drive home their opposing points. US Congressional Vote on Debt Issue Delayed
  • Staff in eye clinics often warn people whose pupils have been dilated not to drive home.
  • Anyway, the drive home along the coast road gave me ample time to wonder what possesses people in clapped-out, overladen vans to drive at 30 kmph without regard to gradient, curves or following traffic.
  • We must drive home to him where the difficulties lie.
  • The drive home from the office at rush hour consists of interminable shifting, idling, shifting, idling, the studied interplay of gears, the running up of the tach and hearing the engine whine with pure metal glee…
  • It should be icky and yucky, but actually it's got bags of fun and loads of laughs, with a very cutely judged moment of pathos as Stuart has to drive home from school on his own in his little roadster, because no human kid wants to play with him.
  • By now the previous day had caught up with me and I was pretty knackered, and then there was the drive home.
  • He failed to find him and so decided to try to break the steering lock in the car so he could drive home to Swindon.
  • To drive home her point, she called him a 'serial woman-beater' before letting off a volley of cuss words.
  • Michelle Malkin blasts the California education bureaucracy's effort to drive home-schoolers out of business.
  • With what divine skill does the apostle, founding on resistless facts, here drive home to the conscience of his auditors their guilt in crucifying the Lord of Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • When he got over the initial shock, the customer he was visiting in Newcastle helped prop him up on cushions in the car and he somehow managed to drive home, double-declutching because he couldn't move his legs properly.

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