
drive home

  1. carry out or perform
    deliver an attack
    The boxer drove home a solid left
    deliver a blow
  2. make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something
    drive home a point or an argument
    I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas

How To Use drive home In A Sentence

  • I was gutted to leave, but being based in Kent, it was a five hour drive home.
  • Anyways Mom, Granny, Pap-Paw and Ryan make the drive from Oak Ridge to get me in the middle of the night, Mom got carsick and it was a LONG drive home. Saturday Morning Writing
  • The animation is minimal but adequate to its task, and Svankmajer saves most of his formal ingenuity for the flurries of typography that are montaged between sequences, the title of the film flying across the screen in rapid bursts to drive home the essential idea that each of these stories could keep going forever, and that the cut-off point is necessarily arbitrary. Archive 2008-11-01
  • I put the shopping on the passenger seat and started to drive home.
  • It and others in the ruling combine would be lapping up the tally to drive home their numerical superiority.
  • The drive home was a silent one, marked only by my sister sniffling loudly and elongated every twenty seconds.
  • It should be icky and yucky, but actually it's got bags of fun and loads of laughs, with a very cutely judged moment of pathos as Stuart has to drive home from school on his own in his little roadster, because no human kid wants to play with him.
  • The semiotician in me sees the chalkboard as far more than a mere stage prop. Given that Fox News has access to the most sophisticated and blaring computer graphics to drive home its political points, Beck's use of the chalkboard is remarkably low-tech (even inside a very high-tech television studio). Joseph A. Palermo: Glenn Beck: "Historian" for a Troubled America
  • To drive home his point, Mr. Perry shows us the sad state of malarious Apac, Uganda. Man Versus Mosquito
  • There'll be yabbie races tonight on the main street, but we start the long drive home before it gets too late. Undefined
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