How To Use Drag In A Sentence

  • Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.
  • The series ended with a battle between a door car and a dragster.
  • A lot of things are a lot smoother and less of a drag now than they were four and a half months ago—finding the food on the left side of my plate, threading my left arm into my left shirtsleeve, typing, reading. Left Neglected
  • The mighty Dragon sneers at the prudent and penny-pinching.
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  • To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
  • When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • It took yards of line off a hard-set drag, and it all but pulled me off my ledge.
  • The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.
  • I didn't move until I heard slow footsteps and peaked over the top of the gold to see Garren warily approaching the dragon, favoring his left leg.
  • I even dragged my acrophobic mother up mountains in the Auvergne, only to leave her quivering halfway up while I persevered alone to the top.
  • In many ways, dragging is to gravity what magnetism is to electricity.
  • Police recovered what was later identified as a charred right human foot in the backyard and documented a fire pit with drag marks leading to it. Edmonton Sun
  • Yes | No | Report from TheEasternShore ... wrote 1 year 1 week ago no, just drag them into the middle if it is iced over then just wait until the pond unfreezes I have started a new pond. I have alot of old christmass trees.
  • His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • I'm gonna drag you home tonight and we're going to explore this concept of evolution.
  • Possibly one of the most compassionate pieces of music ever made, it asks us, no, arranges that we see the plight of what I'll be brutal and call a lovelorn drag queen with such intense empathy that when the singer hurts him, we do too. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Why do you have to drag that up again?
  • After winning the TAFC title moments earlier, Austin's dragster, which he purchased from the estate of the late Gary Ormsby, broke at the start of the burnout in the Top Fuel final.
  • Worse, as the streams bend to equalize pressure behind the foil, and may set up a turbulent gyre further slowing the foil by induced drag.
  • His work has been dragging behind recently.
  • This may have the advantage of dragging the opponent onto unfamiliar territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The griffin is also used by Saab, and other mythical beasts goaded into service on motor cars must include Alfa Romeo's serpent, Talbot's hunting dog and the Gilbern's Welsh dragon. Badge Engineering
  • Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
  • And four dragger captains fined two thousand apiece for fishing redfish in closed waters. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Richard comes across Mel in a bar and drags her outside to demand his credit cards back and frighten her off once and for all.
  • In the night of the 28th 2,000 French dragoons each laden with 60 pounds of gunpowder arrived at the circumvallating walls in disguise.
  • As possibly the sole surviving remnant of the Dragon empire it surely deserves some backing from the industry.
  • Cleopatra asks Charmian for mandragora to pass the time while she waits for Antony to come back.
  • The bee, the robin, the frog, and the dragonfly are all made using wax that I dyed with black cobalt stain. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Wall Mosaic 1: Girl with Scythe
  • What to do when the school holidays drag on.
  • It was wonderful, an Orkney village confronted with a swan, a selkie, and a dragon, and the consequences of allowing (or forcing) them to live among humans, as humans. "And when the waves came crashing down, he closed his eyes and softly kissed her."
  • Practically speaking, all the stops that require dragging the wheels will put a bigger dent in your wallet since wheels cost a bundle.
  • So if he turns out to be a jerk you can just drag me away and I won't have to talk to him again!
  • Other components include cinnamic acid, cinnamyl Drag to Playlist - Financial News
  • Mr Wilson claimed the dog, believed to be a Japanese Akita, grabbed his right hand with its teeth and dragged him to the ground.
  • The images consisted mainly of mythological creatures such as dragons, fairies, and merfolk.
  • The owner of the mastiff digs in and tries to drag his dog over to us to have a chat.
  • He dragged himself up the walk, dimly noticing that the front window was covered with condensation.
  • On the other end, there's the opening movement of Faschingsschwank aus Wien, where the lyricism is always being interrupted by a boisterous beer-hall ritornello: Florestan suddenly showing up to shake Eusebius out of his reverie and drag him back to the party. Been there, done that
  • To reduce this effect I tend to use large bodied wagglers, which are more stable in the water and are not dragged out of position so easily.
  • He grabbed a fistful of that lush cashew-colored hair that made Pink Jenny so popular, twisted her arm behind her in a vicious half nelson, and dragged her up to my face.
  • The alternative of drag-racing, where hounds chase a sack of aniseed instead of a fox, is encouraged by these activists.
  • He believes one of the reasons the move ended up dead in the water was that negotiations dragged on too long.
  • A huge black beacon waddled along, dragging a reluctant mass of iron at the end of its chain cable, followed by a roughly-built "flatty" and a huge log of silkwood. Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Readers will discover an entertaining tale of Peri, a sad prince and a sea dragon.
  • Weiss stiffened in his boots, the scar dragging down his eye seemed to pulsate. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Then there are the inevitable rice and noodles dishes such as steamed rice, vegetable fried rice and dragon fried noodles and Chinese chopsuey.
  • Witnesses said Yuwono was dragged from his house by a number of people brandishing machetes and other sharp weapons, who later stabbed him.
  • We're trying to drag the country out of its economic morass.
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • A member of the order Protodonata, Meganuera closely resembles and is related to modern dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). Archive 2008-05-01
  • Such was the rapturous applause that he was dragged out for a second time to take a bow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anderson dragged her into his office for a keelhauling and everyone went back to regular blowing.
  • The similarity between their names is due to coincidence and European mispronunciation -- "Mahican" comes from the word Muheconneok, "from Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Ten tips for expectant mothers
  • She's been spotted at a homeless shelter and dragged kicking and screaming back to Walford. The Sun
  • Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.
  • Found in the middle of the chest just below the neck is a 'dragoes' symbol. FC Porto kits 2008-09 season
  • I found it very difficult to drag myself back to the office after that, so after a quick conference with Paul I booked some holiday for mid-July when I got back to my desk and immediately felt better about things.
  • She whacked her head on the door as he dragged her in. The Sun
  • The textured fabric mimics the drag-cheating efficiency of sharkskin.
  • Drag to Playlist blue jet firearmed pilot case record in blind at. .'polish crash "recor dpalce - Articles related to Sun Country Airlines sells Fall Free for All Passes
  • A cockatrice is a Dragon with a Crown on his head, and hatched by a Viper on a Cock's Egg. The Viper was the Symbol of Annotations
  • The hawkers, or dragon nymphs are longer and thinner and they patrol up and down looking out for prey on which to swoop.
  • Satisfied that no other bravos were abiding beyond it, he dragged the dead man by his sandaled feet into the room.
  • Twentieth-century fundamentalism has acted as a drag on secularizing tendencies.
  • She stopped her excited babble and grabbed my wrist, dragging me off to math class.
  • The dragon roared and forced its claws in and ripped its hole wider in an attempt to force its way into the town.
  • A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: I took a good hard swack at the Meereenese knot. Jots and Niggles
  • On Flores, the only sizable predators were the Komodo dragon and another, even larger monitor lizard.
  • I used to outdrag a Golf GTI at the lights in my Think City 1 because we had direct traction, no gears and a composite body. Autoblog Green
  • There are a number of cool-season vegetables to plant, along with flowers such as dianthus, petunias, snapdragons and violas.
  • Attempts at forcible conversion involved the quartering of troops - often dragoons, hence dragonnades - on Huguenot households.
  • The man who dragged her from the house wore the shining, metal armor of a knight.
  • The whale will be dragged up its main ramp and butchered.
  • To add programs to the Quick Launch, simply click and drag any program icon into the Quick Launch menu area.
  • They dragged her from her bed.
  • Her parents' constant criticism began to drag her down.
  • In the poem, Hector's body, attached to Achilles' chariot and dragged around Troy, cannot be mutilated because Aphrodite has anointed it with ambrosia.
  • He was wakened by a savage whiskerando of the other watch, who, seizing him by his waistband, dragged him most indecorously out, furiously denouncing him for a skulker. Israel Potter
  • Slowly drag the slider to the right, and the web site will fade into view enough for you to be able to tell whether what you are viewing is safe for work or not. Variably Safe For Work Previews Questionable Links | Lifehacker Australia
  • So what better way of proving her wrong than sticking her personal Myspace pics all over his site, libellously accusing her of being a porn star, and calling her an ugly old slack-fannied man in drag although, even in the worst pics he could dig up, I'm quite sure she's a damn sight foxier than he ever will be. The Haters of Roissy 3 : Bad Obsession
  • A dragline - one of four - bit into the earth with a bucket the size of a two-car garage.
  • She gripped a fancy mat which covered an ornate table by her side, and dragged a begilded vase on to the floor without even noticing it. The Box with Broken Seals
  • So what better way of proving her wrong than sticking her personal Myspace pics all over his site, libellously accusing her of being a porn star, and calling her an ugly old slack-fannied man in drag although, even in the worst pics he could dig up, I'm quite sure she's a damn sight foxier than he ever will be. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Concept demos of LTE applications: connected car, e-health, crowdcasting, mobile e-commerce, geolocation ... www. Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Aricent Signaling Software Platform to Power Interphase High-Density SS7 Cards
  • However young, he had to be given the courtesies due a dragonrider, so over klah and some of Lady Gana's excellent wine cake, he told us that runnerbeasts also were dying of the plague, and needed to be inoculated. Artichoke
  • Last June, the 35-year-old had to crawl, slide and drag himself down the mountain for 10 hours to get back to base camp.
  • I was ready to about-face and let him drag me home when I noticed an imposing shape in the distance.
  • Startled, she looked around for the blue dragon and saw it flying around and snapping at the insects around it.
  • The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered.
  • The visiting pack were in awesome form, consistently making ground at the edges of the rucks and gradually wearing down the home eight, who by the end resembled a bunch of bedraggled and punch-drunk boxers.
  • Lohengrin raced toward the Dragon from one direction, Jaime on his destrier from the other. Trial of Seven
  • To get the details, a field team has been fitting green darner dragonflies with radio transmitters.
  • In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she couldn't drag her eyes away.
  • Dragging the quilt around her she climbed out of bed and going to the east-facing window, she peered out. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • We dragged her to the gate.
  • One mammoth cloud lay half-way across the sky, a big fleecy blanket, dragging its train. DANSVILLE
  • It is an image of a sleek chrome bullet-train of genre dragging up dead leaves and detritus from the mainstream tracks as it rockets relentlessly forward. Why Do I Infernokrush?
  • In a place known as Nine Dragons, as the city's Hungry Ghosts festival burns around him, Bosch puts aside everything he knows and risks everything he has in a desperate bid to outmatch the triad's ferocity. Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly: Book summary
  • Kaylin's understanding of the Dragon term hoard wasn't exact, but time had made clear that it meant 'touch any of my stuff and die horribly'. Archive 2009-10-01
  • With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
  • On borehole televiewer logs. An unusual effect produced on the cathode-ray tube display by erratic movement of the tool as it drags along the borehole.
  • We did not take any pleasure in having to drag the process out until we got the answers we all required.
  • Masses of pink light up shady places where the false dragonhead grows, and the jewel weeds are thickly hung with pendant blossoms of orange and pale yellow. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • Ian's breathing becomes more and more ragged as he drags draught after draught of air deep into his lungs.
  • A subject race, dragooned by force for centuries, has shaken off the last of its shackles.
  • So, while everyone else was noticing that Avatar hates pale-skinned people with a passion, I was enjoying watching the battles between dragons and helicopters. Movie Review: Avatar
  • She moved, instead, past her mother's room and to her own, the hem of her fine red dress dragging, wet and dirty, on the clean floor behind her.
  • A violent accession of noise proclaimed that the mob had broken through and was dragging a scab from a wagon. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • Will, dragging Raven behind him, who was also nearly falling asleep after being awake all night, left and shut the door quietly behind him.
  • His experiments on the lift and drag of an aircraft helped answer the riddle of how birds fly and led to new wing designs.
  • Dr Kevin Soh discusses how adenoid hypertrophy and adenoiditis can cause block nose, hearing loss, snoring, sleep apnea, academic underperformance, and growth retardation in children Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Crack and cocaine use a significant HIV risk factor for teens
  • Heavy shelling and bombardment rocked Somalias restive capital Mogadishu on Sunday, claiming the lives of at least 14 people Drag to Playlist - Business News
  • Clocking in at just over a dozen jobs, players will have warriors, red, black, and white mages, paladins, thieves, samurai, ninjas, dragoons, monks, summoners, beast masters, and dark knights at their disposal.
  • Drag to Playlist polyurea in desalination plant water sealing and concrete protection useing polyurea coating. - Articles related to Milind Deora requests PM for funds for desalination plant
  • So even as they mutter racist slogans, members of Siberia's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon.
  • Watch a kite sweep the skies for large insects such as grasshoppers, cicadas and dragonflies.
  • The thieves had scaled two fences and dragged the pup out of her locked kennel and lifted her over the walls, leaving two less valuable dogs behind.
  • Legal Aid WA rookie Dragana Nuic, 22, jumped off The Gap - just days after being "berated" by a magistrate in a West Australian court, whose conduct is now being investigated by the | Top Stories
  • The dragon has wounded him, and his poisonous venom is killing the brave Beowulf.
  • Drag to Playlist capital letters (original song by ef beckley) - Articles related to Broadcasters want FM on cellphones; phone makers balk
  • She shook her head, giving the dragon a meaningful glance.
  • During her heyday from the 1920s to the 1930s, unconventional artist Carmen Mondragón was demonized in much the same way as the fire-breathing creature of legends past. The Fiery Spirit Of Carmen Mondragon
  • We have recently added a troop of dragoons to the regiment.
  • Has there been any attempt on the part of the drag or bloodhound to devise a new form of the sport that might suit people that are not used to hunting in any way?
  • As she approached the local railway station at the end of her route, she was struck by somebody from behind, held in an armlock around her throat and dragged off towards nearby dense trees and undergrowth.
  • Plant several poppies as your tall center flowers, then add colorful snapdragons or blue salvia, candytuft, pansies, and sweet alyssum or Dusty Miller to fill out your container.
  • While a system of barracks relieved the villagers of having to lodge the dragoons in their houses, the obligation to transport provisions using their own animals at times when they were needed in the fields was burdensome.
  • Time dragged slowly but somehow the hour passed, and the time came to go on through to the hall where the gig was being held.
  • Â As the Shadowpact head home, the last image we see is Nightmaster, riding his coal-black steed into battle with a dragon, Sword of Night held high, laughing … Â “Now THIS is the life!” Shadowpact #22 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • That inspired the Dragons to raise the pace and Sweeney looked lively as he launched a counter-attack from deep inside his own half.
  • The issue is quite complicated enough, without dragging in the argument about the effects on wildlife.
  • Living and working in London you become accustomed to freaks, weirdos and nutters wandering about doing their own thing and occasionally dragging normal people into random conversations.
  • The poor garden is looking bedraggled: dry and dishevelled.
  • When we moved to a bedraggled wood 10 years ago, we were greeted the following spring by the exuberant golden blossoms of kerria.
  • After I'd almost recovered, he dragged me out of bed and began slapping me.
  • Grosjean outdragged him along the front straight before cutting inside at La Source and into a lead that he never looked like relinquishing. Pitpass - the latest hottest F1 & A1 GP news
  • The war dragged on, costing the lives of many thousands of civilians and servicemen.
  • He bath danced at Tarascon in the ballet of Saint Martha and the Dragon, and was accounted in his own person the only actor competent to present the Tarrasque. Anne of Geierstein
  • The company's wholesale division dragged its heels on equipping local exchanges for ADSL, understandably, while it figured out a way of making it pay.
  • All he had to do was boff a blonde over the head with a wooden club and drag her into a cave to further the race.
  • Perhaps I am a farmer myself — an innocent colonus; and instead of being able to get to church with my family, have to see squadrons of French dragoons thundering upon my barley, and squares of English infantry forming and trampling all over my oats. Roundabout Papers
  • He had her name put on the sides in big, bold opalescent green, hoping it would reflect like the shimmerings of an imaginary dragon.
  • But instead he sat motionless, taking long drags of a cigarette and staring at a mural of a bunch of teenagers at a party.
  • In the twinkle of an eye two powerful Quadi followed the dispensator, and, seizing Chilo by the remnant of his hair, tied his own rags around his neck and dragged him to the prison. Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
  • Her propeller shaft was fouled and she was dragging her anchor, so Endurance, some 25 miles away when the call went out, closed in at top speed to act as on-scene commander.
  • If only they wouldn't turn snapdragons into antirrhinums, love-lies-bleeding into amaranthus, and red-hot-pokers into kniphofias .... Try Anything Twice
  • Streamlining is important in gliders to reduce drag forces.
  • Of course, the kid threw up a stink, started yelling and screaming, and its elder sister had to drag it off for a replacement.
  • Others chat about the supposed late-night spotting of a large rat dragging a six-pack of bottled water across the warehouse floor.
  • Green's father, David, is a former drag racer who started his sons in go-karts and late models.
  • Also, remove the cartop ski and bike racks, which add weight and create drag when you aren't using them, and clean out the trunk.
  • The shape of the pronotum (damselflies) and the head (dragonflies) is very important in reproduction, because the male grasps the female around her neck with appendages on the end of his abdomen. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • When the man found that we were going to stay all night he bestirred himself, dragged some of the things to one side and put down a shake-down of pulu (the silky covering of the fronds of one species of tree-fern), with a sheet over it, and a gay quilt of orange and red cotton. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • : This game features a tiny dragon who gains power and grows stronger each time he "scorches" something in his path. News
  • And as the winter months drag on, many of us are dying to trade in cashmere sweaters for terrycloth sundresses and bikinis.
  • With its mellow stonework and battlemented towers, mirrored on the surface of a broad moat skimmed on a summer day by turquoise dragonflies, Bodiam is everybody's idea of what a castle should look like. The House Impregnable
  • Half the arrows were notched as the second dragon burst from nowhere.
  • But the Southern knights constantly wore these lateral dragon's wings; and if I can find their special name, it may perhaps be substituted with advantage for 'stipule'; but I have not wit enough by me just now to invent a term. Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • She dragged out the swing and hung it on chains that dangled from the ceiling of the porch. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • The hair hung down, limp and draggled, or matted with dried blood where Hal's club had bruised him.
  • The pipe was just high enough so that I could swing with my arms outstretched and not drag my bottom.
  • The dispute between management and doctors has been dragging on for a number of years, since a review of medical services within the State's prisons.
  • Some of the best and most widely adapted annual cut flowers with the longest vase life include alstroemeria, aster, cosmos, snapdragon, sunflower, yarrow, and zinnia.
  • fireworks, Fourth of July, United States, Independence Day Peacock Feather/Dragonfly: Pyrotechnicians agree that the blue-violet shades of this peacock feather are the most challenging to formulate.
  • THE flying of stunt kites has been banned at Blackpool after a woman walking her dog became entangled in a string and was dragged to the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The former dictator, a palace-dwelling billionaire, was the picture of bedraggled abjectness: mouth forced open, eyes staring glassily.
  • Tadpoles and froglets can be preyed on by other frogs, crayfish, fish, turtles, and dragonfly larvae.
  • The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.
  • Almost, because fund expenses act as a drag on the upside and as a slight accelerator on the downside.
  • Before our modern era most people who had encounters knew that what they were dealing with were daemons, dragons, gnomes, fairies and trolls.
  • Oft was the dragon above, and eftsoons beneath; nevertheless at the end high he gan rise, and he flew down right with fierce assault, and the bear he smote, so that he fell to the earth; and he there the bear slew, and limbmeal him tore. Roman de Brut. English
  • They got the nightvision goongoggles, they got that full body armor, they got them gasmasks latched on, they hear the squawky voice in the head phones, they got the GPS locator's, the heat sensor hound dog, they got the dragnet spread out, they got their charts and planning. A Limbaugh-Ron Paulian Republic? The Youth Will Decide
  • The bicycles are designed to reduce aerodynamic drag caused by the machine itself and the rider's racing position.
  • By quarter-finals time, four door cars and three dragsters remained in Super Pro competition.
  • Both the frog and dragonette screamed now, but the cries of the ocean warrior's opponent were full of pain and despair. Odyssey
  • A supine man is roughly dragged off like a carcass.
  • His goods are distrained, his children are crying with cold and hunger, and the very bed on which his sick wife is lying, is dragged from beneath her. Sketches by Boz
  • The Morgan typically shuttles this material some 75 to 100 metres to the chipper, swinging the drags so the logs are aligned straight into the chipper infeed.
  • As time dragged on, they realised that they weren't going to find their dream home.
  • In response, the dragon let out a deafening roar.
  • The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area.
  • She felt so sick that it was lunchtime before she could drag herself out of bed and come downstairs.
  • The rest of the day dragged by, and eventually came to the bus ride home.
  • Also known as dracunculiasis, from the Latin for "little dragons", the worm is a particularly painful water-borne parasite that can leave people weakened and sick for months every year. Medindia Health News
  • The police dragged the football fans off the pitch.
  • His daughter looked like a chained monkey being whipped and dragged roughly along, leaping silently but wildly from side to side.
  • The current liquidity crisis has seen perfectly viable small companies dragged down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bucyrus Erie 1150RB walking dragline was last used 12 years ago and St Aidan's is its resting place.
  • The other drags him by the helmet, tearing all the fastening, and he strikes from his head the ventail and the gleaming coif. Four Arthurian Romances
  • And intelligence sources last night denied early reports that one van had slipped through their dragnet.
  • This weekend in sickening episode of political cynicism Livingstone cheerleaders dragged out the corpse of Stephen Lawrence onto the stage courtesy of his duped mother. Black Issues or White Guilt
  • As to when that might be, he is blunt: ‘When I'm dragged out kicking and screaming, or my body packs in.’
  • His dark-gold hair, damp and draggled, hung into his eyes, which were dilated and sunk into violet pools; his blank beautiful face was grey and sweating, his entire frame racked with shivering.
  • In the confectionery industry today, fruit pastes appear to have been reduced to a minor role as centres for fondant, chocolates, and dragées.
  • This process dragged on for over a year, while at the same time in the city, the gas and heating were cut off.
  • Disc harrows consisting of gangs of concave steel discs are dragged at an angle to the line of draught.

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