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How To Use Done for In A Sentence

  • It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.
  • Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.
  • The Professor had come over and whispered discreetly that he'd like to see me in his office once I was done for the day.
  • When a day's work is to be done for God and souls it is good to begin betimes, and take the day before us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
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Master English with Ease
  • Mrs. Smith has done for her by a neighbor.
  • The doctor was concerned about this, because the friend was also a heroin addict and was using methadone for his own treatment.
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • The strangulation was the cause of death and the dismemberment was clearly after death, and most likely done for the purpose of trying to conceal the murder and dispose of the body. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2007
  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited. Stockholm Syndrome Would Be Welcome
  • It was the kind of thing which really hurt her reputation and it was done for spite.
  • What has the "chickenshit" done for America in its pathetic life? Widowed Husband Of Former Disney Records Exec Killed On 9/11 Writes To Disney's Iger: I "Urge You Not To Air This Film"
  • I shall count my country _lost_, in the loss of the primitive _principles_, and the primitive _practices_, upon which it was at first established: but certainly one good way to save that _loss_, would be to do something, that the memory of _the great things done for us by our God_, may not be _lost_, and that the story of the circumstances attending the _foundation_ and _formation_ of this country, and of its _preservation_ hitherto, may be impartially handed unto posterity. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • Those prospects look brighter than they have done for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book includes many references to Joseph-Jerôme Lalande's L'Art de faire le maroquin and Quemiset promises to improve on that work. 17 reference The preface also connects this book to publications on dyeing cloth, suggesting that Quemiset will organize the subject of dyeing leathers and establish its rules as Hellot's, Macquer's, and Le Pileur d'Apligny's books had done for wool, silk, and cotton, respectively. reference The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • It's something that's been done for hundreds of years and in some cases no one can actually remember why certain breeds of dogs have their tails docked.
  • I'd like to do something for you in return/exchange for everything you've done for me.
  • The historical school mistaking what men have done for what men should do and, while often missing the full induction of the past, scornfully rejecting as empty apriorism deductive reasoning from the nature of man, presents a materialistic, evolutionary, and positivistic view of human society, which in no way appeals to sane reason. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I had an enlargement of my graduation photo done for my grandparents.
  • UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
  • If this means risking arrest for nonviolent symbolic actions of peaceful civil resistance and then enduring a time of incarceration then this must be done for the sake of the higher laws of justice and the leadings of our individual consciences. Convicted Criminal Considers the Cause, the Crime, and the Court
  • a wormhole! that settles it, done for! perhaps the thing is riddled, or even "honeycombed" in parts. The Repairing & Restoration of Violins 'The Strad' Library, No. XII.
  • It was all done for charidee. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • The same happened to men whose doctors had said that there was nothing that could be done for their receding hairlines and baldness, as hereditary factors were to blame.
  • Of that golden age, Cotton Mather himself, "smitten with a just fear of encroaching and ill-bodied degeneracies," sat down to write the history, recording in the _Magnalia_ "the great things done for us by our God," in the hope that he might thereby do something "to prevent the loss of the primitive principles and the primitive practices. Beginnings of the American People
  • Verily, nothing can be done for the sake of evil even by the wicked themselves; for, as we abundantly proved, they seek good, but are drawn out of the way by perverse error; far less can this order which sets out from the supreme centre of good turn aside anywhither from the way in which it began. Consolation of Philosophy
  • As a consequence, a comparison should be done for every new leaf material between the emission in frozen and unfrozen samples, to determine if freezing distorts the signal.
  • Dinner has been done for half an hour.
  • They have been done for by a lethal combination of high house prices and the credit crunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country's done for.
  • We really appreciate everything you've done for our daughter.
  • I now think back on it and recognize it as one of the most admirable and self-sacrificing acts anyone has ever done for me. Seeing Red: To Write Is to Edit
  • She called dispatch as she had done for almost ten years as a Probation and Parole Officer, and identified herself as she had done for almost ten years. The Volokh Conspiracy » Error to Introduce Evidence of Defendant’s Intimate Relationship as Evidence of Motive to Lie for Covering for Her Lover?
  • Tom, in his own mind, had done everything humanly possible to make himself happy, and therefore make me happy, and I was supposedly just too self-obsessed and negative to appreciate all that he had done for himself, and therefore me. Roseanne Archy
  • His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time costume romances, such as The Knight's Tale, Troilus and Cressida, etc.
  • The event ends when it ends, sometime during the night, and by daybreak it's done for another year.
  • Don McKellar's follow-up to Last Night wrapped in December and should be done for September's festival season.
  • ` ` None of note enough to be put to ransom, '' answered the Captain; ` ` a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master --- enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu. Ivanhoe
  • I know what the SSPX has done for the "regularized" communities, and appreciate it. Motu Proprio "Ecclesiae Unitatem" - in English
  • Thank you for all you have done for us.
  • And if you need something done for your business but don't have the money to pay for it, you can always barter goods or services in exchange.
  • It was one and done for Breaux Greer of the U.S. in javelin qualifying. - U.S. looks to add to medal haul with weekend track events
  • Treatment with aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone for 12 weeks resulted in weight gain ranging between 8.5 kg with olanzapine (n = 45) and 4.4 kg with aripiprazole (n = 41). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Antipsychotic Medications and Weight Gain in Children and Adolescents
  • As you say, it should even be possible to get it all done for the sesquicentennial, in 2017, if we begin planning now.
  • We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.
  • All this fun resulted in Donovan becoming the first pop star to be done for marijuana possession.
  • Given that, we are done for rational numbers whose denominator is relatively prime to 10 (i.e. has no factors of 5 or 2), by the opposite of the method in my earlier post. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pi Day
  • It is easier said than done for a home-based business owner who feels isolated or is time pressured, but networking is critical regardless of venture size, and incredibly energising.
  • She had previously sought treatment for heroin addiction and had been taking the substitute drug methadone for 2½ years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next came the marquis of Winchester, Lord Treasurer, bearing the orb as he had done for Mary.
  • All that could be done for Mac now would be taken care of by people far more competent than a glorified coalminer from West Virginia. CORMORANT
  • Captain; “a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master — enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu. Ivanhoe
  • And yet, once she was in bed and could put out her light and raise the window-blind, she had to admit it was better than a wagon-lit in Europe: and perhaps the best that can be done for people who must travel through the night in trains. The Plumed Serpent
  • Smart andcan get the job done for once without the U.S. in the front. - News
  • The program, done for six to eight weeks in the preseason, consists of strength-training to build underdeveloped muscles, agility training to learn how to land correctly, plyometrics and other exercises. New Steps to Help Prevent Knee Injuries in Teen Sports
  • Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.
  • I really don't understand where the twins are going to go now, would seem very weird if their characters were done for the season. zebrat alrighty dagnabbit, i think i'm going to have to start watching this show. mostly cuz i just became aware that bob odenkirk is on it. Breaking Bad Recap: Episode 2 “Caballo Sin Nombre” is Set to the Sounds of America | /Film
  • Mid-nineteenth-century medical topographers both drew on his thinking and copied his representational forms, taking it as their task to do for the mapping of disease what Humboldt had done for the mapping of vegetation.
  • In the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington a middle-aged woman with a weather-beaten face and a brown wig sits on a milk crate demonstrating against US foreign policy - as she has done for the last 21 years.
  • I had an enlargement of my graduation photo done for my grandparents.
  • Nest boxes with flip-up roosts that double as door blockers are good, as they allow you to shut the girls out when egg-laying is done for the day, preventing the nests from getting soiled by sleeping hens or being taken over by broody hens.
  • He waddled chubbily and somewhat stiffly, but he outfaced the winter wind as he had not done for many weeks. The Innocents A Story for Lovers
  • And no one can begrudge him that after all he has done for Arsenal. The Sun
  • ` ` None of note enough to be put to ransom, '' answered the Captain; ` ` a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master --- enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu. Ivanhoe
  • What others had done for poetic art, this he did for plastic art.
  • While in some instances the criticism might be warranted perhaps we have been short-sighted, forgetting just what some of these people have done for us.
  • And his farming was well done; for though he was, out-and-out, a gentleman-farmer, he knew how to get the full worth in work done for the fourteen shillings a week which he paid to his labourers, — a deficiency in which knowledge is the cause why gentlemen in general find farming so expensive an amusement. The American Senator
  • This was done for fear of leaving the government open to legal action from the various components of the unsuccessful consortia.
  • It must reluctantly be confessed that one of the most fascinatingly vital of them all, Alexandre Dumas, is one of the exceptions, born improvisator as he was; yet immense research, it needs hardly be said, went to the making of his enormous library of romance -- even though, it be allowed, that much of that work was done for him by his "disciples. Imperishable Fiction: An Inquiry into the Short Life of the 'Best Sellers' Reveals the Methods Which Brought into Being the Novels that Endure
  • I owe my parents a lot for everything they've done for me.
  • Another thing which she had not done for some time, Wendy realized as she rattled round the empty house on Saturday morning, was try out Pete's latest composing aid.
  • Biologists familiar with the morbilli virus say nothing can be done for animals once they are infected.
  • ¶ And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel. Joshua 24.
  • If your going to just get a pump, why spend more money on the benalli wheen the 870 or the mossberg will get the job done for you. Should I go with a Remington 870 or a Mossberg? Or should I stop being cheap and save up for a benelli or higher priced gun?
  • She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and everything has been done for her.
  • In anything you have done for you by a Moor, you are almost sure to discover that he has "scamped" some part; perhaps the most important. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
  • I told myself that something should be done for the parish, but I knew the problems it presented were intractable. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Plus I will be putting together two galleries, one of designs I have done for specific people, and another of occult tattoo flash art.
  • Out in the seats I imagine we're all feeling the same fear - that our jobs are drying up, that they can be done for a fraction of our wages by someone more desperate somewhere else, that our hard-won skills are passé.
  • Set amid terraced paddy fields where farmers in bamboo hats still till and toil much as they have done for centuries, Ubud has beautiful temples, traditional markets and a surprising number of upmarket shops.
  • The marketplace has already done for many of the overimaginative bankers who led the world's economies to this pass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again there is no difference in the democrat approch than what the GOP has done for the last four decades. McConnell tells GOP: Vote no on Wall Street bill
  • Dinner has been done for half an hour.
  • After all the man had done for him, how could he whine and snivel and ask for more, dragging him down with demands?
  • The chips were crisp and fat, but the egg was slightly underdone for his liking.
  • Unless the Government provides more cash, the steel industry is done for.
  • And it actually follows what they've done for their media strategy from the very beginning, which is to kind of exalt and super serve the conservative media to the extent that they can, and to undermine and denigrate the mainstream media to the extent that they can. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2006
  • He insists more must be done for fathers and grandparents who are often completely cut off from their grandchildren. The Sun
  • The fact that so many Kiwis got behind Jeff and voted should in itself show what he could've done for the show.
  • And her mother filliped her nose till it was red and blue; and it was all done for pure love. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 2
  • Plus I will be putting together two galleries, one of designs I have done for specific people, and another of occult tattoo flash art.
  • Lorraine's comment was unprovoked, a direct verbal assault done for the sole purpose of her own malicious pleasure.
  • But either Mistress Jean's influx of caution came too late, and someone had overheard her suggestion, or the idea was already abroad in the mind bucolic and georgic, for that very night it began to be reported upon the nearer farms, that the Mains of Glashruach was haunted by a brownie who did all the work for both men and maids -- a circumstance productive of different opinions with regard to the desirableness of a situation there, some asserting they would not fee to it for any amount of wages, and others averring they could desire nothing better than a place where the work was all done for them. Sir Gibbie
  • What he would have done for such unchallenged power yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.
  • Is something being done for him for which, in the course or furtherance of a business carried on by him, he has had to pay a consideration which has attracted Value Added Tax?
  • And honor requires, from time to time, fighting to be done for imponderable and abstract reasons.
  • The weekend was rest mostly, except for a disappointing effort to catch my first evensong service at King's College Chapel - only to find evensong was done for the term, recommencing 13 January.
  • I'd like to do something for you in return/exchange for everything you've done for me.
  • After the big sellers - the Christmas albums - are done for the season, the record stores stock the indies again, so now we're seeing a big difference.
  • The James translation became the Vulgate, and the translation done for Thomas Aquinas by William Moerbeke never received much usage.
  • Illustrations for The Monkey Wrench Gang, a 1986 book about a fictional group of eco-warriors, appear alongside autobiographical strips done for The New Yorker.
  • Quite frankly, it disgusts me and I do not feel enough is done for elderly people.
  • Fishing and game hunting are different though, it's done for food and you generally don't tend to chase the animal over miles of countryside.
  • Some institutions interstate cling to the idea of Queensland being a cultural and economic backwater, as they have done for a decade or more now.
  • Like, my main concern with slash done for jollies is the fetishising of gay men in/for a heterosexual female gaze -- which I'm divided on. Fanfiction
  • I take strong exception to your suggestion that this action was done for financial gain.
  • As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay before other activities, such as oral sex. Think Progress » Traditional Values Coalition Tells Senators To Block Judicial Nominee Because She’s A ‘Radical Lesbian’
  • I take atenolol, amitriptyline and lansoprazole, but have done for years. The Sun
  • Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.
  • Today church bells rang in Norway, as they had done for a lifetime or more in Denmark, yes, above that halidom of the Mother where he and the garland girl had offered flowers ... The Boat of a Million Years
  • July 6th, 2009 11: 24 am ET this president is working for American people .... obviously the job left undone for the last 8yrs; and that's why the republicans are so critical because they know Obama is far more charismatic and a better leader than that "Bush" man they gave us for 8 friggin yrs!!! rachel Obama, Medvedev commit to nuclear arms reduction treaty
  • Although the extremes of body modification have been made more popular in our culture, it has been done for hundreds of years, and ear piercing is one of its oldest kinds. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 58
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Hasan foregathered with the Princesses, he related to his sister all that he had endured and said to her, “Never will I forget what thou hast done for me from incept to conclusion.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • ‘This is a gesture done for reassurance and a sort of transfer of strength,’ he said, demonstrating the shoulder clap again.
  • Oddly out of place, these slightly kitchy slightly ahead of their time, super detailed works done for hire stand out against the sloppiness in many other galleries.
  • Today, we're finding out what life is like for a sportsperson after getting done for drugs.
  • As I had not been so well known as a moralist, and had not the prepossessing advantage of a bald, benevolent head, nothing was done for me, and I was turned once more on the wide world, to moralize on the vicissitudes of fortune. Paul Clifford — Complete
  • Similarly the same calculation will be done for the elected portion of the Inherited Estate.
  • But to follow up on Bernie's question, does the vice president pay a price for stiffing the press as he has done for two months now?
  • AIM: To compare the effects, adverse reactions and emotion change of venlafaxine vs furazolidone for harmful alcoholics.
  • With an automatic system a few simple alterations to the style sheet and it's all done for you.
  • However, as president we need a leader who can bring people together and get things done for the good of all Americans, that is why we * need* Obama. Super-Delegates, Super-Delegates, And More Super-Delegates
  • They would survive the Ordeal in the safety of their suboceanic Keeps as they had done for uncounted generations. The Abode of Life
  • I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.
  • And now, friends and countrymen, if the wise and learned philosophers of the elder world, the first observers of nutation and aberration, the discoverers of maddening ether and invisible planets, the inventors of Congreve rockets and Shrapnel shells, should find their hearts disposed to enquire what has America done for the benefit of mankind? Warning Against Searching for Monsters to Destroy
  • Despite the years of torment, she has a steely determination to see justice done for her beloved daughter, and she is not going to give up now.
  • She feels that more could be done for passengers travelling in off-peak hours.
  • Finally, she meets her secret friend face-to-face, accepts the book and thanks him for all he has done for David.
  • The research work in the field of acidizing and fracturing have been done for about 30 years by RINGT, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company.
  • You can have five days in the sun, full board, and get your implants done for half the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • And no one can begrudge him that after all he has done for Arsenal. The Sun
  • He expressed his general interest in creating something uplifting, something he has essentially done for the nearly two decades of his turntablism career. Derek Beres: Global Beat Fusion: Sun People the World Over
  • The supplies are so low that we will be done for in a few days if help doesn't come soon.
  • This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.
  • Each time the word ice met her eye she recalled the parched lips that had moaned for it, the feverish hands that had clutched it so greedily when she brought it, and she thought if Sandford Berry could only see what she had done for some of the poor souls who "got on her nerves" he'd change his opinion about her efforts to help them being of no avail. Mary Ware's Promised Land
  • I take atenolol, amitriptyline and lansoprazole, but have done for years. The Sun
  • Late that afternoon the rest of my group returned with a nice catch of fish and we ate well that night – it sure beat chewing on mountain bluebell salad as we had done for the first couple of nights. March 2004
  • Nine patients with severe restless legs syndrome were pretreated with domperidone for three days to mitigate side effects of apomorphine, which was given as an intravenous infusion.
  • I told myself that something should be done for the parish, but I knew the problems it presented were intractable. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Naked, she walked into the bathroom and there surveyed herself in a way she had not done for some years.
  • Articles of wearing apparel were done upon a soft fine muslin called mull, breadths of which were embroidered for skirts, lengths of it were scalloped and embroidered for flounces, and hand-lengths of it were done for the short waists and sleeves of the pretty Colonial gowns worn by our delicate ancestresses. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • His affair with that posh tart has finally done for him.
  • Educated farmers no longer wanted to work underground because it was too dangerous, but both state mines and private collieries were hiring poor, uneducated workers, often from ethnic minorities, to do the dirty work, just as the West had done for centuries. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Fitting a towbar yourself can be done for less than 100, although wiring the electronics requires some technical aptitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • By blessing God and recalling all that he has done for us, we place technology in the purview of God's plan of salvation.
  • While in some instances the criticism might be warranted perhaps we have been short-sighted, forgetting just what some of these people have done for us.
  • Now, my darling dault, I have done for thee all that man may, excepting the last. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Leona remembered one of the farmhands telling her that the crops were doing better than they had done for years.
  • Usually done for rhetorical effect and/or ludic self-gratification, this is a common characteristic in the arguments of language geeks and can be considered their natural form of “geeking out”. Archive 2009-03-01
  • So stories about the doctor who sexually assaults patients, the accountant who gets done for fraud, or the lawyer who diddles clients out of large amounts of money, always seem to astound us and attract huge press coverage.
  • Or what has gotten cold and what reheats now, and what in flames is and what comes down and what is torn up and uprooted and torn down demolished and abolished, and "democraty-ized" not, but what will you "swear to" not, but what will you like for me to have done for you today? InJesus :: Online Community :: Last posted message
  • Two blocks up Fifth Avenue, at the terrace of Rockefeller Centre, two women and a man in Salvation Army uniforms played hymns on three trumpets in close harmony (a change from yesterday, when that stand bad been occupied only by an Army officer with a baritone saxhorn which he could barely play), but they didn't matter - the men weren't working Rockefeller Centre any more, having already done for that area. Anywhen
  • Those prospects look brighter than they have done for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I not say, when I was arranging that affair of Faust's, that all Man's reason has done for him is to make him beastlier than any beast. Man and Superman
  • Nothing much was done for them and nobody feared that they would rear up in protest.
  • I hold this household together and you better pay me back for what I've done for you and that tramp mother of yours.
  • For far too long, the approach to solving the problems of moving goods and people between our two islands has been a rehash of what's been done for the last 50 years.
  • There are MANY mentally ill prisoners in the prison system – and I can assure you that absolutely zilch is being done for them. pseudonymous in nc Says: Matthew Yglesias » Prisons and Mental Institutions Revisited
  • Loving, like giving, is done for own sake, not for the sake of its consequences, and heavy-hearted love is a sacrifice that demands sacrifices in return.
  • I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me.
  • I'd like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of appreciation for all the work you've done for us.
  • See this chield Moniplies, sir, and tell him what we have done for Lord The Fortunes of Nigel
  • In fact, it's the first movie he's done for anything other than a paycheque in a long time. Globe and Mail
  • I take strong exception to your suggestion that this action was done for financial gain.
  • It's done for political reasons, and to appease the many who vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poll done for the college looked at how much the public knows about Washington and found that 46 percent knew that Washington led the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
  • I accepted the decision - what annoyed me most was how no one had the decency to say thanks for what I'd done for the club.
  • Anything you'd like to see that I don't usually do, or haven't done for a while?
  • This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.
  • This can be done for each part of the spectrum, and so a complete curve can be constructed, which we call the illumination curve of the spectrum of the light under consideration. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity.
  • The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity.
  • I make the wood-making an ongoing project, to be done for fun, and drag it out for weeks.
  • Once it gets hot, the plants will stop 'berrying' and we'll be done for the season," Mathis said. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • When the accumulated metal is recovered for industrial use, the process is called ‘phytomining,’ and it's already being done for nickel retrieval.
  • It is of course easier said than done for some one suffering from anorexia simply to follow this recovery plan.
  • Look what the ivory ban has done for elephants, which are now being poached in large numbers merely for their tusks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • I'd like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of appreciation for all the work you've done for us.
  • A faint smoky background is noticeable from the charring, which is less than usual for that done for whiskey. The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines
  • Conclusion To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.
  • A few months ago, a father and son were done for diddling the taxman out of £250,000.
  • Old Mrs Green has done for us for over 20 years.
  • ‘I felt I bowled as well as I've done for years,’ he says of an impressive display which began with four successive maidens.
  • UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
  • This has been done for agronomic traits in barley and for blight resistance in chickpea and rice.
  • As a little boy I was much given to inventing deliberate falsehoods and this was always done for the sake of causing excitement.
  • He had gone to America and seen what it had done for his cousin, then came back raving about how great it was. The Sun
  • On a more hopeful note, remember that serious work on naturalistic theories of content has been done for no more than a few decades, and on a philosophical timescale, that is quite a short time. Teleological Theories of Mental Content
  • It was then with a feeling of gratitude that he wished to make some recognition of what had been done for him, and instead of torturing the negro with English words, he resolved on teaching him deportment and the true principles of European choregraphy. Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery
  • The only way this party will unify is if it is a Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket ... otherwise we are done for ... it will be 4 more years of BUSH ... Edwards to endorse Obama
  • And then he cried aloud: Ah, fair knight, abide and suffer me to do thankings unto thee, for much have ye done for me. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Dinner has been done for half an hour.
  • She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and everything has been done for her.
  • What have the Danes ever done for me, I pondered on the way to the pub, apart from lend me a Scandic name and an unmeasurable quantity of Viking blood?
  • There was no proper risk assessment done for that kind of industrialised farming.
  • It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.
  • In fact, it's the first movie he's done for anything other than a paycheque in a long time. Globe and Mail

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