done for

  1. destroyed or killed
    we are gone geese
  2. doomed to extinction
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How To Use done for In A Sentence

  • It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.
  • Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.
  • The Professor had come over and whispered discreetly that he'd like to see me in his office once I was done for the day.
  • When a day's work is to be done for God and souls it is good to begin betimes, and take the day before us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Mrs. Smith has done for her by a neighbor.
  • The doctor was concerned about this, because the friend was also a heroin addict and was using methadone for his own treatment.
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • The strangulation was the cause of death and the dismemberment was clearly after death, and most likely done for the purpose of trying to conceal the murder and dispose of the body. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2007
  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited. Stockholm Syndrome Would Be Welcome
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