How To Use Dog-tired In A Sentence
So I've been going out nightly even though I'm dog-tired.
They looked to be dog-tired, too, but I doubt that anyone will ever see a happier reunion of sisters — at least onthisside of the grave.
After a dozen years of school life, they usually end up dog-tired and exhausted, not knowing whether they have acquired anything worthwhile.
He used that dog-tired phrase about a half-dozen times during today's press conference as he defended his impending immigration plan.
It shows three soldiers, unshaven and dog-tired from battle, trudging through Paris past a Parisian woman bundled in rags.
Soldiers Armed With Pencils and Paint

Ensconced in the soft blue glow of our cave, dog-tired, warm and snug in a sleeping bag, with tall tales and drams doing the rounds, it all seemed rather heavenly.
Increasingly dog-tired and conflicted, his actions often seem those of a guilty man.
It was kind of interesting but I was dog-tired so I decided to slip out in between the third and fourth singer.
He beamed, and I thought, oh God, please let him get off at Custer City; it was hot, and I was dog-tired, and wanted peace.
Increasingly dog-tired and conflicted, his actions often seem those of a guilty man.
Even my perennial problem of spending too much money on foodstuffs and booze is aggravated by being too dog-tired at the end of the day to be mindful of the fact that I do prefer my own cooking.
Alex was already dog-tired from the torture of the day and the lack of coffee, but the day wasn't over yet.
By the time it was dusk, we had dragged our dog-tired selves back to our chalet, where we had called in pizza.
God! I am dog-tired after the hike.
How many of us have to make life and death decisions when we're dog-tired?
he went to bed dog-tired
The great players that you were hoping would shine in the competition looked absolutely dog-tired and Greece - to their eternal credit - took advantage of all that.
I can see myself now, worn out and dog-tired after the long day, lying on the mats of the palace veranda and gazing upon her at the piano, myself in a perfect idiocy of bliss.
But when you're sitting in a chair, dog-tired, and it's warm, you're going to want to fall asleep.
I made it to Home Sweet Home dead dog-tired, checked in, trudged to my room, and opened the door.
The Exorsistah: X Returns
And sometimes, yes, my body and mind are just dog-tired and I need to sleep in instead of getting up for my pre-dawn run.
Food, Energy and Change « Looking for Roots
“Enjoy, and when you see some women younger than you going through the dog-tired blues, you send them a drink.”
Blood Lite II: Overbite
Eventually, dog-tired and feeling somewhat mentally and emotionally frazzled, I crawled off to bed around five o'clock in the morning.
It was close to midnight by the time we ate, and although dog-tired we were exulted by the success of the last two days and chatted cheerily over dinner.
Overnight they had been "strafed" and there had been a number of casualties; there were smashed rifles about and a smashed-up machine gun emplacement, and the men were dog-tired and many of them sleeping like logs, half buried in clay.
War and the future: Italy, France and Britain at war
Now that school's started, you wake up dog-tired and drag all morning.
I groaned, realising that although I was dog-tired, I couldn't get back to sleep.
I'm dog-tired of being accused of trotting out clichéd terms.
Sarah Schmelling: Dan Brown, Annoying Facebook Friend
As it is, I'm usually dog-tired at the end of my shift and don't want to do anything.
I know kids… They only go to sleep when either they are dog-tired or bored stiff.
But as dog-tired as many Virginians may be of campaigns, the fact remains that the Democratic primary will be June 9 and one of three candidates will be selected to run against Republican Bob McDonnell.
Mucking Around For Votes: Clinton At The Pig Sty
We're dog-tired, Wrinkled as a Sharpei and barking like a bitch.
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Three firefighters from Brookyln had just done 24 hours of it and now they were sitting dog-tired among the trash and weeds on the central reservation of the cordoned-off West Side Highway.
We're all going to be dog-tired come Sunday, and it's our biggest day.