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  1. drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted
    the day's shopping left her exhausted
    only worn-out horses and cattle
    you look worn out
    was fagged and sweaty
    he went to bed dog-tired
    felt completely washed-out
    the trembling of his played out limbs

How To Use dog-tired In A Sentence

  • So I've been going out nightly even though I'm dog-tired.
  • They looked to be dog-tired, too, but I doubt that anyone will ever see a happier reunion of sisters — at least onthisside of the grave. R.I.P.
  • After a dozen years of school life, they usually end up dog-tired and exhausted, not knowing whether they have acquired anything worthwhile.
  • He used that dog-tired phrase about a half-dozen times during today's press conference as he defended his impending immigration plan.
  • It shows three soldiers, unshaven and dog-tired from battle, trudging through Paris past a Parisian woman bundled in rags. Soldiers Armed With Pencils and Paint
  • Ensconced in the soft blue glow of our cave, dog-tired, warm and snug in a sleeping bag, with tall tales and drams doing the rounds, it all seemed rather heavenly.
  • Increasingly dog-tired and conflicted, his actions often seem those of a guilty man.
  • It was kind of interesting but I was dog-tired so I decided to slip out in between the third and fourth singer.
  • He beamed, and I thought, oh God, please let him get off at Custer City; it was hot, and I was dog-tired, and wanted peace. Isabelle
  • Increasingly dog-tired and conflicted, his actions often seem those of a guilty man.
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