How To Use Dog food In A Sentence
Hedgehogs can also be tempted to stay with saucers of meat-based cat or dog food and a bowl of water - though this might reduce their desire to seek out pests.
Why is manganous sulfate used in dog food?
The couple bought a rat trap and set it up in the kitchen overnight, filling it with some of Tess's dog food.
Every year in Canada thousands of horses are slaughtered; not for glue, or dog food, but for human consumption.
Wal-Mart sells a brand of dog food named Ol' Roy.
Have you ever read the ingredients in the teeny, tiny print on a tin of commercial dog food?
From the hams and shoulders he will peel off the outside meat as dog food, but will keep some of the inside meat for his family.
Since they will be on the dog food for a long time it is a great idea to spend time finding the proper dog food for your pooch.
This country right now is already tained dog food.
Poll: Obama gaining support with key Clinton demographics
of dog food" or "Saw a box turtle crossing my driveway this morning?
Now the house Pomeranians eat cat food, the stray cats eat dog food and all the furry creatures sit where they wish.
I bought some Sterno and some canned dog food, matches, instant coffee… where are we going with this?
Buddy won't eat the new dog food I bought.
It's a bit like looking after someone's dog and feeding it expensive dog food.
For Westies, one cup of dry food, with one tablespoon of canned meat dog food (for the coat), fed once a day will keep them fit and trim.
Hookbaits range from large chunks of bread and marshmallows to dog food mixer and floating pellets.
Looking again at the first five ingredients in the three recalled dog foods, we see wheat middlings, rice bran, more corn in the form of corn gluten meal, sorghum, still more corn meal, and brewers rice.
Dr. Karen Becker: The Latest Recalled Dog Foods All Contain This Ingredient
TBRE has returned from her transection of Darkest New Hampshire* with heroic quantities of booze, such that I have been forced to clear out a cabinet in the kitchen (formerly devoted to clutter and extra dog food) in order to construct a Shrine To Bacchus.
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Gourmet dog food will transform your cantankerous mutt into an obedient show dog.
I switched him to a local dog food called Muenster Natural Chicken and Rice, and everything has been great since.
Tex, her golden retriever, whined pitifully in the backseat, breathing the smell of dog food on the back of her neck.
She is now on low-calorie dog food, although it could be a year before she is back to a healthy weight.
The Sun
He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food.
Now slimline Susie is enjoying a new lease of life after she changed her usual diet of chocolate drops for a controlled low-calorie dog food substitute.
Our dog food has always had the tastiest combination of crunchy meaty kibbles and tender chewy bits; and now we've re-invented canned dog food too!
Pulling out one of the base cabinets, Rylie and I found a good-sized pile of dog food under there.
And besides, they have been providing entertainment in exchange for a tin of dog food per day.
Some of the entries are several-page stories, while others are simply five-word lists that say it all: ‘Beer, meat, dog food, baloney.’
The dog food Mrs. Sternheim consumed was top-of-the-line, gourmet bowwow, nutritional and preservative-free manna – "it tastes like a natural food product" – which she'll commence selling in early December in adjunct space to Zitomer Pharmacy and Department Store, the ne plus ultra pharmacy and emporium she and her husband, Howard Sternheim, own at 969 Madison Avenue.
Zitomer's Goes to the Dogs (and Cats)
Slamming and reopening the cupboards below the sink several times, he finally produced a large bag of dog food and several cans of soft puppy food.
He prepared some thick pieces of cardboard and printed on each card, in large letters, such words as _Bone_, _Food_, _Out_, &c. He first gave the dog food in a saucer on the card _food_, and then he placed an empty saucer on a blank card.
Little Folks (October 1884) A Magazine for the Young
Sometimes she lollygags on the living room floor, I take some dry dog food (you know, the kind that comes in a big bag), pour it into her bowl outside, and then come back in, only to find that she has not been sufficiently enticed.
Kumah - Home of Neo-Zionism and the Aliyah Revolution
The line of canned super-premium dry dog food mixer/toppers has been expanded to include flavorful new 95% Salmon and 95% Turkey recipes.
I'm sure there are going to be a lot of innovations made in healthcare over the next few decades but the industry from an economic POV is goverened by the same rules that govern dog food producers, hot dog stands & every other industry.
Science vs. Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Although a dog can live on cat food alone unlike cats and a lifetime of dog foods, it's not considered advisable.
Vet's view: It's a dog-eat-dog-food world
Gluten allergies and dairy intolerances may be nothing new in an increasingly faddy world but a dog owner was still astonished to find her pet was allergic to almost everything - including dog food.
One dog, a yellow curly-tailed female named Weasel, actually lives in one of the outdoor bear enclosures and eats dog food and rice right among the ursine giants.
I'll add that if you're feeding a high-quality dog food, most of the food goes to making more puppy, not to poop, so it's often the case that dogs poop a whole lot less than you might expect.
Even Purina was affected by the recall because according to their own website they don’t have the ability to independently produce wet dog food served in pouches (a packaging method preferred by some consumers).
Menu foods pet food recall
Dog food cans separated from soup cans separated from cocktail wienie cans.
Jenny Allen: Take My House, Please
The final image of Wikus stuck in the slum eating dog food with the rest of the disenfranchised is pretty potent stuff.
The 11 « Gerry Canavan
Frankly, calling A Christmas Wish a holiday classic is a lot like referring to dog food as gourmet forcemeat pâté.
Yes, processed food * may* be high in fats and sugars, but that is NOT true for most kibbled dog food made by long-standing dog food companies like Purina.
Terrierman's Daily Dose
I bought some Sterno and some canned dog food, matches, instant coffee… where are we going with this?
I would get rather nervous, if feeding the "unknown", that can be in kibbled dry dog food.
Archive 2006-08-01
If the Spaniards ran short of meat to feed the dogs, Arawak babies were killed for dog food.
Eric Kasum: Columbus Day? True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery
I set off to Supabarn just now to buy him some posho dog food, to try and ease the pain that comes from being perpetually soaked.
WENDY AND LUCY (2008, Oscilloscope, unrated, $30) - A cash-strapped young woman (Michelle Williams) driving cross-country to job opportunities in Alaska gets busted for shoplifting dog food and loses her beloved pooch Lucy.
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And the next time you run out of dog food and couldn't possibly be moved to drive to the market or "starve" your dog?
Vet's view: It's a dog-eat-dog-food world