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dog food

  1. food prepared for dogs

How To Use dog food In A Sentence

  • Hedgehogs can also be tempted to stay with saucers of meat-based cat or dog food and a bowl of water - though this might reduce their desire to seek out pests.
  • Why is manganous sulfate used in dog food?
  • The couple bought a rat trap and set it up in the kitchen overnight, filling it with some of Tess's dog food.
  • Every year in Canada thousands of horses are slaughtered; not for glue, or dog food, but for human consumption.
  • Wal-Mart sells a brand of dog food named Ol' Roy.
  • Have you ever read the ingredients in the teeny, tiny print on a tin of commercial dog food?
  • From the hams and shoulders he will peel off the outside meat as dog food, but will keep some of the inside meat for his family.
  • Since they will be on the dog food for a long time it is a great idea to spend time finding the proper dog food for your pooch.
  • This country right now is already tained dog food. Poll: Obama gaining support with key Clinton demographics
  • of dog food" or "Saw a box turtle crossing my driveway this morning?
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