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How To Use Divine revelation In A Sentence

  • But Scripture is not the only source of divine revelation to the attentive ear.
  • Hence in Islamism the divine revelation remains purely mechanical, with no natural point of connection in man, and therefore there is no possibility of an enduring prophetism, which is the fundamental principle of Christianity. A Comparative View of Religions
  • Guterson creates a disturbing, mesmeric atmosphere, leaving his readers unsure whether Ann's visions are the result of divine revelation or magic mushrooms.
  • He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
  • On the one side the appeal was to reason; on the other, to faith and special divine revelation.
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  • These events were seen as a divine revelation.
  • The proper object of this believing is a divine revelation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Many believed that God heard and answered prayers, while others believed in ongoing divine revelations through prophecies or visitations by angels.
  • Over a span of 23 years, he received the divine revelation of the Quran, sometimes one verse or several verses at a time.
  • With regard to the intellectual and ethical condition of the soul and its destiny, the speculative thinkers of other nations, arguing from reason alone and having no divine revelation to guide or confirm their speculations, are agreed that the only way in which the soul, which belongs to a higher world, can be freed from this world of body and change is through _intellectual excellence_ and _right conduct_. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • There are two things which hinder or disenable men from believing with faith divine and supernatural, when any divine revelation is objectively proposed unto them: -- First, The natural blindness and darkness of their minds, which are come upon all by the fall, and the depravation of their nature that ensued thereon. Pneumatologia
  • It is about a 14th-century anchoress who after three years of immurement waiting for divine revelation which did not come, declares, as many have done, ‘there is no God’.
  • Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture, no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God.
  • We have here an apostolic benediction on those who should give a due regard to this divine revelation; and this benediction is given more generally and more especially. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • By contrast, in Scripture, God used his undeniable miracles to authenticate his divine revelation.
  • Is it possible to reconcile a belief in divine revelation with Enlightenment rationality?
  • ˜Although, apart from divine revelation, there is no apodictic certainty about things that exist outside our mind, but only moral or probable and likely certainty, that is still sufficient to perform adequately and to control all the activities of human life, since nothing more is required for them apart from moral or probable truth or the certainty and likelihood of knowledge™ Henricus Regius
  • On the one side the appeal was to reason; on the other, to faith and special divine revelation.
  • He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
  • Mohler apparently thinks that looking inward is looking in the wrong direction: "Believers are called to meditate upon the Word of God -- an external Word that comes to us by divine revelation -- not to meditate by means of incomprehensible syllables. Sena Jeter Naslund: Beginning Again With Adam & Eve
  • There is no divine revelation concerning the true nature of the New York Times.
  • We are not to introduce divine revelations into philosophy nor philosophical opinions into religion.
  • How can Divine Revelation be in need of "Christianization"? David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • The science-and-theology discourse on eschatology did not work toward divine revelation.
  • Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture, no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God.
  • Clearly Jewish practice was based on obedience to divine revelation.
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • The whole of divine revelation comes to full fruition in him.
  • The saving knowledge that gives present-day Gnostics their sense of superiority derives not from experiences of divine revelation but from initiation into the historical consciousness provided by higher education.
  • The Temple itself (and before that the Tabernacle) was a medium of Divine revelation.
  • Since human free will, on the Arminian understanding, is independent of God's plan, it cannot be a divine revelation, the image of God.
  • Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
  • Iconic creativity issues out of the entire church's dogmatic heritage, which is founded on divine revelation.
  • It represents a direct divine revelation that delivers a capacity for understanding beyond the parameters of normal discourse.
  • Pope John Paul II has said that divine revelation reveals not only God to man but man to himself.
  • The mistake I made was to use the word 'obscurantism' for the common tendency among Orthodox to hold, in my words, that "nothing can be well studied while prescinding from divine revelation. Ever ancient, ever new...arguments
  • These events were seen as a divine revelation.
  • However, the reintroduction of true gospel doctrine into those periods of apostasy required a belief in continued divine revelation.
  • To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
  • Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
  • It represents a direct divine revelation that delivers a capacity for understanding beyond the parameters of normal discourse.
  • To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
  • To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
  • What gets under our skin, aggravates, infuriates, frustrates and makes us hate is of the same seed that also begets love and divine revelation.
  • Only we must be sure that it be a divine revelation, and that we understand it right: else we shall expose ourselves to all the extravagancy of enthusiasm, and all the error of wrong principles, if we have faith and assurance in what is not divine revelation. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • We simply must rely on God to give us divine revelation by his Holy Spirit.
  • Thus, the task of making life Holy is paramount to giving reality to the Kabbalah and to divine revelation in faith moments.
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • Lepers rather than some divine revelation or act formed the chiastic center. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.

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