How To Use divine revelation In A Sentence
- But Scripture is not the only source of divine revelation to the attentive ear.
- Hence in Islamism the divine revelation remains purely mechanical, with no natural point of connection in man, and therefore there is no possibility of an enduring prophetism, which is the fundamental principle of Christianity. A Comparative View of Religions
- Guterson creates a disturbing, mesmeric atmosphere, leaving his readers unsure whether Ann's visions are the result of divine revelation or magic mushrooms.
- He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
- On the one side the appeal was to reason; on the other, to faith and special divine revelation.
- These events were seen as a divine revelation.
- The proper object of this believing is a divine revelation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
- Many believed that God heard and answered prayers, while others believed in ongoing divine revelations through prophecies or visitations by angels.
- Over a span of 23 years, he received the divine revelation of the Quran, sometimes one verse or several verses at a time.
- With regard to the intellectual and ethical condition of the soul and its destiny, the speculative thinkers of other nations, arguing from reason alone and having no divine revelation to guide or confirm their speculations, are agreed that the only way in which the soul, which belongs to a higher world, can be freed from this world of body and change is through _intellectual excellence_ and _right conduct_. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy