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How To Use Displeasing In A Sentence

  • he made displeasingly cutting remarks about his friends
  • Waverley -- my young and esteemed friend, Mr. Falconer of Balmawhapple, has craved of my age and experience, as of one not wholly unskilled in the dependencies and punctilios of the duello or monomachia, to be his interlocutor in expressing to you the regret with which he calls to remembrance certain passages of our symposion last night, which could not but be highly displeasing to you, as serving for the time under this present existing government. Waverley
  • Neither can the joys of our poor bodies be smooth and equal; but on the contrary they must be coarse and harsh, and immixed with much that is displeasing and inflamed. Essays and Miscellanies
  • At once I understood and was certain, that this was the sect of the caitiffs displeasing unto God, and unto his enemies.
  • I would not like to be the man that spoke a word displeasing to ye with those eyes of yours. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
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  • And in destroying them they attempted to honour God by something displeasing to Him; and to use the language of men, God was angry with all destroyers of the works of great mastership, which is only attained by much toil, labour, and expenditure of time, and is bestowed by God alone. Albert Durer
  • On they went towards the great Church, Andreaes unsavourie perfume much displeasing them, whereupon the one said to his fellow: Can we devise no ease for this foule and noysome inconveniences? the very smell of him will be a meanes to betray us. The Decameron
  • Had he been displeasing in her eyes, she would, one may rely upon it, have anteceded the behaviour in similar case of her descendant of to-day -- that is to say, have expressed resentment in no uncertain terms. Tommy and Co.
  • Waverley, -- my young and esteemed friend, Mr. Falconer of Balmawhapple, has craved of my age and experience, as of one not wholly unskilled in the dependencies and punctilios of the duello or monomachia, to be his interlocutor in expressing to you the regret with which he calls to remembrance certain passages of our symposion last night, which could not but be highly displeasing to you, as serving for the time under this present existing government. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • displeasing news
  • The city-warden, the ruler of the realm, reared an idol before men, a golden image displeasing unto God; he was not wise, but redeless, reckless, heeding not the right .... Codex Junius 11
  • The re-gasification terminals are viewed as large, obstructive and generally displeasing to the eye for local residents and businesses.
  • The relish of the mind is as various as that of the body, and like that too may be altered; and it is a mistake to think that men cannot change the displeasingness or indifferency that is in actions into pleasure and desire, if they will do but what is in their power. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Modern music can at first seem displeasing to the ear.
  • There are some indications, as well, that Bruce is anxious to avoid displeasing her conservative audience.
  • I doubt that you mother would be too pleased that you were displeasing her most important customer.
  • When one of these has a little cunning, he passes his time in the utmost satisfaction to himself and his friends; for his position is never to report or speak a displeasing thing to his friend. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II
  • The fact that you might find this aesthetically displeasing is no kind of evidence for the idea that markets actually are the magic solution you seek. Matthew Yglesias » The Wage Stagnation Debate
  • The most profane swearer call refrain from his oaths, while in the presence of a person whom he fears, and to whom he knows it would be displeasing.
  • Of so very many things, of failure, of displeasing, of not understanding, of not being equal and even worrying how my switchy feelings may get in the way of it all. June 1st, 2004
  • He was persuaded that disunity in the church was displeasing to heaven and bad for the empire's success and prosperity.
  • Margarita, as beautifull as the best: but yet so peevish, scornefull, and fantasticall, that she disdained any good advice given her; neyther could any thing be done, to cause her contentment; which absurd humors were highly displeasing to her husband: but in regard he knew not how to helpe it, constrainedly he did endure it. The Decameron
  • No matter how silly the questions, the poor victim must remain charming and keep repeating titillating soundbites, without ever actually being injudicious or displeasing the capricious movie-going masses.
  • Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption, who continue constant in their love to him, so as not to be corrupted out of it by any baits or seductions whatsoever, and whose love to him is uncorrupted by any opposite lust, or the love of any thing displeasing to him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Boyle is famous now not because she has an incredible singing voice - which, let's face it, she hasn't; she has a good singing voice and that rare but not unknown talent of possessing perfect pitch - but because she is aesthetically "displeasing" (she is over 25, doesn't appear to have great knowledge of personal grooming and looks much older than her real age - 47). Irish Blogs
  • And that whatever action can have no effect either upon one's self, or any other person, and is neither pleas - ing nor displeasing to God, cannot be called cither virtu - ous or vicious. The Dignity of Human Nature, Or, A Brief Account of the Certain and Established Means for ...
  • Balmawhapple, has craved of my age and experience, as of one not wholly unskilled in the dependencies and punctilios of the duello or monomachia, to be his interlocutor in expressing to you the regret with which he calls to remembrance certain passages of our symposion last night, which could not but be highly displeasing to you, as serving for the time under this present existing government. Waverley
  • According to The tenants of Shinto, all White animals are sacred Kami spirits that you mess with at the peril of displeasing the Gods. Would You Keep an Albino Gamefish?
  • The relish of the mind is as various as that of the body, and like that too may be altered; and it is a mistake to think that men cannot change the displeasingness or indifferency that is in actions into pleasure and desire, if they will do but what is in their power. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • For though one should speak ten thousand words well, if there happen to be one little word displeasing to you, because not sufficiently intelligible or accurate, you make no account of the many good words, but lay hold of the little word, and are very zealous in setting it up as something impious and guilty; in order that, when you are judged with the very same judgment by God, you may have a much heavier account to render for your great audacities, whether evil actions, or bad interpretations which you obtain by falsifying the truth. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • What deterred her was not so much the idea of displeasing her lover, who would have looked upon such a journey as bad form, as the vague fear of awakening the slumbering shadow. A Mummer's Tale
  • Margarita, as beautifull as the best: but yet so peevish, scornefull, and fantasticall, that she disdained any good advice given her; neyther could any thing be done, to cause her contentment; which absurd humors were highly displeasing to her husband: but in regard he knew not how to helpe it, constrainedly he did endure it. The Decameron
  • Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you -- The burden of this faithful and uncompromising address was to show them, that though they had obtained the change of government they had so importunely desired, their conduct was highly displeasing to their heavenly King; nevertheless, if they remained faithful to Him and to the principles of the theocracy, they might be delivered from many of the evils to which the new state of things would expose them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Modern music can at first seem displeasing to the ear.
  • When this came to the hearing of Lysimachus, it was very greatly displeasing to him, because now he saw himselfe utterly deprived of al hope to attaine the issue of his desire, if Hormisda received The Decameron
  • ARs aren't functionally better than other semi-autos, they are more expensive generally, aesthetically displeasing to some of us, and they're generally less well built and less accurate. Is Your Next Deer Rifle An AR?
  • Don't be afraid of displeasing me, you couldn't do that.

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