How To Use Disoriented In A Sentence

  • The Wiltschkos showed that pigeons raised without free access to ambient odors are not disoriented when anosmic while their siblings raised with free access to the prevailing wind were disoriented.
  • Daniel wins very big, all the while doing a kind of flippy-floppy hope-and-victory dance that looks like a Saturday Night Live schtick and has Bob Barker in disoriented stitches. Boing Boing: December 28, 2003 - January 3, 2004 Archives
  • Temporarily disoriented and without any immediate answers, on the way toward recovery, she sank into depression.
  • I was fuzzy and disoriented after three weeks of cityhopping.
  • When I became disoriented I knew I was easy prey for her lioness ways.
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  • While he was disoriented, I wrested the gun from his grasp and threw it far away.
  • After the birds took flight they would have been completely disoriented and flying at a high rate of speed, "most likely about 25 mph, given my experience with their cousins, the tricolored blackbird," Meese says. Fireworks likely cause of massive Ark. bird kill
  • I just feel kind of dejected and disoriented about a certain boi and a certain trip to a certain foreign country and the certain ramifications that might have on our certain relationship. Tuesday blues
  • Notice the twitchy, disoriented candidate running for re-election who has to be fed lines.
  • One determined Zulu even jumped over the barricade and assegaied a disoriented patient to death, though he himself was quickly picked off by a British rifleman.
  • I know that the cold had reduced my abilty to shoot with precision at small game even at close ranges when I was "temporarily disoriented" ... wouldn't have had the chance to find out though since my binoculars don't fire. 22's and camp turned out to be about a half mile and 4 hours of wandering in the dark away ... thank GOD for clear weather and a bright night. What's the Best Survival Weapon?
  • Worse yet, he quickly became encephalopathic, meaning he was confused and disoriented because his liver was unable to filter out toxins before they reached his brain. Meet Our Patients: Jacob Jowett
  • Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.
  • I simply become easily disoriented and off-balance and violently eject myself from bed onto the floor.
  • The few who have seen Durdiyev lately describe him as disoriented, raising concern that he may have been force-fed medication.
  • When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.
  • Whales become disoriented in shallow water.
  • Clearly frazzled by the Wizards 'burst and the sudden rise in emotion from the crowd of 11,591, the Sonics looked disoriented on the other end. National Basketball Association - Sonics vs. Wizards
  • He was too disoriented to aim correctly so he just began squeezing off shots.
  • Memento" (2000) - The disjointed, reverse chronology of this Christopher Nolan film left most viewers feeling as confused and disoriented as lead character Leonard, who suffers from anterograde amnesia, which prevents him from creating new memories. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • I feel oppressed and confused by neat columns of figures marching down the page or screen, disoriented by colour-coded graphs and the arcane jargon of statistical analysis.
  • Society has been disoriented by changing values.
  • They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented.
  • If you lose your flow or become disoriented, don't start doing the breaststroke, and definitely don't let yourself go vertical.
  • If I sometimes seem grouchy or disoriented, remember that like Walt Whitman I contain multitudes.
  • If you're kayaking and you can't ID that gnarly rock on your right and then quickly shift to the waterfall straight ahead, your system becomes disoriented and you might miss the safest line through Class V rapids.
  • The llano was a place of extreme desolation, a vast, trackless, and featureless ocean of grass where white men became lost and disoriented and died of thirst; a place where the imperial Spanish had once marched confidently forth to hunt Comanches, only to find that they themselves were the hunted, the ones to be slaughtered. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Intravenous injections of a chemical agent we call Pentothal-V6, twice a day for ten days at twelve-hour intervals — once the client has been put into a suitably frightened, disoriented frame of mind, by the usual sleep-wake method, followed by four days of sleeplessness. Noble House
  • Fairly disoriented, I jumped down out of our loft - bed, and standing stark naked, faced the windshield.
  • The Greens seek to appeal to confused and disoriented elements from the extreme right, as well as the left.
  • Cox told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp that it appeared Molnar had become disoriented in the snowstorm and may have left her vehicle to get help.
  • Any time we make a conscionable effort at acquiring said Wardrobe we invariably become confused and disoriented and have to breathe deeply and then go eat a snack. On Work Attire
  • Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.
  • Having secretly sowed treason in the Benga li ranks, he seized the high ground and cannonaded his disoriented enemy. Companies to Colonies
  • For all her calls to action, she seemed disoriented by the size of the atoll. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • There was a moment when she swam, totally disoriented, in darkness and silence. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • Instead of finding the strength of the play to be in its radical interiorization of conflict as Agar does, Thompson finds that the "play fails to dramatize the conflict between free will and necessity; Hesperus is a passive, emotionally disoriented (although not insane, as other characters and some critics assume) spiritual bankrupt whose only solution is to negate life Introduction
  • These often contain perchloroethylene, the solvent used in dry cleaning, which emits carcinogenic fumes that can make you lightheaded, nauseous, and disoriented.
  • the anesthetic left her completely disoriented
  • Her health was poor, although stable, until the morning of admission, when she became disoriented and lethargic.
  • The pilot became disoriented in bad weather over the ocean.
  • Heart like night of the meteor, empty lonely, disoriented, Gu Ying companion, across the marginal.
  • They were stripped to the bone in minutes by starving, disoriented necrophage bees. Beowulf's Children
  • The Dutchman had his back to goal when he received a pass from Robert Pires but with a deft and exquisite touch of his left boot he flicked the ball around Nikos Dabizas, pirouetted and ran the other side, leaving the Newcastle defender completely disoriented before coolly beating Shay Given. Guardian writers choose their favourite Premier League goal
  • Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.
  • It's believed that when the shofar is sounded, Satan will be completely disoriented. Perry Garfinkel: A Hind-Jew in India
  • The raise of mediocrity is dangerous because those who are uninformed, undecisive and disoriented (don't know and don't care about truth) - are easier to scare and manipulate. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Several of the dark-suited executives stood dazed and disoriented before floor-to-ceiling nonglare windows, which faced downtown. Black Friday
  • His skin was jiggly with water and he was a bit disoriented.
  • Society has been disoriented by changing values.
  • So when he starts to verbally assault Zack, hurling painful epithets at him, one feels disoriented since they seemed to get along in school.
  • “Elizabeth,” said Gomez, her heart racing, “what was your plan for dealing with forty-one multiton, radioactive rock creatures when they woke up, possibly disoriented, possibly pissed off?” Creative Couplings
  • The few who have seen Durdiyev lately describe him as disoriented, raising concern that he may have been force-fed medication.
  • He concluded that she was in remarkably good physical health, but she had indeed changed from a confused, disoriented state to a hypertense and volatile one. Fallen Hearts
  • Due primarily to the influence of the Stalinist Communist Party of Italy, the working class remained passive and disoriented, allowing Forza Italia and the neo-fascists to profit.
  • As Millar trudged through the knee-high snow, he watched comrades - exhausted and disoriented - tumble into drifts.
  • You're disoriented and you become unhinged.
  • His guts screamed with pain, and he was so disoriented he couldn't move until the sound of gunshots made him force himself to get up.
  • It’s pitch black, they are disoriented, and the only sound is a low rumble and creak from the belly of the ship. ‘Pandorum’ Trailer #2 = Socks Off « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway
  • As I continue with kayaking, I am becoming more proficient at righting my kayak and feeling more in control of my actions, more knowledgeable and less disoriented.
  • The great writer and scholar Iris Murdoch, addled and disoriented by advanced Alzheimer's Disease, ambles out of her Oxford house and into the city.
  • It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented.
  • Well, when I first start the treatment I get a couple of days feeling a little squiffy and disoriented.
  • But in the scope of this metaphor, the implication is that euthanizing the whales will somehow make room for "better" (sneer quotes) classes of whales to evolve that aren't disoriented by subchaser pings. Undefined
  • He was dazed and disoriented so Marian got him to the hospital where he had a major stroke.
  • Marge, at this point, exhausted and slightly disoriented, said, "Who are you calling a harpy? Ann Coulter and Fred Phelps Announce Engagement
  • Attracted by nighttime pool lights, a disoriented female loggerhead turtle finds its way into a residential swimming pool on Siesta Key, Sarasota, Florida.
  • At first Snowball seemed disoriented when she looked around, but she didn't try to uncover the chick. Instead, she flew up to her nor-mal perch and stayed there.
  • When both types of receptors are activated - for instance in yellow-green light - the redbreasts become disoriented.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal Grand Central Terminal If it's been a while since you taxied from JFK to the island of Manhattan, bridging toward that dramatic Batman skyline, you may find yourself feeling as disoriented as a hubcap wobbling down the street in every wrong direction. New York
  • The spaces are designed to make the visitor feel disoriented, to simulate the feeling of those who were exiled.
  • The ability to stand in an intersection and look voluably for the signposts is not as clueless as it sounds to someone who refuses to admit they are disoriented. Who wants to own content? « BuzzMachine
  • You may be a little emotionally disoriented at the eclipse, so don't make any rash moves while you're in reactive mode.
  • I come out of the theater feeling disoriented.
  • The book opens with Smith's capable pursuit of a disoriented country gentleman.
  • People who easily tumble on land can become quickly disoriented trying to do the same move in the water.
  • He is an example of some one who has become lost or disoriented on the new frontier.
  • Amanda woke in darkness and for an electrified moment lay perfectly still, roused abruptly from a profound sleep by such piercing terror that she was completely disoriented.
  • Another night, on the short walk home, he became disoriented and lost, and eventually found himself in an endless tunnel.
  • After awhile subjects become disoriented and begin to hallucinate uncontrollably.
  • The potential complications include postsurgical delirium, which causes some patients to become confused and disoriented for days. A Nip and a Tuck
  • Stone started to answer, figured that `Europort" would sound reasonable, but she woke up with a start, disoriented. CORMORANT
  • His thoughts were jumbled and confused, and they only became more disoriented as a horrible transformation began to take place.
  • Disoriented, waking in a strange bed in a strange house, she would have remained where she was except for the demands of her bladder. FINAL RESORT
  • And the crews in the back who are operating the thing that they call the bambi bucket, they sometimes can get disoriented because of all of that smoke and the nausea. CNN Transcript May 24, 2007

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