How To Use Disjunctive In A Sentence
Peirce aimed to extend Venn's system in expressive power with respect to the first two kinds of propositions, i.e., existential and disjunctive statements.
Sections 3 to 7 of this article attend to the notion of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
Determinates vs. Determinables
Within this comes the central problem – a disjunctive between individual rights and their emphasis on the negative effects of indivdualisation causing the so-called ‘broken society’.
2009 November « My Political Ramblings…
The revolutionary illusions have gone, but the disjunctive approach to reality (which gave rise to those illusions) lives on.
Obama is just as evil as Bush. (1+3, disjunctive syllogism)
Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 23, 2010
Rosenquist transforms the materially disjunctive qualities of collage into the planar unity of painting.
This is what I call disjunctive politics, i.e., politics in which choices are made by the disjunctive syllogism: A or B; not A; therefore, B.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on Sarah Palin and Going Rogue
A predicate is exclusively disjunctive if and only it is equivalent to a disjunction of disjoint predicates.
Michael Whittle's art concerning biology records the disjunctive dialogue between mind and nature.
The standard way of defining disjunctives in logic is in terms of their truth tables
One virtue of clustering is that it can often invent disjunctive ones.
The inference rule of disjunctive syllogism, while truth-preserving, is not falsity-avoiding.
The difference - the fundamental difference between theater acting and film acting is that film acting is disjunctive.
Some philosophers suggest that there is an important logical difference between disjunctive predicates, on the one hand, and disjunctive properties or universals, on the other.
The intensity of the disjunctive which any particular H conveys is dependent upon its context.
(later called disjunctive properties) prove extremely useful for increasing our metaphysical knowledge.
The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps (thus, ‘Legend’) and their borders and flags.
This is an algebraic expression of the disjunctive normal form theorem of sentential logic.
Provocations include not only the lack of grammar, but highly disjunctive and often obscure use of line breaks which abandon denotative and connotative functions of words in favour of half swallowed or choked sounds.
But it follows anyway that the laws of intricate logic for hypotheticals may be used to obtain analogous laws for disjunctives; and vice versa.
The critical interpretive question is whether the disjunctive should be viewed either as two separate conditions, or as two different ways of describing the same condition.
The particle H serves to provide a disjunctive or comparative conjunction between separate ideas or convictions.
These realizations made their marks on his own disjunctive history.
I should probably be more careful of my disjunctive anecdotes in class, lest any inferences between the story and the actual topic at hand are accidentally made.
Due to the domain and the range of G being disjunctive sets, the relation G has the following formal features: it is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive; moreover, G is many-one, but not one-many.
Slices of Matisse
The approach typical of clinical practice, the disjunctive approach, identifies a dramatically larger and more heterogeneous group than the conjunctive approaches that typify randomized clinical trials research.
Their deaths stand in visible and evident witness to the disjunctive structure of a Christian ethics of redemption.
Hinton argued that we should understand a statement about how things sensorily appear to a subject to be equivalent to a disjunctive statement that either one is veridically perceiving such and such or one is suffering an illusion (or hallucination); and such statements are not to be regarded as making a report about a distinctive mental event or state that is common to these disjoint situations.
Petty Injuries
Compound universals (such as conjunctive ones, and disjunctive ones if they exist) no doubt dependR for their existence upon the universals out of which they are compounded.
Ontological Dependence
All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
For them to call themselves a community group is disjunctive with the use of language.
The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
The turn of a corner, like the flick of a film frame, can redefine the nature of a disjunctive, heterogeneous spatial continuum.
The book is a series of disjunctive jottings, often compelling in themselves, but not always smoothly related.
All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
Whittington brightens the dark moments in Skowronek's model — for example, omitting the category of "disjunctive" presidencies, failed attempts at affiliation — as he refines it to explain the development of judicial supremacy.
But it is a fair presumption that the belief in exclusive disjunctive uses of or in English includes just such three-disjunct uses of or.
Further, this view requires us to alter the language of clause (B) to replace the "or" disjunctives with "and" conjunctives.
In these later works, the two elements are physically disjunctive.
His earliest compositions were songs for a former prog-rock band; the songs were "disjunctive" even for that free-form style, he said. stories
Creationists are thus accused of the fallacy of false alternatives, that is, the disjunctive premise leaves out a possible alternative.
This is an algebraic expression of the disjunctive normal form theorem of sentential logic.
But since the interrelation of consciousness and world in language is rendered so disjunctive as to disengage the easy response, generosity and the unpremeditated seem also impossible.
In French, Louis XIV did not say L’état, c’est je; French has what they call the disjunctive pronoun so they can say C’est moi and Il est plus grand que moi.
Between you and ?
He also discusses the disjunctive propositions which follow from a conditional proposition.
At Ingolstadt, the branchlike ribs are disjunctively representational, carved with protruding nubs or twigs signaling their botanical nature.
Ultimately, all disjunctives are part of the same continuum as conjunctives.
Though historical scholarship (or at least something akin to that) was not entirely unknown in South Asia, the history the colonial historians produced was disjunctive with the constructions of the past the South Asians knew.
You could object a bit to the way the disjunctive choice is set up.
disjunctive conjunctions like `but', `or', or `though' serve a contrastive function
This paper presents an approach to settle the latter problem-the minimal subsets can be found out in the minimal disjunctive form or the minimal conjunctive form of a logical function.
Provocations include not only the lack of grammar, but highly disjunctive and often obscure use of line breaks which abandon denotative and connotative functions of words in favour of half swallowed or choked sounds.
Funk points out that the particle H displays its sharpest disjunctive characteristics in interrogative sentences.
This is particularly evident with disjunctive queries, which use the minus sign to exclude particular search terms.
Like Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama's election will follow what Stephen Skowronek described as "disjunctive" presidencies, those in which the presidents went so wayward, and economic conditions became so unacceptable, that the American people called for and accepted wholesale political revolution.
Dylan Loewe: Realizing the Revolution
Issues of artistic identity, the pleasure of looking and political responsibility result from an exploration of disjunctive image and sound.
Disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars.
Too frequently, Stevenson's doubled scenes, his disjunctive narratives, even his fascination with and sophisticated representations of cultural difference have been merely psychologized.
The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps and their borders and flags.
Swensen reins in the use of disjunctive techniques, as Gander does, by structuring the volume according to a clear pattern.