

  1. serving or tending to divide or separate

How To Use disjunctive In A Sentence

  • Peirce aimed to extend Venn's system in expressive power with respect to the first two kinds of propositions, i.e., existential and disjunctive statements.
  • Sections 3 to 7 of this article attend to the notion of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates. Determinates vs. Determinables
  • Within this comes the central problem – a disjunctive between individual rights and their emphasis on the negative effects of indivdualisation causing the so-called ‘broken society’. 2009 November « My Political Ramblings…
  • The revolutionary illusions have gone, but the disjunctive approach to reality (which gave rise to those illusions) lives on.
  • Obama is just as evil as Bush. (1+3, disjunctive syllogism) Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 23, 2010
  • Rosenquist transforms the materially disjunctive qualities of collage into the planar unity of painting.
  • This is what I call disjunctive politics, i.e., politics in which choices are made by the disjunctive syllogism: A or B; not A; therefore, B. The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on Sarah Palin and Going Rogue
  • A predicate is exclusively disjunctive if and only it is equivalent to a disjunction of disjoint predicates.
  • Michael Whittle's art concerning biology records the disjunctive dialogue between mind and nature.
  • The standard way of defining disjunctives in logic is in terms of their truth tables
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