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How To Use Disenfranchise In A Sentence

  • It was not to deprive, to disenfranchise people.
  • Preaching to people who feel disenfranchised affects the way you address them. Christianity Today
  • The worst thing about Britain is that so many people are disenfranchised by price and snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, if the powers that be want to disenfranchise you or make you unemployable, that's one sure way to do it.
  • But vote groups are concerned asking people for more information could disenfranchise legitimate voters on election day.
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  • Didn't Clinton herself agree to "disenfranchise" the voters of MI and FL in the fall of 2007? Florida court throws out DNC suit
  • She'd be forgiven for ranting even a bit more about voter apathy, but she wisely takes the high road in describing the disenfranchised young women who reject much of the rhetoric of their feminist foremothers.
  • The Party is dead and working class people have been cruelly disenfranchised.
  • Maybe it's time for both the globalists and anti-globalists to consider what the poorer and disenfranchised have already worked out.
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • It has disenfranchised many people from the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the future, after global warming has made cities the only safe places to live, large sections of the world are closed to disenfranchised people who have to live in deserts.
  • And if there is a referendum in Britain it will be so close as to leave the issue undecided and half the country feeling resentful and disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who cares if some 19,000 voters in Palm Beach County were effectively disenfranchised?
  • Disenfranchisement in the first sense relates to the virtual exclusion of certain substantive issues from the ordinary political agenda.
  • The trouble is not that the people are disenfranchised, it is that the people's representatives are disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Y'all disenfranchise and marginalize the black man and you expect him to bear his chafe?
  • You name the disenfranchised group, she's campaigned on their behalf. Times, Sunday Times
  • That must surely give comfort to minority groups or to non-whites who feel disenfranchised.
  • The trouble is not that the people are disenfranchised, it is that the people's representatives are disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disenfranchised people were turned into a resource, worth only the market price of their labour power.
  • But he considers it wrong that rugby's heartlands are being ignored and substantial areas disenfranchised, purely for financial expediency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem with poor turnouts has nothing to do with the hassle of getting to a polling station, and everything to do with people feeling unrepresented and disenfranchised.
  • He commented that an effort is made not to over-represent a particular demographic, but that it is true that ‘many notes are from people that are downtrodden or disenfranchised.’
  • It has disenfranchised many people from the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • By giving an equal voice to all, it empowers many of those who are disenfranchised economically or socially and who would not otherwise be heard. Computing
  • This last winter, at its annual meeting, the Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, the coordinating body of Jewish voluntary fund-raising for Israel and local community needs all over the country, said quite flatly, in a public resolution, that policies which disenfranchise the rabbis of the nonorthodox majority of American Jewry are hurting the fundraising for Israel. Begin and the Jews: An Exchange
  • As a nation of the disenfranchised, freaks, and outsiders, we can identify with the yearning to fit in somewhere.
  • Preaching to people who feel disenfranchised affects the way you address them. Christianity Today
  • And besides, relying on a popular vote argument "disenfranchises" (to use a Clintonian term appropriately, for a change) all the participants in all the caucus states, the results from which are not reflected in any of the popular vote totals. Report: Michigan Re-Vote In Trouble
  • We have been ignored, disenfranchised and we are disenchanted!
  • You name the disenfranchised group, she's campaigned on their behalf. Times, Sunday Times
  • Palin has been disenfranchised from the Tea Baggers and yet she insists that she will speak at their meeting. Think Progress » Boehner Feigns Ignorance That His GOP Retreat Is Attended By Goldman Sachs, Other Corporate Lobbyists
  • The rush to fix the latest glitches followed Comelec's revelation that it had evidence of a plot to disenfranchise voters by exploiting their unfamiliarity with the machine-countable ballot forms.
  • The only way she is winning the popular vote is to "disenfranchise" (that's right I said it Hillary) the 200 some odd thousand voters in MI that went for Obama. Clinton reviewing 'options' - but says superdelegates could shift
  • Barack Obama is in Florida to raise money from voters whom he has worked hard to disenfranchise from the Democratic Party’s nomination process. Carter: Obama-Clinton ticket unlikely
  • They can be a great metaphor for any feared, misunderstood, disenfranchised group. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be a great metaphor for any feared, misunderstood, disenfranchised group. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obama could not seal the deal with the actual voters - even advantaged by caucus formats and disenfranchised voters in Fl and Mi - so now he needs the help of superdelegates. Obama continues to narrow Clinton's superdelegate lead
  • And it seems that there is a concerted effort lead by Democrats and parroted by the media, to disenfranchise us.
  • It disenfranchises and oppressed most of those that are supposedly part of the rescue. Thoughts on rescues, rescuers and realities « Bound, Not Gagged
  • You name the disenfranchised group, she's campaigned on their behalf. Times, Sunday Times
  • It disenfranchises many voters in California.
  • The Minnesota tradition in law [is] to enfranchise people, and their decision disenfranchises many Minnesotans whose votes have been wrongly rejected," said Coleman legal spokesman Ben Ginsberg. Unappealing
  • If the voters of Florida and Michigan are upset, and feel disenfranchised the correct place to take up their concerns is at the govenors mansion. paul DNC faces big challenge Saturday
  • The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has docketed Igartua, et al.v. United States of America (P-776-06) and Rossello, et al.v. United States of America (P-1105-06) as violations of human rights for the disenfranchisement of "four million American citizens". Puerto Rico voting ban lands USA in international court: 6th in a 21st Century American Colonies series
  • Among the many questions following the confusing president election is whether some African-American voters were disenfranchised.
  • Also, the cases are disanalogous: you cannot legitimately compare the situation of a disenfranchised group to that group that aggressively manufactured said disenfranchisement over the past 500 years. Think Progress » Fifty-five years after Brown v. Board, Mississippi county schools ordered to stop school segregation.
  • People do not like being disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • She describes her students, mostly poor and minority, as "dissed" -- "disenfranchised, discouraged and dismissed. rss feed
  • This is the second year we have been disenfranchised by this inept system and incompetence behind its planning.
  • The North's new Electoral Fraud Act may disenfranchise some voters in the run-up to the Assembly elections, according to the parties there.
  • It is suing to block the use of the punchcard ballots, claiming the system is faulty and disenfranchises minority voters.
  • You name the disenfranchised group, she's campaigned on their behalf. Times, Sunday Times
  • Key to the success of such narratives is the existence of a disenfranchised population who want to be liberated and can be re-imagined as legitimate wielders of state power.
  • Linking human trafficking and torture victims to consenting adult sex work and focusing attention on the first to disenfranchise the second disenfranchises both. Survivors, trafficking and Piggybacking politics « Bound, Not Gagged
  • The idea would be that small investors who have previously been disenfranchised would be given a voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most disenfranchised groups in health care is older people with psychotic disorders.
  • Environmentalists are failing to attract the disenfranchised, the disempowered, the dispossessed and the disengaged.
  • The combined effects of disenfranchisement laws, inmate population trends and economic realities perpetuate a racial divide in society.
  • It's only relatively recently we've seen this surge of activity, in large part, I think, because the scale of disenfranchised is so much greater now because of the explosion of the criminal justice system over the last several decades. Convicted Felons Want The Right To Vote
  • The document is supposed to protect the disenfranchised from the enforcement arm of the state. April Fool’s, Justice Cosgrove! Clean Out Your Desk. : Law is Cool
  • The poorest and most disenfranchised members of the community may have different perspectives than the well-off, who exist even in urban slums.
  • She draws a parallel between the disenfranchised state of women and minorities in the nineteenth century and into the present.
  • If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.
  • People feel pretty disenfranchised from the world around them - mostly their voices - their opinions - don't really matter in the slightest.
  • I've believe the exodus of good steady manufacturing jobs are at the crux of the spiritual disenfranchisement we are experiencing in our nation.
  • The worst thing about Britain is that so many people are disenfranchised by price and snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is finally supported by the poor, the disenfranchised, all black people who will vouch for this old white man, descendant of the plantocracy of Jamaica. Calabash, The Third Day : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • In other words, many people will have given up in confusion, disenfranchised by the pig-headed insistence on the procedure by a Government which has turned what was once a simple, enjoyable experience into a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • Yet somehow no other country similarly disenfranchises residents of its capital. Matthew Yglesias » DC Statehood
  • “I do sense that you are invested in felon disenfranchisement for some reason, like I am invested in having a universal franchise ….” Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
  • Perhaps more importantly, Ms Johnson Sirleaf has not been able to dispel the sense of disenfranchisement felt by many indigenous Liberians.
  • It happens all too often in large cities where people tend to live disenfranchised lives. Christianity Today
  • White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.
  • They can be a great metaphor for any feared, misunderstood, disenfranchised group. Times, Sunday Times
  • The camera is objective enough in framing the size of the structure, in presenting its countless lifeless and identical compartments, but again the horror arises from the severe possibility of disenfranchisement gone awry. Weekend Weirdness Review: Tony - London Serial Killer | /Film
  • Substance abusers may be particularly likely to be disenfranchised from key societal institutions including the church.
  • By using their weird caucusing (which disenfranchises old people & working people due to the time commitment) and their soviet-style party bosses, they are about to again nominate an unelectable figure. Exit Polls: Clinton gains edge among independents
  • It has disenfranchised many people from the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • A viable solution must recognize and deal with the sense of disenfranchisement that motivates much terrorism, especially among Islamic populations.
  • Only recently, one only has to look at them, to listen to them hiss and mewl about Haiti, about the poor and disenfranchised. Steven Weber: The War on Hope
  • Born of the Great Depression, the brothers were unhinged maniacs with no roots, no ties, no responsibilities, fighting back on behalf of the disenfranchised little man.
  • The final image of Wikus stuck in the slum eating dog food with the rest of the disenfranchised is pretty potent stuff. The 11 « Gerry Canavan
  • The african americans had their vote disenfranchised, yes, I do not disagree that point however this is not the reason why kerry or Gore lost the Election, rather it had more to do with Kerry and Gore not standing up for themselves for fear that they would ruin their political careers. Conversations with the Young and Politically Motivated
  • Preaching to people who feel disenfranchised affects the way you address them. Christianity Today
  • He should give some thought to the millions of viewers disenfranchised by the sell-out.
  • The tone is balanced, despite the author's sympathy for the causes of the disenfranchised.
  • Ergo it doesnt matter whow Amanda interpreted Limbaughs disenfranchised decoder ring gibberish. Think Progress » Republicans use failed terrorist attack as excuse to further delay Dawn Johnsen’s confirmation.
  • Who cares if some 19,000 voters in Palm Beach County were effectively disenfranchised?
  • Because so many voters were disenfranchised four years ago, Congress voted to require that all states provide provisional ballots to everyone who turns up to vote but is not listed on the rolls.
  • The easiest and cheapest way to revote is to caucus, but Hillary and Monster Inc said no, they obviously want to disenfranchise the voters of Michigan and Florida. In Meeting, Dean Promises Florida Pols He'll Get Delegation Seated -- No Specific Ideas Discussed
  • Today, it means the voice of the disenfranchised alumni crying in the wilderness, paco ; "The wind of freedom blows." "No, that slogan blows."
  • Disenfranchisement case to be heard in Nevada tomo ... Rumblings on damaged state of US economy
  • American Splendor has, in its sarky and diffident way, some pretty serious things to say about the disaffected and the disenfranchised in American society, alienated from their jobs and their lives.
  • Knowing the depth of impact of digital literacy on low-income kids, Watkins is now focusing his efforts on figuring out how to connect these skills to what he calls "civic outcomes" -- issues that have a direct bearing on disenfranchised communities. Tina Barseghian: For At-Risk Youth, Is Learning Digital Media a Luxury?
  • The library's main aim is to educate and inspire disenfranchised children who have seen arts education cut from their school curricula, said library and foundation president Valerie Ervin. Ray Charles Memorial Library Open In L.A.
  • Many Democratic voters have nursed feelings of anger and disenfranchisement for the past four years.
  • He was to celebrate the inauguration in Florida speaking up for the black voters who feel disenfranchised.
  • The working class has been politically disenfranchised, and faces a full frontal assault on its jobs, living standards and democratic rights whatever the final composition of the next government.
  • It was not just those most disenfranchised members of our society, the children, who were patronized, humoured and ignored.
  • To date the drug war has focused primarily on inner cities and the politically disenfranchised minorities who live there.
  • Who cares if some 19,000 voters in Palm Beach County were effectively disenfranchised?
  • Libya's new government "will by definition disenfranchise religious minorities" and women. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Dave watched a friend be completely disenfranchised by the parents of his late partner - he was even excluded from the funeral.
  • Citizens who do not know how to use multimedia will become disenfranchised.
  • In the democratic contest that matters most to the world, the world is disenfranchised.
  • Europe's voters have been effectively disenfranchised by a cunning bureaucracy that finds ways to avoid consulting them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's time to reach out to the increasing number of disenfranchised and disillusioned Americans.
  • Whilst the main parties vie for support amongst the wealthy, the working class has been politically disenfranchised and is bereft of any means of articulating its independent interests.
  • Those who study protoctists, nucleated microorganisms and their immediate descendants exclusive of animals, plants and fungi, are disenfranchised.
  • It's a very disenfranchised neighbourhood and it needs as much community space and organising as possible.
  • Since when did the term disenfranchised come to mean my guy didn't win? CNN Transcript - Special Event: THE SPIN ROOM: Do You Know Who Your Next President is? - November 9, 2000
  • Other people living near GM trial sites are similarly disenfranchised.
  • Europe's voters have been effectively disenfranchised by a cunning bureaucracy that finds ways to avoid consulting them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I agree K, BOTH candidates should have been concerned about the plight of the disenfranchised from the very beginning and not when it favored one or the other. Obama calls Edwards delegates in South Carolina
  • In other words, many people will have given up in confusion, disenfranchised by the pig-headed insistence on the procedure by a Government which has turned what was once a simple, enjoyable experience into a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • The worst thing about Britain is that so many people are disenfranchised by price and snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the fervor of the vinously disenfranchised, Riesling lovers have long worshiped the trinity of Germany, Austria and Alsace.
  • I do sense that you are invested in felon disenfranchisement for some reason, like I am invested in having a universal franchise. Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
  • The rush to fix the latest glitches followed Comelec's revelation that it had evidence of a plot to disenfranchise voters by exploiting their unfamiliarity with the machine-countable ballot forms.
  • Listen to the radio, and there's the man talking about the racist plot to disenfranchise black voters during the election.
  • And just in case you have not entirely made up your mind, remember what happened in the US elections when thousands of voters were disenfranchised in Florida.
  • It has disenfranchised many people from the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we count the votes in FL and MI and do not "disenfranchise" those voters – how are the voter's in the caucas states to be "counted" in order for them not to be "disenfranchised? Clinton says she expects lead in popular vote, primary delegates
  • To speak to the disenfranchised youth of Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout the postwar era, desperate and disenfranchised young people in developing countries sought solace in communism.
  • For all their influence on American culture, they haven't tackled big challenges such as poverty, police brutality, voting disenfranchisement and the racist prison complex.
  • In other words, it shows that the poor are once again disenfranchised!!!!! cmoore Protest planned before hearing in Florida lawsuit
  • Further, these "shut down the vote" campaigns harken back to Operation Eagle Eye, when a young attorney named William Rehnquist led a team of Republicans who disenfranchised black and Latino overs in Phoenix. David A. Love: The Corporate Financing of Voter Suppression
  • Often very funny, there is a sadness at the heart of this film, that of disenfranchised people who still carry the weight of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without question, Obama's Administration will reshape the good-ole-boys' club we have seen for centuries, altering the political terrain, and it may very well spawn new hope for the disenfranchised.
  • In the USA of course, prisoners have been disenfranchised in many states for yonks, and it is considered normal.
  • Readers familiar with Roosevelt ' s " Autobiography " — or other TR biographies — will be stunned to read Mr. Morris claiming that Roosevelt and progressives of his class looked down, with " aristocratic fastidiousness, " on " poor whites, and at the dreg level, imported coolies, reservation Indians, and disenfranchised blacks. Bull Moose In Twilight
  • Uh so as this profound sense of disappointment and disenfranchisement that seems to come with each cycle.
  • Often very funny, there is a sadness at the heart of this film, that of disenfranchised people who still carry the weight of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Civil discourse and outreach work in ensure these communities do no feel alienated and disenfranchised. Obama hosts Muslim-focused entrepreneurship summit
  • And as with so many wars of attrition against the working class, this one begins by shafting disenfranchised communities, especially immigrants. Michelle Chen: Children of Immigrants Targeted by Tax Warfare in Congress
  • a disenfranchised generation of precariat youth
  • Elections have been stolen and voters disenfranchised with paper ballots, too.
  • Preaching to people who feel disenfranchised affects the way you address them. Christianity Today
  • The party's decline is a function of a deliberate and sustained attempt to disenfranchise the working class, which has provided the political basis for an unprecedented growth of social inequality.
  • I do think that privilege almost always ties into - isms, since very infrequently is one either totally privileged or totally disenfranchised — we all have overlapping identities that may be at once in the majority and in the minority. Fucking hell. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Apparently the weather forecast will no longer show wind unless it's significant, and they've ditched isobars and fronts as they disenfranchise the thickos.
  • Bloggers already dealt this year with so-called disenfranchised men whining that they need their own TV network.
  • I was childishly elated to be on the electoral roll for the first time, after 20 years of residential disenfranchisement.
  • He suggested the nomination " threw salt on the wounds of the thousands of Floridians whose voting rights were disenfranchised during the election.
  • April 25th, 2008 10: 48 am ET so now its clinton's people that want to "disenfranchise" people? Final returns in Pennsylvania: did Clinton nab a double-digit win?
  • But then the disenfranchised men waged war and the ensuing chaos is with us still.
  • But he considers it wrong that rugby's heartlands are being ignored and substantial areas disenfranchised, purely for financial expediency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble is not that the people are disenfranchised, it is that the people's representatives are disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we "disenfranchise" millions of voters, then Clinton does have the lead. Clinton supporters tell her: 'It's an honor, Madame President!'
  • Born of the Great Depression, the brothers were unhinged maniacs with no roots, no ties, no responsibilities, fighting back on behalf of the disenfranchised little man.
  • The idea that if we create a fairer more forgiving society with a fully supportive social system the disenfranchised will lift themselves oput of the mire is frankly just not true anymore. Final Fantasy « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • We disenfranchised viewers could then help to fund the roll out of fibre-optic lines to rural areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • An estimated 4.6 million Americans currently cannot vote due to laws that disenfranchise individuals with a felony conviction, often for a nonviolent drug offense.
  • While the revival of form and narrative among young literary poets could be dismissed by critical tastemakers as benighted antiquarianism and intellectual pretension," Gioia writes, "its universal adoption as the prosody-of-choice by disenfranchised urban blacks. . .is impossible to dismiss in such simplistic ideological terms. Is Rap Poetry?
  • This was one of the last pieces of legislation with the real ability to influence states that historically and routinely disenfranchise minority groups and this ruling is akin to the Union Troops being removed from the south after the Civil War leading to pronounced segregationist policies. High court rules in voting rights dispute
  • And Florida's Supreme Court rejected the argument that voters are disenfranchised when provisional ballots they cast in the wrong precincts are not counted.
  • To speak to the disenfranchised youth of Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble is not that the people are disenfranchised, it is that the people's representatives are disenfranchised. Times, Sunday Times
  • To speak to the disenfranchised youth of Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Europe's voters have been effectively disenfranchised by a cunning bureaucracy that finds ways to avoid consulting them. Times, Sunday Times
  • That must surely give comfort to minority groups or to non-whites who feel disenfranchised.
  • There has also been much criticism of holding the vote midweek, which meant many students were disenfranchised from casting their vote.
  • They can be a great metaphor for any feared, misunderstood, disenfranchised group. Times, Sunday Times
  • To speak to the disenfranchised youth of Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often very funny, there is a sadness at the heart of this film, that of disenfranchised people who still carry the weight of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some disenfranchised minority voters also complain of police harassment.
  • Dublin is harbouring a posse of disenfranchised closet cowboys, hollering for a dedicated country music radio service.
  • Often very funny, there is a sadness at the heart of this film, that of disenfranchised people who still carry the weight of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thank God! Someone else who has no problem stating the FACTS/TRUTH that Hillary signed on the dotted line like everyone else to "disenfranchise" (her words now) the voters of these two states. Supporter says Clinton getting desperate
  • It was an epic failure and Lindsay should probably revisit that time now that he is feeling matterless/disenfranchised. Think Progress » Graham Falsely Claims GOP Has Only Used Reconciliation With ‘Bipartisan Support’
  • Without question, Obama's Administration will reshape the good-ole-boys' club we have seen for centuries, altering the political terrain, and it may very well spawn new hope for the disenfranchised.
  • Such activities disenfranchise those who properly register to vote and cast valid ballots.
  • Although the political scene continues to be dominated by nationalist demagogues, there are signs that a significant section of voters feel disenfranchised as a result.
  • This has left the working class disenfranchised, with no political mechanism through which to articulate their independent interests.
  • disenfranchises" them, he says, calling for patients to be better educated about their options. Newswise: Latest News
  • So, evidently, it's not OK to 'disenfranchise' the voters in FL and MI, who broke the rules, but it is OK to disenfranchise all those voters who came out to caucus for their candidates in accordance with the rules. Clinton makes popular vote pitch in new ad
  • But it's that unclear set of requisites that makes a meeting between the empowered and the disenfranchised so impossible.
  • New Scientist reported Juma as saying that modern communication technologies such as teleconferences, email and internet, could turn disenfranchised expatriates into a valuable resource - and that many were desperate to help. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Are you happy for our legislative to have free rein to disenfranchise you of your rights?
  • Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates.
  • So far its new policy has designedly disenfranchised many eligible disabled and chronically ill students.
  • He knows he deliberately disenfranchised farmers - and they have long memories.
  • Throughout the six-week election campaign, the working class has been completely disenfranchised.
  • Can anyone tell me, please, how it is that those who once felt "franchised" now feel "disenfranchised" because a single door has been opened to allow others at the table of grace? Kanouse writes with `heavy heart' of Lutherans' decision on gay pastors | RELIGION Blog |
  • Such people, the powerless, are easy prey, for those who stalk the political landscape, searching for scapegoats onto whom the angry and disenfranchised, whether socially or economically, can be sooled, as we say where I come from.
  • Well, let me just say throughout our history, and even recent history, there have been attempts, organized attempts to disenfranchise people across the board.
  • The Department of Justice determined that there was no impropriety whatsoever, and that voters were not disenfranchised.
  • Florida is home to 400,000 of these disenfranchised voters.
  • In the cities, a disenfranchised underclass looked to the cinema to give them a voice.
  • We wonder if someone will start arguing for a national primary on the ground that the current system "disenfranchises" the easily confused. And Then There Were Still Five
  • Where sightseers once splashed about in silly algorithmic frotteurism, they will be treated this summer to an $85,000 community garden, whose “rural delights” will probably not go to supplement the nutritional needs of the disenfranchised but rather will go to make bloody marys and beer for architecture students. A Farm Grows in Queens
  • In our view, scaling seriously disenfranchises students and creates failures for no other reason than the reporting of statistical niceties.
  • Clinton is talking about how we don't want to "disenfranchise" voters, while she is disenfranchsing everyone who caucused. marygrace Clinton supporters tell her: 'It's an honor, Madame President!'
  • Are we as technologists [doers] disenfranchised from the people who make decisions? Notes from 'MCG Futures' at MCG's Spring Conference
  • Europe's voters have been effectively disenfranchised by a cunning bureaucracy that finds ways to avoid consulting them. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when fathers are disenfranchised by misguided government programs, here's the result.
  • By and large, they are disenfranchised with the current government, have lost faith in having faith, and look to be about to vote a serious question mark into power.

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