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How To Use Discomfort In A Sentence

  • After a long, tedious sail, during which I was subjected to every discomfort, and exposure to the weather, as well as jeers and insults that effervesced from a corrupt heart, where they had been concealed for so many years, we reached a spot near enough to the land to discover a cluster of orange trees and a cabin. Bond and Free: A Tale of the South
  • This is the exclusive preserve of the cave explorer who cares less for personal discomfort.
  • But physical discomforts during the third trimester, such as heartburn, leg cramps, fetal movement, shortness of breath and sinus congestion, can again interfere with sleep.
  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • He first felt discomfort back in June and the problem was diagnosed as a stress fracture. The Sun
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  • We are told that after he called his cardiologist, who by the way, is Dr. Jonathan Reiner, to report that he had been having some discomfort, the doctor said you'd better get yourself back in here right now because as you pointed out, last November 22nd, the then - vice president-to-be was brought to the hospital. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Vice President Could Be Hospitalized Overnight - March 5, 2001
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually, the skin will "toughen," and your child won't feel as much discomfort. Pediatric surgery: Central Line/Subcutaneous Port
  • And apart from altered bowel movement, IBS sufferers also complain about feeling bloated, abdominal pain and discomfort.
  • Roo suspected it was a lie, as Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others ', but he didn't mind. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Cancer chemotherapy can cause severe nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort, which can limit therapy.
  • Within a few days she had become seriously ill, suffering great pain and discomfort.
  • He still suffers considerable discomfort from his injury.
  • You will also be able to manage discomforting pain as labor advances.
  • As a governing philosophy, it has been able to tack for decades from statism to laissez-faire, from big government to individual freedom, with only occasional discomfort.
  • Even more than the treatment of pregnant women, the field of obstetrics was perceived as an exclusively female medical trade, practiced by women trained generally in oral traditions of midwifery. 90 The midwife was responsible for preparing the parturient woman and alleviating the pain and discomfort of the birthing process. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Larger amounts can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, like bloating or flatulence.
  • Then something tips and discomfort is pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • She lets go of my arms, discomforted by the comment.
  • BeachGoat: Cheney is "discomfortable" ghostrider: If you see my bot fly, say hello.
  • On rare occasions, patients exhibit signs of anesthetic toxicity, including flushing, hives, chest or abdominal discomfort, and nausea.
  • We all feel better for doing exercise, yet we seem to forget those sensations and focus on the discomfort and time spent doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of which will make his discomfort even more delicious for us armchair observers to enjoy.
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • The People's car: hundreds of day-trippers brave the discomfort of a fleet of charabancs at Plymouth in 1922.
  • The most notable thing was just how much discomfort and displacement is involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • See your doctor if you experience blood flecks in your stools, a change in your regular bowel habits, abdominal pain or discomfort lasting two weeks or more, or unexplained weight loss.
  • I decided to be happy every day no matter what comes, discomfort or misfortune.
  • And it hurts when we have this clumsy, plodding exchanges because he was my best friend, and now we can't seem to talk to each other without diffidence and discomfort.
  • The occasional guard braved the discomfort for a few minutes before retiring to the cool of the corridors.
  • After all, Ireland's record in Cardiff should be a source of deep discomfort to the Welsh.
  • It is sometimes a mild complaint, with occasional acute bouts - or it can be source of constant pain and discomfort.
  • The only discomfort was sharing space with at least a couple of passengers bound for the same destination.
  • Who can articulate a discomfort with the subliminally retro Betty Crocker ideals about femininity (the gyno/Easy-Bake Oven connection!) or ponder the limited entrepreneurial choices for women, even in 2010, when your mouth is full of chocolate ganache? TV Preview: What's new in 'D.C. Cupcakes'? Too little.
  • Amid the discomforts of his passage the author reflects on or trawls his past, his sorrows and betrayals, his experience as a wartime evacuee.
  • Something resembling a smirk flits across her face and the air grows heavy with his discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bottles roll clanking on the floor, under the bonnet a hung-up tappet or two chatters its story of discomfort. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Perhaps discomforted by these challenges, contemporary critics disparaged the painting.
  • It is they who make her undergo the discomforts or miseries of what we call conventional life or bully her into exile or death. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • People in this group tend to be highly culturally aware and sensitive to the discomforts of ‘post-modernists’.
  • I try to get into full tuck sometime on every ride, for as long as my fondness for beer will allow without too much discomfort, in order to gradually 'acclimatise' myself. In Transition: Livable Streets, Lovable Lenses
  • My sister spent several months there - and like everyone I've met who's ever been to the place, fell totally in love with it, despite its many ghastly discomforts and problems.
  • After watching the Pies prevail on Saturday night with considerable discomfort and going into this match after two comprehensive canings, one couldn't help but fear that a new Dark Age was about to descend upon the football world.
  • They'll most likely tell you to knock on your neighb's door and politely ask them to take it outside: - / kylewritescode answered: There was a case a while back where two lawyers sued their neighbor for smoking in her apartment … maybe give People's Firehouse a call. ironknickers answered: yeah man! more so if you say you have a family history of medical illness's related to smoking, even Second hand. mills answered: It depends on your willingness to 'medicalize' your discomfort by claiming illness; exaggeration (or lying) in this area is rewarded. skyl answered: i would hope so. that disgusting pasty answered: Yes.
  • Is it just me that finds it beyond bizarre that some people expect POC to cosset and protect them from discomfort in order for there to be appropriate conversations about how racism affects POC? Oh, wow. free verse dinocorns.
  • But this, I then panic, is nothing but is bitchy of me, wherein lies the discomfort.
  • She was obviously discomforted by the idea of public performance, and yet she was smiling.
  • Wearing tight-fitting underwear day and night for a week after the operation will help to ease discomfort and prevent swelling.
  • There's a guilty pleasure in witnessing his obvious discomfort and huffy asides to the camera - ‘four hours’ he mutters darkly while getting fitted for a swish suit.
  • The sun was scorching his bare back and his thighs were beginning to ache from the friction of the horse's saddle-free back, but he ignored the discomforts.
  • He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken.
  • We walked on and on, yet I felt no weariness, just a little discomfort as the filth that clung to me began to harden into a crust.
  • The result can be symptoms such as bloating, wind, digestive discomfort and altered bowel habit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The polyphonic voices of the poem remind us at every turn that all of these larger issues concern a pervasive discomfort with the body.
  • An outgrowth of this discomfort is that it has created many conservatives -- who want do such things as to restrict social funding to various early childhood policy programs -- and use the supposed narrowness of IQ differentials over time, (within the various out-groups measured), to bolster their argument. You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To: A Noble Lie?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They don't dig in or cause any discomfort and they are adjustable. The Sun
  • This means that sensory experiences that are not unpleasant or dangerous are experienced as discomfort or pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • If people cannot be brought to an interest in one another greater than they feel to-day, to curiosities and criticisms far keener, and co-operations far subtler, than we have now; if class cannot be brought to measure itself against, and interchange experience and sympathy with class, and temperament with temperament then we shall never struggle very far beyond the confused discomforts and uneasiness of to-day, and the changes and complications of human life will remain as they are now, very like the crumplings and separations and complications of an immense avalanche that is sliding down a hill. An Englishman Looks at the World
  • As with all open-top cars, levels of physical discomfort - such as noise and wind buffeting - rise in relation to speed.
  • For the most part, they have adapted well, but their discomfort was growing and confidence faltering. Times, Sunday Times
  • During this course one new chalazion had started developing on the right lower eyelid with itching, mild discomfort, whitish discharge from eyes and lacrymation.
  • I soldiered through and did two lengths beyond what I'd achieved on Tuesday, while cutting two minutes off my time, then slunk into the steam room where I sat until the discomfort had eased.
  • That he could ride as he did while in such discomfort almost beggars belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Margaret tried to talk of other things, but was in too much discomfort to exert herself enough to divert his attention. The Daisy Chain
  • If I get discomfitted – beyond the mild maternal discomfort at the prospect of Wonderbaby exposing herself under inappropriate circumstances – it is because I have forgotten the joys – those simple, natural joys – of the body as simply body. Where Dora Don’t Go | Her Bad Mother
  • Â The family watches boyfriend Matt with careful scrutiny and the scene is deliberately set up for them to enjoy his obvious discomfort, which seems a bit mean as he and Astra teleport into a ridiculously complex and beautiful Kirby-esque skyscape filled with planets and dots and fooferaw. Review: Astro City - Astra Special #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Relieve discomfort by washing the area gently with warm soapy water, dabbing with soft toilet paper and not scratching.
  • We therefore decided to suffer the discomfort and wait our turn. Times, Sunday Times
  • One can only conjecture about the discomfort and indignity that Sharp, an asthmatic vegan, suffered in his quest, tramping up muddy tracks in the Appalachian mountains, where one community tried to convince him chicken was a vegetable. Cecil Sharp and the Morris Men
  • In narratives by English writers from the time of Margery Kempe, the litany of discomfort, hazard, and mortal peril echoes almost unchangingly down the centuries, muting fainter sounds of pleasure.
  • More patients indicated pain and discomfort during and after treatment with photodynamic therapy than with cryotherapy, although the difference was not statistically significant.
  • Margaret tried to talk of other things, but was in too much discomfort to exert herself enough to divert his attention. The Daisy Chain
  • Following surgery, the donor and recipient were treated with praziquantel. No proglottid or worm ovum was detected by dung detection within 3 months, without any discomfortable symptom.
  • Yet in times of stress they feel chest discomfort. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • My immediate instinct for humor hid my own discomfort.
  • Yet in times of stress they feel chest discomfort. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • The man obviously was a superior being, because other than a muttered "whew" he showed no sign of discomfort. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • This has been a strike which has discomforted everyone, in addition to the biting cold season being experienced.
  • The discomfort underfoot was gone, the metal grids replaced by a beige floor covering softer than sand.
  • The elements of sadomasochistic sex, desires for violence, and a trajectory toward suicide will provoke discomfort among many readers.
  • In such cases, the X-ray leads to unnecessary discomfort, expense and emotional distress.
  • In Northern Ireland I saw private soldiers who spent hours in discomfort with unfaltering concentration logging the movements of suspects.
  • He found no longer any difficulty in promising not to act with precipitance; his confidence was gone; his elevation of sentiment was depressed; a general mist clouded his prospects, and a suspensive discomfort inquieted his mind. Camilla
  • Slap one over the blister, and you can walk straight on without any pain or discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • These creams can lubricate the area and some contain a local anaesthetic to provide short term relief from any discomfort.
  • He underwent surgery last January to remove a bone spur on his left ankle, but surgery then was considered a last resort after several months of discomfort.
  • Drudgery, monotony, fatigue, mental frustration, physical discomfort - all are the same in either case.
  • Some few who had no music in their souls, or no money in their pockets, dawdled about; and the old spectacle of the visitor – wife and the depressed unseasoned prisoner still lingered in corners, as broken cobwebs and such unsightly discomforts draggle in corners of other places. Little Dorrit
  • I didn't have much discomfort after the operation.
  • Reliques he had left behind him, I meane the Friars hood and Cowle, which shewing to their sister, and sharpely reproving her unwomanly behaviour: they left her in no meane discomfort, returning home to their owne houses, with their conquered spolle of the forlorne The Decameron
  • Generally, in culture these discomforts, stimulations, are blocked out; they are not speakable, packageable, or they are disruptive.
  • They must tread ever forward, regardless of discomfort, heedless of exhaustion.
  • Part of her discomfort was simple pain. A Plague of Angels
  • However, some patients experience significant discomfort when sigmoidoscopy is performed without sedation.
  • They endured danger and discomfort thousands of miles from their loved ones. The Sun
  • Iott's past involvement in Nazi re-enactments, first reported by The Atlantic, may well constitute the largest discomfiture for the Republican Party in a cycle in which a number of candidates have done or said discomforting things. Eric Cantor Seeks Distance From Rich Iott, GOP Candidate Who Dressed In Nazi Garb
  • This means that sensory experiences that are not unpleasant or dangerous are experienced as discomfort or pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • And once it was plain that the name-calling and the whispers were not discomforting him, he was left alone. SACRAMENT
  • Not showing any sign of discomfort or worry, I sat down.
  • So, we diagnose someone as suffering from mesenteric adenitis not just because they are in discomfort due to fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea, but because the lower right quadrant of the mesenteric lymphatic system displays abnormal inflammation. Concepts of Disease and Health
  • It is evident by now how the values of a therapeutic culture surrounding us have affected our own views, and, therefore, whence the dread and fear of our own aging and general discomfort level with its attendant issues arises.
  • He seemed clinically well, talking and smiling with no great discomfort.
  • My interviewer couldn't see past the potential discomforts of walking up and down mountain slopes carrying a heavy pack containing all my camping gear.
  • Instead, modern-day social scientists could simply watch the intense psychological discomfort of conservatives when one of their basic tenets (the New York Times is a bit to the left of Kim Il Jung) collides with an inconvertible fact (Times reporter Judy Miller is now completing her second week in the slammer for refusing to rat out her Bush administration sources in the Valerie Plame case). Walter Shapiro: Flying Saucers and Valerie Plame
  • This is less painful than waxing but some people report mild discomfort. The Sun
  • The world sees the desert as a desolate land offering only hardship and discomfort.
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trek entails moments of extreme discomfort as well as overwhelming joy and elation.
  • When reacting to minor everyday pain, the child expresses discomfort but does not overreact.
  • They exhibit a discomfort with science that is shared by most junior ministers, backbench MPs and officials. Times, Sunday Times
  • They almost have to withdraw from the adrenaline, much as drug addicts have to experience discomfort when "kicking "their habit. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • They stood there in the bitter wind; not one complained of the discomfort or cold.
  • From the outset the enterprise was fraught with danger and discomfort. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is not a severe attack," my father wrote at the beginning, "yet it is attended by fits of exceeding discomfort, occasional comatoseness, and even delirium to the extent of making the poor child talk in rhythmic measure, like a tragic heroine -- as if the fever lifted her feet off the earth; the fever being seldom dangerous, but is liable to recur on slight occasion hereafter. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • She clearly showed her discomfort with the theme of aggression.
  • For James McConnell and the estimated 3 million other Americans with celiac disease, staying away from gluten is a fact of life if they want to prevent long-term intestinal damage and the myriad digestive discomforts that come with the disease. A New Diet Villain
  • As your uterus contracts after birth to its nonpregnant size a process called involution, you may experience periods of discomfort or pain. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Although many Singaporeans are "discomforted seeing about one million foreign workers in our total population of 5.1 million," many of those workers do the construction and heavy work needed to keep Singapore's economy humming. Lee Warns of Further Inflation for U.S.
  • He first felt discomfort back in June and the problem was diagnosed as a stress fracture. The Sun
  • She was in a lot of pain and discomfort but still she had to spend 23 hours on a hospital trolley before a bed was found.
  • Summer temperatures routinely soar above 120 degrees, and unless you are a chuckwalla lizard, your discomfort at any time of year will likely range from mildly overheated to thoroughly scorched. Living It Up in Death Valley
  • I think he was unaware of physical discomfort, or regarded it as not worth bothering about.
  • All these memories mean that I associate fishing with pain and extreme displeasure and discomfort.
  • After that the sad and discomfortable night had spent it selfe, and the break of day was beginning to appeare; Ancilla the waiting-woman, according as she was instructed by her Lady, went downe and opened the Court doore, and seeming exceedingly to compassionate the Schollers unfortunate night of sufferance, saide unto him. The Decameron
  • This drug will relieve your discomfort.
  • If there was one thing, one discomfort that she could not take, it was the feeling of grime caked in her clothes, skin and pores.
  • Connor's disposition had slowly adapted from one of amusement to one of worry and discomfort.
  • Patients with dementia go walking for many reasons, including discomfort, hunger or pain.
  • His dark hair and even darker beard do nothing to assuage her discomfort.
  • As with Powell, you can see it in her opinions in the early 1980s: the tentativeness, the discomfort with hurling judicial thunderbolts.
  • This claim will discomfort many an actuary or mathematician.
  • Tragically misplaced amongst a series of powerful speakers, the decrepit trio brought roars from the pressroom and discomfort for all who shun corniness.
  • He is a great discomforter of young students, by telling them what travel it has cost him, and how often his brain turned at philosophy, and makes others fear studying as a cause of duncery. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and discomfort and disturbed bowel habits.
  • Discomfort is the major unsolved problem with protective clothing.
  • The journey was accomplished with a maximum of comfort and ease and a minimum of discomfort.
  • But what's a little more surprising, if not a little discomforting, is that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told NPR's Michele Martin that she deserves to be confirmed. Uh, Thanks...
  • The tumors may be bluish, red-brown or flesh-colored and slowly infiltrate the surrounding tissues, eventually forming protuberant nodules and causing discomfort.
  • She paused and studied him for a long moment until he finally squirmed in discomfort.
  • It wasn't so painful but "discomforting", is that a good word? Nisayon Diary Entry
  • Its slight irregularity could be either intentional or an accident due to the hard-edged woman's discomfort with the beads of meaning.
  • Could the following factors substantially affect my state of mind or performance: physical discomfort –constant rain –insects – unvaried diet –lack of sleep or privacy?
  • She frequently regurgitated undigested food, which alleviated the pressure and chest discomfort.
  • Taking a simple blood sample or vaginal smear will probably involve only minimal discomfort.
  • And a third have walked home barefoot because of the discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • The huanaco has never been a hybernating animal; but we must assume that, like the crotalus of the north, he had formed a habit of congregating with his fellows at certain seasons at the same spot; further, that these were seasons of suffering to the animal -- the suffering, or discomfort and danger, having in the first place given rise to the habit. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • It is unfortunate that you will be in some discomfort and quite unable to ablute after “The Package” is inserted, but again I commend and admire your commitment to the struggle. Cheeseburger Gothic » Shameless self promotion. Now with free books!
  • There was no sign of discomfort or worry, but there was also no sign of complete peace or happiness either.
  • Death from malnutrition and dysentery is extremely unpleasant, and the victim suffers not only from the discomfort of dysentery, but also from severe edema, and many times from halucinations. Harker, David N.
  • He took an unholy delight in her discomfort.
  • While the operations had been in progress much discomfort had been caused to pedestrians, and tradespeople generally reported a depression in trade.
  • Do not give in to the temptation (stemming from your own discomfort) to staunch the flow of tears. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • It took Fats a tune or two to get over his initial discomfort, but soon he was swinging like only Fats Waller could swing.
  • she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth
  • • If your knees feel discomfort, use a rolled-up towel, pillow, or blanket as a cushion behind the knee joint in the popliteal area, if you know where that is. You Being Beautiful
  • While the bronchoscope is passed through your nose or throat into the lungs, it may cause some discomfort.
  • If stomach discomfort occurs after eating cold food, place something warm on the stomach such as hot towels.
  • Most people sail through the test with 80 per cent saying that they felt no pain and at worst mild discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was also examined by a police surgeon and his own GP, and said he had suffered pain and discomfort and a slight scratch to his arm.
  • Like cebil-seeds snuffed and smoked, intranasal bufotenine is throughout quite physically relaxing; in no case was there facial rubescence, nor any discomfort nor disesteeming side-effect.
  • To find out the cause of discomfort like hers, gastroenterologists now have a new technology called confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE). Undefined
  • They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.
  • It is not unusual for manic patients to run up large debts, or follow a course of action that later causes them intense embarrassment, or discomfort, when they have fully recovered.
  • Positioning the nose of the saddle downwards may relieve your initial discomfort but it may cause long term pain.
  • That they were prepared to put themselves through such discomfort is an indication of their strength of feeling.
  • The blatancy of its rhetorical devices and the perverseness of its address create discomfort for serious theorists.
  • Diplomatically, Britain had been cornered and her splendid isolation was more discomforting than her solitary magnificence.
  • Thankfully, the lieutenant had slipped into unconsciousness, instead of continuing to squirm and convulse in obvious discomfort due to the attack on his nervous system. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • I find it kind of discomforting when people I tend to agree with on the issue say things like “I genuinely find nothing objectionable about Tiller’s practice.” Will Saletan’s Moderation
  • And while the liquor eases the bloated, fibre-induced discomfort of our stomachs, we start thinking of running back into the strong, loving embrace of a veal shank.
  • She was in discomfort for several days and traces of the caning remained for a considerably longer period.
  • Both of these items are reasonably priced, reasonably sized, and designed in a way that can minimize discomfort but maximize ease of use.
  • To cap their discomfort, they're intermittently coerced into becoming part of the show.
  • Based on information currently available, the FDA believes the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote; however if a consumer were to swallow an affected caplet, it could result in minor stomach discomfort and/or possible cuts to the mouth or throat. Acetaminophen Tylenol Brand Substitute Found to Have Metal Pieces in Pills
  • You can also look at your current shoes, but if you feel a bit discomfort, it's ok to get a bigger size.
  • ‘The dogs were muzzled for safety but they all handled it really well and didn't show any signs of discomfort or stress,’ they said.
  • “When women hear the word menstrual, they tend to think cramps and discomfort,” says our resident (female) PhD of the hour, quoted in the magazine. ProWomanProLife » When pregnancy comes as a big surprise
  • Some of the common discomforts of pregnancy such as nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness will be most pronounced during these early weeks.
  • Side effects include bone marrow toxicity, hepatitis, reversible oligospermia, yellow discoloration of urine and of soft contact lenses, nausea, headache, and abdominal discomfort.
  • Medicine (1991) - Alan Kligerman, deviser of digestive deliverance, vanquisher of vapor, and inventor of Beano, for his pioneering work with anti-gas liquids that prevent bloat, gassiness, discomfort and embarrassment. Celebrating Silly Science Since 1991
  • Launfal lay in great misease, because of his heavy thoughts, and the discomfort of his bed. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • That eyewash quickly eased Richardson's discomfort, and, after 15 minutes of flushing, he was ready for transport to medical.
  • Unfortunately, the discomfort of dirtiness is chiefly suffered by other people. The Road to Wigan Pier
  • Or should I work on deprogramming myself from discomfort related to thoughts?
  • Both groups of drugs essentially are painkillers, used to control the discomfort of arthritis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unconscious guilt is experienced as a vague feeling of discomfort, threat, anxiety or danger, reflected in the film's visual style and in its investigative narrative.
  • Designed like a flashlight, this light saber (also dubbed a barf beamer and a puke saber) is intended to totally incapacitate its targets by emitting multiple light frequencies and colors that confuse the brain, resulting in symptoms ranging from discomfort and disorientation to temporary blindness and nausea. John W. Whitehead: Compliance Weapons: One Step Closer to a Police State?
  • He noted that the depigmented areas sunburned easily, causing considerable discomfort and restricting his ability to work outdoors or pursue other outdoor activities.
  • But he was discomforted with that saying, and went away mourning, for he had great possessions.
  • In patients with severe discomfort secondary to vulvitis, the combination of a low-potency steroid cream and a topical antifungal cream may be beneficial.
  • To establish acceptability limits for concrete paths, riders rated the discomfort of riding over chipboard sheets of different thicknesses.
  • When Eisenhower fell into the trap, Khrushchev crowed over his discomfort and demanded an apology or a repudiation of presidential responsibility.
  • Ringling Bros. says the ankus, or bull hook, is used to guide elephants like a leash or a set of reins, not to cause pain or discomfort as activists insist.
  • They are also highly cleansing and detoxifying, which is why many people experience diarrhea and discomfort during the first few weeks of an exclusive fruit diet. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • A lack of close friends and a dearth of broader social contact generally bring the emotional discomfort or distress known as loneliness.
  • It is defined as persistent or recurrent abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort centered in the upper abdomen.
  • Frequent travel made his leg swell up, and caused him a considerable amount of discomfort.
  • But Taen, through the expanded resources of the Sathid matrix, caught the peripheral discomfort of the man's two colleagues; they were very much aware Lord Sholl was party to the witch's schemes, and the idea displeased them hugely. Stormwarden
  • None of the volunteers reported discomfort, and none experienced cutaneous irritation.
  • If a dog had a benign tumour like a lipoma that needed to be removed because it was causing discomfort, I'd likely go ahead with it on most dogs, unless they were extremely old for their breed and/or didn't tolerate surgery well.

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