How To Use Disco In A Sentence
Methone is a bit bigger than Anthe, at 3km (1.8 miles) in diameter, it too was discovered by the Cassini imaging team in 2004.
Tom's Astronomy Blog
Once the thrill of its discovery had passed, Peter got onto the business of exploring the place a little better.
A letter to his wife in 1847 tells of a visit to the Brights at Rochdale; how 'John and I discorded in our views not a little', and how 'I shook peaceable Brightdom as with
Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
Save for a worktable placed almost exactly in the center of the floor, I see only a few benches, some unlit rush lamps, a large set of scales, and a wooden crate, which I discover upon examination contains small crystal vials waiting to be filled.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
IT'S a little disconcerting to walk into a hotel room and find a quintet of young men all wearing slap which is far more expertly applied than your own.
Nothing much happened except that I discovered the automatic paper towel dispenser and proceeded to contort my body into various positions to get the thing to work.
Not for a very long time has the discovery of new music so profoundly moved and excited me as the contents of this disc.
Contrary to what has been claimed, the theory is not insulated against attempts to disconfirm it.
Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
Brandt was the impresario who had discovered Carly Simon and unleashed the Rolling Stones on America.
This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
After using Gentoo I discovered that they're not that "ricer" community everyone claims they are.
Planet Ubuntu
Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
Like Gideon, her mother only existed in scraps of moments, in colors and sound, all disconnected and dissonant.
Apparently, the discovery that Landis is 10,000 years old further proves the fact that he is using performance enhancing steroids. creeky belly
Doping ID - The Panda's Thumb
Crucial is currently quoting as below, with a ten per cent discount for orders taken online.
How, then, can we force a change in the media systems that dominate the discourse and misinform the debate?
It is true that, even at the time of the discovery of nitrobenzol, he pointed out the striking similarity of its smell to that of the oil of bitter almonds.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
The hanging-wall zone contained 33% of the copper and was the most erratic and discontinuous zone.
Results of this study show that females' greatest reported motivation for going to discos is to meet new people rather than to pursue sexual opportunities or to flirt.
Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
In some present-day music the individual syllables of words are used primarily for their sound quality and seem disconnected from the rest of the text.
He travelled widely in pursuit of his ornithological passion, making many new discoveries.
When he discovered, in 1954, that dimethylnitrosamine was hepatotoxic he noticed that the poisoned livers contained enlarged cells similar to those seen in veno-occlusive disease.
This is the exclusive preserve of the cave explorer who cares less for personal discomfort.
Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure. Thomas A. Edison
The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The Heritage Foundation Papers
Having worked himself into this ridiculous kind of phrensy, which lasted, perhaps, from twenty to thirty seconds, he suddenly discontinued it, and suffered his features to relax into their natural form; but the motion of his head seemed to have so stupified him, as indeed it well might, that there remained an unusual vacancy and a drowsy stare upon his countenance for some time afterward.
Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 1
But physical discomforts during the third trimester, such as heartburn, leg cramps, fetal movement, shortness of breath and sinus congestion, can again interfere with sleep.
Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more.
This kind of discourse is at the opposite pole from storytelling as defined by Benjamin.
The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
It was only in hospital that he discovered bone protruding through his skin.
Times, Sunday Times
Other inscriptions discovered are Sanskrit mantras transliterated in Tulu script.
Care and skill in the use of dyes can produce products that resist bleeding, crocking, frosting, and discoloration.
Discourse doesn't have to stoop to the level unreturnable.
Hillary On Obama's Speeches: "It's Change You Can Xerox"
The scientists cannot say if the "hominin" was male or female, but adopted the name tag "X-woman" because the discovery was based on maternally inherited DNA.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Fashion outlets, also known as discount warehouse stores, are large shopping areas often located on a city's outskirts.
Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.
Los Angeles is full of beautiful girls working as waitresses, hoping to be discovered by a movie agent.
How can the social conditions be established which practical discourse would require?
The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
This magnificent bit of luck, the finding of the calisaya, awakened in the susceptible bosom of Mr. Marcoy an ardent desire to explore for himself the site of its discovery.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
Environmental health officers hope the cotes will keep pigeons off the streets and discourage them from feeding on waste food and titbits offered by tourists.
In analyzing the actual content of the perzine, one discovers a number of strategies deployed in the construction and performance of social identity.
The dates of discovery of these elements as 1789 for uranium, 1829 for thorium, 1899 for actinium and 1913 for protactinium.
This discovery is an historic one, General, and I hope it is not out of line to say that I am proud to be a part of it.
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These two transaction costs discourage foreign investment and borrowing.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
Often, the resulting price will be less than the net asset value, meaning that the shares trade at a discount.
Rediscoveries don't happen by accident.
Times, Sunday Times
We've discovered that another hive is afflicted with a parasitic mite with the terrifying name Varroa destructor Next week we plan to treat them with formic acid, an organic chemical control.
Dave Snyder: Farm Report: Starting The Year From Seed
Even when the fountain was working properly it was frequently full of soap suds or discoloured because someone had put something into the water.
Mr. SOARIES: Robert Tilton, Robert Tilton is a so-called televangelist who was discovered to have gotten prayer requests accompanied by money and then when an investigative reporter went behind his church he found all of those prayer requests dumped unopened.
NPR Topics: News
Barred from hearing the Sanskrit Veda and from access to the religion of the twice-born, they discovered their own spiritual path, an intimate and direct relationship with their Lord.
Bigger discounts on equity and debt issuance to get them away risks seeing investment cut, borrowing reduced and jobs lost.
Times, Sunday Times
He discovers he is aroused by jealousy, so he encourages the young doctor to flirt with his wife.
That they are not can be demonstrated by the way in which the term pulp was introduced into literary discourse.
Genres and niche markets
For one thing, it is still "AAU" (All About Us) as if what happens in the US economy in a globalized world is somehow separate and disconnected to what happens to people "out there.
Danny Schechter: The Economic Debate Has Yet to Target Key Issues
Its name commemorates Voli Voli Cave (one of the discovery sites) and Atholl Anderson, well known for his many contributions to the prehistory and palaeoecology of south-west Pacific islands.
The small, recently extinct, island-dwelling crocodilians of the south Pacific
When the gentleman who guided me through the bush left me on the side of a pali, I discovered that Kahele, though strong, gentle, and sure-footed, possesses the odious fault known as balking, and expressed his aversion to ascend the other side in a most unmistakable manner.
The Hawaiian Archipelago
Best of all, when you buy a cell phone from us and transfer your number, you will still qualify for all of our great rebates and discounts.
Last week I got a whopping discount on a new gas boiler, on account of my age.
Times, Sunday Times
Profoundly discouraged, we ride on after this in mournful silence.
Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
The company would offer a discount to farmers who buy tillers under this scheme.
Additionally, FDA officials decided the drug must carry a warning on its label stating, "An increased rate of stroke was observed following Xarelto discontinuation in clinical trials" in patients with the faulty heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation.
FDA Approves Anticlotting Drug
Sales catalogues are often heavily financed by these sorts of rebates and discounts.
I certainly don’t think that Iranian popular discontent should be disregarded, but we’ve been hearing these sorts of arguments about the restive Iranian population for years, and while I have no reason to believe that they aren’t true, Khamenei and his allies have consistently proven expert at deflecting calls for reform and preserving their regime, the main levers of which remain firmly in Khamenei’s hands.
Wonk Room » For More Tehran-ology
Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower-paid.
Above all put a rigorous, rich language back at the centre of political discourse.
Times, Sunday Times
He first felt discomfort back in June and the problem was diagnosed as a stress fracture.
The Sun
It was, in fact, the accidental discovery of several mind-altering drugs in the middle of the 20th century that drew me into research on brain functions and mental illness.
The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products.
The very first day I discovered the moisture meter in the mixer was not working properly, giving an inconsistent mix and the cement weigh batcher was weighing inconsistent amounts for each batch.
One of the key themes to emerge is a debate over continuity or discontinuity.
The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
He declined to comment on the time frame for another discount rate cut.
Spacewatch discovers hundreds of new kilometer-sized belt asteroids with every observing run.
For library/funk fans, this one is a cool, funky disco groover featuring tracks which have been used in classic 70s Brit shows such as The Sweeney and The Benny Hill Show besides countless others.
Archive 2010-01-01
These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality.
Modder River, when all day long most of our men were quite unable to discover on which side of the stream the Boer entrenchments were, and in what they called clever trickery, but we called treachery, they are absolutely unsurpassable.
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.
This is the point I discovered I should have done my homework properly.
Its robotic arm dug a trench and sensationally discovered ice beneath the surface.
The Sun
He stared at the object of discourse , as one might do at a strange repulsive animal.
So maybe BP isn't the best example yet, but clearly businesses that embrace principles of social entrepreneurship--discovering how to "unstick" society when it has gotten stuck, by changing the system--are having widespread impact in making the new buzzphrase "social value" the litmus test for success for not only social entrepreneurs but profit-oriented businesses, too.
Marian Salzman: Reinvention, Part II
The new building would be designed with high security measures in a bid to discourage damage.
Why do men listen with more strict attention to an inflammatory harangue, that may not be argumentative, than to a prosaical discourse, that is, to an anecdote than to a prayer, to an extravaganza than to a lecture, or derive more pleasure from pantomimic drollery than from Hamlet, or hearing an opera they do not understand than from reading an essay they do.
A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.
After phonecalls to many people, we discover one house which has a spare mousetrap.
Caps can be used anticompetitively - to discourage the use of services that rival an Internet service provider's in-house offerings.
NYT > Home Page
NASA officials say they don't think a piece of tile that hit Discovery's belly during liftoff is a serious matter.
I have also discovered a large collection of Asian male students wearing hairbands.
Thousands of miles of unspoilt coastline, isolated and untouched lakes and pristine mountain ranges are there for the discovering.
Early settlement discounts will vary from one supplier to another, but you can usually expect to obtain a maximum of 5 per cent off the total purchasing price.
Dahl came to admire him, although he described him as “quite an erk,”** and was shocked to discover that he could barely draw.
The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison
Guess it would have been OK if the discombobulated old drunk had skittled some kid on a zebra crossing.
When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market.
The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Following this intensive study carried out over a number of years it was discovered that Carlow boasts the tallest broadleaf in Ireland.
A literal translation is given of the Arabic themes to highlight the partial loss of orientation through discontinuity of theme.
It just so happened that Gaisford was well placed to discover or collate information of that kind.
As a monstrous assassin closes in and forces them to run, Jessa will have to find another way to discover if Matthias is her greatest ally — or her deadliest enemy.
2009 September « Items of Interest
The discovery was made by accountants sifting through the remains of the Maxwell business empire.
Cristalhombre wrote me asking for further references on "foodie" places at Lakeside after my review of the wonderful Tabarka Restaurant featuring splendid Spanish Mediterranean seafood from the Alicante Region and I told him I knew of few places that met those standards at Lakeside but Dawg has just discovered another place that is new and special beyond belief so here goes:
Cuisine From The Costa Blanca
In between the 9th (1987) and 10th (1993) editions, the M-W lexicographers discovered that the people who had imported the bird into the western US called it simply "chukar," not "chukar partridge," and furthermore pronounced it in a completely anglicized form, not knowing or caring that that made it a homophone of some polo term. CHUKAR.
To say the word god in American public discourse is to conjure up a number of images and ideas that serve to undermine democracy in name of religious freedom.
Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou: 'Gods, Gays and Guns' (EXCERPT)
Club members can get a massive discount of £50.
The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison
It would be unforgivably discourteous not to come down to dinner.
Microsoft has announced it will "discontinue" Xbox Live for the original Xbox and its games on April 15, including Xbox Originals and Xbox games playa ...
*Shacknews* Games
Hale also gained prominence as an astronomer with his invention of the spectroheliograph and the discovery of magnetic fields in sunspots.
The 'disappearing ink' is not ink at all, but a temporary discolouration of light-sensitive molecules known as photochromes.
Times, Sunday Times
According to Lawrence Will, ‘floods and freezes, wild hogs and coons, muck fires, gnats and mosquitoes, slow transportation and greedy New York buyers, all these discouraged many.’
The contradictory demands of justifying and criticizing national prejudice can be seen in the everyday discourse of racism.
For those who know nothing of the quick-step, the shake or the twist, there is a late night disco.
The shell-shocked stowaway was discovered running around the immigration detention centre at Manchester Airport after a flight from Jamaica.
Discovered advocate the connection between composition and development of estate Tibetan medicine.
Cocaine is one of the main addiction drugs in the world. Scientists are always trying to discover why the addiction happens and find the methods to cure the cocaine addiction.
The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments.
The bank kept its benchmark rate unchanged at 9%, where it has been since November, and the rediscount rate at 12%, after raising it from 7% last month.
Vietnam Raises Rates
Your members card will entitle you to a range of special discounted prices, prizes and giveaways.
First, research on technological evolution suggests that technological discontinuities may provide an impetus that transforms networks.
Judging from these movies, Mark Wilkinson is evidently some kind of caecilian-hunting guru genius: with just two lazy, shallow strokes of a spade, he was able to discover two caecilians in their native habitat.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
They are demeaning the quality of public discourse, and setting an appalling example to young people.
Times, Sunday Times
It is in Latin elegiac verse, and as being directed against ambition and discontent may be compared with the first satire of Horace.
History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
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Rational Review
But the mood has been building for several years, diffused through a host of single issue campaigns, through numerous signs of dissent and discontentment.
Far better to get this into the open than her discover by accident.
The Sun
Many cities require registration of alarm systems, provide for a warning process, fine violators and authorize disconnection of alarm systems.
Therefore she discountenanced his going down to Bombay to get married.
It completed her expression; it was as a very halo of Yankee saintship crowning the woman who in despite of poverty and every discouragement had always hated, to the very roots of her hair, anything like what she called a "sozzle;" who had always been screwed up and sharp set to hard work.
A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life.
When it arrived, I discovered that every other chamber was bored wrong and would not accept a round.
But what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw.
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Readers will discover an entertaining tale of Peri, a sad prince and a sea dragon.
And when the Monkeewrench crew - computer geeks who made a fortune on games, now assisting the cops with special anticrime soft-ware - are invited by the FBI to investigate a series of murder videos posted to the Web, it's not long before the group discovers the frightening link between the unlucky bride and the latest, most horrific use of the Internet yet.
Shoot to Thrill by P. J. Tracy: Book summary
We are told that after he called his cardiologist, who by the way, is Dr. Jonathan Reiner, to report that he had been having some discomfort, the doctor said you'd better get yourself back in here right now because as you pointed out, last November 22nd, the then - vice president-to-be was brought to the hospital.
CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Vice President Could Be Hospitalized Overnight - March 5, 2001
Something else Seamus discovered was the lack of basic reading and writing skills among the prison population.
He knew some members of the congregation, including the president, grew restive during his discourse, and would have preferred a more oratorical, hortative style, but he felt his type of sermon was more in keeping with his basic function of teacher, implicit in the word "rabbi.
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
But the scientists have carried out tests which appear to discount the possibility that they are ‘false positives’.
The exact particulars of the similarity never came to light, but apparently the lady had, in a fit of high-minded inadvertence, had gone through the ceremony of marriage with, one quotes the unpublished discourse of Mr. Butteridge — “a white-livered skunk,” and this zoological aberration did in some legal and vexatious manner mar her social happines.
The War in the Air
Camara joked that he did not know what the word "discombobulate" meant.
NCAA Division I Mens Basketball - Tennessee vs. Kentucky
One day he announced that he was "discontented" once more, and should remain so till he had "found a hose-in-hose.
Mary's Meadow; and Letters From a Little Garden
The second chapter, by quoting a typical case, compares the different opinions on the legal nature of import bill discount, which is the key of the controversy on legislation.
It was a book which fulfilled his desire to discover a place seldom visited, and was also to influence this once-aimless student to eventually find a direction, and become a travel writer.
A MAN who asked a librarian to help him trace his ancestors discovered she was his second cousin.
The Sun
The discovery of a small planetoid in the Kuiper belt, the distant disk of debris whose chunks eventually formed the solar system, make Pluto's chances of holding onto its status of bona fide planet weaker.
Clara looked momentarily disconcerted but wasn't about to concede defeat after upbraiding Nicholas a moment before.
The film begins by offering discontinuous glimpses of three unconnected characters, then flashes a preview of the climactic moment, when all three somehow come together in a bloody motel room.
But later, these things which some man has done because he loved you, and which you call foolish, will grow large in your life, and shine out strongly, and when you are discouraged and alone, you will take them out, and the memory of them will make you proud and happy.
The Lion and the Unicorn
But such a belief is hard to maintain and is hence vulnerable to disconfirmation in various ways.
The station is so sprawling and packed with vehicles that it took longer than usual for Discovery to be tightly cinched down.
Discovery arrives at space station
At times, however, music of great austerity and purity is shattered by painful, pounding discords.
It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
The first two pictures are marsh helleborines and the last one is a green flowered helleborine which had been discovered the day before our visit.
Mary wore handsome go - go boots to the discotheque last night.
And to my great surprise, I discovered that snow here is often a more magical experience.
Times, Sunday Times
I discovered that in the 1720s he had ensnarled himself in administering a debt-ridden estate.
he discovered the amenities of reading at an early age
One day should be spent visiting some of the key vineyards, so I took advantage of the Discovery Pass and idled away two agreeable afternoons visiting Margaux and St Emilion.
Scientific discoveries have discredited religious belief.
Espion subscribers also get neat features like text messaging, and can receive promotional messages offering them shopping discounts and club invites.
Learners at the advanced stage use their own creativity and seek delicate discriminations of meaning, stylistic niceties, subtleties of culture and discourse, and greater acquaintance with the language.
Naturally, I was appalled to discover that Knog's entire product line is simply a cheap ruse to smuggle sapphist erotica into America.
Conspiracy By Mail: The Hidden Dangers of Online Bicycle Retail
In 1901 he isolated adrenaline from the supradrenal gland and was the first scientist to discover gland hormones in pure form.
Everything tallied except the intactness of the body, discovered fully clothed and inviolate.
Yet as blogger Wesley Elsberry discovered when he searched domain registrations, the producers registered the URL "expelledthemovie. com" on March 1, 2007 -- more than a month (and in some cases, several months) before the scientists were interviewed.
Archive 2008-04-01
For example, the discovery of auscultation and later the stethoscope made individual patient reports of symptoms less important than the physician's own collection of diagnostic signs.
The number of individuals is infinite; the generic or specific nature of all being is a unit, or to be apprehended as one only thing; from this one conception we give the genuine measures of all existence, and therefore we affirm that a certain class of beings are rational and discoursive.
Essays and Miscellanies
As a fellow pantzer, I find that it usually takes me at least three drafts before I'm reasonably happy with a story -- the first is my "crapola" discover the story draft, the second is aimed at what readers would want, the third to polish and ((shiver)) copy-edit.
An Interview with Allison Brennan
However, for the sake of discovering and spreading truth, rather than dogma, I did an independent study of the past two postseasons using the game logs available at Retrosheet.
This discovery led to the invention of the pendulum and various timepieces such as the Grandfather clock, but at the time Galileo could not explain it.
Residents said since the murder was discovered, police paramilitaries had been conducting an aggressive campaign to check identities in a search for vagrants, who are the prime suspects.
I don't know how much/if 99% isopropanol will discolour anything.
Use Cat Litter To Save Your Doused Phone | Lifehacker Australia
This analysis suggests that, from a practical point of view, it is not easy to draw a clear-cut distinction between a collecting bank and a discounting bank.
The economics of postage and packing may mean that discount retailing remains largely, if not wholly, a bricks rather than clicks activity.
Times, Sunday Times
It is generally, in the season of prosperity that men discover their real temper, principles and design. Edmund Burke
I believe very strongly in many of these ideas but they can be hard to communicate, especially when the discourse is peppered with terminology like "peri-urban," "phytoremediation," and "bioregional ecologies.
Dave Snyder: The Good, the Bad and the Fungi on a Rooftop Farm
One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd.
Sirilyan Diary Entry
We made two groundbreaking discoveries this week.
Times, Sunday Times
Were it not so we would be the only Utopia on the globe -- a mythical Earthly Paradise, or a buried sea-city of Atlantis whose only discord is the music of its silver bells.
The Conquest of National Fear
Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown
Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
Perhaps the original decoration lies intact beneath the layered generations of wallpaper and ever-changing tastes in house paint, ready to be rediscovered.
At the shareholder meeting to approve the deal, they were bemoaning the loss of their 10% discount card.
Times, Sunday Times
Spacewatch has been discovering as many as 20, 000 new belt asteroids per year.
A scientist who discovered that by holding down the shift key on your PC can bypass the copyright protection on music CDs has been threatened with legal action under America's infamous Millennium Act.
As she suffers the constrictions of a traditional culture in transition, she also discovers her answering voice.
No one has ever discovered the secret recipe for army tea.
People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don't EVER stop! Steve Maraboli
If that sounds harsh or flippant, just take a look at the discographies of rock's most enduringly successful acts.
Times, Sunday Times
News of the unusual discovery is stirring up a tempest among scientists, who are studying the storm to find out how it formed.
So a few weeks ago, way, way behind the bandwagon, I discovered the Norah Jones album.
The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
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The company matched the discount policy of its competitors
The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.