[ UK /dˈɪskəʊ/ ]
[ UK /dˈɪskəʊ/ ]
- dance to disco music
- a public dance hall for dancing to recorded popular music
- popular dance music (especially in the late 1970s); melodic with a regular bass beat; intended mainly for dancing at discotheques
How To Use disco In A Sentence
- Methone is a bit bigger than Anthe, at 3km (1.8 miles) in diameter, it too was discovered by the Cassini imaging team in 2004. Tom's Astronomy Blog
- Once the thrill of its discovery had passed, Peter got onto the business of exploring the place a little better.
- A letter to his wife in 1847 tells of a visit to the Brights at Rochdale; how 'John and I discorded in our views not a little', and how 'I shook peaceable Brightdom as with Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
- Save for a worktable placed almost exactly in the center of the floor, I see only a few benches, some unlit rush lamps, a large set of scales, and a wooden crate, which I discover upon examination contains small crystal vials waiting to be filled. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
- IT'S a little disconcerting to walk into a hotel room and find a quintet of young men all wearing slap which is far more expertly applied than your own.
- Nothing much happened except that I discovered the automatic paper towel dispenser and proceeded to contort my body into various positions to get the thing to work.
- Not for a very long time has the discovery of new music so profoundly moved and excited me as the contents of this disc.
- Contrary to what has been claimed, the theory is not insulated against attempts to disconfirm it.
- Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
- Brandt was the impresario who had discovered Carly Simon and unleashed the Rolling Stones on America.