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How To Use Disburse In A Sentence

  • The army's Quartermaster Corps, unaccustomed to providing for the needs of a wartime force, had disbursed flimsy, floorless tents; as a result, Grant and the rest of the four - thousand - man force slept in the cold mud, protected from the elements by thin woolen blankets. 'The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848'
  • To sum up on aid disbursement, we would like to deliver big and fast, but differences in performances can be traced to specific characteristics or problems in one sector or one country.
  • Ensure that the federal government and state and local governments disburse funds according to an established and accelerated timeline Ed Crego, George Muñoz and Frank Islam: The Need for Austerity and Audacity
  • The unfunded liabilities in entitlement schemes are already showing that they're reaching their tipping points a decade earlier than projected; for the last five months, Social Security has taken in less money into the "trust fund" than it has disbursed - in other words, the tipping point predicted (variously) in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2023, etc - it is here and now: social security is now having to be made whole by the general fund. Latest Articles
  • He could establish or dissolve public institutions and he had the right to disburse public funds.
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  • These individuals are able to disburse their funds quite easily.
  • Alec Baldwin's foundation gave away $555,000 with only $215 in overhead expenses; fellow actor Steve Martin's disbursed $399,000 with overhead of $329. Celebrity Charities: Good For Image, But What About Good Works?
  • I suspect there are other social agencies in DC which would like to get their hands on the money now being disbursed to Catholic Charities. About the base: Another futile note to some of my fellow progressive bloggers
  • Six months after its launch the fund has no administrative structures and has disbursed no money.
  • Not only will the treasury unit have authority to disburse funds to ministries and government institutions, but it will also be responsible for finding resources to finance the state budget.
  • The MPA can approve expenditure on legal advice under strict criteria, subject to limits on the amount to be disbursed, for cases which have potential to bring the organisation as a whole into disrepute. Scotland Yard paid John Yates's legal bills
  • In this event interest will accrue on the said legal costs and disbursements until payment is made.
  • The research council would create groups that would set research standards to avoid duplication, review grant applications, and make recommendations for disbursement of the funds.
  • I am a little disquieted by the fact that, in the case of the Army at least, the aid is disbursed through the military command structure.
  • One is the disbursement of about $3,500 for a trip to Houston with overnight accommodation.
  • It is an in-depth review of the church's financial record keeping and reporting systems to track income and disbursement of funds.
  • CHENNAI -- Daimler Financial Services AG, part of German auto maker Daimler AG, Tuesday announced the start of its wholly owned unit in India and said it expects to disburse loans worth $500 million in five years in this growing market for automobiles. Daimler Starts India Financial Unit
  • Almost $46m has already been disbursed by the federal emergency management agency.
  • MR. GIBBS: Or a disbursement which is the payment? White Press Office Feed
  • The disbursement of funds from this account would be reconciled on a quarterly basis.
  • In the first-ever penalisation of IPO manipulators and recovery of amounts from them, Rs23. 28 crore is proposed to be disbursed among 12,74,736 unsuccessful IPO applicants, who were denied the shares in the first occasion. Domain-b Brand Dossier
  • If you have an interest in preserving fiction - you might, for example, give loud and serious thought to how your local Arts Council disburses its funds.
  • You will be allowed to draw such remuneration and pay any disbursements from any realisations every two calendar months provided that accounts have been submitted to and approved by HM Customs & Excise.
  • The bank would give emphasizing on disbursement of advances to sectors like agriculture and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Archive 2009-04-01
  • The Estates arranged for the allotment and collection of taxes, disbursed revenue for public works, and granted the king a portion of the taxes known as the don gratuit.
  • Meanwhile, some Muslim organisations and social workers in the city have been propagating the idea of centralising zakat collection and disbursement. Daily News & Analysis
  • ‘They showed disappointment, frustration and impatience, and put forward stringent conditions for the disbursement of the funds pledged,’ he said.
  • A huge amount of additional funds were also disbursed by the government to the bank to repay depositors amid massive runs.
  • Money from the federal government stimulus program is starting to be disbursed which is also aiding new CNET
  • My word ain't good enough for the new guv'nor; he wants what he calls a disbursement sheet. More Cargoes 1897
  • A written record of an expenditure, a disbursement, or a completed transaction.
  • Some of the money has been disbursed to the eastern and north-western provinces.
  • This resulted in the slow disbursement of funds to the small scale farmers and businesses with only 300 households benefiting in the first year.
  • The actual implementation of these programs involves collection of revenues and disbursement of public money, budgeting, accounting, and purchasing.
  • So to get an estimate of what you may owe come tax time, or to find out when you can expect your fund's disbursement which is usually this month or next, go to your mutual fund's Web site. CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2006
  • People like [Bill and Melinda Gates] are able to move quickly, whereas governments can take 2–3 years to disburse pledged funding, unless they perceive something to be an emergency.
  • The aid will not be disbursed until next year.
  • What is not offered is settlement of the Claimants claim for costs and disbursements of the claim.
  • And of course no payment would be disbursed without your explicit authorization, but the point is — sellers would be able to offer a much more seamless payment experience by supporting OpenID and discovery. What PayPal’s member in the OpenID Foundation could mean | FactoryCity
  • If Umno leaders are really sincere enough in wanting to have peace with Pakatan Rakyat in order for both the Umno leaders and Pakatan Rakyat leaders to spare more time for focusing their attention and concentrating their effort and financial resources in solving many imperative problems on hands, then Umno leaders should honour the contractual obligations as required by the Federal Constitution for the Federal Government to disburse the financial allocations which are due to be paid by the Federal Government to the State Governments under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat, namely Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor, and also Perak. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • (i) Funds "disbursed" and not yet refunded under unknown conditions: US$1,158,192,368. 85 The Bearded Man
  • Still, the sums being disbursed have clearly helped many and the Government hopes to extend the lending ceiling in coming years.
  • A huge amount of additional funds were also disbursed by the government to the bank to repay depositors amid massive runs.
  • The actual amount disbursed under the scheme in the two years for which it ran was £17 million, not £24 million.
  • _symbolum_ to be disbursed -- in other words, a mutual exchange of courtesies take place betwixt Beaujeu and his guests. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • It has been suggested that a new Iraqi government could disburse oil bounty to its citizens too, but doing so properly in a country where the poor do not have bank accounts will be tricky.
  • Many business enterprises find that disbursements for wages and salaries and related payroll taxes makes up a large portion of the firm's total expenses.
  • Comment: To adopt actions to fulfill disbursement of the counterpart funding especially in county level.
  • That way, once you've collected the money, you can disburse the men's share without having to find me first. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • Mahomed Reza Khân, the naib subah, was then called upon to account for this large disbursement from the treasury; and he soon delivered to the Committee the very extraordinary narrative entered in our Proceedings the 6th of June, wherein he specifies the several names and sums, by whom paid, and to whom, whether in cash, bills, or obligations. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • Whatever the Chancellor's real objectives here, his critique calls into fundamental question the logic of having a centralised regional fund assessment and disbursement system at all.
  • Asked if he knew whether the funds were disbursed legally, he said he did not know, but asserted that the disbursement of the funds could be accounted for.
  • The aid will not be disbursed until next year.
  • We hope that the government will disburse the money before that time,’ he said.
  • Many a time mutual trust and goodwill have been lost due to dishonesty among some agents, organisations, individuals or even politicians entrusted with responsibilities to disburse such funds.
  • Some of the money has been disbursed to the eastern and north-western provinces.
  • Income and outlay accounts [ national accounts ]: Accounts showing disbursement of incomes by resident institutional units.
  • Our policemen were disbursed over a wide area.
  • There are absolutely no conditions for disbursement of these funds to the government.
  • I find the Defendant's claim for disbursements in its Bill of Costs to be reasonable.
  • The second option is to act on behalf of a bank in processing an application and disburse the funds, both for a fee.
  • That way, once you've collected the money, you can disburse the men's share without having to find me first. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • In the hawala system, funds are transferred by customers to a hawala operator, or "hawaladar," in the United States, and corresponding funds, less any fees, are disbursed to recipients in another country by hawaladar associates in that location. Media Newswire
  • Since then, the market has grown and attracted larger players after it became clear the trustee liquidating Mr. Madoff's firm, Irving Picard , would be able to disburse at least $10 billion. Madoff Claims Lure Banks
  • The Scottish independent television market was spawned, mewling and puking to begin with, by Channel 4 and its regional disbursement of funding.
  • He and other suspects in the same case had claimed the funds were disbursed to provide food aid packages for the needy.
  • To provide peace of mind against the possibility of having to pay his opponent's costs, a client can take out insurance to pay the opponent's costs, and the disbursements the client has paid his lawyer.
  • The Governor has confirmed that the fund was disbursed without his approval as the chief commissioner of the company.
  • Yatibar Ali Khân," (Munny Begum's chief eunuch,) "from the amount of salaries of the officers of the adawlut and foujdarry, which before my arrival he had received for two months from the sircar, made disbursements according to his own pleasure. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • Addressing the Johannesburg Press Club on the eve of the national lottery's first anniversary, Khoza said that although the disbursement was the government's prerogative, he had the news on good authority and was confident the funds would be distributed. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Income and outlay accounts [ national accounts ]: Accounts showing disbursement of incomes by resident institutional units.
  • However, it is still unclear when the administration intended to disburse the funds to the victims and who would be defined as a poor resident.
  • Let's switch the talk to disbursement.
  • Central banks routinely serve as their government's agent: they accept payments, disburse outlays, auction and redeem their bonds.
  • Formerly, district and subdistrict administrators for the Durrani government would disburse between four and five rupees as annual cash stipends directly to certain local chiefs. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The money is ready for disbursement to all the chiefs in our province.
  • Sebald tossed icicles into the chimney, which disbursed warmth throughout the cottage.
  • Meanwhile, the state finance income reduces rapidly, but corresponding disbursement actually in sudden growth.
  • Its purpose is to mobilise, manage, and disburse additional resources for the control, in the first instance, of HIV infection and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
  • Along with cash, police said they were told the vault contained receipts and vouchers which detailed how funds should be received and disbursed.
  • And sons and daughters of his flesh and of the law needs must go with him fulsomely eating out of the gnarled old hand that had half a million to disburse. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements.
  • Solvency implies that the present value of government disbursements should not exceed the present value of revenues.
  • Scientists contend that the money disbursed so far has been spent ineffectually and that a more energetic outreach effort is needed.
  • It has ignored the country's demands to put the disbursement of royalties on hold until the sovereignty dispute is settled.
  • The expectation of the donors was that charities receiving the funds would disburse the money to needy victims just as quickly.
  • In keeping with the colonial elite's clubbable business style, many lending institutions disbursed their funds through patronage networks, with few procedures to monitor clients' accounts.
  • Solicitors can only pay disbursements as agent for a client if they are authorised to do so by the client.
  • If any legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and necessary disbursements.
  • The funds are disbursed through banks to the schools' accounts.
  • These two items are part of the list of reasons for freezing disbursement of funds as of March.
  • Passage is seen as a prerequisite for Greece to receive the next disbursement of a €110 billion $151 billion aid package it was given last year. Greece Gears Up for More Unrest
  • The federal government said it was studying whether to disburse relief funds to the state.
  • The sub-district office disburses funds, which came from the taxation of stores and companies located in that district, to the committees.
  • Donor agencies reinforce the problem of longer term redevelopment by putting a premium on rapid disbursement of emergency funds.
  • To date, the only steady disbursement of these funds are the sitting allowances for the administrators of the fund.
  • It disburses funds only after work on a project run by a new local organization is complete or as bills arrive.
  • Some fights did break out among drunken youths, but security quickly brought these under control and disbursed the combatants.
  • Billions of dollars have already been pledged by aid agencies and donor nations, but the disbursement of aid money is being delayed due to the lack of internal security.
  • Sebald tossed icicles into the chimney, which disbursed warmth throughout the cottage. Feast day, August 19.
  • There are claims that when provinces receive the money they do not disburse it immediately, the funds are misapplied.
  • The bank has disbursed over $350m for the project.
  • The success of the project depends on the allocation and disbursement of the fund into the development works. posted by Neel @ 3: 27 PM Archive 2009-02-01
  • Some of the revenue will be disbursed for routine expenditures estimated at Rp 196 trillion.
  • Without that latest disbursement, which is part of a €110 billion bailout package Greece received in May 2010, the government will run out of money by mid-November. Nationwide Strike Follows Latest Round of Greek Cuts
  • Dallas 'stratification is largely disbursed along the lines of income rather than reflectivity. Archive 2005-05-01
  • The local authorities annually disburse between £50m and £100m on arts projects.
  • When and where was public money disbursed, and how was it allocated? Time for Bailout Transparency
  • Offering teams should propose a payable event schedule for disbursement of these funds based on their integrated set of milestones, accomplishment criteria and deliverables.
  • Let's switch the talk to disbursement.
  • ‘Although we may inaugurate the project on June 22, we are still uncertain about the amount of money that will be disbursed by the central government this year,’ he said.
  • I note, as well, there was no challenge to the disbursements which, in my view, were reasonable.
  • ‘However he stressed that major disbursement of this aid depended on progress of the peace process,’ the diplomat said.
  • Now the government is drafting an update on the progress made, on which hinges the next loan disbursement of $400 million.
  • Almost $1.5 million will have been paid out when the funds are completely disbursed.
  • As soon as we succeed in ending this dreadful war, the government will disburse funds to help rebuild this country.
  • Sebald tossed icicles into the chimney, which disbursed warmth throughout the cottage. Feast day, August 19.
  • The expectation of the donors was that charities receiving the funds would disburse the money to needy victims just as quickly.
  • The court has asked the Welfare Commissioner to frame a policy of disbursement in two weeks.
  • Each party hopes that when it is in majority in both council and parliament there will be less problems of priority and disbursement of funds.
  • The Supplier shall implement a First In First Out (FIFO) system for disbursement of product from storage.
  • The estimates you provide for the Chancellor's disbursement of the funds levied by taxation, whilst colourful, are, in fairness, a little off the mark.
  • She works for a bank in Maine and she's a what she calls a disbursement specialist. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2001
  • The central government disbursed funds to the provinces.
  • The State of North Carolina has striven to keep all schools from having high concentrations of economically disadvantaged students through the way it disburses money to the counties. Yuna Shin: Fighting Resegregation: Elizabeth Redenbaugh Receives Award For Opposing Neighborhood Schools
  • The suspension cast doubt on the prospect of larger-scale aid disbursements by Western donor countries.
  • Needless to mention the company established its market leadership both in sourcing funds and in disbursement of loans.
  • Disbursement rather than consolidation is good for the market. Good news for India, Good news for Gold Bugs
  • Disbursements schedules show names of payees, and date and purpose of payments.
  • The estate had money from oil but the trustee just did not want to disburse any of it. Deported
  • He was reimbursed only a small amount on account of his disbursements for the use of his car in servicing the machines.
  • The aid will not be disbursed until next year.
  • After Fifth Third Bancorp repurchased the $3.4 billion in preferred stock from Treasury last week, total repayments and other income from banks that received bailout funds reached $243 billion, approaching the $245 billion that was disbursed to banks. U.S. to Sell Warrants in Wintrust Financial
  • Maybe if he were personally supervising each disbursement, Western taxpayers could count on getting positive results for their money.
  • After for the income and the disbursement cancel, to have above 200 Yuan.
  • Its oil refinery and farms of storage tanks disburse petroleum products to much of South-East Asia.
  • The disbursement of funds from this account would be reconciled on a quarterly basis.
  • The RBI seems to believe that there is some amount of overheating in the market as it clamped down on home loans in its last policy review by capping the amount banks can disburse and increasing the risk weightage on large loans. Is The Indian Economy Overheating?
  • Along with the ticket stub and agency receipt, please attach this form to the disbursement voucher.
  • However, the panel of judges said that he was not responsible for the violation because the funds were disbursed by the bank's board of directors.
  • The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements.
  • The Department of the Environment has been considering a scheme for disbursement of waste management funds made available in the budget.

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