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How To Use Dirac In A Sentence

  • (Ganesalingham, 1987.) · Biting flies Azadirachtin also exerts an ovicidal effect in eggs of the blood-sucking fly Stomoxys calcitrans. 7 Medicinals
  • When Dirac developed the general principles of quantum theory, this democratic equality between different points of view was maintained in the new dynamics that resulted.
  • In summary we can say that Dirac's spin interpretation cannot be used to reject ideas about the orbital nature of ferromagnetism and that there is an essential reaction density trapped in any magnetic field. Chapter 4
  • The story begins in the late 1980s, with a small high-tech pharmaceutical firm - Medirace -on the campus of Brunel University.
  • Paul Dirac predicted the existence of antimatter with his relativistic wave equation in 1928.
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  • Dirac introduced the point of view that perhaps the vacuum is CertainKindOfInfinity, and that an electron is CertainKindOfInfinity+epsilon, and us biggers are CertainKindOfInfinity+bigfinitestuff, so when we do physics experiments, we only measure epsilon and bigfinitestuff. American political conservatism impedes the understanding of science - The Panda's Thumb
  • Four years later Dirac's positron was also found in a cosmic ray shower and in 1933 Dirac was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his extension of atomic theory.
  • Although the experiments in diffraction confirm so beautifully the de Broglie-Schrödinger wave theory, the position is less satisfactory as regards the extended theory due to Dirac. G.P. Thomson - Nobel Lecture
  • Dirac's odd prediction of the existence of a positively charged electron had been confirmed by two independent experiments.
  • Under his influence Dirac worked on some problems in statistical mechanics.
  • The extraction of azadirachtin from neem seeds with supercritical CO_2 fluid was studied.
  • The sudden closing of Redirack, a manufacturer in light steel, last Saturday, without any warning to their employees is a clear indication that indeed unions have not outlived their usefulness. The Citizenship of Labour
  • From the GW perspective, the solution to the original problem is that the notion of chirality gets modified on the lattice: Lattice Dirac operators satisfying the so-called GW relation (with the overlap Dirac operator being the main explicit example) break usual chiral symmetry but have instead an exact lattice-deformed version of chiral symm which can be used to decompose the action into left - and right-handed pieces as in the continuum. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • The history of antimatter begins with the physicist Paul Dirac whose work in the late 1920s established the fact that for every particle there is a corresponding antiparticle, exactly matching the particle but with opposite charge. Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Seeking the Lost Seeds of Big Bang
  • The Dirac equation is essentially the “square root” of the Klein-Gordon equation in a quaternionic form. Dark Matter: Still Dark.
  • Zadirachta indica, or neem, is one of the most powerful blood-purifiers in ayurveda and is used to control candida. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spinor solutions of the Dirac equation have positive and negative solutions, just as the quadratic equation often has positive and negative solutions. Dark Matter: Still Dark.
  • (Azadirachta indica) or chinaberry (Melia azedarach) blossom nectar is harmful to honeybees, since leaves and seeds are widely used to control insects. 9: Domestic animals
  • The story begins in the late 1980s, with a small high-tech pharmaceutical firm - Medirace -on the campus of Brunel University.
  • The relation between screening constant and temperature has been obtained by the approximate eigenfunctions of electrons in a crystal and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

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