How To Use Dioxin In A Sentence
Dioxins, and furans, are chemical compounds generated as by-products of most forms of combustion, particularly of plastics and rubber.
The Jiading factory will be able to burn at 850 degrees centigrade, hot enough to destroy dioxin, a poisonous chemical compound found in some waste, said the engineer on that project.
Some examples of POPS are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and pesticides like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), chlordane, and dieldrin.
Baby Bites
The chlorine used to bleach the paper fibers is bad enough, but the manufacturing process is also known to release dioxin, a probable carcinogen, as well as tributylin (TBT), a biocide used in paper mills that is highly toxic to wildlife.
Sloan Barnett: Pooping the Progressive Way
Exposure to dangerous chemicals called dioxins can cause a rare form of acne called chloracne.
Decades after the wartime defoliant Agent Orange was sprayed over the country, dioxin continues to contaminate people through the food chain in present-day Vietnam, according to a study released yesterday.
Exposure to dangerous chemicals called dioxins can cause a rare form of acne called chloracne.
The by-product of this process, dioxin, is thought to be linked to cervical cancer and also has harmful effects on the environment.
~ Dioxin pollution leads to more baby girls -study -- "More girls than boys are born in some Canadian communities because airborne pollutants called dioxins can alter normal sex ratios, even if the source of the pollution is many kilometers away, researchers say.
Speedlinking 10/18/07
In the United States, trash incinerators are both a leading source of greenhouse gases and a leading source of dioxin, which is inevitably formed in the incinerators 'stacks as molecules of chlorine and carbon in the fly ash join together in a deadly union.
Sandra Steingraber: The Hope Inside Canada's Garbage Cans
This argument was presented in a modified form to the effect that the system of monitoring for dioxins and furans (other objectionable organic pollutants) was unreasonable and contrary to Articles 2 and 8 of the Convention.
Because of their involvement in a number of incidents and controversies over the past 50 years, dioxins have been subjected to the most intensive studies.
This study, however, stays firmly focussed on the standard for dioxin and furan emissions.
In other words, dioxin and furan production decreases with the increase of chlorine availability.
It would appear that farmed salmon contains many times the tolerable levels of toxins such as PCBs, dioxins, toxaphene, dieldrin and DDT.
Then he wrote War Wolf, a satire in which a returning veteran afflicted with dioxin poisoning becomes a vengeful Communist werewolf.
Government records filed at the Archives of Ontario showed the province began experimenting with a powerful herbicide called 2,4,5-T - the dioxin-laced component of Agent Orange - as early as 1957 in Hearst, Ont. - Home Page
Burning of waste material in incinerators produce dioxin like gases and produce serious health problem.
Reducing the amount of fatty foods eaten prior to pregnancy is also a good bet, as that lessens exposure to persistent chemicals like PCBs and dioxin.
Dioxins are highly toxic and very persistent compounds released by incinerators and industrial processes such as steel-making.
BERLIN — Germany froze sales of poultry, pork and eggs from more than 4,700 farms Friday to stem the spread of food contaminated with cancer-causing dioxin, as fears grew that farmers could have been using tainted livestock feed for months.
Germany Halts Poultry, Pork, Egg Sales In Carcinogen Scare
Reducing the amount of fatty foods eaten prior to pregnancy is also a good bet, as that lessens exposure to persistent chemicals like PCBs and dioxin.
The researchers traced the dioxin to chicken feed, specifically soybean meal.
Agent Orange was used as a defoliant during the Vietnam War and included, as contaminants, dioxin and related compounds.
Samples tested for dioxins and furans showed concentrations at or below those expected under normal circumstances.
The symposium is an annual conference of dioxin researchers.
Dioxins in old incineration plants were emitted at a rate of between 200 and 300 nanograms per cubic metre.
By heating with glass or ceramic containers, you achieve the same result without the dioxin contamination.
But dioxin and related toxic chemicals are detectable in the body years after exposure.
That view is shared by the usually mild US Environmental Protection Agency following their extensive three-year study that proved dioxin to be more toxic than had originally been believed.
Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.
The researchers found levels of 14 polluting toxins, including dieldrin, lindane, dioxins and PCBs, all of which are known as organochlorines, which have the potential to trigger cancer in humans.
Agent Orange contained a known carcinogen called dioxin, which is also found in herbicides and pesticides used by U.S.
U.S. News
A separate and unrelated concern involves chemicals called dioxins.
A 1995 study shows that the amount of dioxin produced during waste incineration depends more on the method of incineration than on the chlorine content of the waste.
Dioxin was the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam war.
And why is it that evil movie fishermen always dump dioxin into the ocean?
The only active compound was 2,4,5-T, which was contaminated with dioxin, at that time the most toxic man-made substance known to mankind.
John McCain's Agent Orange Issue
To start with, the Stockholm Convention identified twelve top-priority POPs: eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene); two industrial chemicals (the hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs) and the polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs); and two groups of industrial by-products (dioxins and furans).
In 1999, a dioxin scare led to the downfall of the Belgian Government.
In March 1996, CEI’s Michelle Malkin and Michael Fumento published “Rachel’s Folly,” which claims that dioxin is good for you.
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But a friend just told me that the worst toxins are something called dioxins, and there's nothing I can really do to avoid them.
Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
All dioxins are very stable and unlike most other chemicals do not quickly decompose or break down in the environment.
Some facilities added as little as 4% TDF and experienced as much as a 4,140% increase in dioxin and furan emissions.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Tired of Misleading Language
The pulp and paper industry has historically discharged dioxin and other environmental toxins into rivers and streams.
The dioxins in pentachlorophenol are toxic, causing health problems from severe skin rashes to liver damage and possible cancer.
No trees will be cut for Whole Earth and no chlorine used in paper making (thus releasing no dioxin into the environment).
It will shower the people of Whangarei with sulphur dioxide, dioxins, and fine particulates that cause cancer, and it will dump mercury and other heavy toxic metals into the harbour.
He discussed how the manufacture of PVC creates the unwanted byproduct of dioxin, a potent carcinogen.
Chronic dioxin exposure is believed to multiply the risk of several cancers, increase the chance of immune system disorders, and to cause liver damage.
In order to eliminate harmful dioxin fumes emitted in the burning process, temperatures in the furnaces are raised to 800 degrees Celsius, the decomposition point of dioxin.
Also, although no research could confirm cancer, fetal deformities or mutations caused by exposure to phenoxy herbicides or dioxin, the report indicated that the topic remained open. 46
Operation Ranch Hand
Anything breathing the air or drinking the water is also exposed to a soup of chemicals, like dioxins, PCBs, and heavy metals, that can also have important sublethal effects.
What if there's a level of dioxins, like TCDD in that?
The documentary Warning from the Wild-the Price of Salmon looked at levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in farmed salmon.
Because of time and money-saving shortcuts that resulted in insufficient heating during manufacture, the 2,4,5-T was contaminated with 2,3,7,9-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, or simply dioxin.
John McCain's Agent Orange Issue
The Food Safety and Inspection Service plans to resurvey beef, pork, and chicken for dioxin contamination to get a better picture of the background levels in the U.S. food supply.
Milk contaminated Scientists are stepping up tests to find the source of dioxin contamination which has brought financial ruin to two farmers.
Other residents will just burn the rubbish in their garden spreading dioxins and other noxious chemicals throughout the countryside.
Like mercury, dioxin bioaccumulates up the food chain.
Indeed, the contamination, such as alkyl mercury and dioxins, commonly found with DHA production from marine fishes, stimulated us to search for new ways to produce worry-free DHA. Aktuelle Empfehlungen
Set on fire, these items release formaldehyde, polyvinyl chloride, and dioxins.
BERLIN AP Germany froze sales of poultry, pork and eggs from more than 4,700 farms Friday to stem the spread of food contaminated with cancer-causing dioxin, as fears grew that farmers could have been using tainted livestock feed for months.
Germany halts pork, egg sales in dioxin scare
Dioxins, along with several others chemicals including mercury, are the products of incineration.
Among the chemicals known to affect breast development and cancer susceptibility in animal studies, according to the report, are pesticides such as atrazine, used in agriculture; dioxins, an industrial pollutant found in some fatty foods; bisphenol A (BPA), found in some water bottles and canned foods; polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants, and nonylphenol (a breakdown product found in certain laundry detergents).
Early chemical exposures may affect breast health
Some of the herbicide contained dioxin, one of the world's deadliest poisons.
They have excavated more than 100,000 cubic metres of fill contaminated with heavy metals, hydrocarbons and dioxins.
He said that when you burn any organic matter, which contains chlorine and organic carbon, you get dioxins.
To start with, the Stockholm Convention identified twelve top-priority POPs: eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene); two industrial chemicals (the hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs) and the polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs); and two groups of industrial by-products (dioxins and furans).
Cigarettes contain many pesticide residues, some chlorine chemicals that when burned produce dioxin, a known human carcinogen and cause of a host of diseases.
Arsenic and dioxin in the herbicides are expected to pose a health threat long into the future.
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxin is 10 times more potent a toxin than hexachlorodibenzodioxin, even though the difference is just one chlorine atom.
The tyres contain only low levels of carbon and no dioxins; potentially harmful products of burning tyres are to be recycled.
There is a massive gap between the ideology of party activists and the views of those hundreds and thousands of potential voters who think being kind to cuddly animals is A Good Thing but disapprove of scattering dioxins like dewdrops.
Almost every story described dioxins as 'cancer-causing'.
Times, Sunday Times
Activists also charge that inappropriate operation of incinerators creates not only air pollution but also toxic dioxin.
Fears about dioxin, which is actually a generic name for a series of chemicals of widely different potency, were triggered by another cloud, one that formed over Seveso in Italy in 1976 after the safety system in a chemical plant failed.
Not-So-Risky Business
The higher the concentration of dioxin in the serum of exposed males, the less likely they were to sire a male child.
In this instance, the dioxin source was traced to contaminated animal fats that had been added to chicken feed and other animal feedstuffs.
I consider it no small irony that the first syllable of the word dioxins sounds like die: So potent is this group of more than 100 cancer-causing industrial chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency is currently considering setting the "safe" daily level for human exposure at seven-tenths of a picogram per kilogram of body weight.
Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
Dioxin, its deadly component, can cause an increased risk of cancers, immunodeficiencies, reproductive and developmental changes, nervous system problems and other health effects, according to medical experts.
These tomcod evolved to handle excessive amounts of industrial pollutants, like PCBs and dioxin, in the water.
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Researchers study effects of unidentified products that are highly-contaminated with residues of carbamate, organophosphate and chlorine pesticides, dioxin in the smoke from the chlorine pesticides and bleached paper, cancer-causing polonium 210 radiation from certain phosphate fertilizers, any of about 1400 untested and often toxic non-tobacco additives, added burn accelerants, kid-attracting sweets and flavorings etc, carcinogenic filter components, and addiction-enhancing additives.
Pesticide Industry War On Mothers
Poly-vinyl chloride, or PVC, is targeted as a primary producer of dioxin.
Acute exposure to dioxins can cause liver impairment and skin disorders like chloracne.
Bill Chameides: Recommended Continental Breakfast: Eggs Over Easy, Hold the Dioxin
I consider it no small irony that the first syllable of the word dioxins sounds like die: So potent is this group of more than 100 cancer-causing industrial chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency is currently considering setting the "safe" daily level for human exposure at seven-tenths of a picogram per kilogram of body weight.
Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
To start with, the Stockholm Convention identified twelve top-priority POPs: eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene); two industrial chemicals (the hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs) and the polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs); and two groups of industrial by-products (dioxins and furans).
Over the past decade chemical toxins called dioxins were found in bakery products, meat, cheese, poultry and eggs in various European countries, and pathogenic bacteria such as News
Agent Orange contained dioxins, which are some of the most deadly poisons known.
Dichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethene polychlorinated biphenyls dieldrin chlordane heptachlor polychlorinated dibenzodioxins.
Archive 2008-10-01
The treaty still calls for a dioxin phaseout, for example, but only ‘wherever feasible ‘- a loophole corporate lawyers can exploit for years to come.’
While environmental controversy surrounding use of this fuel is wide and varied, the greatest supported evidence of toxicity comes from the presents of dioxins and furans in the flue gases.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Tired of Misleading Language
According to Marcocchio, and the World Health Organization, dioxins are linked to cancer, birth defects and auto-immune problems, while furans are chemically similar but slightly less toxic.
There are reports of dioxins and suchlike but that's poppycock.
Dioxin was the contaminant in the herbicide Agent Orange, used as a defoliant in the Vietnam war and thought to have caused numerous health problems in veterans of that war.
Two of these war materials, 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T along with Dioxin were the poisons in Agent Orange, the defoliant that killed and crippled so many Vietnamese and American soldiers and turned jungle into denuded ghost lands.
We Need Food and Farming Regulation NOW!
Its chemical composition makes it incapable of producing dioxins or furans when burned.
The documentary Warning from the Wild-the Price of Salmon looked at levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in farmed salmon.
Disposal of domestic and industrial waste in landfill sites may expose local residents to dioxins and other chemicals.
Thos added as solid inevitably leach-out and are PoP and endrocine disruptors, and some generate dioxins or furans at low temperature combustion (P and Sb based retardents do not).
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FDA has since recommended that clays used as desiccants in feed processing be tested for dioxin.
One of the most potent by-products of exhaust fumes is dioxin, which is carried into the air by the fuel combustion of diesel trucks and buses.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Occupational exposure to dioxins can disturb the normal status of vitamin A and retinoid binding proteins in the plasma of male workers.
Sediment dioxin and furan levels from some of these open coast sites have been highly variable since 1993.
EPA scientists already concluded in a preliminary report that people shouldn't consume more than 0.7 picogram of dioxin per kilogram of body weight a day.
EPA Misses Deadline on Dioxin Guidelines
He can then arm an arsenal of microorganisms with an inherited lust for a variety of dioxin compounds.
Dioxin is persistent in the environment and in the human body, whereas the herbicides are not.
Agent Green's only active ingredient was 2,4,5-T, presumably with similar dioxin contamination levels.
John McCain's Agent Orange Issue
Prior to the group's meetings to draft the dioxin and furan standards, participants believed that the main point of contention would be over the numerical limits.
Samples with high dioxin levels were found to have come from animals raised in barns or pens containing posts that had been treated with dioxin-containing pentachlorophenol to prevent rotting.
He also stated that plastic wrap placed over foods as they are microwaved and freezing your water using plastic water bottles will also release dangerous dioxins into your food and water.
Some commentators recommend avoiding fatty fish because more PCBs, DDT, dioxin, and other chemical compounds will be found in the fat.
Lake Ontario is of particular concern because sportfish from this Great Lake have higher levels of PCBs, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, mirex, and other pesticides than sportfish caught from any of the other four Great Lakes.
Dioxin and PCB bind very tightly with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and keep it turned on for way too long.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Pesticides, such as DDT, atrazine, chlordane and lindane, and industrial by-products like dioxin, furans and PCBs, have been identified as endocrine disruptors.
Keywords: ash, heavy metal, dioxin, melting technology, slag.
Processing and disposal of hemp products would produce no industrial toxins, and certainly no dioxins.
Of the many hundreds of POPs in our environment, some of the worst are: PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), chlordane, DDT, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene and dioxin.
These chemicals are common in the manufacture of pesticides, herbicides, and petrochemicals: they are found in soaps and detergents, flame retardants, and the dioxins produced in pulp and paper mills.
Highly toxic dioxins were released into the air.
To start with, the Stockholm Convention identified twelve top-priority POPs: eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene); two industrial chemicals (the hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs) and the polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs); and two groups of industrial by-products (dioxins and furans).
Dioxin is a poison that takes immediate effect.
The synthetic materials used in tampons, such as rayon (bleached by chlorine), contain carcinogenic substances like dioxin, and have been known to cause toxic shock syndrome.
Dioxins are a group of persistent and very toxic chemicals that are the by-products of PVC production.
Dioxin, a byproduct of chemical processes including combustion, is virtually ubiquitous in the environment.
High exposure to dioxins has been associated with cancer, low sperm counts, behavioural problems and diabetes.
The name dioxin refers to a group of highly toxic chemicals that have been linked to heart disease, liver disease, human reproductive disorders, and developmental problems.
Monsanto's Harvest of Fear
In addition, bleaching paper with chlorine can produce dioxin, which is known to cause cancer.
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But until two years ago, the pleasures of Zamami were spoiled by the presence of a garbage incinerator that spewed highly toxic dioxin into the atmosphere.
Why fill up our landfills or create more dioxins by incineration with this product that ends up in our trash?
The nicotine found in toenails was not so much a "predicter" - of heart disease, but a big clue that the test subjects had been exposed, unknowingly, to residues of any number of tobacco pesticides, and to the dioxin and other harmful non-tobacco cigarette constituents in the smoke from the chlorinated residues and paper.
Our Stolen Evidence...Against the Pesticide/Dioxin Cartel
Is dioxin something these guys just keep on hand for moments when they are feeling ugly?
And incinerating the chemical along with other hazardous waste generates dioxins and other pollutants.
For example, municipal waste combustors are estimated to have emitted collectively nearly 18 pounds of dioxin toxic equivalents in 1987, but under EPA regulations, they are now expected to emit less than 1/2 ounce per year.
The amounts of dioxin in the environment are very low.
Thousands of ducks and a million duck eggs have been destroyed after the toxic chemical dioxin was found in eggs at a supermarket, the government said yesterday.
The salmon also contains dioxins, toxaphene and dieldrin.
The Stockholm Convention, to which Australia is a signatory, bans, or seeks to eliminate 12 of the worst organic pollutants including dioxin.
In addition, the manufacture and incineration of PVC releases dioxin, a known human carcinogen, into the environment.
Then he wrote War Wolf, a satire in which a returning veteran afflicted with dioxin poisoning becomes a vengeful Communist werewolf.
But plants don't typically absorb dioxins, which is why researchers have found lower levels of the pollutant in the breast milk of vegetarian mothers, compared with those who ate a meat-intensive diet.
Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
In utero and lactational treatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin impairs mammary gland differentiation but does not block the response to exogenous estrogen in the postpubertal female rat.
Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.
And why is it that evil movie fishermen always dump dioxin into the ocean?
No chromosome aberrations were found in human spermatozoa in vitro exposed to several chemicals, including dioxin.
Fetuses and children exposed to incinerator dioxins suffered liver damage and retardation of sexual and brain development.
Dioxin is the common name used to refer to the chemical tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD.
An adsorption powder for removing mercury and other metals, dioxins, furans and other organic compounds from metal- and organic compound-comtaminated soil and method therefor.
Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.
In 1979 a new receptor was discovered, called the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, which binds specifically with dioxin and PCB.
The Autoimmune Epidemic