How To Use Digitise In A Sentence
And that desire to foster a copacetic synthesis between carbon-based life forms and artificial devices can be heard in every blip and digitized beat played.
The paper proposed a new digitized faceted classification model based on dynamic weight value which is originated from classify faceted classification model.
Odiogo is a service that digitizes your blog post into an audio file.
Web 2.0
The images of endosperm without an aleurone layer were prepared by tracing cell contours on a transparent sheet from the microphotograph, and were digitized by a scanner and transformed into a binary image.
Digitised content is all about infotainment - films, television, and media more generally.

Secondly, simple model to calculate pulse noises which affect subscriber channel be digitized is used. This provides data basis for the design of channel filter.
Even without a network, it should not be beyond the wit of man to knock up a system that machine reads the passport and checks it against a digitised watchlist.
He called for more transparency by mayoral agencies, with agendas and plans made available online in advance, with digitized records for inserting comments, and "livestream" -- not sure if he meant audio or video -- of all meetings.
Atlantic Yards Report
And the dynamic changes of coastline maps were generated with these extracting coastlines and those digitized from relief map and chart. The results were stored in Qingdao Coastal Zone Geo-database.
Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.
The goal of the alliance is to ensure that no single corporationgains monopoly accessto digitized books and information.
Alex Green: Corporate Boards, Conflict of Interest and Copyright
Currently almost one in five people in the UK – 9.2 million – do not have internet access, and Lane Fox is using the prospect of a digitised 2012 Olympics to try to galvanise as many people as possible to get online.
Digital learning joins the race online
The libraries need to identify collections that need to be digitized.
In order for a computer to process and ultimately analyze these signals, they first must be digitized.
Therefore, the price tag to digitize the second half of this treasure is about a million bucks.
The Eagle Needs You
However, there little detail on the digitization process itself - a pity, as many of the items digitized are obviously fragile, and the process by which these were digitized is likely useful to know about.
Archive 2008-04-01
The KeyRing app digitizes program barcodes onto a smartphone.
Why Pay Full Price?
This year alone, e-mail volume is expected to be the equivalent of 40 copies of the fully digitized holdings of the Library of Congress.
A major disadvantage has been that it is not straightforward to construct a histogram with log bins when the original data have been digitized.
Users can access some of the material and purchase full copies of certain digitized items.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Bridwell Library Special Collections at Southern Methodist University
Even the term "digitize" has numerous meanings--mass digitization, high-quality preservation scanning, boutique, subject-related projects, and can include the management of born digital materials, not just the transfer from analog to digital formats.
RBMS Report I: Digital Special Collections: The Big Picture
Once the roots are clean, a flatbed scanner is then used to digitize images of them for scientists to analyze with computer software.
A distinct species which resembles in coloration the partly crossbanded forms of Digitized by Google THK GENUS CNiaflDOPHORUS.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
A select few will be digitized and displayed on the Web site and possibly accessioned as specimens in the University Herbarium.
The problem with this thesis is that even as we "digitize" our lives, the population's consumption patterns remain finite.
Steven Bulwa: How Much Can a Business Grow? The Limitations of a Finite Economy
The videotapes were digitized, and processed through a computer based non-linear video editing system.
You tech guys know how this works better than me, but I understand the phone listens to the music, digitizes the audio and compares that to a data-bank of other MP3 files stored somewhere in cyberspace - once it is matched, it sends you anything + everything you could ever want to know about a song and the band.
What are your favorite aps for the iPod and iPod touch?
The original interment records were preserved on microfilm, and when they were digitized from the microfilm, they were stored on 4 CD's.
Archive 2007-02-01
I could make a game like this using merely digitized photos hotlinked to each other.
Collexis now offers the world's first pre-populated scientific social network for life science researchers, www. Collexis 'proprietary technology builds conceptual profiles of text, called Fingerprints, from documents, Websites, emails and other digitized content and matches them with a comprehensive list of pre-defined "fingerprinted" concepts to make research results more relevant and efficient.
That's why photos, in contrast, make great backgrounds and fills for sharp-edged text and geometric primitives, and that's why soft gradients and blurring seem so connatural to digitized photography.
Micrographs were printed at a final magnification of 994x for image analysis, and Digital Paintbrush (The Computer Colorworks, Sausalito, CA, USA) was used as a planimeter and digitizer.
In addition, participants may use flatbed or slide scanners, and both software and hardware to digitize and edit video and prepare it for streaming.
Open access digitization projects are wonderful, but the fact is, much of the drive to digitize is commercial.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Digitizing the U.S. Congressional Serial Set
I can only assume that once the data set has been ‘digitized’ (for lack of a better term) that all the data sets are run through the neural net and that in the last run of 150 datasets, only three were misclassified.
I'm a child prodigy, and I've worked with the University of Amsterdam's Psychology department (quite some years ago) to test and digitize / webify their IQ-tests.
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
Others suggest that the digitised music produces a tinnier or flatter sound, as opposed to the grainier sounds of vinyl.
Times, Sunday Times
A video program, once digitized, looks like any other digital data.
The time involved in securing permissions limited the number of copyrighted works digitized.
The digitized radar echo patterns under different heavy cloud clusters are revealed.
After collection of the emitted photons on a photomultiplier, the signal is digitized with a numerical oscilloscope.
Based on the analysis of the magnetic bias of output transformer in SPWM full-bridge inverter, a scheme of fully digitized controller based on DSP is proposed in this paper.
And the dynamic changes of coastline maps were generated with these extracting coastlines and those digitized from relief map and chart. The results were stored in Qingdao Coastal Zone Geo-database.
The dissemination of collections on microfilm through interlibrary loan has given way to the speedy delivery of digitized documents online.
EA Sports supports 'Project Ten Dollar,' out to 'digitize' Madden consumers
While we can digitize and film bound material, it is sometimes desirable to capture the images in a disbound or loose state to avoid losing data in the gutter margins due to tight binding.
The chip and digitized photo are only intended to strengthen the integrity of the Canadian passport.
There's actually already a great deal of literature available in digitized form online, complete with hyperlinks.
An extremely important electronic advance for popular music scholars is the widespread availability through the Internet of digitized recorded music.
This is also a precise modeling measurement method. Compared with the DC exciting and direct reading method, the identification of this method can be much smaller than the digitized error.
The internet will run on servers which will themselves be digitized and uploaded onto the internet.
The conflict began when that content was digitized and acquired attributes that it had not previously had.
You can digitise almost all of your music collection (within certain limits due to copyright restrictions).
It also make Sectionalize teaching materials by nonlinear edit system and use it as an audio-visual Materials of network broadcast, It reflect the superiority of digitized teaching materials.
The image is digitised into binary code and saved as a computer file.
Miller says thousands of photographs still need to be digitized, catalogued and posted to the online archive.
Online Archive Preserves Images from Christian Missions in Africa, Asia
The EEG frequency spectra were derived from 30 second samples that were digitized at a rate of 330 Hz, resulting in 9900 points.
The mandibles were exposed to dermestid beetles, cleaned, and the coordinates of 16 landmark points were digitized for the right hemimandible.
The whole event was deejayed by a digitised voice and a silent, live Jessie statue clad in gold from head to toe was also present.
The digitized radar echo patterns under different heavy cloud clusters are revealed.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't digitize, that is...
Archive 2008-07-09
he bought a device to digitize the data
Miller shares top billing with the colorist, Lynn Varley, who mixes digitized effects with traditional coloring in clever ways.
VidiPC form Rombo Productions is a video frame grabbing package which transforms a video image into a digitised format.
The data in Appendix H were digitized manually using an xy grid with coordinate values in the range 0-1000.
Because the content that was digitized is primarily text, it was probably less costly than digitizing images or audio.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: HEARTH project features useful arts of bygone days
Also on the docket: A project that seeks to integrate digitized voice, video and data so they don't become independent islands of hardware and software components.
An add-on for Wing Commander 2. It adds digitized speech to all space combat communications and to a few cinematic sequences.
After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
Whole printed volumes have been digitised from January 1914 to December 1920 and from January 1939 to December 1948.
It is a method for maximizing fidelity and dynamic range for a region of interest within a digitized medical image display.
Digitized by VjOOQIC jMopfvcftenus» Quarc miffis lis omnibus, quae ce - tcri ocpofitorcs de cantico fenferunt folum Eufe - bium, cujus, praeter faunc integrum ecclogarum lo«
Fragmenta patrum Graecorum
This control of minutiae, of the void, and of the illusion of representation presented as the control of ‘nothing,’ is what determines and shapes our relationship within an evermore digitized society.
The USTC campus library has made a great progress in its digitize program with information technology.
The extra fretting I did has paid off in terms of convenience: I got my father to digitise the three interview tapes, then transferred the CDs to my computer and thence to my iPod.
The digitised records form part of the underused and poorly catalogued 'poor law union correspondence', from the huge Ministry of Health archive held at The National Archives in Kew, covering the period 1834 to 1871.
May 2007
Foghorns, or digitized renditions of horns, mourned and mooed from the towers of the bridge.
Three Stages of Amazement
Digitized by VjOOQIC xlr Ammantibus quorum iocubatio fimilis eft Vegetantium germina - tiooi.
Antonii Laurentii de Jussieu ... Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita : juxta methodum in horto regio Parisiensi exaratam, anno M.DCC.LXXIV
The software digitized and compressed audio signals before sending them over the Internet.
The base-station takes programming, digitises it, squirts it over the WLAN to wherever you happen to be sitting with your LocationFree screen.
We digitized the pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsals, and metatarsals II-IV.
By "outsourcing" this tedious job to the "crowds" on the web hence the name "crowdsourcing" his system has been able to digitize old texts far more cost effectively and quickly than any other previously existing system.
Joe Kutchera: Translate the Web While Learning a New Language
In the optical microscope, the Abbe limit of resolution for optical images is 0.22 micrometers, meaning that a digitizer must be capable of sampling at intervals that correspond in the specimen space to 0.11 micrometers or less.
Depending on the mode of recording, the signal has to be amplified for feeding a polygraph or digitized for recording on hard disk.
Weighing about 170 grams, they become a digitized interactive message board.
Secondly, simple model to calculate pulse noises which affect subscriber channel be digitized is used. This provides data basis for the design of channel filter.
Every time the digitiser ‘listens’ to the music it records a number that will allow that tiny slice of music to be reproduced when the digital audio is decoded and made into analogue music that you can hear.
I will chiefly deal with digitized, original historical Western European and North American art images of any nonphotographic medium prior to the 20th century found in cultural institutions or on private sites.
Internet News: Multimedia Archives
Who hasn't received those captionless, authorless photographs that endlessly swirl through the electronic ether and settle in our in-box, captured moments of some unknown soul's life suddenly digitized and exposed to the eyes of the world without benefit of explanation?
A Christmas Story
The books of divinity, ecclesiastical history, morsd, philosophy, and such like, to be kept in the closes in the vestiary of the present parish church of Spalding; classical and grammatieen cultivated in this village; and whatever the Digitized byCjOOQlC
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
Now an external device sitting on my ear picks up sound, digitizes it, and radios a stream of 1s and 0s through my skin to the microchip.
World Wide Mind
What video capture cards do to put it in simple terms is that these cards use hardware or software compression to digitize your video onto the hard drive on your computer.
It is said to be clear because it can be used to transmit any type of digitized data in full-duplex mode.
Convergence of transmission compresses and stores digitized information so it can travel through existing phone and cable wiring.
Second, attached via an analog cable, an LCD monitor digitizes the image before outputting it and thus has an inborn immunity to the distortions of the front of the signal, i.e. to the blur which would be noticeable on a CRT monitor.
Perhaps more important, shared catalog data can help archivists avoid digitizing materials that have already been digitized by other institutions.
Went though my digitised photos giving them meaningful names and dates and folders like albums.
Extensive collections of infrared spectra, X - ray diffraction patterns and chromatograms will also be digitized and uploaded.
Convergence of transmission compresses and stores digitized information so it can travel through existing phone and cable wiring.
Using a translation matrix yet to be programmed and actuators yet to be invented, you could digitize, say, the entire content of BLDGBLOG into charged electrons and protons, which you would thereafter eject from a fleet of satellites orbiting between the earth and the sun.
Aurora Bibliothèque
Pulse images are digitized by the device and written to disk as a computer file.
Reduced to a series of numbers, desire is digitized and is no longer expressive of the individual.
The sound is also there, although, like the first units, digitized speech is still horrid.
All images were digitized and analyzed to extract the drop profile.
Major League Baseball has joined with an internet service to record, digitize and condense a typical three hour game to 30 minutes.
A lavishly illustrated 18th century book of medicinal herbs has been digitised and animated by the British Library.
Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.
Forming of it, relation of it with the traditional one, requirements for the file clerk and problems existing in building the digitized archive establishment ar...
The idea was to offer serious readers digitized and bitmapped versions of books from every age, allowing both access to the text as a corpus, and as a set of specially designed original pages.
A primary goal of the current phase of OAC development is to enhance the utility of the finding aids by creating and providing online access to digitized facsimiles of primary source material.
SNAIL'S TALES: Not so modern conchology, but fully digitized nevertheless skip to main
Not so modern conchology, but fully digitized nevertheless
This identifier was used whenever the zone to the left or to the right of the line segment being digitized was sea.
One can search for the descriptions and view digitized images of the records by using keyword (right side of the page) or layered search (left side of the page) One can also run the cross-file search linked to various databases worldwide to share a wide range of information and knowledge.
Archive 2008-02-01
The main computer sat on the left flap of a faux-leather portfolio; on the right was an ordinary legal-size pad of paper that overlay a digitized writing tablet.
They have also ordered the two companies of Governor's guards, all the indepen - dant matross companies, and light infantry thro the State, the two State regiments at Ilorsneck, and so many of the sea coast guards as to make up 2,100 men. to be in readi - ness to march at the direction of the Governor and Digitized by VijOOQIC
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
This Solution includes a high performance cutter for leather, single and multi-ply fabrics, a digitizer and a Software Suite.
He is perhaps the best representation of a new breed of artists who mix the musique concrete sounds of old and the digitized sounds of today.
The drawing is scanned into a computer in order to digitise the data contained in the drawing.
Google is on a grandiose journey to digitise just about every word, painting, note, street, mountain, stream, ocean, book, newspaper, animal, insect, photograph and email that ever existed.
While the pantograph is probably the simplest type of digitiser there is it is often completely adequate for home computer use.
The didge-woodman's tears looked like Vaseline, oozing out of digitized eyes.
Futures Imperfect
NYPL Digital is the portal to NYPL's rare and unique collections in digitized form, including searchable databases like In Motion: The African American Migration Experience, online exhibitions such as Before Victoria, and text from the Yizkor (Holocaust Memorial) Books.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: The New York Public Library (NYPL) Digital Library
When the object is deformed, interference fringes appear, which are digitized via a video camera.
We mapped the study area using a compass, range finder, and measuring tape; the map was then analyzed in a digitized format.
After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
As it gathered accolades and awards, its mission to provide access has extended across the continent and beyond, to cross-sector collections of Australiana whose content has been evaluated, digitized and is being managed with the aim of long term availability.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: PictureAustralia
Not so modern conchology, but fully digitized neve...
Deer skeleton
The digitized programs feature oral histories and news footage that can be used as primary source material and complement textbooks.
Also, the many books that are in poor condition, or that are so valuable that hands-on access by readers is undesirable, have to be either microfilmed or digitized.
The box set also includes a digitized version of the original Japanese booklet from the set.
Naoki Urasawa’s Monster DVD Set Out December 8 » Manga Worth Reading
Microsoft's blog post refers to a well-worn dispute between Google and book publishers in the U.S. over access to digitized books.
Microsoft Fires Antitrust Complaint Against Google
But as an unabashed bookseller, its goals are different from those of other players, such as Google — whose mission is collecting and organizing all the world's information — and that of the Open Content Alliance, a consortium that wants the world's books digitized in a totally nonproprietary manner.
The Future of Reading
Describes the troubleshooting measures for the mechanical failures, image artifact and ID of the digitizer.
You could digitize photographs and put them on the system, but one picture took an entire hard disk.
But genes don't make us amortal; our socialisation does that, and the elements of that socialisation have changed dramatically as the culture of deference died, and traditional forms of authority ceded dominance to a makeshift cast of celebrities and scientists and a globalised, digitised range of cultural influences.
The Guardian World News
The videotapes were digitized, and processed through a computer based non-linear video editing system.
All primary measurements such as LV wall thickness, dimensions, and cross-sectional areas were traced manually and digitized by goal-directed, diagnostically driven software installed within the echocardiograph.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
That is simply because digitized Output can move from continent to continent at extremely low cost.
Convergence of transmission compresses and stores digitized information so it can travel through existing phone and cable wiring.
After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
These images were digitized and overlaid on a computer screen.