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How To Use Dicky In A Sentence

  • The green rooftop stunt looks a little too convenient - not a dickybird on msm news coverage of the EU referendum protest in Parliament Sq. Greenies on the roof
  • I have to keep fit anyway, because I've got dicky shoulders and I have to exercise to keep them in line.
  • dicky" and cravat, and adjust her own bonnet and shawl. The Pot of Gold And Other Stories
  • Now Warne looks exasperated, McGrath is a drinks waiter with a dicky elbow and dodgy ankle and the Australian cheerleaders have mislaid their pom-poms.
  • I have to get the dent in the dicky repaired at that time.
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  • I believe that society permits men to become ill provided their condition conforms to accepted stereotypes: the 40 something CEO with a dicky heart, or the younger man with a sports injury.
  • He would doubtless have done well enough as "dicky" in an ordinary wind-jammer, but on the quarterdeck of such a craft as the The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • September 13th, 2009 7: 26 pm ET did they check with rush limbag or dicky trick cheney. they all need to go away. .or back under the rock that cheney built his lies on ass wipes Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • So, here's one reason why we've not heard a dickybird out of ET yet: our searches so far have been puny compared with the scale effort that would be required to do a thorough audit of the Milky Way. BBC News | Technology | World Edition
  • The story is actually about Micky who was "shepherded" by his half brother Dicky (Bale). Behind the Scenes Clips from David O. Russell’s The Fighter | /Film
  • So Bob and fellow newsman Carl vowed Tricky Dicky to ensnarl. Think Progress » Bartlett Blasts Woodward, Claims He ‘Formulated Some Conclusions’ Before He Began New Book
  • On coming into the room where Min and I were regarding Dicky Chip's performances with loving eyes, and I completely "translated" by various combinating influences, Mrs Clyde appeared to take in the situation in an instant -- "an eyewink," as a minute portion of time is happily rendered in the Teutonic tongue. She and I, Volume 1
  • But I will say looks like karma is catching up with ol dicky boy Cheney undergoes back surgery
  • That ladder looks a bit dicky.
  • In front of the second dicky are the aforementioned fuel tank selector, cowl flap, cabin heat and air controls and parking brake.
  • You've had a dicky stomach for the last couple of days.
  • I mean, if you decide you need a motorized runabout because you have a dicky hip or your monstrous bulk is too heavy to haul to Safeway, do you qualify?
  • IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives. State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
  • US District Judge John Shabaz last week ruled that Earthlink was not liable for using dicky data from a third party because of provisions in the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
  • I was first off the mark as a yellow and black streak of lightning engulfed my lure with a crash that might easily have stopped a dicky heart.
  • Struggled into work and spent the entire day trying not to fall asleep at my desk (I managed to get some shut-eye in the loos though - feigning a dicky tummy and doing my best to look pale, which wasn't too difficult).
  • My dad was a season-ticket holder at York until three years ago, when his health faded, but I have often thought, wickedly, that even with a dicky ticker he was in better shape than some of the players I have seen.
  • He is Val, or Uncle Val as he likes to be known, an old man with a generous streak, a dicky heart and a customised Roller.
  • Dicky: feeling unwell doddle: something easy (It was a doddle to get the Charlie.) dodgy: shady done over: beat up (He was done over by that bloke.) Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Open Writing Forum
  • In front of the second dicky are the aforementioned fuel tank selector, cowl flap, cabin heat and air controls and parking brake.
  • After failing a fitness test, Damien Duff has not even made the Chelsea bench; his notoriously dicky hamstrings proving the source of the Irishman's misfortune once again.
  • His father, despite a dicky heart, had married a second time, in 1911.
  • Yes, I know I devoted a whole entry to ‘how I had a dicky tummy and went home’ yesterday, but I'm not trying to make money out of this.
  • We only got out because Andrew got a bit bored and we were both a bit dicky from the night before, or I’d still be in there now! …Fogaskereku Vasut, Part II « Sven’s guide to…
  • A kindly, gray-whiskered old gentleman came tottering and rocking into view, his rosy, wrinkled face beaming benediction on the world as he passed through it -- on the sunshine dappling the undergrowth, on the furry squirrels sitting up on their hind legs to watch him pass, on the stray dickybird that hopped fearlessly in his path, at the young man sitting very rigid there on his bench, at the fair, sweet-faced girl who met his aged eyes with the gentlest of involuntary smiles. The Tracer of Lost Persons
  • IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives. State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
  • Whoever coined the term tricky-dicky must have sensed that the combination would hit hard. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
  • Ziggy 4 - yep, he's the fourth Ziggy-pup Meldrum has owned - made his fame by going completely berko when Dicky Knee appeared during the Molly's Melodrama segment. | Top Stories
  • It was known his "dicky" had fallen off, but, on the other hand, he had brought back a pair of patent leather pumps, which might make him feel it his duty to attend. Follow My leader The Boys of Templeton
  • In front of the second dicky are the aforementioned fuel tank selector, cowl flap, cabin heat and air controls and parking brake.
  • So in summation: don't hate me, because though I am usually coolness personified, I do have really dicky moments.
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, but as my legs get a bit dicky I am certainly not going to miss pounding up and down that High Street in all weathers!
  • I've got this dicky heart
  • I don't want to see the gorgeous men who adorned the walls of my bedroom with grey hair and dicky hips.
  • In The Fighter, Bale plays Dicky Eklund, the half-brother and trainer of fighting hopeful Micky Ward, played by Mark Wahlberg. Oscars 2011: Christian Bale wins fight for best supporting actor award
  • It would be interesting to know how many other United players have spent the last week wishing they too had a dicky hamstring and such unchallengeable seniority.
  • Yesterday, the scene of a Dicky Cheung shirt dress trousers, a refined appearance.
  • The build up of waste in his body would have caused heart failure (given he has a dicky ticker anyway).
  • Outside the presence Dicky unbuttoned his coat like an Englishman again, and ten minutes later flung his tarboosh into a corner of the room; for the tarboosh was the sign of official servitude, and Dicky was never the perfect official. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • If I were to wait until some kind of separate road system for cycles is introduced, a dicky heart would have taken me to my grave before I managed to get on my bike.
  • In front of the second dicky are the aforementioned fuel tank selector, cowl flap, cabin heat and air controls and parking brake.
  • Andy, because of his dicky heart was excused, and was put in charge of liberating different coloured pens from the heavily guarded stock cupboard to make the graph more interesting.
  • Light for me, that is, with my dicky tummy, not overly light for Graham, who does all the hard work around here.
  • The French colony had managed, by sharing the expense, to purchase a cabriolet, a hooded one-horse chaise which held two people inside, and had a "dicky" behind for a servant. Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • I have one of those insurance thingy doodads so that if one of my kitchen appliances throws a dicky-fit then someone comes out and fixes it.
  • You are truly the dickiest of dicky Repubmccaines. Top Dem Party Officials Send Sharply-Worded Email Demanding That Hillary Donors And Supporters Get Behind Obama
  • Will have the latest music system of 1000 MW or more power output and umpteen speakers all over the vehicle, dicky included.
  • In front of the second dicky are the aforementioned fuel tank selector, cowl flap, cabin heat and air controls and parking brake.
  • Accord - ingly, after having passed a week at Ca - lais, they set off in their own open ba - rouche drawn by four horses, with the foot - man and the lady's maid on the dicky. Temper ; or, Domestic scenes : a tale in three volumes
  • On the other hand, there's the ALL CAPS and the spam, as well his kind of dicky admonition that this Firehawk Jalopnik
  • My complexion was pale yellow; on my sides I had coronets and supporters; my inside was soft and comfortable; my rumble behind was satisfactory; and my dicky was perfection, and provided with a hammercloth. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 397, November 7, 1829
  • Yes and little dicky will not be able to hide behind executive privilege this time, he will have to plead the 5th! Cheney may be called to testify
  • All I ask is that you keep quiet about me saying a dickybird to you until I’ve left Sheffield. Conferences are Murder

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