[ US /ˈdɪki/ ]
[ US /ˈdɪki/ ]
(British informal) faulty
I've got this dicky heart
- a man's detachable insert (usually starched) to simulate the front of a shirt
- a small third seat in the back of an old-fashioned two-seater
How To Use dicky In A Sentence
- The green rooftop stunt looks a little too convenient - not a dickybird on msm news coverage of the EU referendum protest in Parliament Sq. Greenies on the roof
- I have to keep fit anyway, because I've got dicky shoulders and I have to exercise to keep them in line.
- dicky" and cravat, and adjust her own bonnet and shawl. The Pot of Gold And Other Stories
- Now Warne looks exasperated, McGrath is a drinks waiter with a dicky elbow and dodgy ankle and the Australian cheerleaders have mislaid their pom-poms.
- I have to get the dent in the dicky repaired at that time.
- I believe that society permits men to become ill provided their condition conforms to accepted stereotypes: the 40 something CEO with a dicky heart, or the younger man with a sports injury.
- He would doubtless have done well enough as "dicky" in an ordinary wind-jammer, but on the quarterdeck of such a craft as the The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
- September 13th, 2009 7: 26 pm ET did they check with rush limbag or dicky trick cheney. they all need to go away. .or back under the rock that cheney built his lies on ass wipes Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
- So, here's one reason why we've not heard a dickybird out of ET yet: our searches so far have been puny compared with the scale effort that would be required to do a thorough audit of the Milky Way. BBC News | Technology | World Edition
- The story is actually about Micky who was "shepherded" by his half brother Dicky (Bale). Behind the Scenes Clips from David O. Russell’s The Fighter | /Film