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How To Use Deist In A Sentence

  • Put into practice, her ceremonial deism will cease to be either ceremonial or deistic.
  • Canon powershot 5mp digital camera normalizer jackstraw you to see at a prothalamion all of the billboard that pyrope been pelecypodous consecutively day. is unvanquishable with a elixophyllin that cupressus the coriandrum of deist on a fiddling wrangle. POWET.TV
  • His beliefs started to change and fade during the Beagle voyage, and for many years -- including the years of writing and publishing the Origin -- he was some kind of deist, accepting a God who set things in motion and who did not then interfere. Michael Ruse: Darwin And Atheism
  • The Yongle Mural although is to promote Deist theory, it contains traditional aesthetic standards in Chinese painting of People merges in one with universe, form merges into one with its spirit.
  • “Homer of the North,” could fulfill Rousseauistic, deistic, and preromantic visions of a pre-Christian society unspoiled by institutions and filled with love, melancholy, and nature. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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  • He devoted much of his time to his History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century in which he explained the arguments of the old English deists and the skepticism of Hume.
  • Which Hamilton -- the pious Christian, the deist, the skeptic, the religious free-marketeer -- would pass judgment on the secular/religious debates of contemporary America? Matt J. Rossano: Alexander Hamilton's Religion: A Temperate Example For Today's Fractured World
  • The very first Islamic schism between the Sunni's literally-deist absolutism, and the anthropomorphic rationalism based on the imamate and the cult of saints in the Shiism, had its early beginnings in Egypt. Amir Madani: ElBaradei Against the Mummified Power of Pharaoh
  • The worldview of the society around us is deistic at best and we follow our culture in not giving too much credence to speculations about demons or spirits.
  • Hobbes's idea of a natural religion can fairly be described as deist, and his blend of deism and civil religion was to prove prophetic of much Enlightenment thinking.
  • [9] Hooker, as may be discerned from the epithet of arch-philosopher applied to the Stagyrite, 'sensu monarchico', was of the latter family, -- a comprehensive, vigorous, discreet, and discretive conceptualist, -- but not an ideist. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The logic and philosophy of the great deist and agnostic was worth more to the Colonies, and did more injury to King George and his murdering minions, than all the purblind, bigoted, saphead pulpit thumpers who ever preached for ready cash. Shakspere, Personal Recollections
  • Why," said the Deist, "there is as much difference as in the theories of our 'intuitional' friends here, one of whom admits, and another denies, the future existence of man; for if we be the ephemeral insects the latter supposes, it little matters what system of religion we espouse or abjure. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • This dark corner has been visited through the combination of heresy and apostasy bym separately, Calvinists, English Deists, and French atheists. Quizzing the Anonymous
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • But to insist that it must have done so, because a deistic argument says so, seems a little unreasonable to me. Collins' Deistic Hangover
  • Theological speculation and deistic tendencies were much discussed and much feared.
  • So which Hamilton -- the pious Christian, the deist, the skeptic, the religious free-marketeer -- would pass judgment on the secular/religious debates of contemporary America? Matt J. Rossano: Alexander Hamilton's Religion: A Temperate Example For Today's Fractured World
  • Indeed he did, but he used it in connection with a deist theology that, however thin, gave him reason to think of humanity as having a value derived from a creator.
  • I thought I was showing that Collins 'argument is based on a deistic view, not a theistic view, which would be a problem for Collins, since he's a theist. Collins' Deistic Hangover
  • I do not believe that any large proportion of Englishmen are actual disbelievers, who reject Christianity as unworthy of credence, or attach themselves to any of the innumerable varieties of deistical and pantheistical schools. Expositions of Holy Scripture : St. Matthew Chaps. IX to XXVIII
  • The confusion would be understandable given that the two terms 'derivations differ merely in that deist comes from the Latin deus and theist from the Greek theos, and that both mean "god". New Statesman
  • They are wicked: but they are not deists; for the term deism surely stands for admitting tlie religion of nature, as well as for the renouncing of revela - tion. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • The person who believes in a transcendental theology alone, is termed a deist; he who acknowledges the possibility of a natural theology also, a theist. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Bodin was half way between a theist and a deist; he believed that the Decalogue was a natural law imprinted in all men's hearts and that Judaism was the nearest to being a natural religion. The Age of the Reformation
  • Full of enthusiasm for the ideas of his English friends, he wrote _Letters on the English_ -- a triumph of deistic philosophy and sarcastic criticism of church and society. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • Miguel Dickson: – ... lots of atheists see nothing particularly troublesome about giving thanks to others, and, in a certain sense being grateful, without necessarily needing a deistic object to be grateful to. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Judge Strikes Down Statute Providing for National Day of Prayer
  • Not only was Newton not a deist; he believed deism heretical and harmful.
  • Jefferson famously excised all miracles from his copy of the King James Bible; as a rationalist and a deist, he considered such stories to be needless embellishments.
  • Collins would seem to be a deist, which is very different from being a Christian, as he claims to be. Undefined
  • Now, I would suggest to you that you re-read the dictionary definition of a "deist", and then tell me that you, if you can, as a thinking person, tell me that the description of the incident in Washington's letter even remotely resembles any "indifference" on the part of God. Texas Faith: How did our civil debate become so uncivil? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Some of the many positions on creationism include progressive, deistic, theistic, ex nihilo, and directive creationism.
  • Yet I've always admired Doctor Who; not only for its values of intellect and empathy, but also for its often overlooked ability to explore deistic themes – both in the show and through the ardent devotion of fans. Does Doctor Who feature a god for our times? | Stephen Kelly
  • The young man who drafted the Declaration of Independence and who later became President Jefferson was a Deist, as were several of the other founding fathers of that abidingly important institution, the United States. The insincerity of Richard Dawkins « Anglican Samizdat
  • Our Founding Fathers were deists who did not believe in revealed religion but rather in an impersonal god with a small g.
  • By the middle of the eighteenth century, though, these long-held beliefs were beginning to be called into question, and the European deists were the primary inquisitors.
  • Some interviewee responses suggest beliefs closer to pantheism than deistic faiths.
  • That, of course, has been hotly debated from the election of 1800 to today, and Jefferson has been called an infidel, a Deist and more. Thomas Jefferson's Cut-and-Paste Bible
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • The god they present is neither the impassive god of the Oriental nor the nonhistorical god of the Deist.
  • Have you got a source for him self-identifying as a deist later in life? Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • I guess I'm essentially a kind of deist of some kind as well. There Is A God
  • My own learning has taken place at the fertile conjunction of Hinduism and Buddhism, although my deistic inclination firmly locates me in the former tradition.
  • The first two published instalments of the manuscript contained material which was drawn from Deist criticisms, though worked out with great thoroughness.
  • Those hemp-growing, tree-hugging, corporate-hating deistic free loving and free thinking present-at-the-creation Americans believed above all that the Truth would keep us free. Harvey Wasserman: The Tea Party/GOP Would Hate Our Actual Founders
  • Not only was Newton not a deist; he believed deism heretical and harmful.
  • He considers this a ‘logical possibility’, but later dismisses it as deistic.
  • Myra Deister teaches both math and computer science at Sunny Hills High School in Fullerton, Calif. Does Computing Add Up in the Classroom? - Bits Blog -
  • Should a teacher who is a freethinker or a deist, as were many of the country's earliest patriots, be forced to lie to her students by being required to lead them in the oath?
  • The first two published instalments of the manuscript contained material which was drawn from Deist criticisms, though worked out with great thoroughness.
  • Intolerant of dissent, he wrote several pamphlets replying robustly to vindications of separatism by the Presbyterian Owen and the deist Dodwell.
  • But because the ambiguities of accidentalism at this time had to be conceptualized by alternative characterizations of God as either the rational or the capricious Uncreated Being, the result for men was fideistic optimism or nescience. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Actually, cbodlt, bpbaptista, lots of atheists see nothing particularly troublesome about giving thanks to others, and, in a certain sense being grateful, without necessarily needing a deistic object to be grateful to. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Judge Strikes Down Statute Providing for National Day of Prayer
  • He regarded formal religion as a force to be controlled, but personally subscribed to beliefs that can be termed deistic or even agnostic, rather than conventionally religious. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON

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