How To Use Deism In A Sentence

  • Claiming that no compelling evidence exists and then refusing to acknowledge the existence of any evidence is simply a form of atheistic fideism.
  • As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism.
  • The movement of English thought known as deism was a distinct forerunner of the rationalist movement, within the particular area of the discussion of religion. An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant
  • ‘The new bet on mysticism, fideism, and orthodoxy’ (Jean-Francois Six's phrase) is not one that Marcel Gauchet would make.
  • The Dudleian lecturers were liberal Christians, both Calvinist and Arminian, and they openly separated themselves in the second lecture from more radical forms of Enlightened Dissent, namely Unitarianism and Deism.
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  • As a prelude to this Genesis-geology controversy, the eighteenth century also witnessed the spread of two competing but largely similar worldviews: deism and atheism.
  • A bald deism has undoubtedly been the creed of some of the purest and most generous men that have ever trod the earth, but none the less on that account is it in its essence a doctrine of self-complacent individualism from which society has little to hope, and with which there is little chance of the bulk of society ever sympathizing. Voltaire
  • ; and for his fictions to poor old gossiping Aubrey; while his inferences, in respect to Hariot's deism and disbelief in the Scriptures, are probably his own, as we find no sufficient trace of them prior to the appearance of his Athenæ, unless it be in Chief Justice Popham's unjust charge at Winchester in 1603, when he is said to have twitted Raleigh from the bench with having been 'bedeviled' by Hariot. Thomas Hariot
  • Hobbes's idea of a natural religion can fairly be described as deist, and his blend of deism and civil religion was to prove prophetic of much Enlightenment thinking.
  • Dawkins is successful in refuting Christianity, which is after all based on the worship of an evil and monstrous God; but Dawkins can not strike any blows against pandeism, a religious viewpoint that accepts the truth of scientific discovery, and reconciles that with a fundamentally fair and just spiritual understanding of the Universe, the purpose of its creation, and its direction. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I operate a religious website that promotes tolerant monotheism (Deism, Unitarianism, Judaism) and I can't believe the volume of hate mail I get.
  • Rationalism, fideism, and experientialism are largely inwardly focused approaches to knowledge of God with both fideism and experientialism also being highly subjective as well. blogs
  • Yet it did not enter into the composition of his religious faith, and this shows that his religious faith, though entirely free from suspicion of insincerity or ostentatious assumption, was like deism in so many cases, whether rationalistic or emotional, a kind of gratuitously adopted superfluity, not the satisfaction of a profound inner craving and resistless spiritual necessity. Rousseau (Volume 1 and 2)
  • Jefferson was denounced as being un-Christian by the opposition, who cited his belief in deism as proof enough that he shouldn’t be elected. Think Progress » Scott Brown Snubs Tea Party, Declines Invite To Join Sarah Palin At ‘Massive Rally’ In Boston
  • Now, shall we return to deism, or would you rather proceed to the mythopoesis attitude? THE BROKEN GOD
  • So his position is arguably one of fideism regarding his church's official teaching on homosexual unions - which I do not feel entirely comfortable with.
  • In Reflections on Christian Philosophy Ralph McInerny suggests that what I have been calling Reformed epistemology is fideism.
  • And they are not moved by Miller's fideism or ‘god of the quantum gaps’.
  • Jansenism by the constitutionist clergy; philosophical deism by the worship of the Supreme Being, instituted by the committee of public safety; and the materialism of Holbach's school by the worship of Reason and of Nature, decreed by the commune. History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814
  • Btw, it may pass notice without an overt mention, but the earlier reference to the "unholy" trinity - of facile contempt, philistine incomprehension and an incurious and willful blindness - is "unholy" vis-a-vis the very best and most rigorous of post-Enlightenment (i.e. rational and transparent) standards, not the pseudo-standards of some strawman, stereotypical, backwards looking fideism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Descartes used something like it in his Discourse on Method, but one senses that there was actually some faith left in Descartes' fideism.
  • And since he asserts that atheism equals nihilism, and deism equals atheism lite, then I must really be a nihilist.
  • Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
  • But our faith isn't a matter of accepting fideism.
  • I've long held a similar belief, namely that modern science would lead to a re-emergence of an old religious idea, a blend of naturalism and deism.
  • I have my own objections to BSA as an organization--the deism thing, the homophobia, the girls-are-icky implications of the whole thing--and I've not been terribly impressed with the things the kids do for merit badges; "undemanding" would not be a harsh description. Archive 2005-12-01
  • We are faced with fideism or with uncritical obedience to tradition, and the distinction between the two may be no more than academic.
  • He did not, however, stray too far from deism; he placed little faith in the use of prayers for specific personal requests or miracles.
  • In a powerful critique of the theological turn in French phenomenology, for example in the work of Jean-Luc Marion, Meillassoux shows how the flip side of correlationism is fideism, that is, the rather vague discourse on the numinous that one finds in many followers of Heidegger, but also - it should be added - in Wittgenstein's curious remarks about the mystical towards the end of the Tractatus. Archive 2009-09-01
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • I conclude that the multiverse is ontologically equivalent to naïve deism.
  • Whilst scholars agree that sola scriptura was a key feature, perhaps even more central to any understanding of the period is familiarity with the doctrine of sola fideism or justification by faith alone.
  • I would argue that an interventionist view of God is much closer to deism than my view.
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • Originating late in 1796, this movement of intellectual, republican deism prospered in towns where dechristianization had been popular.
  • Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • That said, I do think that the other side is silly too– these forms of ceremonial deism are meaningless and indeed, devalue Christianity by making it into a rote incantation, which is fine with me. The Volokh Conspiracy » “What Sort of Burden Does It Place on the University … to Strike ‘of Our Lord’ from the Diploma?”
  • The solicitor general fell into the trap of defending the phrase as a revered historical curiosity, an expression of ceremonial deism, and something good for reinforcing patriotic sentiment.
  • They are wicked: but they are not deists; for the term deism surely stands for admitting tlie religion of nature, as well as for the renouncing of revela - tion. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • He opposes ‘fideism,’ which is nothing more than blind belief, with ‘critical fideism,’ which maintains a critical dialogue based not on proofs but convictions.
  • I'd define it for you, but since you got so offended last time when I defined the word "deism" - I let you do that, mmkay? Texas Faith: When is it okay to use God to advance public policy? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Deism reflected the scientific paradigm of the times in which the world inexorably and thoroughly followed strict mathematical laws of nature.
  • Put into practice, her ceremonial deism will cease to be either ceremonial or deistic.
  • I should proceed to a view of the life, character, and doctrines of Jesus, who sensible of incorrectness of their ideas of the Deity, and of morality, endeavored to bring them to the principles of a pure deism, and juster notions of the attributes of God, to reform their moral doctrines to the standard of reason, justice and philanthropy, and to inculcate the belief of a future state. Jesus Christ: A Heretical Appreciation | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • It has recently been argued in fact, that the reason Bayle distances himself in this way is that he is offering a reductio ad absurdum of Catholic fideism based on philosophical skepticism.
  • Most people have probably never heard of the term deism, or, if they had, would fail to distinguish it from theism. New Statesman
  • Alvin Plantinga defines "fideism" as "the exclusive or basic reliance upon faith alone, accompanied by a consequent disparagement of reason and utilized especially in the pursuit of philosophical or religious truth. Sandwalk
  • —I was lifted directly into Madame de V——’s Coterie—and she put off the epocha of deism for two years. 63. Paris
  • Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
  • But, like the earlier form of fideism, it was basically relativist: in different countries and at different times, Charron's argument implies, man will rightly choose different religions.
  • The poem Warburton had vindicated a quarter of a century earlier from charges of deism by a Swiss professor had now been travestied along with his own commentary.
  • And since he asserts that atheism = nihilism and deism = atheism lite, then I must really be a nihilist.
  • Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
  • At the hint of logical puzzles we beat a retreat to mystery-mongering and fideism, or else throw in the towel and cast our lot with the skeptics.
  • As a result, no religious acknowledgment could claim to be an instance of ceremonial deism if it explicitly favored one particular religious belief system over another.
  • They see economics as a product of Enlightenment rationalism, along with deism, atheism, the chaos of the French Revolution and other un-Christian aspects of the modern age.
  • As I stated previously, in 18th century deism there were two keys to distinguishing between deism and theism in its various forms.
  • Basically, all these guys do is throw a shrouding mist over the issue, and try to pretend that they have a rational answer when really they only have fideism. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • In recent years, a small number of philosophers of religion has embraced the term fideism and sought to reclaim its non-pejorative use. Fideism
  • His first work, Christianity not Mysterious, opposes sacerdotal authority and fideism.
  • Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
  • Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • That said, I do think that the other side is silly too – these forms of ceremonial deism are meaningless (and indeed, devalue Christianity by making it into a rote incantation, which is fine with me). The Volokh Conspiracy » “What Sort of Burden Does It Place on the University … to Strike ‘of Our Lord’ from the Diploma?”
  • Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
  • Dudeism, a quasi-religion based upon the teachings of the film's antihero The Dude, has been the result of its slow-burn success and this event brings its founder Oliver Benjamin to the Idler magazine's west London slacker school for a debate on tenpin bowling, naps and kicking back. This week's new events
  • In fact, the church's public argument is based on reason and science, not fideism.
  • Shaftesbury's formulation of sentimentality as either a manifestation of latitudinarianism or deism, both vaguely secularized systems of advancing self-sufficient virtue as the means by which manners dominated and controlled behavior in the public realm. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • Far from being based in a biblical vision, the case for intelligent design seems to lead at best to a kind of deism.
  • He reacts against the heresy of deism, the belief that God wound up the universe in the beginning but lets it run without intervention.
  • Aquino recognizes that Newman's preference for what he called real or presumptive knowledge over notional or abstract knowledge was vulnerable to the charges of relativism and fideism.
  • In addition, what we now know of quantum mechanics renders deism inadequate theology because the universe doesn't unfold in a rigorously deterministic manner.
  • On the contrary, its abdication from the realm of the mind can make it seem another form of fideism.
  • In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
  • I'm not sure deism is the only type of belief compatible with such a view. Aiguy's Computer
  • He rarely spoke about his religion, but his Freemasonry experience points to a belief in deism. Think Progress » Fox News Recruits Priest to Advise Bush On Weathering Scandals
  • His first work, Christianity not Mysterious, opposes sacerdotal authority and fideism.
  • Now, shall we return to deism, or would you rather proceed to the mythopoesis attitude? THE BROKEN GOD
  • Ward would, I imagine, deplore its readiness to embrace cultural dissolution, its reckless fideism, and its unnecessary obscurity.
  • The term deism, however, has come in the course of time to have a more specific meaning. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • And the tendencies of deism in France grew more violently destructive, not only because religious superstition was grosser, but because that superstition was incorporated in a strong and inexpansible social structure. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Does that not inevitably end up in a form of fideism?
  • The kind of radical fideism that some evangelical Christians are exhibiting toward catastrophic global warming is a betrayal of science and a betrayal of the Christian intellectual tradition …. Eco-Justice
  • Not only was Newton not a deist; he believed deism heretical and harmful.
  • Paine was careful to contrast the tortuous twists of theology with the pure clarity of deism.
  • In terms of religion, Napoleon bordered between deism and atheism.
  • But he dedicates his book not to this insight, but to defending ‘responsible fideism.’
  • Craig's platform is a veil of obfuscating rhetoric and quasi-philosophical logic see his "possible worlds" argument combined with a pretty rampant fideism hiding behind a facade of rationalism. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • He drifted gradually from deism into pantheism.
  • Not only was Newton not a deist; he believed deism heretical and harmful.
  • Geisler lists the methodologies to knowledge in general and about God in particular as agnosticism, rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, pragmatism, and combinationalism. Default Site Weblog
  • As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism.

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