

[ US /ˈdiɪzəm/ ]
  1. the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation

How To Use deism In A Sentence

  • Claiming that no compelling evidence exists and then refusing to acknowledge the existence of any evidence is simply a form of atheistic fideism.
  • As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism.
  • The movement of English thought known as deism was a distinct forerunner of the rationalist movement, within the particular area of the discussion of religion. An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant
  • ‘The new bet on mysticism, fideism, and orthodoxy’ (Jean-Francois Six's phrase) is not one that Marcel Gauchet would make.
  • The Dudleian lecturers were liberal Christians, both Calvinist and Arminian, and they openly separated themselves in the second lecture from more radical forms of Enlightened Dissent, namely Unitarianism and Deism.
  • As a prelude to this Genesis-geology controversy, the eighteenth century also witnessed the spread of two competing but largely similar worldviews: deism and atheism.
  • A bald deism has undoubtedly been the creed of some of the purest and most generous men that have ever trod the earth, but none the less on that account is it in its essence a doctrine of self-complacent individualism from which society has little to hope, and with which there is little chance of the bulk of society ever sympathizing. Voltaire
  • ; and for his fictions to poor old gossiping Aubrey; while his inferences, in respect to Hariot's deism and disbelief in the Scriptures, are probably his own, as we find no sufficient trace of them prior to the appearance of his Athenæ, unless it be in Chief Justice Popham's unjust charge at Winchester in 1603, when he is said to have twitted Raleigh from the bench with having been 'bedeviled' by Hariot. Thomas Hariot
  • Hobbes's idea of a natural religion can fairly be described as deist, and his blend of deism and civil religion was to prove prophetic of much Enlightenment thinking.
  • Dawkins is successful in refuting Christianity, which is after all based on the worship of an evil and monstrous God; but Dawkins can not strike any blows against pandeism, a religious viewpoint that accepts the truth of scientific discovery, and reconciles that with a fundamentally fair and just spiritual understanding of the Universe, the purpose of its creation, and its direction. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
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