
How To Use Deflationary In A Sentence

  • Speculative onslaughts on the pound were resisted only at the expense of deflationary domestic policies.
  • In its statement yesterday, the bank said that "the current massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development. Swiss Franc-ensense
  • These two bankruptcies led to intensifying deflationary pressures.
  • Today there's no gold standard that is being mismanaged around the world in a deflationary mannwer as nations try to re-impose and hold it at pre-WWI parities that don't fit -- in the US in particular, causing the Fed to raise interest rates in the midst of deflation and recession in a manner that seems insane by our standards. Lessons of the Great Depression, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Nothing is more frightening - no economic problem more intractable - than a deflationary spiral.
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  • The only way out of this kind of deflationary spiral is for the government to do something to “stimulate” demand, which is what we did. Matthew Yglesias » “Taking Money From One Place and Giving it To Another Place”
  • No longer would the balance of payments be fetishized as the OEEC was informed that the next balance of payments crisis would be met through the depletion of reserves rather than by deflationary measures.
  • The Great Depression was a deflationary cycle, and it took WWII to get out of that.
  • If we went in at too high a rate, we could face permanent deflationary pressure, taking the fizz out of what is currently the most buoyant large economy in Europe.
  • As Keynes proved, the only way out of a deflationary spiral is government fiscal policy – having the government spend money in order to stimulate spending by the private sector. Matthew Yglesias » ARRA Is Not Crowding Out Private Investment
  • The macroeconomic effects will be seen in continued deflationary pressures.
  • The votaries of this deflationary view of politics flatter themselves on their own realism. Get real
  • The price increases mark a sharp reversal in apparel price trends, which have been deflationary for at least a decade, says Emanuel Weintraub, a retail consultant. Unable to Stretch Further, Apparel Makers Raise Prices
  • Monopolistic deflationary pressure can unbalance market forces in exactly the same way that state price fixing can. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The favoured policy solution is, don't get into a deflationary spiral in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Japan must obviously see to the rebuilding of critical infrastructure, but should be careful not to overbuild, as that would reinforce deflationary pressures.
  • Today's central bankers are aware of the danger that the economy will be locked into a deflationary spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gold offers a unique feature at the moment as it is a store of value in inflationary as well as deflationary contexts. Heritage's Ledermann eyes gold and emerging markets
  • The overall effect is a rise in unemployment and intensifying deflationary pressures.
  • The GDP deflator, an overall price index, fell 3.5 percent from a year earlier, the sharpest ever drop, adding to the deflationary problems dominating the Japanese economy.
  • Without such an increase, the economy might tip into a deflationary spiral such as saddled Japan with decades of stagnation. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fear of the equity markets, and the addiction to saving, can propel a country into a vicious downward deflationary spiral.
  • It was not at all obvious that we were in an deflationary spiral until the effective funds became decoupled from the target rate, and that was not until late October when the spread became greater than 75 basis points – and stayed there until the fed just went ahead and dropped the target to zero, which was the end of possible action on the monetary policy front. Matthew Yglesias » Actual CBO Report
  • If deflationary pressures become entrenched, they will impose great hardship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet there is no sign of sustained deflationary pressure in the US economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also said the Japanese economy is not about to fall into a deflationary spiral under which price falls and economic contraction take place simultaneously.
  • McCain is remarkable that way: he understands intuitively that the public has grown tired of platitudinal boilerplate, so he provides his own running commentary on himself, much of it deflationary. Re: Left Behind - Swampland -
  • Many people believe that the world economy is undergoing pressures of a deflationary nature.
  • Japan's deflationary spiral in the 1990s defied government attempts at fiscal stimulus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deflationary pressures the economy experienced during 2008 and 2009 were only temporary phenomena caused by producers and retailers slashing prices to quickly liquidate goods to equilibrate to a new, slower-growth outlook. Sen. Kyl Gets Taxes Right, But What About The Dollar?
  • There are always inflationary and deflationary spots in an economy at the same time.
  • All of this can exacerbate an economic downturn and, in turn, generate greater deflationary pressures.
  • deflationary measures
  • Japan and the eurozone are, meanwhile, fighting a combination of weak growth and deflationary pressures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Volatile movements in the foreign exchange casino compound the deflationary effect.
  • In an economy with a deflationary bias, interest rates may stay low for years to come.
  • The overall effect, therefore, will be to generate a stronger deflationary undertow.
  • Attempts to reign in spending will likely lead to higher unemployment and may raise winds of deflationary pressure that will wreak long-term havoc to the economy. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • A falling dollar would be a major deflationary influence on the world economy, notes Levy.
  • Nothing is more frightening - no economic problem more intractable - than a deflationary spiral.
  • Some Fed officials might even be willing to wait to tighten until inflation ticks up and moves the economy well clear of the deflationary danger zone.
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • In much of Africa and Latin America, adjustment was combined with deflationary stabilization.
  • He argues that financial bubbles can lead to economic instability, with hard-to-control deflationary consequences.
  • That kind of deflationary spiral is what worries economists and corporate executives.
  • By dampening expected future sales, a deflationary monetary policy may decrease the firm's net worth.
  • Noting some short term enigmatic inflation and deflationary cycles we will be experiencing for some time. Home Page
  • Seemingly endless quantitative easing has failed to ignite any inflation in an economy that has been dogged by deflationary pressures for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another is how to protect the economy from a deflationary shock.
  • These two bankruptcies led to intensifying deflationary pressures.
  • The figure suggests that demand is picking up, deflationary pressures may be easing, and the economy edging closer to recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • In so doing, it would add to deflationary pressures already present in money, credit and asset prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Excess reserves currently earn 0. 25%, but in today's deflationary environment, with nominal rates at historical lows, it's not hard to imagine banks turning into hard-core "savers" if the incentive to park funds risklessly at the Fed were raised even a skoach. Home Page
  • Krugman caught my notice for being one guy with a really nervy suggestion on how Japan could get out of its deflationary spiral.
  • Deflationary and inflationary gaps can be closed by discretionary monetary and/or fiscal policy.
  • It's admittedly not such a damaging policy in deflationary conditions such as those afflicting the advanced industrial economies now. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • If deflationary pressures became entrenched in the economy, the damage would be immense. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today's central bankers are aware of the danger that the economy will be locked into a deflationary spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, as I explained here and especially here, the stock market is bucking some fairly powerful deflationary currents, in both the the U.S. and the global economies.
  • He has been able to goose up the money supply without suffering serious price inflation, due to various underlying deflationary trends.
  • Hedge funds and speculative traders have led the charge in buying long-dated debt during this four-day-long bond rally, betting that yields will fall in a deflationary climate.
  • You might think that in a deflationary world, companies and consumers alike might give up their fixation with brands, and be more interested in price instead.
  • Today's central bankers are aware of the danger that the economy will be locked into a deflationary spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the moment, deflationary pressures will boost real incomes and act like an indirect tax cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Money supply would have then expanded, and deflationary forces would have been thwarted.
  • The collapse in oil prices, which have halved since last summer, is adding to deflationary pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not presently perceive any deflationary risks in the euro area.
  • There is no chance that deflationary pressures brought on by collapsing commodity prices will persuade consumers to defer spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week the real yield on the 50-year index-linked gilt slumped to 0.57% - below that of an index-linked bond in deflationary Japan.
  • Today's central bankers are aware of the danger that the economy will be locked into a deflationary spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another more speculative concern is that it could increase the vulnerability of the economy to deflationary forces.
  • Deflationary expectations for the next few months mean that real short-term bill yields are "not necessarily negative," he said.
  • But such reforms and restructurings are very deflationary in highly indebted economies.
  • The banks are stuffed with cash that they can't lend because few borrowers are creditworthy, and those that are won't borrow in a deflationary economy.
  • On such deflationary views of self-deception, one need only hold a false belief p, possess evidence that ~p, and have some desire or emotion that explains why p is believed and retained. Self-Deception
  • This in short is a highly deflationary Budget, which, far from promoting growth, would only contribute to a perpetuation and accentuation of the prevailing demand constraint.
  • It is equally improbable to expect Euroland economies to adopt supply-side reforms designed to boost long term growth when the short term impact will likely prove deflationary against a backdrop of faltering domestic demand.

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