[ US /dɪˈfɫeɪʃəˌnɛɹi/ ]
[ US /dɪˈfɫeɪʃəˌnɛɹi/ ]
associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money
deflationary measures
How To Use deflationary In A Sentence
- Speculative onslaughts on the pound were resisted only at the expense of deflationary domestic policies.
- In its statement yesterday, the bank said that "the current massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development. Swiss Franc-ensense
- These two bankruptcies led to intensifying deflationary pressures.
- Today there's no gold standard that is being mismanaged around the world in a deflationary mannwer as nations try to re-impose and hold it at pre-WWI parities that don't fit -- in the US in particular, causing the Fed to raise interest rates in the midst of deflation and recession in a manner that seems insane by our standards. Lessons of the Great Depression, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- Nothing is more frightening - no economic problem more intractable - than a deflationary spiral.
- The only way out of this kind of deflationary spiral is for the government to do something to “stimulate” demand, which is what we did. Matthew Yglesias » “Taking Money From One Place and Giving it To Another Place”
- No longer would the balance of payments be fetishized as the OEEC was informed that the next balance of payments crisis would be met through the depletion of reserves rather than by deflationary measures.
- The Great Depression was a deflationary cycle, and it took WWII to get out of that.
- If we went in at too high a rate, we could face permanent deflationary pressure, taking the fizz out of what is currently the most buoyant large economy in Europe.
- As Keynes proved, the only way out of a deflationary spiral is government fiscal policy – having the government spend money in order to stimulate spending by the private sector. Matthew Yglesias » ARRA Is Not Crowding Out Private Investment