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How To Use De-emphasize In A Sentence

  • The new textbooks de-emphasize dynastic change, peasant struggle, ethnic rivalry and war, some critics say, because the leadership does not want people thinking that such things matter a great deal.
  • You can accent a room's feature - such as a pipe or post - by painting it a different color from the rest of the room or de-emphasize it by painting it the same color.
  • Does this day of Holocaust remembrance seek to de-emphasize the particular importance of the Nazi dream of destroying the Jewish people? Brad Hirschfield: Holocaust Remembrance: Who Owns Memory?
  • Breaking with convention, Duncan was the first American dancer to de-emphasize scenery and costumes in favour of a simple stage setting and simple costumes.
  • They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
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  • Consider using theming to emphasize screen elements that are crucial to the task, and de-emphasize elements that are secondary.
  • Like the House of Lords the Court has de-emphasized the notion of parental ‘rights’ in the determination of these questions.
  • When she was the board chairwoman last year, she sided with some of the other board members and voted to slightly de-emphasize the teaching of this subject in the state's public schools.
  • Based on the study, Smart planned to de-emphasize interdiction to concentrate on the new target systems: “[The aim is to] bring about defeat of the enemy as expeditiously as possible [rather than] allowing him to languish in comparative quiescence while we expand our efforts beating up supply routes.” Between War and Peace
  • And wired to zero in on any apparent bad news in a larger stream of information (e.g., fixing on a casual aside from a family member or co-worker), to tune out or de-emphasize reassuring good news, and to keep thinking about the one thing that was negative in a day in which a hundred small things happened, ninety-nine of which were neutral or positive. Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias
  • One other area that has a significant, albeit not easily quantifiable, impact on cost is Levi's business plan which de-emphasizes the selling of profitable products by putting strong emphasis on social programs and reforms.
  • Our focus is on the legal side of law and economics, an approach that we hope will de-emphasize technical mathematics, while providing our readers greater access to economic insights about legal and policy issues.
  • But we can de-emphasize their importance as primary instruments of justice while we place the highest priority on social and economic justice.
  • Since the spirit of Wiggs Dannyboy was upon her, and since Wiggs contended that longing for the future was as antilife as dwelling in the past ( "nostalgia and hope stand equally in the way of authentic experience"), Priscilla decided that she must de-emphasize the role in her life of the perfume bottle and its promise of future financial bliss. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Now some Republicans wondered if the party should de-emphasize its antislavery values in an effort to attract voters. Before he became the national icon, Lincoln was a shrewd candidate
  • They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
  • Groves believes that the Flores pygmies display prognathism - a prominent mouth that de-emphasizes the chin.
  • It means simply that we de-emphasize contrasts and emphasize the universal factors.
  • The new textbooks de-emphasize dynastic change, peasant struggle, ethnic rivalry and war, some critics say, because the leadership does not want people thinking that such things matter a great deal.
  • Commanders were to deglamorize drinking, educate service members on its harmful effects, punish drunken driving severely, and de-emphasize alcohol at social functions.
  • Because the Billboard Top 25 tends to "really de-emphasize the last half of the year," Mr. Roseman based the 2011 "United States of Pop" recording, also titled "World Goes Boom," on weekly charts, to account for late-breaking hits. Messages in 2011's Music
  • Billings, however, argues that she represents the road to progress because she would de-emphasize the test, called the Washington Assessment of Student Learning.
  • As to why the clef disappeared, the answer is lengthy, certainly involves the first acceptance of women as public performers, the rise in popularity of the monodic style which de-emphasized middle voices, and makes for a fascinating scholarly debate. A Mezzo-soprano Manifesto
  • Or rather, it de-emphasizes grammatical accuracy to focus on communicative fluency, and operates through holistic activities which stress the transfer of authentic information and the sharing of experience.
  • I've heard it said that modern libraries too often de-emphasize books in favor of electronic material. Libraries
  • One reason is that the company has de-emphasized ownership in favour of management contracts.
  • Churches with thousands of members that de-emphasize studies of scripture while pushing communal solidarity run a serious risk of creating large populations of uninformed and fanatical chauvinists.
  • They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
  • They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
  • Economist Carmen Reinhart of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington predicts a downgrade will accelerate efforts by governments on both sides of the Atlantic to de-emphasize rating-firm opinions, a particularly convenient move at a time when governments are borrowing so heavily. Would a Credit Downgrade Matter?
  • Or try a strapless dress, which de-emphasizes the broadness of the back.
  • Or try a strapless dress, which de-emphasizes the broadness of the back.
  • Ultimately though, what is more intriguing about this work is the manner in which it runs athwart of some contemporary photography to instead de-emphasize overt expressivity.
  • Richard Sorabji (1990, p. 12) suggested that Ammonius might have agreed not to make the school a center of pagan and theurgic ritual, which he would also de-emphasize in his teaching, or simply not to make trouble with Christians. The Garbage House
  • Ultimately though, what is more intriguing about this work is the manner in which it runs athwart of some contemporary photography to instead de-emphasize overt expressivity.

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