How To Use de-emphasize In A Sentence
- The new textbooks de-emphasize dynastic change, peasant struggle, ethnic rivalry and war, some critics say, because the leadership does not want people thinking that such things matter a great deal.
- You can accent a room's feature - such as a pipe or post - by painting it a different color from the rest of the room or de-emphasize it by painting it the same color.
- Does this day of Holocaust remembrance seek to de-emphasize the particular importance of the Nazi dream of destroying the Jewish people? Brad Hirschfield: Holocaust Remembrance: Who Owns Memory?
- Breaking with convention, Duncan was the first American dancer to de-emphasize scenery and costumes in favour of a simple stage setting and simple costumes.
- They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.
- Consider using theming to emphasize screen elements that are crucial to the task, and de-emphasize elements that are secondary.
- Like the House of Lords the Court has de-emphasized the notion of parental ‘rights’ in the determination of these questions.
- When she was the board chairwoman last year, she sided with some of the other board members and voted to slightly de-emphasize the teaching of this subject in the state's public schools.
- Based on the study, Smart planned to de-emphasize interdiction to concentrate on the new target systems: “[The aim is to] bring about defeat of the enemy as expeditiously as possible [rather than] allowing him to languish in comparative quiescence while we expand our efforts beating up supply routes.” Between War and Peace
- And wired to zero in on any apparent bad news in a larger stream of information (e.g., fixing on a casual aside from a family member or co-worker), to tune out or de-emphasize reassuring good news, and to keep thinking about the one thing that was negative in a day in which a hundred small things happened, ninety-nine of which were neutral or positive. Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias