How To Use Datura stramonium In A Sentence
Other herbaceous plants included Abutilon theophrasti, Cycloloma atriplicifolium, Datura stramonium and Xanthium strumarium and the planted Maclura pomifera.
Subsequent investigation by the Montgomery County health officials determined the stew contained jimsonweed -- Datura stramonium.
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In 18 th century southern Africa, the potion "poo" was taken to enable people to dance better in ceremonial dances; the Dutch word "doop" described a potion made from Datura stramonium used by robbers to pacify their prey; in 1807 in London, the opiate Laudanum
Salpiglossis belongs to the always-interesting Solanaceae family, which includes edible fruits such as tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants but also tobacco, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and poisonous jimsonweed (Datura stramonium).
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According to some accounts, zombies are fed a paste made from datura stramonium - the zombie's cucumber - that contains tropane alkaloids capable of inducing a psychotic state.
P.of. G.M.P. Mwaluko presented a study on the use of Datura stramonium, which had been prompted by observation that the plant was added to local alcoholic brews.
Chapter 10
In Datura stramonium, no effect of inbreeding could be detected on resistance to two herbivores.