- intensely poisonous tall coarse annual tropical weed having rank-smelling foliage, large white or violet trumpet-shaped flowers and prickly fruits
How To Use Datura stramonium In A Sentence
- Other herbaceous plants included Abutilon theophrasti, Cycloloma atriplicifolium, Datura stramonium and Xanthium strumarium and the planted Maclura pomifera.
- Subsequent investigation by the Montgomery County health officials determined the stew contained jimsonweed -- Datura stramonium. Latest News -
- In 18 th century southern Africa, the potion "poo" was taken to enable people to dance better in ceremonial dances; the Dutch word "doop" described a potion made from Datura stramonium used by robbers to pacify their prey; in 1807 in London, the opiate Laudanum Pravda.Ru
- Salpiglossis belongs to the always-interesting Solanaceae family, which includes edible fruits such as tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants but also tobacco, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and poisonous jimsonweed (Datura stramonium). SFGate: Top News Stories
- According to some accounts, zombies are fed a paste made from datura stramonium - the zombie's cucumber - that contains tropane alkaloids capable of inducing a psychotic state.
- P.of. G.M.P. Mwaluko presented a study on the use of Datura stramonium, which had been prompted by observation that the plant was added to local alcoholic brews. Chapter 10
- In Datura stramonium, no effect of inbreeding could be detected on resistance to two herbivores.