How To Use Dangerousness In A Sentence
This later legislative judgment that the offence did not provide a predicate for a finding of dangerousness did not affect the constitutionality of the original sentence.
There is a popular association between mental illness and dangerousness.
More defendants who received correctional sanctions were referred because of concerns about dangerousness and they had high rates of depression.
The whole point of the shift from dangerousness to risk was the recognition that behaviour is a product of multiple dynamic factors in a complex situation.
* Batterers Intervention Programs (BIPs): Supports 15 certified batterer intervention programs provide vital services to rehabilitate abusers, assess dangerousness and provide critical informational referrals for partners and their children.

Lastly, more compelling than any individual study, a review of the literature to date in 2006 found that overall, biogenetic causal theories, and labelling something as an "illness", are both positively related to perceptions of dangerousness and unpredictability, and to fear and desire for social distance.
A genetic cause for ADHD won't necessarily reduce the stigma attached
Today's date recalls the dangerousness of police work throughout the past century. - News
After the expiry of the tariff, continued detention depends on elements of dangerousness and risk associated with the objectives of the original sentence [for] murder.
But there's no requirement that the law pull the wool over the public's eyes and hide the person's potential dangerousness.
Especially in the current, charged atmosphere, forensic evaluations may increasingly be needed to gauge dangerousness to self and others.
You have to take into account the perceived dangerousness of a prisoner and the facilities available.
No other trade approaches this in dangerousness; the next most dangerous is the shipping trade, one sailor in a little under 1300 being killed every year.
The Road to Wigan Pier
As well as psychiatrists, psychologists play a role in assessing prisoner dangerousness.
I studied both black and white and color photography in my homemade darkroom, and studied various earlier photographic techniques (i.e. daguerreotypes, tintypes, etc.) and discovered 1st hand the dangerousness of certain chemicals or materials (e.g. nitrocellulose-based film), even with proper ventilation.
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Questions of dangerousness and criminal propensity, and suspicion that the youth fits the profile of juvenile psychopathy, may arise.
They banned racial profiling and barred judges and expert witnesses in the course of sentencing from using a defendant's race or ethnicity to determine his or her future dangerousness.
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Rational Review
The rights discourse has been shifted to one of dangerousness and risk management, to exclude rather than to punish appropriately.
It said the government of President Raul Castro has increasingly relied on accusations of "dangerousness" to imprison people who have not committed a crime.
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The fact that she defended herself (mentioning the darkness of the night, the dangerousness of the intersection, and the unsafeness of the other driver's car) clearly offended some readers.
Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
Eight clients accepted by the team had no index offence, but had been accepted because of considerations such as perceived dangerousness or purported risk at the time of referral.
When the presumption is not displaced, there is no need for the trial judge to address the issue of whether the vehicle is operable or immovable and/or the issue of dangerousness.
Obviously, it is good to get dangerous people off the streets, but this law allowed courts to incarcerate individuals who had never been convicted of any crime, based on a guess about future dangerousness.
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
As many as 5,000 Cubans served sentences for "dangerousness," without being charged with any specific crime, according to the State Department.
Dissident's death spurs new protests in Cuba
Each offender was aware she was importing cocaine into Canada and, given the notorious dangerousness of the drug, each must have been aware of the serious wrong committed.
In the part, the author introduces the judgment of personal dangerousness and expands the criterion of judging the recidivist and first offender.
URRUTIA: We also argued that there was insufficient evidence to prove future dangerousness, which is one of the issues that the jury ` s instructed on, on punishment, here in Texas.
CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2005
There is evidence of continuing dangerousness to the community, and we supplied that evidence to the judge.
The former is penalized more severely than the latter, though the latter may imply more dangerousness, that is greater likelihood of future violence and threat to others.
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The determination of dangerousness is based on evidence, establishing at least one of the following patterns of behaviour: unrestrained behaviour that is likely to cause danger; aggressive behaviour with indifference as to its consequences; or behaviour that is "of such a brutal nature" (s. 753. (1) (a) (iii)) that ordinary standards of restraint will not control it.
When is a dangerous offender NOT a dangerous offender?
Personal Dangerousness identification of recidivism can be divided into two categories of possible and probably a first-time offender.
The sober and reasonable man will also be aware of the background to the unlawful act which includes preparatory acts done by the accused as this sets the act in context for the purpose of determining its objective dangerousness.
And in some cases a court may predicate a death sentence on a finding of future dangerousness - a nod to the deterrence goal as well.
It is indisputable that involuntary commitment to a mental hospital after a finding of probable dangerousness to self or others can engender adverse social consequences to the individual.
Time will tell how the Supreme Court balances these competing interests, but the concept of dangerousness is likely to play a significant role in the ultimate decision.
When Dr. Grigson went beyond simply reporting to the court on the issue of competence and testified for the prosecution at the penalty phase on the crucial issue of respondent’s future dangerousness, his role changes and became essentially like that of an agent of the State recounting unwarned statement made in a postarrest custodial setting.
Law In The Health and Human Services
Combat deaths are seen as a measure of the magnitude and dangerousness of war, just as murder rates are seen as a measure of the magnitude and dangerousness of violence in our communities.
Supplement the "dangerousness" standard with broader, flexible standards that would allow for involuntary commitment when an individual is:
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It accused him of jailing up to 40 people for the vague offence of "dangerousness" - defined in Cuban statute as anti-socialist behaviour, but encompassing activities such as staging rallies, writing articles critical of the government, and trying to organise independent unions.
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