How To Use dangerousness In A Sentence
- This later legislative judgment that the offence did not provide a predicate for a finding of dangerousness did not affect the constitutionality of the original sentence.
- There is a popular association between mental illness and dangerousness.
- More defendants who received correctional sanctions were referred because of concerns about dangerousness and they had high rates of depression.
- The whole point of the shift from dangerousness to risk was the recognition that behaviour is a product of multiple dynamic factors in a complex situation.
- * Batterers Intervention Programs (BIPs): Supports 15 certified batterer intervention programs provide vital services to rehabilitate abusers, assess dangerousness and provide critical informational referrals for partners and their children. Monday
- Lastly, more compelling than any individual study, a review of the literature to date in 2006 found that overall, biogenetic causal theories, and labelling something as an "illness", are both positively related to perceptions of dangerousness and unpredictability, and to fear and desire for social distance. A genetic cause for ADHD won't necessarily reduce the stigma attached
- Today's date recalls the dangerousness of police work throughout the past century. - News
- After the expiry of the tariff, continued detention depends on elements of dangerousness and risk associated with the objectives of the original sentence [for] murder.
- But there's no requirement that the law pull the wool over the public's eyes and hide the person's potential dangerousness.
- Especially in the current, charged atmosphere, forensic evaluations may increasingly be needed to gauge dangerousness to self and others.