How To Use Dactylic In A Sentence
His first works are called the Eclogues, a collection of pastoral poetry done in the same meter as the Aeneid (dactylic hexameter).
_̷ ◡ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ that is, 5-stress trochaic, with dactylic substitution in the first foot and truncation or catalexis of the last foot in the second and fourth lines; or perhaps iambic, with anapestic substitution in the second foot and a feminine ending in the first and third lines.
The Principles of English Versification
Thus a pattern consisting of five iambs would be an iambic pentameter; a pattern consisting of six dactyls would be a dactylic hexameter; and so on.
If this is done there will be in common English verse only two possible feetthe so-called accentual Trochee and Dactyl, and correspondingly only two possible uniform rhythms, the so-called Trochaic and Dactylic.
Author’s Preface
But the repetition of ‘call to me’ in its dactylic form makes a continuous anapaestic reading impossible, and the stress dactyls in the following lines makes it clearly inappropriate.

Up started the 'dactyle;' up started the 'spondee;' out flew their swords; curses, dactylic and spondaic, began to roll; and the gemini of the university of X, side by side, strode after the Junonicide, who proved to be
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
I’d much rather gush to fellow students about how amazing Hart Crane is than practice outputting lines in dactylic tetrameter.
2009 November | The Long Write
A verse consisting of a single dactyl is thus _dactylic monometer_; of two dactyls, _dactylic dimeter_; and so on up to _dactylic hexameter_, which is the meter of Homer's "Iliad," Vergil's "Æneid," and Longfellow's
Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism
An anapestic or dactylic trimetrical line will have nine syllables, and a trisyllabic tetrametrical line will have twelve syllables.
They sing their tales, including the rape of Proserpina, in dactylic pentameter, as does Orpheus when he charms the king and queen of Hades with his appeal to retrieve Eurydice.
He thereby lends some countenance to Saintsbury's later mantra that what passes for English dactylics are in fact ‘tipped-up’ hypermetric anapests.
The first line set the dactylic pattern forme: we SAW the mass GRAVE at the MOS-cow ZOO.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Lawyer-Poet
But the most dramatic departure is found in the final line, which contains two dactyls and a single accented syllable which we have to regard as the initial syllable of a third dactylic foot.
Metrically, his hexameter shows similar developments to Callimachus’ and Theocritus ’, and dactylic rhythm is more predominant than in Homer.
But I hear it as a shifting dactylic/trochaic meter that periodically emerges as a series ofiambs.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Lawyer-Poet
Common metrical patterns in both poetry and music are iambic, trochaic, dactylic, amphibrachic, anapaestic, spondaic, and tribrachic.
dactylic" hexameters of Longfellow, written though they were by a skilful versifier, quite conform to "the nature of the language.
A Study of Poetry
While its authorship is often contested, the fact remains that epic poems like The Iliad, written in dactylic hexameters, not only contributed to the evolution of the poetry genre but also to the proliferation of the written word.
100 Greatest Books #25-21 | Fandomania
All translation is compromise, and any decision leans one way or the other, but the idea that free verse is automatically the best and most “transparent” choice is full of assumptions, as is the idea that blank verse is somehow the perfect choice for the dactylic heptameter of classical epics.
And the pleiades : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
In the series of dactylic lines 17-22, Catullus no doubt intended to convey the idea of rapidity, as, in the spondaic line immediately following, of labour.
Poems and Fragments
Here she breaks what is actually a metrically regular dactylic line so that the beat is undermined and countered by the line breaks: a subtle disorienting of form and expectation.
To be precise, if he had said: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Hindus and cool Jews” then it would be dactylic hexameter:
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dactylic meter
But the most dramatic departure is found in the final line, which contains two dactyls and a single accented syllable which we have to regard as the initial syllable of a third dactylic foot.
But Seely has to work with the less subtle meters of the nursery rhymes and other poems he parodies, such as dactylic and anapestic.
2007 June 17 « One-Minute Book Reviews
In the series of dactylic lines 17-22, Catullus no doubt intended to convey the idea of rapidity, as, in the spondaic line immediately following, of labour.
Poems and Fragments
Resolutely accentualist in his outlook, he argued in a series of ‘Letters,’ that trisyllabic feet, whether dactylic or anapaestic, are fully congenial to English, ‘in spite of the Antijacobin’.
In the same way a triplicated structure replaces the dipodic as the acceleration still continues; and likewise of the dactylic forms.
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
He thereby lends some countenance to Saintsbury's later mantra that what passes for English dactylics are in fact ‘tipped-up’ hypermetric anapests.
(c) _The third measure_ -- called the dactylic measure -- is formed of a combination of three syllables.
Writing for Vaudeville