How To Use dactylic In A Sentence
- His first works are called the Eclogues, a collection of pastoral poetry done in the same meter as the Aeneid (dactylic hexameter).
- _̷ ◡ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ that is, 5-stress trochaic, with dactylic substitution in the first foot and truncation or catalexis of the last foot in the second and fourth lines; or perhaps iambic, with anapestic substitution in the second foot and a feminine ending in the first and third lines. The Principles of English Versification
- Thus a pattern consisting of five iambs would be an iambic pentameter; a pattern consisting of six dactyls would be a dactylic hexameter; and so on.
- If this is done there will be in common English verse only two possible feetthe so-called accentual Trochee and Dactyl, and correspondingly only two possible uniform rhythms, the so-called Trochaic and Dactylic. Author’s Preface
- But the repetition of ‘call to me’ in its dactylic form makes a continuous anapaestic reading impossible, and the stress dactyls in the following lines makes it clearly inappropriate.
- Up started the 'dactyle;' up started the 'spondee;' out flew their swords; curses, dactylic and spondaic, began to roll; and the gemini of the university of X, side by side, strode after the Junonicide, who proved to be The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
- I’d much rather gush to fellow students about how amazing Hart Crane is than practice outputting lines in dactylic tetrameter. 2009 November | The Long Write
- A verse consisting of a single dactyl is thus _dactylic monometer_; of two dactyls, _dactylic dimeter_; and so on up to _dactylic hexameter_, which is the meter of Homer's "Iliad," Vergil's "Æneid," and Longfellow's Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism
- An anapestic or dactylic trimetrical line will have nine syllables, and a trisyllabic tetrametrical line will have twelve syllables.
- They sing their tales, including the rape of Proserpina, in dactylic pentameter, as does Orpheus when he charms the king and queen of Hades with his appeal to retrieve Eurydice.