
How To Use Countryman In A Sentence

  • The programme, Clarissa and the Countryman, paid homage to the land and its food producers.
  • I will not have this regiment torn asunder by such cowardly prattle. Somewhere in the Province of Massachusetts Bay there is a loyal countryman in whose farmhouse we can tarry for a night.
  • The successor of your countryman was a Russian nobleman, succeeded in his turn by a Polish Jew, who was ruined and discarded within three months. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • ROME—Italy's government has asked Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Italian member of the European Central Bank's executive board, to step down nearly two years before his term ends in order to facilitate the ascension of countryman Mario Draghi as the bank's president. Italy Tries to Tweak Europe Central Bank Board
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
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  • They would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who'd discovered their hidden lair.
  • And if Läckberg and her supporters have their way, she'll soon be as well known as her countryman, Stieg Larsson. Jesse Kornbluth: Sweden's Population: 9 Million. Camilla Lackberg's Swedish Book Sales: 3 Million. Camilla Who? (VIDEO)
  • In an uncanny way, he could manage to portray the deeply spiritual side of the symphonist with the craggy, almost brusque facet of the countryman.
  • Here, the exiled speaker asks a fellow countryman if the same pleasant breeze blows across the borders.
  • They were such as he had an intimate acquaintance with, being not only their countryman, but their companion in tribulation; they and he were fellow-sufferers, and had lately been fellow-travellers, in very melancholy circumstances, from Judea to Babylon, and had often mingled their tears, which could not but knit their affections to each other. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • It's a countryman's broadside against misguided townie sentiment, and proof that the turkey industry is far from black-and-White.
  • Colour is returning to the ruddy, countryman's face and the renowned mischief is back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Micah, a simple countryman, was a native of a very poor village.
  • He vindicated the honour of Warbeach by drinking a match against a Yorkshire skipper till four o'clock in the morning, when it was a gallant sight, my boys, to see Hampshire steadying the defeated North-countryman on his astonished zigzag to his flattish-bottomed billyboy, all in the cheery sunrise on the river -- yo-ho! ahoy! Rhoda Fleming — Complete
  • Adil Kaouch tried and failed to lift his countryman from the track, and El Guerrouj fell flat on his back and cried some more. - Moroccan outruns ghosts to the finish line
  • He lost last year's final to fellow countryman Michael Stich.
  • Ceorle (whence our word churl) was a countryman or artisan who was a freeman. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
  • Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • I have ordered this book by Siebert on country and city life, a subject that always interests me I am generally thought of as a countryman, which is true enough, but I have lived my life either on dirt roads or in big city apartments! Archive 2006-01-01
  • They would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who'd discovered their hidden lair.
  • People such as Dehring's countryman, Mike Fennel, an Olympic 'bigwig' and Barbadian Steve Stoute, another top dog in the OG.
  • I still like the story of the time when an old countryman met a bureaucrat down a country lane.
  • Today, as a fellow countryman challenges for the championship lead, he worries that the sport's decision to re-embrace computer aids could put drivers at risk in Monaco.
  • He was a pleasant and genial countryman whose neighbourly qualities were much to the fore throughout his life.
  • I found, to my inexpressible satisfaction, the shopkeeper was my countryman. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • So to make a countryman understand what feuillemorte colour signifies, it may suffice to tell him, it is the colour of withered leaves falling in autumn. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • A countryman at heart, he was nevertheless fascinated and appalled by the urban condition.
  • Although empiricists also used deductive reasoning, they put a greater emphasis on the inductive method championed by fellow British countryman Francis Bacon.
  • I have not slept nor lain down all night, on account of the matter of our young countryman, which is one of the most unfortunate in the world. The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette
  • He is a father, a master of household, a countryman, and hence a consummate member of a community.
  • Having well-nigh stifled his countryman with embraces, and besmeared himself with pulville from head to foot, he proceeded in this manner, The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom — Volume 01
  • Mrs. Countryman: I am told on good authority that the hollyhock is a true perennial and not a biennial. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Our countryman, in the end of his characters, before the Canterbury tales, thus excuses the ribaldry, which is very gross in many of his novels. English literary criticism
  • Regardless of its origins, the tarbush in its heyday once was favored by king and countryman alike.
  • Having well-nigh stifled his countryman with embraces, and besmeared himself with pulville from head to foot, he proceeded in this manner, “Mercy upon thee, knight, thou art so transmographied, and bedaubed, and bedizened, that thou mought rob thy own mother without fear of information. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • And now he wants to help his countryman become more bullish in front of goal and lift silverware in the process. The Sun
  • Perhaps the old countryman had an idea when he said: ‘Farmers should suck their own blood and cut out the supermarkets altogether.’
  • Shock’d and indignant, the countryman would have aburst open the door and interfered to prevent this brutal proceeding, but he bethought him that he might get himself into trouble, and perhaps find that he could do no good after all, and so he passed on to his room. The Last Loyalist. Pieces in Early Youth
  • The countryman went from ruggedly unsophisticated to casually erudite in one quick addition of something so simplistic as a pair of spectacles.
  • In his room I observed a vast quantity of English books, and on his chimney stood what he called a patriotic clock, the dial of which was placed between two pyramids, on which were inscribed the names of republican authors, and on the top of one was that of our countryman, Mr. Thomas Paine -- whom, by the way, I understand you intended to exhibit in a much more conspicuous and less tranquil situation. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part I. 1792 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • We rattled up to the Kenmare Arms; and so ended, not without a sigh on my part, one of the merriest six-hour rides that five yachtsmen, one cockney, five women and a child, the carman, and a countryman with an alpeen, ever took in their lives. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 2 Great Britain and Ireland, Part 2
  • He turned into a Dublin ‘character‘: a querulous, quarrelsome countryman with a sharp tongue and an axe to grind.’
  • What Dreams May Come was a beautiful but deeply overserious meditation on the personal nature of heaven and hell, by Peter Jackson's countryman Vincent Ward. Alex Remington: The Lovely Bones: Half of a Good Movie, Then a Slow-Motion Mess
  • Our countryman, in the end of his characters, before the _Canterbury Tales_, thus excuses the ribaldry, which is very gross in many of his novels: Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • The saunterer looked up and saw a wild-duck flying along with the greatest violence, just in its rear being another large bird, which a countryman would have pronounced to be one of the biggest duck-hawks that he had ever beheld. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • After this multiloquent festival, the Siberian merchants, naturally exasperated, seized upon Mr. Collins, and an unhappy countryman of his who was present, and tossed them after the fashion of Sancho Panza. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • North-countryman on his astonished zigzag to his flattish-bottomed billyboy, all in the cheery sunrise on the river -- yo-ho! ahoy! Rhoda Fleming — Volume 2
  • Go back and take the family, the tribe, the petty principality, the little kingdom; it develops into the Heptarchy, and each Englishman begins to see, slowly, of course, but yet gradually-perhaps it takes centuries-he begins to see that every other Englishman is his fellow-countryman. Education and Empire Unity
  • That is the only small price he has to pay for his unmatched adulation and unparalleled adoration from his countryman.
  • The Countryman Inn at Winksley, near Ripon, has a 36-cover restaurant and a separate carvery or function room, but has little passing trade.
  • The abidance that wants stimulative countryman economy grows, about to undertake adjustment to original industry structure.
  • Of course, the Poles are probably more entitled than any to mourn their most famous countryman's mortal remains.
  • Yamazaki also brought a miniature version of the traditional Japanese harp, known as a koto, to the station to play an ensemble with her countryman Soichi Noguchi, who has carried his Japanese flute to the station. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • As an old countryman, I have never had an inclination to hunt, but to compare traditional hunting to ‘sports’ like pig-sticking and cock-fighting is offensive.
  • Carl Bialik/The Wall Street Journal Michael Torres, a 35-year-old teacher from Luxembourg, managed to score a $150 ticket for $40 to see countryman Gilles Muller – but missed the first set and a half while seeking a seller. Swearing Is '#&@?!!' Costly, Unless It's in Serbian
  • He is always benevolent towards his countryman.
  • The little iron gate, whose hinges were almost gone with rust, creaked and gnarred as it slowly opened to admit the approach of a young countryman. The Elect Lady
  • Here is an affectionate tribute to a unique and unassuming northcountryman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now his countryman, uber-chef Wolfgang Puck, is also saying '' nein '' to foie gras and to lobsters kept in crowded holding tanks, and '' ja '' to free-range veal and eggs. Patt Morrison: Arnold and Wolfgang -- Lord Love a Duck. And Goose.
  • I have to live as a small retired countryman, which is not very amusing. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • BMW's Mini brand has managed to spin off iterations of the Mini Cooper that are bigger and offer more doors see my recent caviling about the Countryman but the company runs the risk of exhausting its small-car cred. In Geneva, Guessing at a Gas-Guzzling Future
  • Wessels was also a runner-up in the men's doubles with his fellow countryman Melle van Gemerden.
  • To take the gold, Carter engaged in a head-to-head duel with his countryman, world champion Bevan Docherty.
  • Farmer Robert Cunyngham Brown is a grey-haired countryman who owns both Graveland and Otterswick and has a family pedigree on the island that stretches back hundreds of years.
  • His elusive palette of muddy plums, acidic yellows and sunrise oranges appears to have been influenced by his countryman Per Kirkeby, with whom he shares a wintry, dulled light.
  • Watson is rangier than his countryman, a spindly mass of nervous energy and fast-twitch muscles. Bubba Watson and Dustin Johnson add power to USA's Ryder Cup bid
  • At first, when I was unaware of this interest of his in my affairs, he had to divine my intentions, as, for instance, at Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow-countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • He was a pleasant and genial countryman whose neighbourly qualities were much to the fore throughout his life.
  • As the old countryman would say: ‘Well, it's better than nowt, but it's nowhere near mother's milk.’
  • The Countryman debuts some tasteful updates to the styling language—the strake at the front fender, the turned-down corners of the of the grille—but at a glance, the Countryman looks like a Mini Cooper S that was Xeroxed at 130%. What Part of 'Mini' Did You Not Grasp, BMW?
  • But it seems as he was taken with the gang, one hard-mouthed countryman swore home to him, and they were like to have others come in according to the publication they had made; so that they expected more evidence against him, and for that reason he was kept in hold. Moll Flanders
  • countryman, rustic, clown, paysan, villager," still signify a rude and untaught person, as opposed to the words "townsman" and "citizen". Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
  • They would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who'd discovered their hidden lair.
  • He was halted in this folly by Count Lubonski, to whom the secret police had brought a copy of Krystyna Szprot's letter, and he more than most could appreciate the turmoil this epistle must have ignited in the heart of his young countryman, for he had seen many exiles from the Russian part of Poland commit themselves to stupid actions when caught up in emotional crises. Poland
  • jackeroo," or utility parlor-man, on one or other of the stations to which he carried introductions, that his young countryman had set before him as his goal. Stingaree
  • We are agreed to receive into these dales no Judge, who is not a countryman and indweller, or who hath bought his place. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty Volumes
  • Forty-one years after Argentina's Roberto De Vicenzo suffered one of golf's most infamous calamities when he signed an erroneous Masters scorecard to be disqualified from a playoff, his countryman finishes the job. Masters finally able to deliver a Sunday filled with drama
  • Morgan, ascending first, and seeing my face almost covered with brains and blood, concluded I was no longer a man for this world; and, calling to Thompson with great emotion, bade him come up, and take his last farewell of his comrade and countryman, who was posted to a better place, where there were no Mackshanes nor Oakums to asperse and torment him. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
  • The man in charge is a countryman through and through, who enjoys getting the country message across to visitors.
  • London to the then remote village of Stratford-on-Avon, where scarcely a score of people could read, and none were likely to connect the name of their countryman, who they knew could neither read nor write and whom they called Shak or Shackspur, with "William Shakespeare" the author of plays the very names of which were absolutely unknown to any of them. Bacon is Shake-Speare
  • Before any of Mrs. Cryer's adherents is tempted to calumniate, I am not a hunting man although I am a countryman and do shoot clay pigeons.
  • The story convicts one so-called countryman of murder and another of sabotaging the truck so the illegal aliens die. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2005
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
  • All the high and low demireps of the town gathered there, from his Grace of Ancaster down to my countryman, poor Mr. Oliver Goldsmith the poet, and from the The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • I'm a countryman born and bred.
  • One such, who is nicknamed by his former friends as Terrible Terry, took to pestering strangers on the beach with the phrase, ‘Excuse me, guv, could you help out a fellow countryman who has fallen on hard times?’
  • Given that the last Pope, probably recalling his countryman Nicolaus Copernicus, gave a belated but none-the-less necessary pardon of Galileo Galilei, it makes me wonder how far back he wishes to turn the calendar. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The birds concerned were raised on a farm at Hillborough; a true countryman born and bred raised them.
  • He didn't look like a farmer, yet he looked a countryman.
  • Some gaitered old countryman with little grey whiskers, neat, weathered and firm-featured; or one of those short-necked John Bulls, still extant, square and weighty, with a flat top to his head, and a flat white topper on it! The Silver Spoon
  • He turned into a Dublin ‘character’: a querulous, quarrelsome countryman with a sharp tongue and an axe to grind.
  • I'm proud of what I do, I'm a countryman.
  • He lost last year's final to fellow countryman Michael Stich.

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